Harvard Public Health (Harvard Public Health, Spring/Summer 2012)

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This updated toolkit includes new sections on food procurement and efforts to reduce the waste of food, as well as new examples of policy innovations and initiatives from communities across the United States. Other topics covered in the toolkit include the general legal setting surrounding food policy, local food infrastructure, land use planning and regulation, urban agriculture, consumer access and demand, and school food and nutrition.

FLPC students and staff traveled to Navajo Nation in to launch the toolkit and meet with Navajo leaders and community members. Farm Bill, including conducting informal interviews and conversations with stakeholders and drafting a memo on how the farm bill could better support local food policy efforts in the Navajo Nation.

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In spring , FLPC began work with the Pittsburgh Food Policy Council, a local group that brings together a diverse set of stakeholders to address food equity and sustainability issues in the Pittsburgh region. FLPC began by conducting research for the Council on strategies to improve school foods in the Pittsburgh School District, focusing on improving the quality of school meals, snacks, and after-school events, as well as increasing the amount of school gardens and farm-to-school programs.

More recently, FLPC is working with the Council to help Pittsburgh and Allegheny County residents to remove barriers to the development of new local food businesses offering healthy food options. FLPC is assessing existing regulations and conducting research on how other counties and cities have expanded economic opportunity and healthy food access by supporting entrepreneurial food businesses.

Students are using data from a survey of Pittsburgh food businesses to help the City of Pittsburgh and the Allegheny Department of Health amend existing regulations to better support healthy food businesses. The Food is Medicine Initiative identifies key legal and policy levers to help increase access to healthy food as part of both prevention and treatment of chronic disease. The Initiative seeks to transform the ability of the health care system to respond effectively to two major drivers of poor health outcomes and high cost of care: Emerging research demonstrates that the provision of medically-tailored food to people with serious, acute and chronic illness dramatically improves health outcomes and reduces health care costs.

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The Food is Medicine Initiative works with food and nutrition service providers to make the case for widespread coverage of medically-tailored food in our public e. FLPC is also partnering with HLPC on the Massachusetts Food is Medicine State Plan—a year-long project that has gathered data on current access to medically tailored food in Massachusetts and provide recommendations to state officials and other stakeholder groups on how to improve access over time. Alongside our work on many food waste policy issues, our most long-standing work in this field is around standardizing date labels on food.

In September , FLPC partnered with the Natural Resources Defense Council to publish The Dating Game , a report exposing the food waste related to misleading date labels, and unhelpful patchwork of state laws regulating in this area. Food Waste in America. With the release of this film, FLPC aimed to raise awareness about the consequences of confusing and non-science-based date labeling, and about the impact that a uniform labeling standard could have on reducing food waste.

Since the release of the film, there has been significant activity around the standardization of date labels at the state and federal level, as well as by industry. Increasing incidence of post kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis in a population-based study in Bangladesh. Clinical Infectious Diseases 50 1: Recurrent zoonotic transmission of Nipah virus into humans in Bangladesh, Emerging Infectious Diseases 15 8: Reproductive numbers, epidemic spread, and control in a community of households.

Mathematical Biosciences 1: Difficulties in maintaining improved handwashing behavior, Karachi, Pakistan. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 81 1: Generation interval contraction and epidemic data analysis. Columbus, OH Phone: Skip to main content. Yue was a member of the lab from , while she was an undergraduate at Harvard College concentrating in OEB. She kept all of our animal cultures alive, happy, and producing lots of embryos, and also pursued her own independent projects working with Evelyn Schwager on germ cell biology in spiders.

Her research since the spring semester of was funded by the Harvard College Research Program.

Engagement and Impact

She graduated in May and is currently a medical student at Hofstra Northwell School of Medicine. Chiamaka worked in the Extavour Lab during the spring semester of , her sophomore year at Harvard, with Franz Kainz on cricket segmentation.

Current Projects

She graduated in May with a degree in Neurobiology. Ana worked in the Extavour lab during her sophomore through senior years at Harvard College, where she concentrated in OEB and computer science. Ana worked on the crustacean Parhyale hawaiensis and created a video protocol and manuscript describing for manual ablation of single cells in early embryos of this species.

Her video protocol and the accompanying manuscript have been accepted for publication by The Journal of Visualized Experiments.

Eben Kenah, PhD | College of Public Health | The Ohio State University

Her research was partly supported by the Harvard College Research Program. Katherine worked in the lab during the spring of , in her first year of undergraduate study at Harvard University. She was invaluable in helping maintain the large cricket colony in the lab.

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Chris Probert Chris was an undergraduate biology and computer science student from the University of California San Diego who worked in the lab during the summer of After leaving the lab, Chris worked for Illumina while completing his undergraduate degree, and for Google after his graduation. Jen joined the lab during the summer of just after completing her freshman year at Harvard College. She worked with Arpita Kulkarni on various aspects of nervous system development in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus.

Sophia is currently sophomore at Harvard College concentrating in Integrative Biology. Jen joined the lab during the academic year, while she was a junior at Harvard College. She worked with Andre Green to develop molecular regagents to detect insulin signaling pathway activity in fruit flies, and to develop protocols for measuring reproductive output in Drosophila suzukii.

Trieu joined the lab in the summer of , following her freshman year at Harvard College, and participated in a prooject on germ cell fate determination in Parhyale hawaiensis embryos through to the summer prior to her senior year. She graduated from Harvard in May Trieu is currently a user reseracher for Balluun in Foster City, CA, and plans to attend medical school in the future.

Nia was a member of the lab during her sophomore year at Harvard College. She worked with Tamsin Jones on the expression of neuroblast genes during cricket embryogenesis. Her research in the spring semester of was funded by the Harvard College Research Program. Nia completed her degree in OEB with a secondary field in English in Larry was a member of the lab during his freshman year at Harvard College. He worked with Seth Donoughe on creating customated computational pipelines for cluster-based analysis of high-throughput imaging data.

His research in the spring semester of was funded by the Harvard College Research Program.

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Larry is currently completing his degree in computer science and biomedical engineering. Nat was a research assistant in the lab in the fall of Nat worked on cricket germ cell biology with Ben Ewen-Campen , and on the evolutionary history of the germ line developmental gene oskar. Nat's work in the lab contributed to a paper on germ cell formation in crickets that was published in Current Biology. Nat's undergraduate research at Whitman College , " Fitness benefits of climate change for a temperate ectotherm: He is currently a graduate student in Chris Lowe's lab at Stanford University.

Winnie was a research assistant in the lab from She matinained all of our animal cultures and was responsible for overall lab organization and inventory maintenance. Abel was a research assistant in the lab who worked on Drosophila ovarian morphogenesis from , after obtaining his BSc in physics from Grinnell College.

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Abel's work contributed to a paper on ovariole number in Drosophila that was published in Developmental Biology. Victor was a research assistant in the lab who worked on our transcriptome and other high-throughput sequencing projects from , after obtaining his BSc in biotechnology from Worcester Polytechnic Institute WPI.

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Victor designed custom tools for de novo assembly and merging sequence data from different platforms, did the bulk of the analysis for our Parhyale , Gryllus and Achaearanea transcriptomes, and built our Assembled Searchable Giant Arthropod Read Database ASGARD see the paper in Database. He is currently consulting on bioinformatics research for several groups, and working as a scientist for Petridi.

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From , Stewart served as senior program director at the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. Her research included annotation of arthropod genomes , investigation of germ line gene function in the milkweed bug , and discovery and analysis of oskar orthologues across insect phylogeny. Retrieved from " https: Her research in the spring semester of was funded by the Harvard College Research Program. Browne J Individualised Patient Outcomes.

Vasanth was a high school student in the lab during the summers of and who worked on gonad development in Parhyale hawaiensis. He went on to complete an undergraduate degree in neuroscience at the University of Delaware. He is currently a research associate in the Kontaridis lab at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, MA, studying the molecular basis of cardiac development and disease.

She came to our lab through the Manchester-Essex Authentic Science Research Program and interned with Postdoc Austen Barnett , assisting Austen in his research on anterior-posterior patterning in Gryllus bimaculatus. Gabi went on to obtain an undergraduate degree from Cornell University in gender studies and economics, and is currently a Clinic Assistant at Boulder Valley Women's Health Center.

Frederike Alwes Frederike was a postdoc in the lab from , after having obtained her PhD in crustaceam embryology under the direction of Gerhard Scholz at the Humboldt University of Berlin. Austen Barnett Austen was a postdoc in the lab from Tripti Gupta Tripti was a postdoc in the lab from Indu Nair Indu was a postdoc in the lab during