The Sons of Scarlatti (Infinity Drake, Book 1)

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Showing of 2 reviews. Top Reviews Most recent Top Reviews. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Probably aimed at young teens but this thirty something lady loved it!

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I came across this book when I was looking for something I could read to my adventure-loving son, with a chapter each night. Turned out to be too much for a five year old but I got into the story so quickly, I found myself reading it and was so addicted I finished it in two evenings. The author successfully blends adventure, sci-fi, memorable characters and infuses his wonderful humor throughout this compelling story.

Someone needs to make a film out of this book. Highly recommend to both young and mature adults alike. One person found this helpful. Terrific and lots of fun! Very well researched, compelling and entertainingly written. Would be a great film series. Pages with related products.

See and discover other items: There's a problem loading this menu right now. Learn more about Amazon Prime. Get fast, free shipping with Amazon Prime. Get to Know Us. English Choose a language for shopping. Amazon Music Stream millions of songs. Amazon Advertising Find, attract, and engage customers. Amazon Drive Cloud storage from Amazon. Hatte ich zu Beginn noch ein wenig Abstand, hat sich dieser mehr und mehr verringert und ich konnte sowohl zu Finn als auch zu Al Vertrauen fassen. Man muss immer bedenken. Finn ist gerade einmal dreizehn Jahre alt.

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Bereits von Beginn an konnte man erahnen, welches Potential in diesem Jungen steckt. Und er hat es immer und immer wieder unter Beweis gestellt. Nichts bringt ihn wirklich aus der Ruhe. Infinity — Finn — ist eigentlich und vom Grundsatz her ziemlich bedauernswert, weil er nacheinander seinen Vater und seine Mutter verloren hat.

Doch dies spielt in diesem Buch nicht wirklich die Hauptrolle. Er hat sich damit abgefunden und geht seinen eigenen Weg.

Infinity Drake - Official Site

Das meiste hat sein Onkel Al dazu beigetragen. Denn sie haben eine stille Abmachung. Finn ist taff und findet sich mit jeder Situation zurecht. Die Dialoge zwischen den Charakteren waren hier eindeutig das Salz in der Suppe. Dies alles wurde entsprechend gut beschrieben und hat mich wirklich begeistert. Insgesamt fand ich die Geschichte allerdings wirklich erfrischend und spannungsgeladen. Auch das Ende fand ich ziemlich passend. Una historia interesante con personajes divertidos.

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Vale cada nanominuto leido. Die Welt steht vor einer globalen Katastrophe: Sofort wird ein Interventionsteam zusammengestellt, das den Scarlatti verfolgen und vernichten soll. Nur ein Team, das genauso winzig ist, hat eine reale Chance ihn zu finden. Nein, denn Onkel Al hat eine Maschine erfunden, mit der die gesamte Crew auf durchschnittlich 9 Millimeter geschrumpft werden kann. Der Schreibstil von John McNally ist sehr interessant zu lesen, da er sich nicht zu knapp an der Onomatopoesie bedient.

Die Charaktere haben mir gut gefallen, sie sind vielschichtig und in ihren Handlungen nicht all zu vorhersehbar. Ich konnte mich meist gut in sie hinein versetzen. Der Leser ist immer im Bild und kann mit den Charakteren mitfiebern. Insgesamt hat mir das Buch aber gut gefallen und ich habe mit den Charakteren mitgefiebert. Die Ferien will er mit seinem total coolen Onkel Al verbringen. Der Schreibstil des Autors ist immens rasant und ihm gelingt es, dass man sich als Leser sehr gut die Minihelden in Aktion vorstellen kann, wenn z.

Gelungen ist, dass bestimmte Abschnitte mit anderer Schriftart versehen sind. So kann man sich als Leser besser orientieren. Mir hat vor allem gefallen, dass die Ideen des Autors recht abgedreht sind, so etwas hat man definitiv noch nicht gelesen. Ich bin jetzt schon gespannt was Finn noch so erleben wird Mar 08, Dane Cobain rated it really liked it. While I aim to be unbiased, I received a copy of this for free to review. However, this book offers so much more. Loosely speaking, it follows the story of the young Infinity Drake Finn for short , as he helps his Uncle Al to save the world from a terrorist conspiracy.

The terrorists have released the scarlatti insect, an extremely dangerous creature which threatens to spread across the majority of the civilised world, wiping out 6 billion people. Sounds like nothing could go wrong, right? The mission is compromised, and the special forces team has to operate off the radar, with no way of getting back in touch with HQ.

This book would be perfect for young adults with an interest in science, because science plays a key role throughout the manuscript. In this instance, McNally was. After losing his mum to cancer and his father years before, Infinity Drake Finn, and his Uncle Al are very close. But Al Allenby is a famous scientist, and before they even begin their holiday, he is called up by world leaders to attend an important meeting.

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Finn is gobsmacked to see presidents and prime ministers on skype etc all wanting to speak to his uncle to help them deal with a global th After losing his mum to cancer and his father years before, Infinity Drake Finn, and his Uncle Al are very close. Finn is gobsmacked to see presidents and prime ministers on skype etc all wanting to speak to his uncle to help them deal with a global threat.

A terrorist has released a biological weapon - a mutant wasp, capable of wiping out the planet. This madman wants a machine Uncle Al has invented. This machine shrinks matter and when Al and his team of military experts use it to defeat the wasp, Finn is caught up in it too.

This story is pumped full of action adventure and science. Jul 27, Kelly rated it really liked it Shelves: I received this book as a First Reads giveaway, and I really liked it! I wasn't sure what to think when I read the description, but something about it made me want to take a look and I'm glad I did. It's funny, educational and clever and even though it is supposed to be for children, I was thoroughly entertained. Finn is a cool little dude, and a bit of a geek like me - and I found some of the phrases Delta came out with funny being a gamer myself I could relate to a few things! A really enjoy I received this book as a First Reads giveaway, and I really liked it!

A really enjoyable read: Jul 29, April rated it really liked it. Aug 04, Sandi Faulconbridge rated it it was amazing Shelves: Such an awesome edge-of-your-seat read!

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Nano technology, crazy scientist but a cool one I would want for my uncle! Great start to a new YA series.

Axel nous présente les Aventures géantes d'Infinity Drake de John McNally

One of those books that I didn't want to stop reading till the end, but the nearer I got the more I wanted it to keep going. A gripping read, although the efforts to include gamer language grated at times. Definitely recommended though, and not too childish for adults to read by any means. Infinity Drake es la nueva saga que trae Salamandra.

Mar 26, Naomi rated it really liked it Shelves: Whip-smart and tech-savvy, fast-paced, unabashedly geeky: Aimed at tweenagers, I'd guess, but fun for grown-ups, too.

Funny, thrilling, brain-punchingly good

Becky said: Another children's book that I couldn't put down!Infinity Drake aka Finn has Read saving Infinity Drake: The Sons of Scarlatti (Infinity Drake, #1). Editorial Reviews. Review. "Funny, thrilling, brain-punchingly good." Derek Landy "Anyone who The Sons of Scarlatti (Infinity Drake, Book 1) by [McNally, John. Kindle App Ad.

Dec 15, Kat rated it really liked it Shelves: This book was fresh and had a great story line. It got me thinking and stirred heaps of ideas. I can safely say I've never read a book like this, it was great and plenty of fun. I really enjoyed this book: Feb 27, Sarah rated it it was amazing.