Me Morice vient de parler du lien entre les services de renseignement et la justice, et de la judiciarisation des dossiers. Mais chacun a sa place. Je ne le pense pas. Fabien Clain et Sabri Essid, entre autres. Ma demande date de Vous nous demandez de mentionner des dysfonctionnements. Vous avez le droit de pointer du doigt quelque responsable que vous souhaitez. Je ne mets pas en cause le travail des magistrats instructeurs. On connaissait les raisons. Mais cela ne me rend pas mon fils ni ma belle-fille que nous adorions. Je souhaite que M.
Il ne faut pas y voir de la superstition. Guillaume Denoix de Saint Marc, M. Nous vous remercions de votre invitation: On peut se demander pourquoi. La fille de M. Ciotti, et celui de M. Pietrasanta concernant la radicalisation. Je signalerai cependant deux pistes nouvelles: Cette disposition aidera beaucoup les associations et les victimes. Il fallait rappeler les familles pour donner une autre adresse mail. Il faut que ce soit effectif.
Guillaume Denoix de Saint Marc. Je fais partie du Radicalisation Awareness Network, au sein duquel un groupe travaille sur les prisons et la probation. Sont-elles venues en un lieu unique? Y avait-il une coordination? Certes, soyons justes, ce moment ne pouvait pas bien se passer: Je ne veux pas accabler le dispositif, qui est bon.
Nous devions donc attendre que la famille se manifeste. Quand allons-nous nous former tous ensemble et faire des exercices? Nous le devons aux victimes. Il faut former les gens qui y travaillent. Mais cela ne va pas de soi pour tous. Je vous remercie beaucoup. Daniel Pszenny, journaliste au Monde , victime des attentats du 13 novembre Daniel Pszenny, journaliste au Monde.
Nous nous demandions combien de litres de sang contient un corps humain et nous craignions de finir par tout perdre. On ne peut pas mettre en jeu aussi longtemps la vie de deux personnes. Nous ne pouvions rien faire.
Je me suis dit: Je me trouvai dans cette situation paradoxale: Il faut prendre en compte ce cas de figure, qui, malheureusement, pourrait se reproduire. Mes souvenirs sont assez flous. La situation est absurde. Vous avez un contact direct avec les pompiers: Le sujet est complexe, car les intervenants sont nombreux. Au bout du compte, sur le terrain, les gens ont fait leur travail, pas seulement en suivant le protocole, mais en se mettant en danger. Je vous remercie, monsieur Pszenny. Son enregistrement y restera disponible pendant quelques mois.
Dominique Vallet et M. Merci, monsieur le directeur central. Comment expliquez-vous ce temps de latence? En droite ligne avec les propos de M. Ces exercices sont fondamentaux. Je confirme ce que M. Pour sa part, M. Je les constate a posteriori. Les conditions balistiques dictent les conditions de prise en charge.
Il y a plusieurs aspects. Cette attente restera douloureuse pour les proches et les familles. Dans un tel cas de figure, que deviennent les personnes qui ne sont pas prises en charge aux urgences? On attend en effet trop longtemps aux urgences. Nous travaillons beaucoup sur ce point.
Il est un cours. Elle peut jouer dans les deux sens: Dans les deux cas, cela fonctionne parfaitement. Je vous remercie vivement, messieurs, pour votre importante contribution. La CIAV se compose de plus de personnes. Il est assez troublant de constater cette concomitance. Lors de son audition, M. Quel est votre avis? Votre organisation actuelle permet-elle de corriger ce genre de choses?
Tout ne fonctionne pas toujours parfaitement. Il est difficile de concilier deux exigences en partie contradictoires: En combien de temps avez-vous pu mobiliser le personnel?
Pour quelle raison et dans quel but? Comment pouvons-nous les joindre? Nous travaillons tous ensemble. Qui dit nouvelle mission, dit aussi nouveaux moyens: La CIAV est donc pleinement en charge. Nous communiquons tout ce dont nous disposons. Restons modestes, mais il y a maintenant un outil, un fond de documentation et de pratiques. Merci de votre question.
Il existe des besoins en personnels: Pour la province, nous sommes en train de finaliser un modus operandi: Ces antennes permettent ainsi au RAID de se projeter plus rapidement sur tout point du territoire national. Pareille situation ne doit plus se reproduire. Notre premier objectif porte sur le renforcement des services de renseignement.
En , nous avons tenu nos engagements et, en , cet effort sera massivement poursuivi. Je vous donne quelques chiffres. Permettez-moi de vous interrompre.
Isabellae - tome 2 - Une mer de cadavres (French Edition) eBook: Raule, Gabor: Kindle Store. Buy Isabellae - Tome 6 - Des Papillons dans la bruine (French Edition): Read Kindle Store Reviews Isabellae - tome 2 - Une mer de cadavres Raule. $
Votre raisonnement est le suivant: Je le rappelle encore une fois: Je ne reviendrai pas sur la question du renseignement et des effectifs. Le plan Vigipirate est-il efficace? Il faut donc faire mouvement. Je vous demande donc de ramasser vos interventions, et prie M.
On le comprend parfaitement. Je le sais pour travailler beaucoup sur ces questions. Il y avait trois personnes, avec une arme automatique. Je songe en particulier aux sapeurs-pompiers. Nous nous retrouverons au mois de mai pour parler du renseignement. Jean-Michel Fauvergue et M. Nous entrons dans le vif du sujet: Je reprends rapidement le chronogramme: Je vous laisse poursuivre.
Although the work of Pouvreau et al. Les Allemands, en revanche, prenaient des otages ou tuaient des civils. Spanish - Black Op — saison 1. Spanish - Bob Morane — Renaissance. In Operation Castor , the French dropped or flew 9, troops into the area over three days, including a bulldozer to prepare the airstrip. Pietrasanta concernant la radicalisation. Guillaume Denoix de Saint Marc.
On est donc bien dans la formation FIPN. Comment le lien se faisait-il avec le GIGN? Donc, pourquoi ce choix? Comment les avez-vous eus? Qui vous les donne, ou ne vous les donne pas, suivant les interventions? Cela fait un moment que les Kouachi et Coulibaly tournent dans la nature. Car enfin, on a eu beaucoup de chance: Pour ce qui est de la menace, le RAID est au courant.
Aviez-vous les plans du Bataclan? Et la BRI les avait-elle? Je vous propose maintenant de nous parler des attentats du mois de novembre. Pourquoi ce laps de temps? Pour ma part, je ne la connais pas. Deux heures, cela semble long! La question est excellente: Qui a le commandement?
The French were completely surrounded. Viet Minh artillery opened a fierce bombardment of the fortification and French command was disrupted at A few minutes later, Lieutenant-colonel Jules Gaucher , commander of the entire central sector, was also killed by Viet Minh artillery. The Viet Minh th Division then launched a massive infantry assault, using sappers to defeat French obstacles. French resistance at Beatrice collapsed shortly after midnight following a fierce battle.
Roughly French legionnaires were killed, wounded or captured. About managed to escape and rejoin the French lines. The French estimated that Viet Minh losses totalled dead and 1, wounded. The victory at "Beatrice" "galvanized the morale" of the Viet Minh troops. In the following morning, a truce of a few hours was agreed and the French were authorised to come to the captured position and take some wounded, given back by the Viet Minh. Much to French disbelief, the Viet Minh had employed direct artillery fire, in which each gun crew does its own artillery spotting as opposed to indirect fire, in which guns are massed further away from the target, out of direct line of sight, and rely on a forward artillery spotter.
Indirect artillery, generally held as being far superior to direct fire, requires experienced, well-trained crews and good communications, which the Viet Minh lacked. The artillery had been dug in by single pieces They were installed in shellproof dugouts, and fire point-blank from portholes This way of using artillery and AA guns was possible only with the expansive ant holes at the disposal of the Vietminh and was to make shambles of all the estimates of our own artillerymen.
Following a five-hour cease fire on the morning of 14 March, Viet Minh artillery resumed pounding French positions. The air strip, already closed since The attack began with a concentrated artillery barrage at This was very effective and stunned the defenders. Two regiments from the crack th Division attacked starting at De Castries ordered a counterattack to relieve "Gabrielle".
However, Colonel Pierre Langlais , in forming the counterattack, chose to rely on the 5th Vietnamese Parachute Battalion, which had jumped in the day before and was exhausted. The French lost around 1, men defending Gabrielle, and the Viet Minh between 1, and 2, attacking the strongpoint. The northeastern outpost "Anne-Marie" was defended by Tai troops , members of a Vietnamese ethnic minority loyal to the French. The fall of "Beatrice" and "Gabrielle" had severely demoralized them.
On the morning of 17 March, under the cover of fog, the bulk of the Tais left or defected. The French and the few remaining Tais on "Anne-Marie" were then forced to withdraw. The Viet Minh further tightened the noose around the French central area formed by the strongpoints "Huguette", "Dominique", "Claudine", and "Eliane" , effectively cutting off the Isabelle and its 1, personnel to the south.
Even more critical, after the fall of the northern outposts, he isolated himself in his bunker so that he had, in effect, relinquished his command authority".
Cogny considered parachuting into the encircled garrison, but his staff talked him out of it. De Castries' seclusion in his bunker, combined with his superiors' inability to replace him, created a leadership vacuum within the French command. On 24 March, an event took place which later became a matter of historical debate. The historian Bernard Fall records, based on Langlais' memoirs, that Colonel Langlais and his fellow paratroop commanders, all fully armed, confronted de Castries in his bunker on 24 March. They told him he would retain the appearance of command, but that Langlais would exercise it.
Phillip Davidson stated that the "truth would seem to be that Langlais did take over effective command of Dien Bien Phu, and that Castries became 'commander emeritus' who transmitted messages to Hanoi and offered advice about matters in Dien Bien Phu". Both historians record that Langlais and Marcel Bigeard were known to be on good terms with their commanding officer.
The French aerial resupply took heavy losses from Viet Minh machine guns near the landing strip. Remarkably, the attack was a complete success, with Viet Minh soldiers killed and seventeen AA machine guns destroyed French estimate , while the French lost 20 killed and 97 wounded. Those two areas were held by five understrength battalions, composed of Frenchmen, Legionnaires, Vietnamese, North Africans, and Tais.
Another group of French soldiers, near the airfield, opened fire on the Viet Minh with antiaircraft machine guns, forcing the Viet Minh to retreat. The Viet Minh's simultaneous attacks elsewhere were more successful. The th Division captured "Eliane 1" from its Moroccan defenders, and half of "Eliane 2" by midnight. Just after midnight on 31 March, the French launched a counterattack against "Eliane 2", and recaptured half of it. Langlais ordered another counterattack the following afternoon against "Dominique 2" and "Eliane 1", using virtually "everybody left in the garrison who could be trusted to fight".
The French, who were exhausted and without reserves, fell back from both positions late in the afternoon. Shortly after dark on 31 March, Langlais told Major Marcel Bigeard , who was leading the defense at "Eliane", to fall back across the river. Bigeard refused, saying "As long as I have one man alive I won't let go of 'Eliane 4'.
Otherwise, Dien Bien Phu is done for. Just as it appeared the French were about to be overrun, a few French tanks arrived, and helped push the Viet Minh back. Smaller attacks on "Eliane 4" were also pushed back. The Viet Minh briefly captured "Huguette 7", only to be pushed back by a French counterattack at dawn on 1 April. Fighting continued in this manner over the next several nights. The Viet Minh repeatedly attacked "Eliane 2", only to be beaten back. Repeated attempts to reinforce the French garrison by parachute drops were made, but had to be carried out by lone planes at irregular times to avoid excessive casualties from Viet Minh antiaircraft fire.
Some reinforcements did arrive, but not enough to replace French casualties. On 5 April, after a long night of battle, French fighter-bombers and artillery inflicted particularly devastating losses on one Viet Minh regiment, which was caught on open ground. On 10 April, the French attempted to retake "Eliane 1", which had been lost eleven days earlier.
The loss posed a significant threat to "Eliane 4", and the French wanted to eliminate that threat. The dawn attack, which Bigeard devised, was preceded by a short, massive artillery barrage, followed by small unit infiltration attacks , followed by mopping-up operations. The Viet Minh attempted to retake it on the evening of 12 April, but were pushed back.
At this point, the morale of the Viet Minh soldiers was greatly lowered due to the massive casualties they had received from heavy French gunfire. During a period of stalemate from 15 April to 1 May, the French intercepted enemy radio messages which told of whole units refusing orders to attack, and communist prisoners in French hands said that they were told to advance or be shot by the officers and non-commissioned officers behind them [71] , much like Stalin's "Not A Step Back! Worse still, the Viet Minh lacked advanced medical treatment and care, with one stating that, "Nothing strikes at combat-morale like the knowledge that if wounded, the soldier will go uncared for,".
During the fighting at "Eliane 1", on the other side of camp, the Viet Minh entrenchments had almost entirely surrounded "Huguette 1 and 6". On 11 April, the garrison of "Huguette 1" attacked, and was joined by artillery from the garrison of "Claudine". The goal was to resupply "Huguette 6" with water and ammunition.
The attacks were repeated on the nights of the 14—15 and 16—17 April. While they did succeed in getting some supplies through, the French suffered heavy casualties, which convinced Langlais to abandon "Huguette 6". Following a failed attempt to link up, on 18 April, the defenders at "Huguette 6" made a daring break out, but only a few managed to make it to French lines. With the fall of "Huguette 1", the Viet Minh took control of more than 90 percent of the airfield, making accurate parachute drops impossible. Following a massive artillery barrage on 30 March, the Viet Minh began employing the same trench warfare tactics that they were using against the central camp.
By the end of April, "Isabelle" had exhausted its water supply and was nearly out of ammunition. The Viet Minh launched a massed assault against the exhausted defenders on the night of 1 May, overrunning "Eliane 1", "Dominique 3", and "Huguette 5", although the French managed to beat back attacks on "Eliane 2". On 6 May, the Viet Minh launched another massed attack against "Eliane 2". The attack included, for the first time, Katyusha rockets. A few hours later that night, the Viet Minh detonated a mine shaft, blowing "Eliane 2" up. The Viet Minh attacked again, and within a few hours then had overrun the defenders.
The situation is very grave. The combat is confused and goes on all about. I feel the end is approaching, but we will fight to the finish. It is out of the question to run up the white flag after your heroic resistance. The last radio transmission from the French headquarters reported that enemy troops were directly outside the headquarters bunker and that all the positions had been overrun.
The radio operator in his last words stated: We are blowing up everything. While some of the main body managed to break out, none succeeded in escaping from the valley. However at "Isabelle", a similar attempt later the same night saw about 70 troops, out of 1, men in the garrison, escape to Laos. The position surrendered that night when Nicholas personally waved a small white flag probably a handkerchief from his rifle. On 8 May, the Viet Minh counted 11, prisoners, of whom 4, were wounded.
The prisoners were divided into groups. The wounded were given basic first aid until the Red Cross arrived, extracted prisoners, and provided better aid to the remainder. Those wounded who were not evacuated by the Red Cross were sent into detention. The Viet Minh captured 8, French and marched them miles on foot to prison camps; less than half survived the march. The garrison constituted roughly a tenth of the total French Union manpower in Indochina.
The Geneva Conference opened on 8 May , [91] the day after the surrender of the garrison. The resulting agreement partitioned Vietnam into two zones: The partition was supposed to be temporary, and the two zones were meant to be reunited through national elections in , [93] which were never held. The last French forces withdrew from Vietnam in The fall of Dien Bien Phu, in a strictly military perspective, represented a very serious failure but one that in the immediate, that is to say, spring of , did not upset the balance of forces present in Indochina.
It only assumed the aspect of a definitive defeat of our forces by reason of its profound psychological effects on French public opinion, which, tired of a war that was unpopular and seemingly without end, demanded in a way that it be ended. The event itself was in fact, both in terms of public opinion and of the military conduct of the war and operations, merely the end result of a long process of degradation of a faraway enterprise which, not having the assent of the nation, could not receive from the authorities the energetic impulse, and the size and continuity of efforts required for success.
If, therefore, one wishes to establish objectively the responsibilities incurred in the final phase of the Indochina war one would have to examine its origins and evoke the acts and decisions of the various governments in power, that is to say their war policies, as well as the ways in which these policies were translated by the military commanders into operations. Air Force maintenance crews. Eisenhower also stated, "Nobody is more opposed to intervention than I am".