Lost And Found Innocence

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When your young, you have such an innocent image of the world. A world full of sunshine and laughter. A world, that when it rains, it means it's. What is “innocence”? Where does innocence come from? What does it mean to say innocence has been “lost”? These are questions that I not only have.

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No, cancel Yes, report it Thanks! Again, the text panel shows the primary colors: There the birds with their red bodies and blue wings take up once more the colors of the upper part of the text area, and of the dresses of the figures in the design above. The same three colors, with the addition of some green and orange-red, are arranged round the white of the uncolored table-cloth.

The dress of the woman on the left, sitting in front of the table, is mainly of a bright blue, but has been sprinkled with pinkish red. Her male pendant at the right facing the table in this copy is dressed in blue, and two of the women behind the table wear pinkish red gowns. Only a few details like the shoulders of the man with arms upraised and the chair at the right have been strengthened in pen and ink. The flourishing branches are either brown i. The text is set off against yellow, blue, and rose colored washes which run down the margins at the left: To the left of the title and of the fourth stanza a few of the plant ornaments have been worked over with pen and ink.

The plant-like flourishes above, below, and between the two remaining stanzas on this page have been colored green, modulating towards yellow; they, as well as the woman carrying a child to the left of The design below is composed of only three different hues: Yellow, cinnabar red, and the orange which is the product when these two are applied on top of each other, are the colors of the flaming plant.

The figures have been touched with pink for their carnations. There is no additional pen work on this design. It should be evident from these glosses that the Cologne copy of Songs of Innocence is characterized by a particularly luminous transparency of all the various hues of watercolor that have been employed in its hand-coloring. The combined use of the three primary colors often together with green as the fourth , or at least two of them in weak saturation, is an essential aspect of the formal unity of the complete set.

Also, the extensive use of pen and ink on the figures and other important details belongs with the characteristic qualities of this copy.

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The copy was given by Malkin to one of his friends in , and thus it was evidently produced at about the same time when Blake probably also executed the present copy see Bentley , pp. The sequence of plates in Copy P differs largely from that of the Cologne fragment, yet the coloring of the two copies may have a lot in common. David Bindman in Blake as an Artist Oxford: Phaidon, , p. The predominant color note is a cerulean blue, which acts illusionistically, usually over the whole page, giving the suggestion that the text is floating in the sky.

The effects of luminosity are correspondingly more subtle. Though the following paraphernalia certainly give no clue for either the dating and the early history of the Neuerburg copy, or for an estimation of its aesthetic value, a bibliographical account would be incomplete without it. So let me briefly mention that the leaves have apparently been trimmed offhand; their slightly varying sizes, which range from In most cases the measurements provided above, which have been taken at the left and bottom edges of the paper, do not exactly match those of the opposite sides.

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For plate 8, e. Whereas today the prints are mounted separately with perspex guard sheets, they were originally stabbed with three holes in preparation for binding. These stitch-holes are about 5. As regards the history and identification of the Cologne copy, only a few details are known. Thus, shortly after the illuminated book had made its first appearance on the art market, we lost track of Songs of Innocence , Copy Y, once again.

The description in the sales catalogue was detailed enough, however, to allow for future identification. The data supplied by the catalogue—and since then incorporated into Blake Books —included the number of plates and their contents, watermarks, foliation details, approximate leaf-sizes, and printing color. This is confirmed by the correspondence between the collector and Mr. This restoration had been brought to a successful end by 19 May From her correspondence with the owner it is clear that Mrs.

Consequently her restoration concentrated on cleaning the paper in the margins, leaving the actual printing surface unaffected. That chair will never be the same. That memory warmed Sirius, and his smile became less nervous and more bright. The task that awaited them had not a thing to do with joy. Short moments later, Sirius was finishing his blessedly rat-free meal. He had at first attempted not to eat like the starving man that he was, but he had given in after a few bites and had inhaled the food. Almost immediately, his eyes began to slip closed.

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The color of the ink is of the same light gray which was employed for the single framing lines in most of the plates. In situations like these, his long years in Azkaban served him well. He was with Remus. Her Rebel to Kiss. Her male pendant at the right facing the table in this copy is dressed in blue, and two of the women behind the table wear pinkish red gowns.

Remus made a face. I'll have you know that if there's a single cauldron in this house, it's down in the cellar beneath a properly thick layer of dust. Remus was unsure as to whether he had fallen asleep instantly, or whether he had fainted, when his friend's eyes opened once more. I was traveling so fast, but he's used to me owling him almost every day. He knows what I'm doing, and he's probably scared on top of being miserable living in that godforsaken Muggle town--".

I'll owl him right now. I'll tell him that you're here and that you'll write back as soon as he does. Remus watched him sadly for a moment before returning to his desk and the rolls of parchment that the Daily Prophet owl had torn him from little more than an hour before. Finding a clean scrap of parchment, he quickly composed a note to his former student.

Your godfather arrived at my home this morning. He will write you himself when this owl returns. We both hope that you are doing as well as can be expected given the circumstances. I won't write more here, as the sooner this message arrives, the better for your peace of mind and ours.

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At his whistle, a rather common-looking gray owl emerged from the trees which surrounded the house. Prior to his year spent teaching at Hogwarts, Remus had managed to remain somewhat estranged from the wizarding community at large. Such semi-antisocial behavior made his secret easier to keep. However, now the contacts that he had resumed while teaching Harry Potter, among other children of old classmates, made the concept of hiding out here, in this rural locale, without an owl, unthinkable.

Sirius burrowed his face more deeply into the sweet-smelling pillow. He did not at first realize how he had come to be in this situation. He wasn't hungry, and nothing hurt he was quite sure that the bed in which he lay contained some sort of healing powers. Perhaps his mind had finally snapped, and he was mistaking the floor of a cave for a comfortable mattress.

Alternatively, perhaps he had finally encountered a hit wizard or a wild animal and his body had been what had snapped. If heaven involved this level of comfort, he was certainly not disappointed. Gradually, coherent thoughts came crawling back to him. He had made it. He was with Remus. In spite of himself, he allowed a groan to escape his lips.

He had sauntered into the home of a friend he had seen just once in the past fourteen years and wound up joking with him as if they had never been apart. The reaction had been a nervous one, and Remus had been playing along-- he might even have started the game-- but Sirius found himself flipping through as much of their conversation as he could remember to discern if he had said anything offensive. He had made a reference to eating rats, which Remus had probably not picked up on; he had accused Remus of feeding him a sleeping potion; and he had called Remus pushy.

Remus had said worse, hadn't he? He had certainly been nervous, too; otherwise, he would not have paled so thoroughly upon seeing Sirius. Did he look so bad? A hastily written note in familiar handwriting lay on the bureau beneath the mirror and informed him that Remus was off chasing a grindylow which had invaded a swimming pond belonging to a nearby farm.

The note further encouraged him to make himself at home. He did not know how long ago the note had been left for him, but he showered as quickly as he could considering the amount of effort it actually took him to get clean. When that duty was complete, he wandered through the small cottage, stopping with interest when he came to Remus' desk. Moony had obviously already begun the work they were to do together over the next short while.

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It mostly consisted of subtly contacting old allies and feeling out younger witches and wizards to see who sided with whom. And there are a lot of silencing charms in here, for obvious reasons. If he sends a return owl, it will probably get here tomorrow morning with the Daily Prophet. He wants to keep the public from panicking and believing that Voldemort really has returned.