God Guides My Hand

Friends, We can trust the Heart of God even though we can't see the hand of God, and God is too good to do wrong and too wise to make a mistake. Where God guides, He provides. Where God guides, He protects. Where God guides, He promotes.

Bible Verses About Guidance

Where God guides, He prospers. Where God guides, He proves. Where God guides, He sometimes punishes. Because protocol demanded that the king would receive the Hebrew judge Ehud by extending the right hand to the one granted an audience, he would not anticipate that Ehud, who was left-handed, would be able to inflict harm upon him. The unsuspecting Eglon was certainly caught off-guard Judg. We have noted previously the case of the virtuous woman Prov. The case is far different for the lazy person.

1 Chronicles 10:13

So it is that lazy hands make a man poor Prov. No, Sennacherib should not boast as though what he had done was either self-generated or self-accomplished. Thus Zephaniah prophesies that the once mighty and proud city of Nineveh will fall and be reduced to rubble. Isaiah also commends those who do not oppress the poor or bring railing accusations against them with a pointing finger and malicious talk Isa. Solomon warns against such a person. Yet such an individual ultimately brings disaster upon himself: Far better is it to be a righteous person who maintains a proper perspective and way of life toward God and his fellow man.

Why should God let you into Heaven?

One of the greatest of all good works that a believer may do is to share the good news of salvation in Christ Jesus Mt. The foregoing truths with regard to the Lord Jesus stand as a reminder that he is Lord of all and fully divine. Contact Us Your full name. The uplifted hand was used in the act of praying, as we noted above, but it was also employed in bestowing a blessing Lev. Far better is it to be a righteous person who maintains a proper perspective and way of life toward God and his fellow man. In Egypt the Pharaoh was considered to be the god Horus incarnate. Strive to be humble!

Divine power and authority are often associated with the figure of the hand in the ancient Near East. My hand is in your hand. In Egypt the Pharaoh was considered to be the god Horus incarnate. The princes of all lands are gathered in your grasp, I stretched my own hands out and bound them for you.

It would be natural, then, that God would reveal the truth through the authors of Scripture and would do so in a way that would be familiar to those who heard and read it. Because figurative language utilizing the hand, fingers, and arm was so well known throughout the area, it served as a ready vehicle for communication.

Not only did God create all things but everyone and everything on earth is under his jurisdiction: God repeatedly assured Moses that his strong hand Ex. What God promised he did Ex.

Hand Of God

What God did for Israel that first Passover night in bringing his people out of Egypt was to be commemorated with proper observance through the succeeding generations Ex. Here, too, God instructed Moses: And everything came to pass exactly as God had promised Ex. Who is like you —majestic in holiness, fearful in praises, working wonders?

By that same mighty hand and his outstretched arm with which he brought his people out of Egypt he would one day judge his sinful people and scatter them among the nations. Yet in a future time he will regather a then purified people to their Promised Land Ezek. With his right hand God will lay hold on all his enemies Ps. He would deliver his people repeatedly in the days and years that followed e. Several other prophets report a divine hand upon them e.

The call to special ministry was particularly marked in the promise that one day the heir of David par excellence would come to give his people a full and final deliverance, and to rule over them forever in a grand new covenant Ps. The foregoing truths with regard to the Lord Jesus stand as a reminder that he is Lord of all and fully divine. Moreover, the fact that many of the figures of the hand that are used of God the Father are attributed to Jesus gives further evidence of his deity.

In so doing he attests both the Davidic authorship of Psalm and his own position as Messiah and Lord. In harmony with the previous text is the truth that Christ, the divine Messiah, is the judge of all. As our Lord, Christ has absolute authority. He is the long-expected deliverer of Israel Lk. Even Satan recognized Mt. The symbolism of the hand, arms, and fingers ought not to be lost for believers.

Here we examine several texts that remind believers of all ages of their high value and the blessings of their life before God. The rest of the Bible is no less of divine inspiration 2 Tim.

  • The Guiding Hand of God.
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  • Masks of Venice;
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To Israel it was promised: Look, his reward is with him; his prize goes before him. Moreover, he is the good shepherd who layed down his life for the sheep Jn. As the great shepherd who rose from the dead Heb. Because Christ is all-powerful, believers are challenged to be his faithful witnesses and obedient servants Mt. Too often we live as those who are masters of our own destiny. Keep thinking about things above, not things on earth. Indeed, how could we be in better hands than his?

The old spiritual says it so simply: Does it really matter to us that God is portrayed in this way? From among his people he at times called some to be special ministers of his grace. We saw that this was fulfilled in Jesus Christ, to whom all authority and judgment are ascribed. Follow the Holy Spirit.

Humble yourself before the Lord and trust in Him. Trust that God will lead you out of the fire, but you must allow Him to guide you.

1 Corinthians 12:28

Commit to Him in prayer. What does the Bible say? Then I realized that these pleasures are from the hand of God. The strong right arm of the LORD has done glorious things! Your arm is endowed with power; your hand is strong, your right hand exalted. Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; love and faithfulness go before you.