Lifesaving Wisdom And Prayers

Simply put, for most of us, it is far more helpful to focus on the things in life for which we can express gratitude than those that incline us toward resentment and lamentation. When we focus on the things we regret , such as failed relationships, family disputes, and setbacks in career and finance, we tend to become more regretful. Conversely, when we focus on the things we are grateful for , a greater sense of happiness tends to pervade our lives.

Lifesaving Wisdom and Prayers (Paperback)

And while no one would argue for cultivating a false sense of blessedness, there is mounting evidence that counting our blessings is one of the best habits we can develop to promote mental and physical health. Recent scientific studies support these ancient teachings. Individuals who regularly engage in gratitude exercises, such as counting their blessings or expressing gratitude to others, exhibit increased satisfaction with relationships and fewer symptoms of physical illness.

And the benefits are not only psychological and physical. They may also be moral — those who practice gratitude also view their lives less materialistically and suffer from less envy. There are multiple explanations for such benefits of gratefulness. One is the fact that expressing gratitude encourages others to continue being generous, thus promoting a virtuous cycle of goodness in relationships.

Similarly, grateful people may be more likely to reciprocate with acts of kindness of their own. Broadly speaking, a community in which people feel grateful to one another is likely to be a more pleasant place to live than one characterized by mutual suspicion and resentment.

MIGHTY PRAYERS FOR DIVINE WISDOM - Daily Promise and Powerful Prayers

The beneficial effects of gratitude may extend even further. For example, when many people feel good about what someone else has done for them, they experience a sense of being lifted up, with a corresponding enhancement of their regard for humanity. Some are inspired to attempt to become better people themselves, doing more to help bring out the best in others and bringing more goodness into the world around them.

A Simple Life-Saving Prayer

Gratitude also tends to strengthen a sense of connection with others. When people want to do good things that inspire gratitude, the level of dedication in relationships tends to grow and relationships seem to last longer. And when people feel more connected, they are more likely to choose to spend their time with one another and demonstrate their feelings of affection in daily acts.

Of course, acts of kindness can also foster discomfort.

The benefits of gratitude

For example, if people feel they are not worthy of kindness or suspect that some ulterior motive lies behind it, the benefits of gratitude will not be realized. Likewise, receiving a kindness can give rise to a sense of indebtedness, leaving beneficiaries feeling that they must now pay back whatever good they have received.

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Gratitude can flourish only if people are secure enough in themselves and sufficiently trusting to allow it to do so. He went up into the hills by himself to pray. In the same way that we counsel our clients not to act rashly in the heat of crisis, we need to pray before we jump into rescue mode on their behalf.

The lifesaving power of gratitude (or, why you should write that thank you note)

At such times, prayer refreshes us and reminds us that we are not alone. Here are some of the ways we actively pray at Options:. Options has an ongoing prayer chain that goes out to our network of friends and supporters and is updated on a weekly basis.

Often in the morning before client hours, our administrative and client services staff have devotions and prayer around our conference table.

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Sometimes during lunch, we pray for clients and each other, and always during our bi-monthly staff meetings. Prayers and intentions are promoted through our social media outlets and email blasts. Our client services team is encouraged to have an active prayer life.

5 Prayers for Guidance - Receive God's Direction and Wisdom!

We pray for ourselves, for our families and each other at our quarterly case management meetings, and often share our private struggles with each other before God. Individual Prayer for Clients: One on One with Our Clients: One example of this was when a woman called a diocesan office in California seeking help for her sister, a meth addict. Along with Catholic in Recovery, offering a variety of step groups at parishes, raising awareness and combating stigma are important, said Kidd, whose office provides a website with resources for a range of addictions.

Father Smith said if someone did something wrong because of an addiction, he will not tiptoe around it. God knows they are a sinner.

Why gratitude is good for you

Lifesaving Wisdom And Prayers [R Devin Beverly] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. none. Buy Lifesaving Wisdom And Prayers by R Devin Beverly (ISBN: ) from Amazon's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible.

I try to help them understand that God loves them for who they are, not what they do. In many ways, Catholic in Recovery takes that approach.

Prayer for Guidance from the Holy Spirit

Just watch what God does when you trust who God is and what God will do for you and with you. And you think you can get out of things and avoid responsibility. Shout for joy and rejoice jubilantly, dance with your people around you before the Lord the King. Another study assessed the health benefits of writing thank you notes. And so it was when I got to the place of desperation where I was too weak to resist that God gave me a prayer, a very simple prayer.

Sponsors and the meetings hold members accountable by giving them an opportunity to share successes and failures. At the end of the recent Our Lady of Sorrows meeting, people lingered chatting and a few exchanged hugs before dispersing into the warm night. Editorials Letters Submit a Letter. Arts and Entertainment News. Current Obituaries Submit an Obituary. New program combines Catholic faith with 12 steps.

The meetings are for people recovering from addiction to alcohol, drugs, overeating, gambling, pornography, sex, codependency and other unhealthy attachments.

Senior Minister Emeritus, Marble Collegiate Church

Scott Weeman published a book, held by a member of the Our Lady of Sorrows group, that can be read on its own or as part of the step Catholic in Recovery program. Please fill out the form below to submit a comment. Message is a required field.