Alayna has managed to alienate all but a few people from her life due to her addiction These books are Amazing, I couldn't put them down! Alayna has managed to alienate all but a few people from her life due to her addiction and the one family member that she has left her brother Brian is threatening to remove himself from her life as well.

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One night, while working at the bar, the most handsome man that she has ever seen comes in for a drink. He is the type of man that could trigger all of Alayna's insecurities and cause her addiction to spiral out of control, so she does everything that she can to stay away from him. Just when she thinks that she is in the clear, she finds out that he is the new owner of the club that he works at and her new boss, Hudson Pierce!

Hudson is a man that is use to getting whatever he wants, and right now, what he wants is Alayna Withers. He has his sights set on her and plans to seduce her knowing that she wont be able to resist him. Hudson makes her a proposition that she can't refuse but before the sham begins, he lets her know that he isn't looking for a relationship and that he doesn't fall in love This Book Is Awesome, its well written and the storyline is easy to follow!

I recommend this book to everyone!. I don't know where to begin with the issues I had with this book. I kept asking myself if I was reading the same book everyone else had. The style of writing wasn't really for me I guess, definitely felt like a debut. I was not able to really connect with the characters. I just finished reading it, and I can't even remember their names.

Which is strange considering it has what felt like a million pages. I've never been one to complain about too much sex in a book, but there was so much sex th I don't know where to begin with the issues I had with this book. I've never been one to complain about too much sex in a book, but there was so much sex thrown in that I wondered when they would actually have conversations that would lead up to the eventual relationship. I understand the issues that both characters brought to the table. I face palmed so many times and had to put the book down.

Who in the world would encourage someone to be a jealous crazy person? She even "accidentally" goes through his phone. When she approaches him about something she finds and gets in a craze, what does he do? Tells her that her jealous rages show him that she cares for him and to keep up the crazy behavior. I will admit I have read worse. I stuck this book out, taking several weeks to finally finish it. There are so many pages in this trilogy. Apr 24, Melissa Portillo rated it it was amazing.

As I liked both of these series I thought why not. This trilogy has its own merit and unique storyline. Alayna has an obsessive personality she knows this, and has been to therapy after some very unfortunate episodes. She gets obsessed with the idea of love and being loved. Her parents died while she was a child and it became a fixation to find the love she should of had. But she's getting better.. She loves her job at the night club she works, and although very intelligent business degree in hand she doesn't want to give up the club that has kept her occupied and out of trouble, its her safe Haven.

Hudson is from a wealthy but very dysfunctional family, he is a billionaire in the business world but by his own admission unable to love, feel and is very manipulative he enjoys using his power to see how it affects people. It's no wonder he is the way he is when you get to understand the dynamic of the family. His mother has no maternal instincts and very much a drunk who uses her kids in a battle against the man she married. Hudson buys the club in order to get to know Alayna and makes her a proposition to be his pretend girlfriend in order to stop his mothers meddling, but when the lines get blurred its hard to figure out what's real and what's fake.

When a women who loves to much comes together with a manipulative billionaire who is used to getting his way Even though this is a couple with a million faults and reasons that they shouldn't be together you can't help but want them to work out. Wow - I read all three books in a day and a half they where just that engaging. The characters are so complex once you think you have it figured out the author throws you for a loop again. She went places with these characters I seriously would never of guessed the out come! I became so invested in this trilogy it really has it all!!!

Hot sex, romance, secrets, manipulation, crazy ex's and lies that will keep you guessing until the very end its jaw dropping. View all 5 comments. Mar 26, Cristina rated it it was amazing. I loved this series and I totally recommend it if you're looking to get your next fix of a "broken" Alpha male I love this series. Alpha male and all ; It's exactly what I've been looking for: I wouldn't change a thing if you ask me, especially with the proper dose of hate, love, heartbreak and happy ending.

So, I cracked open my book for the first time in 3 years to refresh myself and omg guys I'm falling in love all freakin over again. Like once I started reading Chapter 1 for a bit it was a little hard for me to put it down! An hour late and I'm on Chapter Almost forgot what brought me to read it again! And most of all he's just the epitome of imperfect perfection. Like those 9 chapters that I delved into had me in a blushing fit the entire time. Whoo, I forgot how hot this series was! It will always adorn my 'oldies, but goodies' bookshelf!

Apr 10, Liz rated it it was amazing. I totally fell in love with Hudson Pierce!!! This was a really good series, I couldn't put them down. Strong alpha male with past issues, that made you fall in love with him!!! Strong heroine in this series that was moving on from her addictive past, had you rooting for her and Hudson. First books I've read by this author, will not be the last, very well written story!! This whole series got a motherfucking re-read over the weekend. My book slump has been on point for the past couple of months and I needed something hot, something crazy and a tad bit of fucked up.

This series has it all!! Have you guys ever read a series and loved it, then went to re-read it and love the fucking fuck out of it?!?! I love the mindblown experience I got when reading this. From reading over book one and understanding something that seemed flippant at first but now makes so much fucking sense since I've read the 2nd or 3rd book and be like "Oh, so Oh my word - That man is a fucking beast I wouldn't mind ravishing me!

And Laynie in all her fucked-up ways were so likable but her naivety in book one wanted me to slap her senseless because she had a goddamn education and was not just beautiful and wasn't said to be smart You know what, I'm rambling. And you're reading this shit Why, I don't fucking know. What I do know is that you need to read this damn series!! View all 6 comments. Apr 01, Jeanne rated it it was amazing Shelves: That's what I thought after reading this series.

Then again, won't most ER novels that deal with emotionally scarred billionaires? Second, for the praise: The characters were fully developed and felt like real people to me. None of them were perfect, most were scarred or flawed in some way. Dysfunction ran rife throughout both Alayna's and Hudson's families and their relationships. Third, I liked that Alayna had worked through her therapy and felt that she was successfully living in recovery. She knew her triggers and avoids them whenever possible. She also did go back to meetings or reach out when she felt that she was going to slip back into her self-destructive behaviors.

She was strong and didn't want to break or be broken and fought for her recovery. I admired that in her. I also enjoyed that she helped Hudson, and vice versa, with healing and not falling into old patterns. One thing I would have liked to have learned was whether there was some mystery with Chandler and if so, what was it. I felt like that was a loose end. After finishing the series and I couldn't put it down and read it at work, while riding in the car, and at home I felt like I'd need to reread it again, just to see if I would catch any clues. One bombshell was one I had figured out but the other was something I hadn't or didn't want to consider.

If you're a fan of the ER genre, you won't be disappointed. View all 4 comments. This was just okay. I felt like it dragged out too long and was just trying to get it finished by the end of the second book.

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The hero is your strong, wealthy Alpha. The heroine is a sweet, intelligent, hard working girl. Blah blah, people don't want them together I don't love you So basically, it's everything you'd expect from a story like the blurb describes. It is a good read It just made it a headache after a while. I even started skimming over all the sex just so I could get to what the hell was going on. Mar 26, Rene rated it it was amazing.

This is a must read!!!! You think you figure things out, but many twists and turns. Apr 04, Elizabeth rated it it was amazing Shelves: This trilogy was such a pleasant surprise. Hudson was such a damaged HOT man and of course he was a perfect match for the recovering Alayna. It was quite an enjoyable ride. For comparison, these characters were not observed in the petal and bract tissues of Chrysanthemum morifolium. Bracts at anthesis are composed of dead cells. Helichrysum bracteatum bracts have characteristic thickened secondary cell walls that have not been observed in the parenchyma of any other flowers or leaves.

The cells of the H. Interaction between Vaccinium bracteatum Thunb. In this study, we investigated the interaction of Vaccinium bracteatum Thunb. In the presence of rice protein, VBTL pigment antioxidant activity and free polyphenol content decreased by A significant difference in protein surface hydrophobicity was observed between rice proteins and pigment-protein complexes, indicating that hydrophobic interaction is a major binding mechanism between VBTL pigment and rice proteins.

A significant difference in secondary structures between proteins and protein-pigment complexes was also uncovered, indicating that hydrogen bonding may be another mode of interaction between VBTL pigment and rice proteins. Our results indicate that VBTL pigment can stain rice proteins with hydrophobic and hydrogen interactions. Farming education and attempts at History has shown that the population of Afghanistan does not support foreign. Occurrence, genetic control and evolution of non-target-site based resistance to herbicides inhibiting acetolactate synthase ALS in the dicot weed Papaver rhoeas.

Non-target-site resistance NTSR to herbicides is a major issue for the chemical control of weeds. Whilst predominant in grass weeds, NTSR remains largely uninvestigated in dicot weeds. We investigated the occurrence, inheritance and genetic control of NTSR to acetolactate synthase ALS inhibitors in Papaver rhoeas corn poppy using progenies from plants with potential NTSR to the imidazolinone herbicide imazamox. NTSR to imazamox was inherited from parents over two successive generations. NTSR to florasulam a triazolopyrimidine emerged in F2 generations. Our findings suggest NTSR was polygenic and gradually built-up by accumulation over generations of loci with moderate individual effects in single plants.

Previous research focussed on TSR in P. This may also apply to other dicot species. From our data, resistance to ALS inhibitors in P. Methods DAPI 4'6-diamidinophenylindol dihydrochloride staining and fluorescence microscopy were used for observation of cell nuclei. Key Results Cell death occurred at the bract tip during the early stage of flower development.

Conclusions Bracts at anthesis are composed of dead cells. Poppies for medicine in Afghanistan: The proposal is that Afghan farmers are licensed to produce opium for medical and scientific purposes. Here it is posited that the Senlis proposal neglects at least three key lessons from the Turkish and Indian experiences. First, not enough weight has been given to diversion from licit markets, as experienced in India.

Fix Trilogy Behind-The-Scenes Interview

Second, both India and Turkey had significantly more efficient state institutions with authority over the licensed growing areas. Clipping affects flowering of California poppy at two growth stages. The effects of clipping California- poppy Eschscholzia californica Cham. Plants were clipped once to a 2-cm stubble at one of six stages. Through the early reproductive stage, a single Effect of ground poppy seed as a fat replacer on meat burgers. Poppy seed paste was used in koefte production as an animal fat replacer and efficacy of using poppy seed was investigated.

The use of ground poppy seed in formulation of meat burgers had no effect on the moisture content of uncooked meat burgers; however, it did have a significant effect p poppy seed addition significantly affected p poppy seed addition significantly decreased p poppy seed increased in meat burgers. A strong significant decrease p poppy seed addition was observed. Thermal, emulsifying and rheological properties of polysaccharides sequentially extracted from Vaccinium bracteatum Thunb leaves.

Plant polysaccharides are widely used in food industry as thickening and gelling agents and these attributes largely depend on their thermal, emulsifying and rheological properties. As known, the extraction methods always bring about the diversification of property and functions of polysaccharides. More California- poppy in stubble field than in old field. The density and flowering of California- poppy Eschscholzia californica var. The stubble field had more poppy plants per unit of area, more plants flowering, and more bare ground than Little is known about Australian high-performance school-age athletes' experiences as victims of the tall poppy syndrome.

Tall poppies are successful individuals bullied by those who are less successful in order to "normalize them. Socio-climatic Exposure of an Afghan Poppy Farmer.

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Many posit that climate impacts from anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions will have consequences for the natural and agricultural systems on which humans rely for food, energy, and livelihoods, and therefore, on stability and human security. However, many of the potential mechanisms of action in climate impacts and human systems response, as well as the differential vulnerabilities of such systems, remain underexplored and unquantified.

Here I present two initial steps necessary to characterize and quantify the consequences of climate change for farmer livelihood in Afghanistan, given both climate impacts and farmer vulnerabilities. The first is a conceptual model mapping the potential relationships between Afghanistan's climate, the winter agricultural season, and the country's political economy of violence and instability. The second is a utility-based decision model for assessing farmer response sensitivity to various climate impacts based on crop sensitivities.

A farmer's winter planting decision can be modeled roughly as a tradeoff between cultivating the two crops that dominate the winter growing season-opium poppy a climate tolerant cash crop and wheat a climatically vulnerable crop grown for household consumption. Early sensitivity analysis results suggest that wheat yield dominates farmer decision making variability; however, such initial results may dependent on the relative parameter ranges of wheat and poppy yields.

Importantly though, the variance in Afghanistan's winter harvest yields of poppy and wheat is tightly linked to household livelihood and thus, is indirectly connected to the wider instability and insecurity within the country. This initial analysis motivates my focused research on the sensitivity of these crops to climate variability in order to project farmer well-being and decision sensitivity in a warmer world.

Parenteral poppy seed tea packs a powerful punch. Poppy seed tea PST has a long history of use for its medicinal analgesic, anti-diarrhoeal, anxiolytic effects. It is also commonly used as a recreational drug in its oral form throughout the world, but reports of intravenous use are very rare. We present two cases of intravenously injected PST with dramatic effects in order to create awareness among health professionals of this method of drug use and its potential complications, as well as to help clinicians dealing with opiate-dependent patients to warn them of the risk.

In vitro anti-proliferative and anti-inflammatory activity of leaf and fruit extracts from Vaccinium bracteatum Thunb. The aim of this study was to evaluate in vitro anti-proliferative tested on MCF-7, MDA-MB, and MCFA cell lines and anti-inflammatory evaluated as inhibition of prostaglandin E2 synthesis catalyzed by cyclooxygenase-2 effect of various extracts from Vaccinium bracteatum leaves and fruits. These results indicate that V. Gradient of structural traits drives hygroscopic movements of scarious bracts surrounding Helichrysum bracteatum capitulum.

The capitulum of Helichrysum bracteatum is surrounded by scarious involucral bracts that perform hygroscopic movements leading to bract bending toward or away from the capitulum, depending on cell wall water status. The present investigation aimed at explaining the mechanism of these movements. Surface strain and bract shape changes accompanying the movements were quantified using the replica method. Dissection experiments were used to assess the contribution of different tissues in bract deformation. Cell wall structure and composition were examined with the aid of light and electron microscopy as well as confocal Raman spectroscopy.

At the bract hinge organ actuator longitudinal strains at opposite surfaces differ profoundly. This results in changes of hinge curvature that drive passive displacement of distal bract portions.

The Texas Almanac's Political History of Texas

The distal portions in turn undergo nearly uniform strain on both surfaces and also minute shape changes. The hinge is built of sclerenchyma-like abaxial tissue, parenchyma and adaxial epidermis with thickened outer walls. Cell wall composition is rather uniform but tissue fraction occupied by cell walls, cell wall thickness, compactness and cellulose microfibril orientation change gradually from abaxial to adaxial hinge surface.

Dissection experiments show that the presence of part of the hinge tissues is enough for movements. Differential strain at the hinge is due to adaxial-abaxial gradient in structural traits of hinge tissues and cell walls. Thus, the bract hinge of H. For Permissions, please email: Urinary concentrations of morphine and codeine after consumption of poppy seeds. A quantitative analysis of morphine and codeine in human urine was performed after oral intake of cakes containing commercially available poppy seeds in order to estimate the possibility of positive doping results.

Therefore, eight products from different manufacturers poppy seeds or baking mixtures and origin were obtained and analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for the presence of the alkaloids. One selected batch of poppy seeds was used as an ingredient in a typical cake and was the object of an excretion study with nine volunteers.

Sucuk is the most popular dry-fermented meat product. Sucuk has a relatively high fat. Poppy seed oil as animal fat replacer was used in Turkish sucuk and effects of its use on sucuk quality were investigated. There was a significant p poppy seed oil level decreased p poppy seed oil to the sucuks had a significant effect p poppy seed oil addition. Using pre-emulsified poppy seed oil as partial fat replacer in Turkish sucuk decreased cholesterol and saturated fatty acid content, but increased polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Poppy seed oil as partial animal fat replacer in Turkish sucuk may have significant health benefits. Depression is one of the most frequent psychiatric disorders in the world with occurs with higher incidence in women. In the present study, the effect of water-alcoholic extract of Papaver rhoeas L. In another group of animals, 30 minutes after extract administration, blood samples were taken from retro-orbital sinus for corticosterone assay.

Yet in third group, the drugs were injected to the animals and 30 minutes later, their activities were tested in an open field apparatus. Our experiments showed that the extract efficiently reduced FST time both in male and female mice dose-dependently. This effect was comparable with fluoxetine. In addition, corticosterone assay indicated that plasma corticosterone in animals which received extract was higher than those amounts in fluoxetine and saline controls. Moreover, the animals did not show any motor activity deficit in all doses of the extract and fluoxetine compared to saline control.

The extract of Papaver rhoeas can reduce immobility time which is comparable to the effect of fluoxetine. Also the effect of the extract is contrary to its effects on plasma corticosterone level and or animals' activity. Involvement of Opioids Receptors. Papaver libanoticum is an endemic plant to Lebanese region family Papaveraceae that has not been investigated before.

The present study aimed to explore the analgesic activity of dried ethanolic extract of Papaver libanoticum PLE using tail flick, hot plate, and acetic acid induced writhing models in mice. The involvement of opioid receptors in the analgesic mechanism was investigated using naloxone antagonism.

Results demonstrated that PLE exhibited a potent dose dependent analgesic activity in all tested models for analgesia. The analgesic effect involved activation of opioid receptors in the central nervous system, where both spinal and supraspinal components might be involved. The time course for analgesia revealed maximum activity after three hours in both tail flick and hot plate methods, which was prolonged to 24 hours.

~ Ruminations lexical, cinematical, technical, theological and otherwise

FIX (PAPAVER TRILOGY Book 1) - Kindle edition by Michael John Kingston. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for FIX (PAPAVER TRILOGY Book 1) at Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our.

Metabolites of PLE could be responsible for activation of opioid receptors. The total coverage of analgesia by PLE was double that of morphine in both tests. In conclusion, PLE proved to have opioid agonistic activity with a novel feature of slow and prolonged effect. The present study could add a potential tool in the armaments of opioid drugs as a natural potent analgesic and for treatment of opioid withdrawal syndrome.

Cytomechanical properties of papaver pollen tubes are altered after self-incompatibility challenge. Self-incompatibility SI in Papaver rhoeas triggers a ligand-mediated signal transduction cascade, resulting in the inhibition of incompatible pollen tube growth. Using a cytomechanical approach we have demonstrated that dramatic changes to the mechanical properties of incompatible pollen tubes are stimulated by SI induction.

Microindentation revealed that SI resulted in a reduction of cellular stiffness and an increase in cytoplasmic viscosity. Whereas the former cellular response is likely to be the result of a drop in cellular turgor, we hypothesize that the latter is caused by as yet unidentified cross-linking events. F-actin rearrangements, a characteristic phenomenon for SI challenge in Papaver , displayed a spatiotemporal gradient along the pollen tube; this suggests that signal propagation occurs in a basipetal direction. However, unexpectedly, local application of SI inducing S-protein did not reveal any evidence for localized signal perception in the apical or subapical regions of the pollen tube.

To our knowledge this represents the first mechanospatial approach to study signal propagation and cellular responses in a well-characterized plant cell system. Our data provide the first evidence for mechanical changes induced in the cytoplasm of a plant cell stimulated by a defined ligand. Anti-diabetic activity of Vaccinium bracteatum Thunb.

VBT is a traditional Chinese herbal medicine. Leaves' polysaccharide alleviates hepatic gluconeogenesis via the downregulation of miR VBT is a traditional Chinese herb that recorded has an effect of hypoglycemic. We previous discovered a dose-dependent anti-diabetic function of VBT. Therefore, we hypothesized that VBTLP would decrease hepatic gluconeogenesis to improve glucose metabolism in mice.

To test this hypothesis, glucose tolerance test was performed to evaluate the effect of VBTLP on mice hepatic gluconeogenesis. Here we found that VBT. Taken together, our study shown that the mechanisms might involve in VBTLP hypoglycemic effect, alleviates hepatic gluconeogenesis via the downregulation of miR Our findings provide guidance in developing novel, safe and effective therapies for T2DM.

Thebaine in hair as a marker for chronic use of illegal opium poppy substances. Opium poppy products are often illegally used for both recreational and medicinal purposes. In order to demonstrate the ingestion of opium poppy substances, morphine, codeine and their metabolites have been identified.

However, morphine and codeine also originate from the ingestion of therapeutic drugs. Therefore, thebaine, one of the main opium alkaloids, in hair was suggested as a marker for chronic use of illegal opium poppy substances in the present study. First, thebaine was included in the analyte list of our routine analytical method for the simultaneous quantification of codeine, morphine, norcodeine, normorphine and 6-acetylmorphine 6-AM in hair, which was fully validated previously. Then, the incorporation of thebaine and other opiates into hair and the effect of hair pigmentation were examined using lean Zucker rats with both dark grey and white hair on the same body.

Thebaine was also measured in hair samples from actual cases of opium poppy substance use. Consequently, thebaine in hair was demonstrated as a marker of chronic use of illegal opium poppy substances using an animal study and actual cases. Thebaine and other opiates were successfully measured in pigmented hair from rats that ingested raw opium suspension.

Moreover, thebaine identified in hair excluded possibility of ingestion of pharmaceutical opiates in actual cases. Poppy Seed Consumption or Opiate Use: The opium poppy as a symbol of sleep in Bertel Thorvaldsen's relief of Danish sculptor Bertel Thorvaldsen is one of the most remarkable representatives of Neoclassicist sculptural art in Europe, which was largely inspired by the classical art and culture of Greek and Roman antiquity. A pair of marble reliefs, Night and Day, exhibited in the Thorvaldsen Museum Copenhagen , marks the culmination of Thorvaldsen's relief art and is of particular interest to the history of sleep medicine.

In the first relief, Night, an angel with her neck bent and eyes closed has two babies in her embrace and seems to be floating down in grief, with an owl hovering behind her. Her hair is also twined with opium poppies , the symbol of sleep and death in antiquity. Our findings suggest that this relief not only indicates a mythological association between the opium poppy and sleep but also has a strong connotation with the poppy 's medicinal use for inducing sleep throughout the centuries.

The poppy seed test for colovesical fistula: Diagnosis of a colovesical fistula is often challenging, and usually involves numerous invasive and expensive tests and procedures. The poppy seed test stands out as an exception to this rule. We evaluated the accuracy and cost-effectiveness of various established diagnostic tests used to evaluate a suspected colovesical fistula. We identified 20 prospectively entered patients with surgically confirmed colovesical fistulas between and Each patient was evaluated preoperatively with a 51 chromium nuclear study, computerized tomography of the abdomen and pelvis with oral and intravenous contrast medium, and the poppy seed test.

Costs were calculated using institutional charges, Medicare limiting approved charges and the market price, respectively. The z test was used to compare the proportion of patients who tested positive for a fistula with each of these modalities. The poppy seed test is an accurate, convenient and inexpensive diagnostic test. It is an ideal initial consideration for evaluating a suspected colovesical fistula. The california poppy eschscholtzia mexicana as a copper indicator plant - a new example. The abundance and distribution of the California poppy Eschscholtzia mexicana correlates closely with the copper-rich outcrop of a small porphyry-type deposit in Arizona.

Chemical factors are probably more important than physical factors in determining why this species is sometimes found as a copper indicator plant. Antioxidant, antimutagenic, and anticarcinogenic effects of Papaver rhoeas L. The following assays were used: Strong pro-oxidative capacity of Zeo was shown to correlate with its well-expressed mutagenic and carcinogenic properties. The mutagenic and carcinogenic effects of MMS were also confirmed.

Our data concerning the antioxidant activity of P. The same concentration possessed well-expressed anticarcinogenic properties measured as reduction of MMS-induced Ty1 transposition rate fivefold and fourfold when Zeo was used as an inductor. Based on the well-expressed antioxidant, antimutagenic, and anticarcinogenic properties obtained in this work, the P.

Concheiro, Marta; Newmeyer, Matthew N. Opiates are an important drug class in drug testing programs. Ingestion of poppy seeds containing morphine and codeine can yield positive opiate tests and mislead result interpretation in forensic and clinical settings. Multiple publications evaluated urine opiate concentrations following poppy seed ingestion, but only 2 addressed oral fluid OF results; neither provided the ingested morphine and codeine dosage. We administered two 45g raw poppy seed doses, each containing All specimens screened positive 0. Maximum OF morphine and codeine concentrations Cmax were and Windows of detection after the second dose extended at least 24h for morphine and to 18h for codeine.

Positive OF morphine results are possible 0. Poppy seeds are widely used in household and commercial confectionery. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the application of metabolic profiling for industrial monitoring of the molecular changes which occur during minced poppy seed rancidity and brewing processes performed on raw seeds. Both forms of poppy seeds were obtained from a confectionery company.

Proton nuclear magnetic resonance 1H NMR was applied as the analytical method of choice together with multivariate statistical data analysis. Metabolic fingerprinting was applied as a bioprocess control tool to monitor rancidity with the trajectory of change and brewing progressions. Low molecular weight compounds were found to be statistically significant biomarkers of these bioprocesses. Changes in concentrations of chemical compounds were explained relative to the biochemical processes and external conditions.

The obtained results provide valuable and comprehensive information to gain a better understanding of the biology of rancidity and brewing processes, while demonstrating the potential for applying NMR spectroscopy combined with multivariate data analysis tools for quality control in food industries involved in the processing of oilseeds.

This precious and versatile information gives a better understanding of the biology of these processes. Morphine and codeine concentrations in human urine following controlled poppy seeds administration of known opiate content. Opiates are an important component for drug testing due to their high abuse potential. Proper urine opiate interpretation includes ruling out poppy seed ingestion; however, detailed elimination studies after controlled poppy seed administration with known morphine and codeine doses are not available. Therefore, we investigated urine opiate pharmacokinetics after controlled oral administration of uncooked poppy seeds with known morphine and codeine content.

Participants were administered two 45 g oral poppy seed doses 8 h apart, each containing Urine was collected ad libitum up to 32 h after the first dose. Participants were administered two 45g oral poppy seed doses 8h apart, each containing Urine was collected ad libitum up to 32h after the first dose. For the 19 subjects who completed the study, morphine concentrations ranged from Effect of Vaccinium bracteatum Thunb.

In this study, the thermal, pasting and gel textural properties of japonica rice starch JRS and glutinous rice starch GRS fortified with Vaccinium bracteatum Thunb. Effect of Vaccinium bracteatum Thunb. To investigate the hypoglycemic effects of Vaccinium bracteatum Thunb. After administration of VBTL extract for 4 weeks, the body weight, organ weight, blood glucose BG , insulin and plasma lipid levels of streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice were measured. Body weights of diabetic mice treated with VBTL extract were partly recovered.

We report the appearance of ' poppy seed'-like structures found in the aspirated stomach contents and faeces of a 3-month-old infant receiving an omeprazole liquid via nasogastric tube, prepared by dispersing an omeprazole tablet 10 mg MUPS R in water. Electron microscopy and mass spectroscopy indicated that these particles were hollow, dark purple coloured spheres comprising undissolved omeprazole and its degradation products. These observations suggest rapid degradation of omeprazole in the acid stomach contents, with compromised absorption of active drug. Consequently, dispersion of omeprazole in water may be an inappropriate formulation in this setting.

Historical scholarship in traditional geopolitics often relied on documents authored by states and by other influential actors. Although much work in the subfield of critical geopolitics thus far has addressed imbalances constructed in official, academic, and popular media due to a privileging of such narratives, priority might also be given to unearthing and bringing to light alternative geopolitical perspectives from otherwise marginalized populations.

Employing not only archival and secondary sources but also oral histories from now-retired poppy farmers, this study examines the diffusion of U. In doing so, this research gives voice to those farmers targeted by eradication policies and speaks more broadly to matters of narcotics control, sentiments of anti-Americanism, and notions of democracy in Turkey and the region, past and present.

This study was designed to evaluate the pharmacological effects of Vaccinium bracteatum Thunb. Thus, VBME may be useful in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases due to its ability to inhibit inflammatory mediator production in activated BV-2 microglial cells. Functional Actions and Mechanism Explorations. The fruit of Vaccinium bracteatum Thunb. VBF is commonly known as the oriental blueberry in Korea. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antidepressant-like effects of water VBF extract VBFW in a mouse model of chronic restraint stress CRS and to identify the underlying mechanisms of its action.

VBFW treatment significantly reduced the immobility time and increased swimming time in FST without altering the locomotor activity in unstressed mice. Our study provides evidence that antidepressant-like effects of VBFW might be mediated by the regulation of monoaminergic systems and glucocorticoids, which is possibly associated with neuroprotective effects and antagonism of 5-HT[Formula: The influence of interplant distance and number of flowers on seed set in dwarf bear- poppy Arctomecon humilis.

Samples from three isolated populations of the dwarf bear- poppy Arctomecon humilis Cov. Interplant distance and number of flowers per plant tend to interact with reproduction. Seed set per plant is most California poppy Eschscholzia californica , a member of the Papaveraceae family, produces many biologically active benzylisoquinoline alkaloids BIAs , such as sanguinarine, macarpine and chelerythrine.

Sanguinarine biosynthesis has been elucidated at the molecular level, and its biosynthetic genes have been isolated and used in synthetic biology approaches to produce BIAs in vitro. However, several genes involved in the biosynthesis of macarpine and chelerythrine have not yet been characterized. In this study, we report the isolation and characterization of a novel O-methyltransferase OMT involved in the biosynthesis of partially characterized BIAs, especially chelerythrine.

G3 expression in Escherichia coli indicated O-methylation activity of the simple benzylisoquinolines, including reticuline and norreticuline, and the protoberberine scoulerine with dual regio-reactivities. G3 produced 7-O-methylated, 3'-O-methylated and dual O-methylated products from reticuline and norreticuline, and 9-O-methylated tetrahydrocolumbamine, 2-O-methylscoulerine and tetrahydropalmatine from scoulerine.

Further enzymatic analyses suggested that G3 is a scoulerineO-methyltransferase for the biosynthesis of chelerythrine in California poppy. In the present study, we discuss the physiological role of G3 in BIA biosynthesis. For permissions, please email: Determination of inorganic elements in poppy straw by scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectrometry as a means of ascertaining origin.

Mike Kingston

Cultivation of poppy as a source of opium alkaloids for legitimate medical purposes has a long tradition in Turkey. The main products are poppy straw and concentrate of poppy straw, obtained from dried poppy capsules. Ten elements sodium, magnesium, silicon, phosphorus, sulphur, chlorine, potassium, calcium, copper and zinc were analysed in poppy straw samples from 67 towns in nine provinces. As regards the determination of origin, the most significant finding was the presence of copper and zinc in the poppy straw samples from 8 of the 15 towns in Afyon Province.

Since those elements are not normally found in soil, it is assumed that their presence is the result of environmental industrial contamination. Differences in the samples from the other eight provinces were less significant, possibly a result of their geographical proximity. Nevertheless, differences in the samples were apparent. Because the findings are relative rather than absolute in terms of presence or absence of individual inorganic elements, further research is required to convert them into operationally usable results. The inorganic element profiles generated in the study have been used to form the basis for the development of a comprehensive database on poppy straw samples, which may be used in comparing samples and determining their origin.

Coca and poppy eradication in Colombia: The production of coca and poppy as well as the processing and production of cocaine and heroin involve significant environmental impacts. Both coca and poppy are grown intensively in a process that involves the clearing of land in remote areas, the planting of the crop, and protection against pests such as weeds, insects, and pathogens. The aerial spray program to control coca and poppy production in Colombia with the herbicide glyphosate is conducted with modern state-of-the-art aircraft and spray equipment.

Estimated exposures in humans resulting from direct overspray, contact with treated foliage after reentry to fields, inhalation, diet, and drinking water were small and infrequent. Concentrations of glyphosate in air were predicted to be very small because of negligible volatility. Glyphosate in soils that are directly sprayed will be tightly bound and biologically unavailable and have no residual activity. The formulation used in Colombia, a mixture of glyphosate and Cosmo-Flux, has low toxicity to mammals by all routes of exposure, although some temporary eye irritation may occur.

Published epidemiological studies have not suggested a strong or consistent linkage between. Biosynthetic and functional color-scent associations in flowers of Papaver nudicaule and its impact on pollinators. Despite the increasing evidence for biosynthetic connections between flower pigments and volatiles, examples of such relationships in polymorphic plant species remains limited.

Here, we investigated color-scent associations in flowers from Papaver nudicaule Papaveraceae. We determined the spectral reflectance and the scent composition of flowers of four color cultivars. We found that pigments and volatiles occur in specific combinations in flowers of P. The presence of indole in the bouquets is strongly associated with the occurrence of yellow pigments called nudicaulins, for which indole is one of the final biosynthetic precursors. While yellow flowers emit an excess of indole, orange flowers consume it during nudicaulin production and lack the substance in their bouquet.

Using the honeybee, Apis mellifera, we evaluated how color and scent affect the discrimination of these flowers by pollinators. Honeybees were able to discriminate artificial odor mixtures resembling the natural flower odors. Bees trained with stimuli combining colors and odors showed an improved discrimination performance. Our results indicate that the indole moiety of nudicaulins and emitted indole might be products of the same biochemical pathway.

We propose that conserved pathways account for the evolution of color-scent associations in P. Lack of evidence of opium addiction. The widespread therapeutic use of opium and its probable ritual use is faced with the absence of any explicit description of cases of opium dependence. It is possible that this was due to a lack of diagnostic capability.

Fixed Series

However, even the attempt to uncover cases of opium dependence by systematically analyzing the literary passages in which poppies , opium, and meconium are quoted are unsuccessful. The only two cases of suspected opium addiction that can be selected in this way are those of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius and Ovid. The most parsimonious interpretation is the lack of an hedonic use of poppy derivatives, being that this kind of use is the most frequently connected with the development of addiction.

Cellular responses rely on signaling. Immunofluorescence labeling and shotgun proteomics were used to establish the cell type-specific localization of morphine biosynthesis in opium poppy Papaver somniferum. Polyclonal antibodies for each of six enzymes involved in converting R -reticuline to morphine detected corresponding antigens in sieve elements of the phloem, as described previously for all upstream enzymes transforming S -norcoclaurine to S -reticuline.

Validated shotgun proteomics performed on whole-stem and latex total protein extracts generated and distinct protein families, respectively. Proteins corresponding to nine morphine biosynthetic enzymes were represented in the whole stem, whereas only four of the final five pathway enzymes were detected in the latex. Salutaridine synthase was detected in the whole stem, but not in the latex subproteome. The final three enzymes converting thebaine to morphine were among the most abundant active latex proteins despite a limited occurrence in laticifers suggested by immunofluorescence labeling.

Multiple charge isoforms of two key O-demethylases in the latex were revealed by two-dimensional immunoblot analysis. Salutaridine biosynthesis appears to occur only in sieve elements, whereas conversion of thebaine to morphine is predominant in adjacent laticifers, which contain morphine-rich latex. Complementary use of immunofluorescence labeling and shotgun proteomics has substantially resolved the cellular localization of morphine biosynthesis in opium poppy.

Benzylisoquinoline alkaloids are a diverse class of plant specialized metabolites that includes the analgesic morphine, the antimicrobials sanguinarine and berberine, and the vasodilator papaverine. The two-electron oxidation of dihydrosanguinarine catalyzed by dihydrobenzophenanthridine oxidase DBOX is the final step in sanguinarine biosynthesis. The formation of the fully conjugated ring system in sanguinarine is similar to the four-electron oxidations of S -canadine to berberine and S -tetrahydropapaverine to papaverine. We report the isolation and functional characterization of an opium poppy Papaver somniferum cDNA encoding DBOX, a flavoprotein oxidase with homology to S -tetrahydroprotoberberine oxidase and the berberine bridge enzyme.

A query of translated opium poppy stem transcriptome databases using berberine bridge enzyme yielded several candidate genes, including an S -tetrahydroprotoberberine oxidase-like sequence selected for heterologous expression in Pichia pastoris. The recombinant enzyme preferentially catalyzed the oxidation of dihydrosanguinarine to sanguinarine but also converted RS -tetrahydropapaverine to papaverine and several protoberberine alkaloids to oxidized forms, including RS -canadine to berberine. Virus-induced gene silencing to reduce DBOX transcript levels resulted in a corresponding reduction in sanguinarine, dihydrosanguinarine, and papaverine accumulation in opium poppy roots in support of DBOX as a multifunctional oxidative enzyme in BIA metabolism.

Eight members from two distinct gene subfamilies have been isolated, tydc1, tydc4, tydc6, tydc8, and tydc9 in one group and tydc2, tydc3, and tydc7 in the other. The tydc8 and tydc9 genes were located 3. Transcripts for most tydc genes were detected only in roots. Only tydc2 and tydc7 revealed expression in both roots and shoots, and TYDC3 mRNAs were the only specific transcripts detected in seedlings.

Expression of tydc4, which contains a premature termination codon, was not detected under any conditions. All constructs produced transient GUS activity in microprojectile-bombarded opium poppy and tobacco Nicotiana tabacum cell cultures. The organ- and tissue-specific expression pattern of tydc promoter-GUS fusions in transgenic tobacco was generally parallel to that of corresponding tydc genes in opium poppy.

GUS expression was most abundant in the internal phloem of shoot organs and in the stele of roots. Select tydc promoter-GUS fusions were also wound induced in transgenic tobacco, suggesting that the basic mechanisms of developmental and inducible tydc regulation are conserved across plant species.

Molecular cloning and characterization of tetrahydroprotoberberine cis-N-methyltransferase, an enzyme involved in alkaloid biosynthesis in opium poppy. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the protein belongs to a unique clade of enzymes that includes coclaurine N-methyltransferase, the predicated translation products of the Arabidopsis thaliana genes, At4g and At4g, and bacterial S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent cyclopropane fatty acid synthases. Expression of the cDNA in Escherichia coli produced a recombinant enzyme able to convert the protoberberine alkaloids stylopine, canadine, and tetrahydropalmatine to their corresponding N-methylated derivatives.

However, the protoberberine alkaloids tetrahydroxyberbine and scoulerine, and simple isoquinoline, benzylisoquinoline, and pavine alkaloids were not accepted as substrates, demonstrating the strict specificity of the enzyme. TNMT gene transcripts and enzyme activity were detected in opium poppy seedlings and all mature plant organs and were induced in cultured opium poppy cells after treatment with a fungal elicitor. The enzyme was detected in cell cultures of other members of the Papaveraceae but not in species of related plant families that do not accumulate protopine and benzophenanthridine alkaloids.

Codeinone reductase isoforms with differential stability, efficiency and product selectivity in opium poppy. Codeinone reductase COR catalyzes the reversible NADPH-dependent reduction of codeinone to codeine as the penultimate step of morphine biosynthesis in opium poppy Papaver somniferum. COR also irreversibly reduces neopinone, which forms by spontaneous isomerization in aqueous solution from codeinone, to neopine. In a parallel pathway involving 3-O-desmethylated analogs, COR converts morphinone to morphine, and neomorphinone to neomorphine. Similar to neopine, neomorphine formation by COR is irreversible.

In the plant, neopine levels are low and neomorphine has not been detected. Silencing of CODM leads to accumulation of upstream metabolites, such as codeine and thebaine, but does not result in a shift towards higher relative concentrations of neopine, suggesting a plant mechanism for limiting neopine production. In yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae engineered to produce opiate alkaloids, the catalytic properties of COR lead to accumulation of neopine and neomorphine as major products.

An isoform COR-B was isolated from opium poppy chemotype Bea's Choice that showed higher catalytic activity compared with previously characterized CORs, and it yielded mostly neopine in vitro and in engineered yeast. Biochemical characterization and site-directed mutagenesis of native COR isoforms identified four residues V25, K41, F and W that affected protein stability, reaction velocity, and product selectivity and output. Improving COR performance coupled with an ability to guide pathway flux is necessary to facilitate production of opiate alkaloids in engineered microorganisms.

This article is protected by copyright. A methodology to clonally proliferate Iranian poppy Papaver bracteatum Lindl. Temperature had a profound effect on growth and alkaloid production after Thebaine in hair as a marker for chronic use of illegal opium poppy substances. Opium poppy products are often illegally used for both recreational and medicinal purposes.

In order to demonstrate the ingestion of opium poppy substances, morphine, codeine and their metabolites have been identified. However, morphine and codeine also originate from the ingestion of therapeutic drugs. Therefore, thebaine, one of the main opium alkaloids, in hair was suggested as a marker for chronic use of illegal opium poppy substances in the present study.

First, thebaine was included in the analyte list of our routine analytical method for the simultaneous quantification of codeine, morphine, norcodeine, normorphine and 6-acetylmorphine 6-AM in hair, which was fully validated previously. Then, the incorporation of thebaine and other opiates into hair and the effect of hair pigmentation were examined using lean Zucker rats with both dark grey and white hair on the same body. Thebaine was also measured in hair samples from actual cases of opium poppy substance use.

Consequently, thebaine in hair was demonstrated as a marker of chronic use of illegal opium poppy substances using an animal study and actual cases. Thebaine and other opiates were successfully measured in pigmented hair from rats that ingested raw opium suspension. Moreover, thebaine identified in hair excluded possibility of ingestion of pharmaceutical opiates in actual cases.

Integration of deep transcriptome and proteome analyses reveals the components of alkaloid metabolism in opium poppy cell cultures. Background Papaver somniferum opium poppy is the source for several pharmaceutical benzylisoquinoline alkaloids including morphine, the codeine and sanguinarine. In response to treatment with a fungal elicitor, the biosynthesis and accumulation of sanguinarine is induced along with other plant defense responses in opium poppy cell cultures.

The transcriptional induction of alkaloid metabolism in cultured cells provides an opportunity to identify components of this process via the integration of deep transcriptome and proteome databases generated using next-generation technologies. Results A cDNA library was prepared for opium poppy cell cultures treated with a fungal elicitor for 10 h.

Assembly of these sequences yielded 93, unigenes, of which 23, were assigned Gene Ontology annotations. Transcripts encoding all known sanguinarine biosynthetic enzymes were identified in the EST database, 5 of which were represented among the 50 most abundant transcripts. Query of an opium poppy -specific EST database substantially enhanced peptide identification. Eight out of 10 known sanguinarine biosynthetic enzymes and many relevant primary metabolic enzymes were represented in the peptide database. Conclusions The integration of deep transcriptome and proteome analyses provides an effective platform to catalogue the components of secondary metabolism, and to identify genes encoding uncharacterized enzymes.

The establishment of corresponding transcript and protein databases generated by next-generation technologies in a system with a well. The opium poppy as a symbol of sleep in Bertel Thorvaldsen's relief of Danish sculptor Bertel Thorvaldsen is one of the most remarkable representatives of Neoclassicist sculptural art in Europe, which was largely inspired by the classical art and culture of Greek and Roman antiquity. A pair of marble reliefs, Night and Day, exhibited in the Thorvaldsen Museum Copenhagen , marks the culmination of Thorvaldsen's relief art and is of particular interest to the history of sleep medicine.

In the first relief, Night, an angel with her neck bent and eyes closed has two babies in her embrace and seems to be floating down in grief, with an owl hovering behind her.

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In this study, the thermal, pasting and gel textural properties of japonica rice starch JRS and glutinous rice starch GRS fortified with Vaccinium bracteatum Thunb. I found myself skimming over the scenes. A query of translated opium poppy stem transcriptome databases using berberine bridge enzyme yielded several candidate genes, including an S -tetrahydroprotoberberine oxidase-like sequence selected for heterologous expression in Pichia pastoris. Characteristic thickened cell walls of the bracts of the 'eternal flower' Helichrysum bracteatum. This paper explores how the Shanghai Municipal Council SMC , the most senior governing body in the settlement, used its position to maximize political and economic profit from the trade and consumption of opium. Farming education and attempts at

Her hair is also twined with opium poppies , the symbol of sleep and death in antiquity. Our findings suggest that this relief not only indicates a mythological association between the opium poppy and sleep but also has a strong connotation with the poppy 's medicinal use for inducing sleep throughout the centuries. The Relationship between Opium Production and Conflict. Analysis of volatile compounds and triglycerides of seed oils extracted from different poppy varieties Papaver somniferum L. Poppy seed oil Oleum Papaveris Seminis is used for culinary and pharmaceutical purposes, as well as for making soaps, paints, and varnishes.

Astonishingly, hardly anything was yet known about the volatile compounds of this promising comestible. Likewise, there are no current published data about the triglyceride TAG composition of poppy seed oils available. TAG patterns of the different poppy varieties were found to be very homogeneous, showing also no significant differences in terms of the applied pressing method of the plant seeds. The rules of drug taking: Lack of evidence of opium addiction. The widespread therapeutic use of opium and its probable ritual use is faced with the absence of any explicit description of cases of opium dependence.

It is possible that this was due to a lack of diagnostic capability. However, even the attempt to uncover cases of opium dependence by systematically analyzing the literary passages in which poppies , opium , and meconium are quoted are unsuccessful. The only two cases of suspected opium addiction that can be selected in this way are those of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius and Ovid. The most parsimonious interpretation is the lack of an hedonic use of poppy derivatives, being that this kind of use is the most frequently connected with the development of addiction.

Unravelling the resistance mechanisms to 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid in corn poppy Papaver rhoeas. In southern Europe, the intensive use of 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and tribenuron-methyl in cereal crop systems has resulted in the evolution of resistant R corn poppy Papaver rhoeas L. Experiments were conducted to elucidate 1 the resistance response to these two herbicides, 2 the cross-resistant pattern to other synthetic auxins and 3 the physiological basis of the auxin resistance in two R F-R and D-R populations.

R plants were resistant to both 2,4-D and tribenuron-methyl F-R or just to 2,4-D D-R and both R populations were also resistant to dicamba and aminopyralid. Results from absorption and translocation experiment revealed that R plants translocated less [14C]-2,4-D than S plants at all evaluation times. There was between four and eight-fold greater ethylene production in S plants treated with 2,4-D, than in R plants.

fix papaver trilogy book 1 Manual

Overall, these results suggest that reduced 2,4-D translocation is the resistance mechanism in synthetic auxins R corn poppy populations and this likely leads to less ethylene production and greater survival in R plants. Historical scholarship in traditional geopolitics often relied on documents authored by states and by other influential actors.

Although much work in the subfield of critical geopolitics thus far has addressed imbalances constructed in official, academic, and popular media due to a privileging of such narratives, priority might also be given to unearthing and bringing to light alternative geopolitical perspectives from otherwise marginalized populations. Employing not only archival and secondary sources but also oral histories from now-retired poppy farmers, this study examines the diffusion of U. In doing so, this research gives voice to those farmers targeted by eradication policies and speaks more broadly to matters of narcotics control, sentiments of anti-Americanism, and notions of democracy in Turkey and the region, past and present.

Detection of Verticillium wilt of olive trees and downy mildew of opium poppy using hyperspectral and thermal UAV imagery. The present study explored the use of high-resolution thermal, multispectral and hyperspectral imagery as indicators of the infections caused by Verticillium wilt VW in olive trees and downy mildew DM in opium poppy fields. VW, caused by the soil-borne fungus Verticillium dahliae, and DM, caused by the biotrophic obligate oomycete Peronospora arborescens, are the most economically limiting diseases of olive trees and opium poppy , respectively, worldwide.

The work conducted to detect VW and DM infection consisted on the acquisition of time series of airborne thermal, multispectral and hyperspectral imagery using 2-m and 5-m wingspan electric Unmanned Aerial Vehicles UAVs in spring and summer of three consecutive years to for VW detection and on three dates in spring of for DM detection.

Two 7-ha commercial olive orchards naturally infected with V. Concurrently to the airborne campaigns, olive orchards and opium poppy fields were assessed "in situ" to assess actual VW severity and DM incidence. Furthermore, field measurements were conducted at leaf and crown level. The field results related to VW detection showed a significant increase in crown temperature Tc minus air temperature Ta and a decrease in leaf stomatal conductance G as VW severity increased. This reduction in G was associated with a significant increase in the Photochemical Reflectance Index PRI and a decrease in chlorophyll fluorescence.

Straightforward analytical method to determine opium alkaloids in poppy seeds and bakery products. A straightforward method to determine the content of six opium alkaloids morphine, codeine, thebaine, noscapine, papaverine and narceine in poppy seeds and bakery products was developed and validated down to a limit of quantification LOQ of 0. The method was applied for the analysis of 41 samples collected in in the Netherlands and Germany. All samples contained morphine ranging from 0. Further investigation into the biochemical functions of CODM and T6ODM revealed extensive and unexpected roles for such enzymes in the metabolism of protopine, benzo[c]phenanthridine, and rhoeadine alkaloids.

When assayed with a wide range of benzylisoquinoline alkaloids, CODM, T6ODM, and the functionally unassigned paralog DIOX2, renamed protopine O-dealkylase, showed novel and efficient dealkylation activities, including regio- and substrate-specific O-demethylation and O,O-demethylenation. Enzymes catalyzing O,O-demethylenation, which cleave a methylenedioxy bridge leaving two hydroxyl groups, have previously not been reported in plants. Similar cleavage of methylenedioxy bridges on substituted amphetamines is catalyzed by heme-dependent cytochromes P in mammals.

Preferred substrates for O,O-demethylenation by CODM and protopine O-dealkylase were protopine alkaloids that serve as intermediates in the biosynthesis of benzo[c]phenanthridine and rhoeadine derivatives. Dioxygenases catalyze O-demethylation and O,O-demethylenation with widespread roles in benzylisoquinoline alkaloid metabolism in opium poppy. The Environmental footprint of morphine: Australian opium poppy farms, and facilities for pelletising, manufacturing morphine, and sterilising and packaging bags of morphine.

All aspects of morphine production from poppy farming, pelletising, bulk morphine manufacture through to final formulation. Industry-sourced and inventory-sourced databases were used for most inputs. Water use was 7. All other environmental effects were minor and several orders of magnitude less than CO 2 e emissions and water use.

The environmental effects of growing opium poppies and manufacturing bulk morphine were small. Focused measures to improve the energy efficiency and sources for drug sterilisation and packaging could be explored as these are relevant to all drugs. Comparisons of the environmental. Settings Australian opium poppy farms, and facilities for pelletising, manufacturing morphine, and sterilising and packaging bags of morphine.

All other environmental effects were minor and several orders of magnitude less than CO2 e emissions and water use. Conclusions The environmental effects of growing opium poppies and manufacturing bulk morphine were small. Focused measures to improve the energy efficiency and sources for drug sterilisation and packaging could be explored as these are.

PnDREB1 is constitutively expressed in diverse tissues and is increased in roots. The expression levels induced by freezing treatment were higher in the variety with higher degree of freezing tolerance. Furthermore, the freezing-induction could be suppressed by exogenous gibberellins acid, indicating that PnDREB1 might play some role in the GA signaling transduction pathway. This study provides a basis for better understanding the roles of DREB1 in adaption of Iceland poppy to low temperatures.

Optimized ultrasound-assisted extraction procedure for the analysis of opium alkaloids in papaver plants by cyclodextrin-modified capillary electrophoresis. This study investigated the use of ultrasound-assisted extraction to improve the extraction efficiency of morphine, codeine and thebaine from the papaver plants. Extraction conditions such as type of solvent, temperature, duration, frequency and power level of ultrasonic were optimized and the influences of different parameters on resolution of alkaloids in CE were studied.

The optimized condition for CE separation includes a sodium phosphate buffer mM, pH 3. The optimized extraction conditions for ultrasound-assisted extraction was an extraction time of 1 h, an ultrasonic frequency of 60 kHz with water-methanol The LOD for alkaloids was found to be 0. The RSDs for peak areas were in the range of 1.

It should be emphasized that no cleanup of the filtered extract was required; hence, direct determination after extraction drastically simplifies the analytical process. Farming education and attempts at History has shown that the population of Afghanistan does not support foreign. Simulating the Afghanistan-Pakistan opium supply chain. This paper outlines an opium supply chain using the Hilmand province of Afghanistan as exemplar.

The opium supply chain model follows the transformation of opium poppy seed through cultivation and chemical alteration to brown heroin base. The purpose of modeling and simulating the Afghanistan-Pakistan opium supply chain is to discover and test strategies that will disrupt this criminal enterprise. Microbe associated molecular patterns from rhizosphere bacteria trigger germination and Papaver somniferum metabolism under greenhouse conditions.

Madrigal to evaluate their potential as biotic elicitors to increase alkaloid content under the rationale that some microbe associated molecular patterns MAMPs are able to trigger plant metabolism. First, the 10 strains and their culture media at two different concentrations were tested for their ability to trigger seed germination. Then, the best three strains were tested for their ability to increase seedling growth and alkaloid levels under greenhouse conditions.

Only three strains and their culture media enhanced germination. Then, germination enhancing capacity of these best three strains, N5. Finally, the three strains were applied on seedlings at two time points, by soil drench or by foliar spray. Photosynthesis was measured, plant height was recorded, capsules were weighted and alkaloids analyzed by HPLC. The relative contents of morphine, thebaine, codeine and oripavine were affected by this treatment causing a significant increase in morphine coupled to a decrease in thebaine, demonstrating the effectivity of MAMPs from N5.

Considering the increase in capsule biomass and alkaloids together with the acceleration of germination, strain N5. Poppies for medicine in Afghanistan: The proposal is that Afghan farmers are licensed to produce opium for medical and scientific purposes. Here it is posited that the Senlis proposal neglects at least three key lessons from the Turkish and Indian experiences. First, not enough weight has been given to diversion from licit markets, as experienced in India.

Second, both India and Turkey had significantly more efficient state institutions with authority over the licensed growing areas. Combating Opium in Afghanistan. Strategic Forum, Number , November Wheat , a favorite substitute of Western aid agencies, does not provide a Hector Berlioz and other famous artists with opium abuse. The effect of opium on the creativity and productivity of a famous composer of classical music, an essayist, and poets including Hector Berlioz, Thomas De Quincy, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, John Keats, and Jean Cocteau, is described. Opium is a narcotic drug prepared from the juice of the unripe seed capsules of the opium poppy.

It contains alkaloids such as morphine, codeine, and papaverine. Medically it is used to relieve pain and produce sleep. It is used as an intoxicant. Alcohol and opium were commonly relied on in the 19th century, especially by artists, to stimulate creativity and relieve stress. These artists described the effect of opium on their creativity and productivity. Copyright c S. A History of Opium Use in Infants. Poppy extract accompanied the human infant for more than 3 millenia. Motives for its use included excessive crying, suspected pain, and diarrhea.

In antiquity, infantile sleeplessness was regarded as a disease. When treatment with opium was recommended by Galen, Rhazes, and Avicenna, baby sedation made its way into early medical treatises and pediatric instructions. Dabbing maternal nipples with bitter substances and drugging the infant with opium were used to hasten weaning. A freerider of gum lancing, opiates joined the treatment of difficult teething in the 17th century. Foundling hospitals and wet-nurses used them extensively. With industrialization, private use was rampant among the working class.

In German-speaking countries, poppy extracts were administered in soups and pacifiers. In English-speaking countries, proprietary drugs containing opium were marketed under names such as soothers, nostrums, anodynes, cordials, preservatives, and specifics and sold at the doorstep or in grocery stores. Opium 's toxicity for infants was common knowledge; thousands of cases of lethal intoxication had been reported from antiquity. What is remarkable is that the willingness to use it in infants persisted and that physicians continued to prescribe it for babies. Unregulated trade, and even that protected by governments, led to greatly increased private use of opiates during the 19th century.

Intoxication became a significant factor in infant mortality. As late as , the International Hague Convention forced governments to implement legislation that effectively curtailed access to opium and broke the dangerous habit of sedating infants. To-date the use of satellite imagery to monitor the growth of illicit crops such as marijuana, opium and coca has mostly been conducted using optical frequencies.

However, it is well known that while optical imagery can be hampered by localised aerosols such as thin clouds, cirrus, haze and smoke, these do not present a problem for Synthetic Aperture Radar SAR. In recent years a new generation of satellite borne sensors have also been equipped with enhanced polarimetric capabilities, which can potentially help with detecting and classifying different terrain types.

For these reasons we believe it is useful to consider whether high resolution polarimetric SAR data can be applied to illicit crop detection. In this paper we present the results of an experiment whereby opium poppy fields were successfully detected in the south Oxfordshire region in the UK using RadarSat-2 quad-polarisation imagery.

It should be noted that these crops are not being grown illicitly but instead are being cultivated for medicinal reasons in parts of the UK. It is interesting to note that the poppies cultivated for opium in the UK have white flowers rather than the more familiar red as can be seen from the photograph in Figure 1, which was taken 11 days earlier in the season compared to Figure 4 and Figure 5. Opium was known and frequently used in Roman society. Medical practice recognized its usefulness as an analgesic, soporific, anti-tussic or anti-diarrheic agent, as well as other currently unsupported uses with quasi-magical properties.

It was additionally used as an ingredient in antidotes, panaceas and poisons. The authors present a non-exhaustive compilation of opium use according to medical doctors, writers and encyclopaedists of the time. Mythological and literary representations of the opium poppy reflected its diverse roles, being associated with prosperity and fertility, sleep, death and the underworld and with the art of medicine. Despite its free and routine use, there is no solid evidence of addiction, except the putative case of emperor Marcus Aurelius, consistently reported as one of the most likely cases of addiction to opium.

Socio-climatic Exposure of an Afghan Poppy Farmer. Many posit that climate impacts from anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions will have consequences for the natural and agricultural systems on which humans rely for food, energy, and livelihoods, and therefore, on stability and human security. However, many of the potential mechanisms of action in climate impacts and human systems response, as well as the differential vulnerabilities of such systems, remain underexplored and unquantified. Here I present two initial steps necessary to characterize and quantify the consequences of climate change for farmer livelihood in Afghanistan, given both climate impacts and farmer vulnerabilities.

The first is a conceptual model mapping the potential relationships between Afghanistan's climate, the winter agricultural season, and the country's political economy of violence and instability. The second is a utility-based decision model for assessing farmer response sensitivity to various climate impacts based on crop sensitivities. A farmer's winter planting decision can be modeled roughly as a tradeoff between cultivating the two crops that dominate the winter growing season- opium poppy a climate tolerant cash crop and wheat a climatically vulnerable crop grown for household consumption.

Early sensitivity analysis results suggest that wheat yield dominates farmer decision making variability; however, such initial results may dependent on the relative parameter ranges of wheat and poppy yields. Importantly though, the variance in Afghanistan's winter harvest yields of poppy and wheat is tightly linked to household livelihood and thus, is indirectly connected to the wider instability and insecurity within the country.

This initial analysis motivates my focused research on the sensitivity of these crops to climate variability in order to project farmer well-being and decision sensitivity in a warmer world. Determination of inorganic elements in poppy straw by scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectrometry as a means of ascertaining origin.

Cultivation of poppy as a source of opium alkaloids for legitimate medical purposes has a long tradition in Turkey. The main products are poppy straw and concentrate of poppy straw, obtained from dried poppy capsules. Ten elements sodium, magnesium, silicon, phosphorus, sulphur, chlorine, potassium, calcium, copper and zinc were analysed in poppy straw samples from 67 towns in nine provinces.

As regards the determination of origin, the most significant finding was the presence of copper and zinc in the poppy straw samples from 8 of the 15 towns in Afyon Province. Since those elements are not normally found in soil, it is assumed that their presence is the result of environmental industrial contamination. Differences in the samples from the other eight provinces were less significant, possibly a result of their geographical proximity. Nevertheless, differences in the samples were apparent. Because the findings are relative rather than absolute in terms of presence or absence of individual inorganic elements, further research is required to convert them into operationally usable results.

The inorganic element profiles generated in the study have been used to form the basis for the development of a comprehensive database on poppy straw samples, which may be used in comparing samples and determining their origin. Effect of unconventional oilseeds safflower, poppy , hemp, camelina on in vitro ruminal methane production and fermentation. Dietary supplementation with oilseeds can reduce methane emission in ruminants, but only a few common seeds have been tested so far.

This study tested safflower Carthamus tinctorius , poppy Papaver somniferum , hemp Cannabis sativa , and camelina Camelina sativa seeds in vitro using coconut Cocos nucifera oil and linseed Linum usitatissimum as positive controls. The level of methanogenesis and the ratios of either the n Unconventional oilseeds widen the spectrum of oilseeds that can be used in dietary methane mitigation.

In vivo confirmation of their methane mitigating effect is still needed, and their effects on animal performance still must be determined. Papaverine is a non-narcotic alkaloid found endemically and uniquely in the latex of the opium poppy. It is normally refined out of the opioids that the latex is typically collected for, hence its presence in a sample is strong prima facie evidence that the carrier from whom the sample was collected is implicated in the mass cultivation of poppies or the collection and handling of their latex.

We describe an analysis technique combining surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy SERS with microfluidics for detecting papaverine at low concentrations and show that its SERS spectrum has unique spectroscopic features that allows its detection at low concentrations among typical opioids. The analysis requires approximately 2. The weak acid properties of papaverine hydrochloride were investigated, and Raman bands belonging to the protonated and unprotonated forms of the isoquinoline ring of papaverine were identified.

A ritual use of poppy derivatives? Besides fertility, poppies have been used to symbolize sleep, night, and death. Consistent with the agrarian origin of their ritual use, poppies also became a symbol of reincarnation. Several literary and iconographic sources, in particular of the early Roman imperial age, are here interpreted as evidence that poppy derivatives were ingested during mystery rites. The reversible narcotic effects of poppy derivatives should have allowed a "realistic" representation of death and reincarnation, as intended by the Orphic belief of the transmigration of souls.

Poppy tea drinking in East Anglia. Poppy tea drinking was a widespread traditional practice in the Fenlands of East Anglia during the nineteenth century. The subsequent social changes which led to greater integration of the area with the rest of the country may have contributed to a decline in the practice. In recent years poppy tea drinking has been revived within the illicit drug using community and a survey using a self-report questionnaire was carried out among patients attending the Cambridge Drug Dependency Unit.

Forty-three patients admitted to drinking poppy tea, usually during the summer months and on an intermittent basis. The potency of the infusion varied and was unpredictable but in general was low. Although poisoning from herbicides and pesticides was seen as the main risk, it is in the main perceived by drug users as a harmless secondary activity existing alongside the more regular and more potent drugs of misuse.

Variation of alkaloid contents and antimicrobial activities of Papaver rhoeas L. Papaveraceae corn poppy , widely distributed in Turkey, is used to make a cough syrup for children, as a tea for disturbed sleep, for pain relief and as a sedative in folk medicine. From the aerial parts of P. The antimicrobial study was carried out by microbroth dilution technique against six strains of bacteria and three strains of fungi. Twelve different alkaloids belonging to proaporphine mecambrine , aporphine roemerine , promorphinan salutaridine , protopine coulteropine and protopine and rhoeadine epiglaucamine, glaucamine, glaudine, isorhoeadine, isorhoeagenine, rhoeadine and rhoeagenine groups were isolated.

The most significant activity was observed with the alkaloid extract of P8 against Staphylococcus aureus with a MIC value of 1. The results indicate that P. Afghanistan, poppies , and the global pain crisis. The vast majority of these people live in poor nations where medicinal opiates are either too expensive or not readily available.

In this paper, it is argued that access to adequate healthcare is a human right and that adequate healthcare includes management of pain. The solution to this problem may be in Afghanistan, a country now overwhelmed with poverty and war. Afghanistan is the world's leading producer of heroin.

The increase in heroin production in Afghanistan has caused the United States and the international community to begin to eradicate Afghanistan's poppy fields leading to increased poverty among poppy farmers. This paper proposed a paradigm that can be implemented in Afghanistan which would allow for Afghan farmers to continue growing their poppy crop for medicinal opiates like morphine for poor nations.

The paradigm covers all parameters of medicinal opiates production including licensing, security, cultivation, harvest, and factory production of medicinal opiates. The paradigm proposed is less expensive than eradication, brings honest income to Afghan farmers and the new Afghan nation, and can eventually lead to Afghanistan acquiring a respectable role in the world community. In closing, a full ethical analysis of the paradigm is included to justify the arguments made in the paper. Effects of opium consumption on cardiometabolic diseases. Opium is the second-most-commonly abused substance after tobacco in developing countries of the Middle East region, and in many Asian nations.