Inspiring Women Every Day Sep-Oct 2013: Prayer: When Deep Calls to Deep & Proverbs: Pearls of Wisdom

We were meant to enjoy the journey of life. There are so many blessings in this day that many of us have overlooked because we so desperately want to pack our bags and jump on a plane into tomorrow. That way they will experience some happiness along with all the hard work God gives them under the sun. I enjoy my life!

I focus on the present, because tomorrow is not guaranteed. This is a wonderful Wednesday, in Jesus' mighty name! But God's presence is always in our lives whether we are aware of it or not, and God will eventually humble His enemies and bring justice to the earth. I declare that today is a Terrific Tuesday, and I am grateful to be alive and to be a child of God. I trust that you will eventually put the wicked to shame and make them dismayed forever; you will let them perish in disgrace, so that they may know that you alone, whose name is the Lord, are the Most High over all the earth.

In Jesus' mighty name, amen!

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Life gets busy, people are fickle, and things change a lot, so it is important than to be at peace with yourself, to be at peace with your life, your soul. It's better to pick your battles and choose peace over conflict. It's better to pay the money for the doctor appointment or the surgery in order to have peace of mind regarding your health.

It's better to hold your opinion and avoid a conflict than to engage in an unnecessary argument. Do all that you can and then to cultivate peace of mind by trusting God to take it from there and do the rest. In in Jesus' mighty name, amen. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. Jesus does not condemn you. Sometimes we condemn ourselves because of mistakes that we make. But God did not send his son to condemn the world but to save the world, and he will not fail in his mission. So the next time you're tempted to condemn yourself, stop!

It's good to repent, but it's not good to condemn yourself or to shame yourself. Remember "there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus", Romans 8: My conscience is free because I am a Spirit-born, blood-bought, forgiven, accepted, overcoming child of God! Certainly you can see the moral decay in America today. If we forget God and abandon the Bible, which is his Word, then we will reap the inevitable results of sin. To some degree, we already have as we have seen the breakdown of the family, rampant crime and so many other problems that have come from disobeying God.

If there is any area of your life in which you are not obeying God, repent now, and save yourself from the awful consequences of sin. Love wins, but love also warns. The word "religion" often gets maligned these days. The etymological root for the word religion is the Latin word, "religare", which means to yoke with, to unite, to bind with, to connect.

It's the root word from which we get our word ligament, which connects bones or cartilages or holds together a joint. So religion is about binding or connecting us to God. He won't leave you and He's always there when you're not aware of it. Let your connection with God bring assurance, confidence, and rest for your mind and soul.

The Apostle Paul said in Philippians 3: Your body, heart, and mind may be telling you to go into hiding to avoid any more possible stress. But this is not the time to withdraw into depression. When you are feeling like you can't keep going, pick and choose your commitments but still stay in the game. When it comes to physical activity, your stress levels will be lower if you keep moving. Even when you don't feel like doing it, push through your feelings with a commitment to keep moving, stay committed, and do what you know God wants you to do.

I will not relent. I will not stop! I will not withdraw. I will not hold back. I will not retreat. I will not surrender. I will press on! I will keep moving forward! If God is for me, who can be against me? Christ is in me, the hope of glory, therefore there's no person on earth or demon in hell that can stop me, in Jesus' mighty name, amen!! Ok, so, your mind runs in 15 different directions at any given moment, and so you feel anxiety about the smallest things. Love is the strongest force in the universe, sent by the Creator. The power of LOVE lives inside those protons, neutrons, and electrons that we learned about in science class.

The Apostle John said that "everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. When your finances are falling apart, Jesus holds you together!

When your children are falling apart, Jesus holds you together! When your marriage is falling apart, Jesus holds you together! When your friends are falling apart, Jesus holds you together! When your sanity is falling apart, Jesus holds you together! I needed to hear this myself yesterday. So the next time you're falling apart, don't panic! He holds you together, you are reconciled and united to Jesus, you are saved from hell and death! They couldn't wait for Israel to be free from Roman rule. The disciples asked Jesus for some information, and they didn't get it. Instead they were told that they would have power with the Holy Spirit.

Them their job was to get on with doing God's work in the world and forget about when certain things were going to happen. Often times we want to know when certain things are going to happen. When will I get out of debt? When will I be able to retire? If you're single you might think, when will I find the right one to marry?

When's it going to happen for me? We don't get to know when certain things are going to happen. Instead, we are given the power from the Holy Spirit to do what God wants us to do in this world. There are certain things that God has placed into you, interests passions, abilities, gifts, and our task in this world is to discover what they are, and then to go and do what God wants us to do.

The Bible assures us that God is with you, always. You always have the approval of God. The only thing God doesn't like is when we break his Commandments and fail to love God and fail to love neighbor. But even then, God is with you. There's nothing that you can do to make God love you any less and there's nothing that you can do to make God leave you. So go into your Tuesday knowing that you have the almighty, eternal, infinite, unstoppable, everlasting God on your side! Thank you for always being with me. Thank you for being you, the infinite, Everlasting, all loving, almighty God from whom all blessings flow, in Jesus' mighty name, amen!

Because every single day we hear a lot of things, some positive, some negative, and if we're not careful You can tell when negativity has taken "root" into someone when that person is chronically depressed, or constantly cranky, or prone to outbursts of anger, or has no joy and no peace. I've been there, done that, and it's not fun. If people around you are anger, don't YOU become angry.

Guard your heart today by counteracting the negativity around you by speaking God's Word, praying things like:. Thank you God that you supply all of my needs according to your glorious riches in Christ Philippians 4: Thank you God that all the things that I need are added on to me as I seek first your Kingdom Matthew 6: We have already been made accepted in the beloved Ephesians 1: Jesus is the beloved, and we have been made accepted in him.

Since Jesus is perfect, and we are in him, his standing with God never changes, so our standing never changes. The sweetest sound you will ever hear is when the Holy Spirit whispers into your heart, "Relax, you are already accepted". Therefore we will not fear. Therefore you will not fear! When you're emotionally drained, feeling unmotivated, whisper this prayer to God, and you will have strength to endure and get everything done today! Thank you that you are my refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble, therefore I will NOTt fear, in Jesus' mighty name, amen!

Monday's are tiring, but God is your strength today! Therefore you will not fear.

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We try to get ahead with our finances and it seems like suddenly some unexpected expense pops up! It takes a lot for God to get angry, that's why Psalm says that he's slow to anger. You might be waiting for things to happen in your life or you might find yourself wanting something that feels beyond your reach now. There's nothing that I face today that I can't overcome with your help. Jesus spoke the words of Isaiah Because of the resurrection, Christ has brought me personally into this place of highest privilege! I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.

When you're emotionally drained, whisper a prayer to God, and you will have strength to endure and get everything done today! Thank you that you are my refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble, therefore I will not fear, in Jesus' mighty name, amen! God made you and fashioned you in your mother's womb. God made you with certain desires, interests, dreams, and personality Just be who you are!

Believe in yourself today, and don't feel like you have to change anything about yourself to fit into society or to be more acceptable to somebody else. Be who God made you to be and be happy with yourself today! I'm happy with myself even if others are not! No one else's approval is needed. No matter what happens in your life, no matter what comes against you, no matter what challenges you face, you can do whatever you need to do in your life through Christ who strengthens you.

God never promises us a trouble-free life but He does promise us that He will never leave us nor will He forsake us. You never have to live in fear because God is working on your situation. Do not be afraid, God is with you all the time. I play it's a great day. God loves you so much. So love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. God has declared you not guilty and righteous in his sight because the blood of Jesus washes away all of your sins and you are whole, healed, holy, pure, sacred in his sight!

Celebrate your life and celebrate the goodness of God! Read that verse carefully. I would love to hear what Jesus means to you. But what Jesus really means to me is that he makes me believe that there really is a God. Other religions and philosophies and cultures have their own ideas about God, gods, goddesses, etc. The disciples proclaimed that Christ was risen from the dead, and they did so under the threat of being arrested and persecuted by the Jewish religious leaders. In the subsequent centuries, the Roman Empire persecuted and killed Christians.

It occurs to me that some people are willing to die for their religious beliefs, but nobody is willing to die for what they KNOW is not true. No one lives and dies for a hoax, no one sane at least. So the historical evidence for Jesus persuades me that 1. God is real, and 2. In the beginning of Luke's gospel, Luke says that he took time to carefully examine the evidence for the life of Jesus before writing his gospel, Luke 1: When your faith gets shaky, when you feel insecure about God, when you don't feel passionate about Jesus Christ, think about this carefully and examine the evidence for yourself.

Christian faith is not blind faith. Christian faith is not wishful thinking. Christian faith goes in the direction where the evidence points to. So rest assured today that your faith is not built upon the sinking sand of opinion or philosophy or conjecture, your faith is based upon evidence and truth.

Today I stand on the solid foundation of Jesus Christ, and I shall not be moved, shaken, afraid, or made insecure. As I said in my sermon last Sunday, Jesus lived and died in poverty. He had no home, no insurance, and no pension! And yet He was full of faith and optimism and positive energy! I believe we can!! Today, throw off negativity. Get out of your funk and think faith, speak faith, and live by faith!! I have faith as a mustard seed, so nothing is impossible for me, in Jesus' mighty name!!! This is your Tuesday morning reminder that God has heard your prayers and seen your tears.

Your answer is on the way. God knows the seriousness and urgency of the situation. He is going to move suddenly in your life. I should know, we received a refund check from our daughter's health insurance company, of all places. God is still in the business of surprising us with amazing, sudden blessings. Remember 1 John 4: Stop fearing the devil. Stop obsessing and overthinking your current situation. Stop feeling bad about your past. Stop fearing your future.

Get up and move forward. Don't worry, God's Got You! When you're down, don't stay down. What do you have to lose, your dignity? Put on your favorite feel-good music and get your groove back by singing in your car, singing in the shower, singing in your living room, singing wherever!!! Praise the Lord, anyway'! God is good, all the time!! Do you believe that? All right then, say it and mean it today. Whether you have a good Tuesday or a bad Tuesday, I challenge you to declare 'God is good all the time'. Because if God is good all the time, then that's true on in good times AND bad times.

Life is not always good. Life is sometimes good AND sometimes bad. But the beauty of our faith is that we affirm that God is good all the time even when life is not good. So again, if you believe that, then declare it today! Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? Since it's my birthday, I will share a story that relates to God and my birth. My mother had a series of miscarriages and a still born child during her early forties and was about to give up.

My father said, "Let's try a little more. I wouldn't be here. If you believe in doing something, never, ever, ever, ever give up! God is with you when you feel like giving up. God said in Deuteronomy Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. I am not afraid or terrified, for you go with me; I trust that you will never leave me nor forsake me, in Jesus' mighty name, amen! You might be waiting for things to happen in your life or you might find yourself wanting something that feels beyond your reach now.

Remember to trust God's timing. But I'm going to trust your timing and believe that you will make things happen when the time is right. Until then, I'm going to be happy and smile and relax, knowing that you have your hands on the steering wheel of my life, in Jesus' mighty name, amen! Don't worry if God has been removing things or people out of your life. He is purging to make room for something new This process of letting go can be difficult, but don't worry, you will not suffer lack. He will always replace it, or become it, He will fill the void!

God will supply all of your needs according to His riches in glory - Philippians 4: It means peace, peacefulness, restfulness, repose, calm, calmness, quiet, quietness, stillness. You don't have to let the noise and the drama of the world turn your heart into a anxious mess.

Tranquility is your birthright as a Spirit-born child of God. God says, "Be still and know that I am God. It means a stillness and a quietness in your soul. So, close your eyes, and say it slowly I am total peace. I am still in my heart and soul, because I know God, and because I am a child of God. God is crazy in love with you!! Don't look to your circumstances for proof that you are loved, life can be unfair and cruel. Don't look to Instagram or Facebook for proof that you are loved, people are fickle and unreasonable. Believe it, embrace it, confess it today, because Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever!

Thank You for Your amazing love that I sometimes take for granted but I know will always be there. Before you loved anybody, God already loved you! Before you first thought about God, He thought about you! Before you prayed your first prayer, God was speaking to you in many ways! I love because You first loved me, so I will trust You with my future.

Forgive Me God, Change Me

In Jesus' name, amen! In the multitude of my anxieties within me, Your comforts delight my soul. Like this Scripture says, sometimes we have a "multitude of my anxieties" on any given day: God will hold you up when you're worried about the future. God will hold you up when someone has let you down. God will hold you up when you're facing a major challenge.

There's no man on earth or demon in hell that will stop God's will and plan for my life!!! You live in a universe that has limitless potential for joy built into the creation process. God adores you beyond anything you can possibly imagine. Stressful thoughts stem from insecurity.

Remember that joy is your birthright as a child of God. Remind yourself as frequently as necessary: I am in agreement with Heaven that I am wonderfully adored. He didn't get stuck; he moved on! David got through his valley, and you will get through yours, as well! Help me to process what is happening in my life and help me become a stronger person, not by might, nor by power, but by your Spirit, in Jesus' name, amen. When he reached it, he found nothing but leaves, because it was not the season for figs. The fig tree you cursed has withered!

Jesus spoke to a fig tree, and it withered and died. Jesus told us that our words are powerful. Last Sunday at the circle of prayer at the altar we spoke to hip pain and commanded it to go, in Jesus' name! Today, speak to your DAY! Say, "This is a great day! This is a blessed day! Say it and mean it. If you say it and don't mean it, it doesn't work. I believe it, so I say it, so it is, in Jesus' mighty name, amen! Meditate on how you have a big God with whom all things are possible! Dear Father, I'm not going to think about or dwell on my problems, or the problems of life.

I'm going to meditate and think about how big you are, how awesome you are, in Jesus' mighty name, amen". Today let's focus on this being the first day of school. Let's pray for our teachers and students, and let's also pray for all those who work with students and teachers.

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God says, "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. I've got two words for you Are you glad you're alive? Are you glad you're employed? Are you glad that you can see, hear, touch, taste, smell? Do you know the Lord? Are you glad you know the Lord? Do you have good people in your life? Are you glad you have them in your life? In Philippians chapter 4, when the Apostle Paul encourages us to present our requests to God, he tells us to do so with "thanksgiving".

Giving things is not just a November thing to do. It needs to become a lifestyle. The more you give thanks for what you have, and the more you feel good about what you have in your life, the more you will have coming into your life. And even if giving things did not benefit you in any way, doesn't God just deserve to be told, thank you? In Jesus' mighty name, amen". The word of the day is Luke The Almighty God who keeps the planets in their orbits is aware of a lowly sparrow that falls to the ground. If the Lord takes such tender care of every bird He ever created, would He not care much more for His children.

As for your value, Jesus died on the Cross to save you from sin and eternal separation from God. He died to make you His very own.

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Inspiring Women Every Day Sep/Oct [Gail Dixon, Wendy Virgo] on In September's notes, entitled `Prayer: When deep calls to deep', Gail Dixon delves . Buy Inspiring Women Every Day Sep/Oct by Gail Dixon, Wendy Virgo from Waterstones today! Click and Collect from your local.

I smile, hold my head high, and walk with confidence today, because you are with me, protecting me every step of the way, in Jesus' mighty name, amen". Jesus said, love one another as I have loved you! We say, "Love you. We offer our "thoughts and prayers" to strangers. But we yearn for authenticity. Interestingly, the word "authentic" comes from the Greek word, "authentese. Authentic LOVE is not just spoken, it is connected to the hands!

It involves signature, a personal touch, action!

Books by Wendy Virgo

For instance, if I give you an authentic patchwork quilt, it wasn't made by a machine. Today, this weekend, share "authentic love! God is leading me today to the people that need me to show love to them, because God is love! God heard your prayer this week. He felt your anxiety. He noticed your anguish. God felt your confusion. God feels your pain. God has seen the tears you shed for your parents, your children, your friends, or situation. God is saying to you today, "For every teardrop, for every sleepless night, I have a blessing for you, I have a solution for you, I have a way for you.

You're coming out of this. Your pain is coming to an end". Blessings are your birthright. Healing is your birthright. Miracles are your birthright. Divine favor is your inheritance. The Bible says in Psalms Jesus said in Matthew 6: Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Are you not much more valuable than they? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

I can tend to be a 'worry-wort'. My anxiety can be triggered. Thank God that Jesus said, do not worry about your life! You and I have nothing to worry about. Remember that on your easiest day and on your most stressful day. I will live by faith. I will seek first your Kingdom, knowing that all the things I need will be added to my life, in Jesus' mighty name, amen. If you're not in a good mood because it's Monday, God understands. He is gracious and full of compassion.

Even when you feel grumpy, tired, or short tempered, God is on your side. It takes a lot for God to get angry, that's why Psalm says that he's slow to anger. Think about what Daniel did before God showed up and shut the lions mouths! What are you struggling with today? What "lions" are you facing? Believe God will show up in your darkness!

Expect the same God who helped Daniel to show up today and help you! The prayer below is from me. Nothing can separate you from My Love. Let this divine assurance trickle through your mind and into your heart and soul. Whenever you start to feel fearful or anxious, repeat this unconditional promise: Most of mankind's misery stems from feeling unloved. In the midst of adverse circumstances, people tend to feel that love has been withdrawn and then have been forsaken.

This feeling of abandonment is often worse than the adversity itself. Be assured that I never abandon any of My children, not even temporarily. I will never leave you or forsake you! My Presence watches over you continually. I have engraved you on the palms of My hands. Just as I was with Moses, so I will be with you.

I will not leave you or forsake you. Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you. I thank you that you will never leave me nor forsake me, you have me engraved on the palms of your hand! The peace of Christ is not something that is pushed, promoted, or advertised by our culture.

Our society promotes whatever it wants to sell. Our culture promotes fear, which leads to cable news ratings. Our culture promotes lust which leads to pornography use. Companies hire actresses to model makeup, which leads to increased makeup sales, and Hollywood promotes movie trailers which lead to cinema ticket sales, you get the picture.

It's a decision that you and I have to make. If we don't, believe me, our culture will give you plenty of 'stuff' to fill your hearts with, and it won't be good stuff. It'll be bad stuff. So how do we let the peace of Christ rule in our hearts? Verse 16 tells us: I will let the life-changing message of Christ dwell in me richly, and I will let the wonderful peace of Christ rule in my heart, today and everyday, in Jesus' mighty name, amen. The word of the day is Psalm When you don't feel like you have enough strength, it's ok, because God is your portion of strength. And, he doesn't just give you a portion of strength, HE IS that portion.

When you feel overwhelmed, stop, pray, invite the Holy Spirit by saying, "Lord overwhelm me with your peace". It is a simple, yet powerful prayer. God is enough for you this day, tomorrow, and all the tomorrows to come. God is bigger than the biggest problem that you face and he is more powerful than that thing that seems to zap your strength.

So, it's okay if you're not enough, because God is. I lean upon your everlasting arms and you are my strength and my portion forever, today and everyday, in Jesus' mighty name, amen. You may have had a nice, pleasant week, or you may have had an up and down, tumultuous week. You may have been beaten down, wore-down, stressed-out, burned-out and buried under a mountain of obligations and responsibilities, but Jesus says, "Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

Thank you Lord that I can give Jesus my troubles and that I can rest easy knowing that you have my back, today and always, in Jesus' mighty name, amen! When we hear about a celebrity falling into drug use or overdose, it's just another reminder that riches and fame do not satisfy the deepest longings of the human heart and that we all need a life-giving connection to God. Doesn't matter if you're young or old, male or female, rich or poor or somewhere in between I f you're struggling, reach out God never promises us a troublefree life but He does promise us that He will never leave us nor will He forsake us The Bible says" God choose you on purposed because He loves you.

Let me tell you something, when you're in the lowest pit, God has His eye on you. His arm is not too short to reach into your pit and lift you out. On this Wednesday I simply want to remind you that you are a servant of God, you are a disciple of Jesus Christ, you are a worshipper of the one true God I want you to get out there and walk—better yet, run!

And mark that you do this with humility and discipline—not in fits and starts, but steadily, pouring yourselves out for each other in acts of love, alert at noticing differences and quick at mending fences. There are no emergencies in heaven. You are a citizen of heaven. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. YOU are doing great! You have already overcome so much and you are still standing! When it feels like you've got a long ways to go, take a look at how far you've come.

You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength! So trust that Christ is giving you the strength that you need today! Life can be too heavy, too burdensome, too serious and painful. How do we not walk around with long faces, depressed and anxious? We need to put on the Garment of Praise today! Get into your "Joy Zone" by praising God this morning!

Thank God for your hearing, you're seeing, you're tasting, you're touching! Give God praise for your loved ones, your friends, your job! When you get into your car, turn on your favorite music, give thanks to God for your car, that it runs good. The more you praise God, the more you give thanks for all that you have, the more you shake off the spirit of heaviness and live free today.

So to be "enthused" is to be "in God. What are you "enthusiastic" about? We all have certain activities in life that make us feel enthusiastic? Some love to read. Some love to write. Some love to sing. Some love to organize. Some love to clean. Some love to teach, etc. The Bible says in Romans Life was not meant to be a slow, zombie-walk through a mundane existence until you finally kick the bucket.

Life was meant to be a joyful adventure of serving the Lord enthusiastically! So do what you do with all of your heart, as unto the Lord, with enthusiasm His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning great is your faithfulness. But we can control our own thoughts and actions. When people disappoint, remember that God will never let you down. God will never leave you and will never stop loving you.

Remember, "The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases. Your mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness, in Jesus' mighty name, amen! This is the Scripture from Matthew chapter 18 that I shared in my sermon last Sunday If he refuses to listen to the church, then treat him like a person who does not believe in God…". We are Christians, disciples of Christ! So the next time you have a problem with someone, or someone has a problem with you, follow Jesus by doing what he says in Matthew chapter We are blessed not just by hearing the Word but by doing the Word.

It works if you work it. So I offer this prayer on the Fourth of July, the celebration of the birthday of America Raise up a generation that is not ashamed of the gospel, and that hates to be lukewarm. Raise up leaders, Lord, who will not compromise when under pressure, or abandon You for the approval of men. Call us to holiness, that we would once again be the light of the world and draw all men to You. Rekindle our fire, and stir our hearts. We confess our sins, and we seek Your face. We ask for Your forgiveness and cleansing.

For America is Yours! May Your kingdom come and Your will be done. You may have lived a hard childhood where your parents said "there wasn't enough", and that they would "always struggle" and that "life is hard". So perhaps you came to believe that your life is a struggle, or that your life is hard. You may have learned to constantly worry about "not having enough.

Let's break, bind and curse any thought of "not enough" and "struggle" right now, through the authority that God has given to you! Let's begin now to develop, cultivate an "abundance mentality. Have a "I AM enough" mentality! I speak grace over you and a child-like heart to be open to receive the blessings from your Heavenly Father. The need to always believe that you won't receive anything is gone now.

The need to say "Nothing works for me" or "I will always struggle" is gone from you now. Focusing on your blessings helps to create the abundance mentality! Most of my biggest blessings in my life are things that I did not pray for or ask for. Being your pastor for 11 years here in Springfield, 2.

Don't you have blessings that you didn't necessarily pray for? Think about those blessings. List them right now I receive an abundance mentality! I declare that my life is full! My heart is full of love! My body is full of health! You have given me more than enough to live, to enjoy life, and I can't thank you enough, in Jesus' mighty name, amen! Please don't let your faith be shaken when trouble comes your way. No one can live totally free of trouble as long as we are living in this world.

Just remember God is a covenant maker and covenant keeper. Don't dwell on the troubles you face. Instead let your mind and thoughts dwell on His deliverance. Look what God has brought you through and realize you that God will do it again! He will bring you out of any mess and put you back on your feet again. The Lord delivers me from all of my afflictions, I will keep my peace. I will smile and trust in the Lord and say, "God, you've got this! You've got me, in Jesus' mighty name! Jesus said in Matthew Today choose to relax in God's safe arms. You are a child of the King of Kings. Don't allow the worries of this life choke or strangle your peace of mind.

God's got you, and He's not going to let you go. He will see you through every dark tunnel, and bring you into the light every time!. She said, "When the train goes through a tunnel and everything gets dark, do you jump out? You sit still and trust the engineer to get you through. I will maintain my composure. I will keep my peace. I will smile and lift my face to the sun. I will trust in the Lord and say, "God, you've got this! You have the power within you to heal, to forgive, to create, and to free yourself from the burden of your past and the worries of today.

All that you need is within you. Death and life are in the power of the tongue, your words. Use your voice to create change, only speak words that are kind and always radiate the energy of compassion and truth. Life throws lots of tasks, obligations, headaches, conflicts, deadlines and unexpected problems at us! So take a moment today, right now, to close your eyes not while driving and breathe. Our Heavenly Father says to you: God's favor is on you! What you can't do on your own, Heaven is helping you, making a way for you get things done, making a way for you to resolve problems, opening doors that you couldn't open yourself.

Inhale, and exhale, and repeat after me, "Be still and know God's got my back I will get through this They need you to say something that will cheer them up. We show ourselves to be real Christians when we are cheerful to people, and not evasive. If there are no words to comfort or cheer up someone, then just hug them. It improves that person's health AND your health.

We're suppose to be salt of the earth and light of the world. If you believe that, and you're a real Christian, then ask God to lead you to people who need to be cheered up, by you. Today I will choose to be cheerful to people, cashiers, bank tellers, anyone who seems to need it.

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In Jesus' might name, amen. Life can be very complicated and messy at times. We experience so many trials. If the enemy can get you distracted, confused, upset, or discouraged, he will do it. Keep your focus on Jesus; He is guiding and directing your every step. Take time to rest and be quiet before Him and allow Him to minister to your spirit.

He dwells within you; the very breath you breathe. When the enemy gets you depressed, making you feel like a failure, refocus your attention on God's goodness, refocus your attention on the blessings in your life, refocus your attention on God's Almighty power. He created the Heavens and the Earth, He formed you in your mother's womb, and there is nothing too hard for Him. I am focused on your Almighty power today, in Jesus' mighty name, amen!

Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. Worry is not only a waste of time, but it's been said that worrying is praying for what you don't want. The Bible says what you sow, you reap, s o if you're worrying, you are unintentionally praying for what you do not want.

So turn your worries into a prayer, give it over to God, and trust God's heart with the things that trouble you today. Easier said than done? Yes, but very worth it! I will worship you, King of Kings! God, you are bigger than my biggest problem, and therefore you are worthy of all worship and praise! I will trust you through all of the storms of my life, in Jesus' mighty name, amen!

Life comes with a series of character tests. God will place you in uncomfortable and difficult situations simply to test your character. If you can't be kind to those who are evil to you, or you're easily offended by every little thing then why would He place you in a position of greater authority? If He did, then you would misuse your authority. Ever seen those people who are on a power trip? They weren't ready for that position, so they don't know what to do with it. But God is so good He will place you through test after test to prepare you to be greatly used by Him.

Jesus said in the Bible that if you're faithful with little then you'll be ruler over much, and that certainly has been true for me as a United Methodist pastor of twenty years. Learn to love those who are difficult to love. Bless those who curse you and pray for those who hurt you. Insecure leaders are power-trip leaders, but confident leaders are powerful leaders. I may have failed some tests in the past, but I will not fail now; I will pass the tests of character that come my way, and move on to bigger blessings, in Jesus' mighty name, amen.

When we think of the word precious, we think of our children, our grandchildren, which is true. But God speaks to you and says "you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you! No matter how people have treated you today, or overlooked you, or forgot about you, no matter how life has treated you I will do my best to love others as You love m, in Jesus' mighty name, amen. David told the king Saul that he had faith that God would help him overcome Goliath because David already experienced God helping him deal with the wild animals that tried to devour his father's flock.

Pearls of wisdom', Wendy Virgo unearths the truths that are contained in this sometimes misunderstood book and challenges them to choose God's way in all aspects of their lives. Read more Read less. CWR July 1, Language: Be the first to review this item Would you like to tell us about a lower price? I'd like to read this book on Kindle Don't have a Kindle?

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