Stepping Out Of Addiction Everyone Deserves To Live A Fruitful Life

How to Live with an Alcoholic: Dealing with an Alcoholic Spouse

Pamper the sweet tooth of yours and those around you by trying new and innovative chocolate recipes. New recipes are always welcomed and charge up your normal day with the Chocolatey- Twist! Give chocolates to reform co-workers, friends or family: And you never know, you might get a surprise treat in return too. When we are faced with problems, our normal human tendency is to get seriously focused and involved with the problem. We tend to continuously keep thinking about the problem and we cannot seem to get our mind away from the problem even for a short time. This, in turn, often triggers a whole lot of negative emotions in us, like anger, fear, grief, sorrow, irritation, frustration, helplessness, angst, and depression.

And with these thoughts and emotions, we try to solve our problems, with varying effects. If someone is faced with a problem, and that leads to that person being extremely upset, angry, scared, panicky, or frustrated, common sense and logic tells us that this person is going to struggle to find a solution. Because to find a suitable solution to any problem, we need to be able to think calmly, clearly and rationally. But when we are confused or upset, our thoughts are not in our control. Our thoughts become bizarre, often unreal or illusory, and tend to be scattered.

And every negative thought generated by the problem tends to trigger more negative emotions is us, leading to more confusion and helplessness. And as the pressure builds up in us to find a solution, that pressure also adds to the stress. All in all, in the midst of a problem, we often tend to be our worst selves, and find that our problem solving capacity is at its lowest. Why does this happen? This happens because we and our problem becomes one, we become attached to our problem, and there is no distance or separation between us and the problem.

And to be able to think with clarity, and to come out with viable solutions, we need to have some distance. For example, because we are not attached to a problem which is faced by our friend or neighbor in the same way as they are, we can often give them very good advice about what to do, provided they ask us and are willing to listen. But if we were called in, we, by virtue of the fact that we are not attached to the sick person in the same way as our neighbor is, would be able to make quick decisions and would be able to shift the sick person to a hospital quickly.

The only difference here between us and our neighbor is that he is closely and deeply attached to his parent and the sudden illness while we are not, and hence solutions are easier for us than for the neighbor. Though this sounds easy in theory, to be able to detach ourselves from our problems and create a distance is almost impossible for most of us. By default, by instinct, we automatically get involved into the whirlpool of our issues, and cannot inject any distance or objectivity between us and our issues.

But if we are able to become aware, and are able to, even a few moments, consider the problem to belong to our friend and not to us, we would then be able to see things differently, and would be able to give ourselves some excellent advice. Being deeply attached to the problem is often like going too close to the fireworks.

It will most probably burn you. But if we are able to step back a little, we can really enjoy seeing the fireworks without having to get burnt. Most problems we face are also like that. If we are too close, we get mentally and emotionally exhausted and burnt. But if we are able to introduce a slight distance between ourselves and our problems, we can definitely do a better job at problem solving, than we could if we are in the middle of the problem. But for that to happen, we need to cultivate great awareness. If we miss that moment of awareness, then it becomes difficult to extricate ourselves from it.

So, before the next big problem strikes, practice awareness, by sitting quietly for a few minutes daily, focusing on your breath, watching your breath, watching your thoughts, while not getting attached to them and by recognizing your thoughts for what they arejust thoughts. And once you do this daily, you are ready to interject some awareness and stay a little unattached and distant, when your next problem strikes you.

And that will help you tackle the problem much more effectively and positively and with minimal stress. The Life-Changing Yoga As yoga continues to grow in popularity around the world, many people see it as a purely physical practice like exercise. While there is nothing wrong with that, there is much more to this ancient wisdom that can offer far deeper life-changing benefits. Yoga offers a more comprehensive approach that can dramatically enhance your path to wellness and life fulfillment. With an international following and a time-tested philosophy, Yoga is an ancient practice that can fit seamlessly into modern life.

Seeing All that Yoga has to Offer Yoga has been practiced on the Indian subcontinent for thousands of years, and has been surging in popularity across the rest of the world over the past couple of decades. It seems that everywhere you look, people are heading into a studio with their yoga mat and water bottle to spend time on the floor and connect with their breath. This is not surprising, as the physical benefits of yoga are without question, including improved strength, flexibility and balance, and longevity. Of course, engaging in yoga purely for its physicality is perfectly fine, but why settle for a one-dimensional experience when you could explore all that yoga has to offer?

Moving Beyond Spirituality When the word spiritual comes up on conversation, many people immediately balk. Or worse, the term carries a sort of pseudoscientific connotation that challenges the scientific rationality of modern minds. From bills to be paid and children to be ferried about, to career-s to nurture and relationships to build.

Certainly, even if you only focus on the physical aspects of your yoga practice, you will experience great benefits that help you deal with these stressors. But if you want to improve all dimensions or your being and experience a deeper sense of wellness, wholeness and power, a Yoga practice can be a satisfying path to follow. Connect with your highest capacities of mindful awareness, improve your focus, and make your life the best that it can be.

Being fit has never harmed anyone however calories without a doubt did. As the world is advancing in knowledge the primary concern at this moment is the health of an individual. The expanding measure of malady among an individual is caused because of the undesirable way of life they are living. This prompts to various diseases like obesity, diabetes, heart disease and various other diseases whose base in unhealthy lifestyle. The concern is increasing in a way that it is no more a thing to get overlooked upon.

Governments are attempting their best to make people aware about the perks of being fit. The amount of money spent by the governments on campaigns and individuals health is rapidly increasing. But do you figure it ought to be worry of the government and not simply the person to deal with their individual wellbeing. Fitness is not about having a lean body but rather about your stamina, your immune system, the food you intake, amount of water you intake and any form of exercises that you do in everyday life.

Being fit doesn't just influence you physically yet in addition mentally. It helps you keep your mind working in peace. To those who endure issues like stress, anxiety and depression adapting a physical activity is one of the most recommended thing by experts, this not only help you make peace with your brain but also increase your self-esteem.

Individuals don't comprehend being unhealthy doesn't just influence their lives however others in family also. Doing exercise in pregnancy is a standout amongst other approaches to have a sound infant. The perks are so high that we wager it will help you somehow without any doubt. Try helping out your dear ones so that they can live more but firstly help yourself adapt healthier living.

3 Important Traits Every Sober Living House Should Have

If you can adjust undesirable way of life, you without a doubt can adjust more advantageous way of life. Healthy you, Happy you! We also believe in giving back to the nation, it is one tiny effort that we thought we should bring in collaboration with Narayan Seva Sansthan for empowering the differently able humans. About s of differently able humans witnessed this auspicious gala event. Events like these are a blessing for the activities of the Sansthan in their vision of strengthening and empowering the oppressed humanity.

Being definition, creativity means creating something new; something innovative. However there is no perfect definition of what particularly creativity is as it is different in every mind. If you have had the image of a brooding artist when you think of creativity think again. Recent studies actually suggest that creative people are happier than others.

This means that every kid and adult who spends time in creative pursuits like art, music, theatre, building etc is happier. While they are essential for an agile mind, creative pursuits can prove to be even more valuable to people with disability. To some, it even becomes a life force allowing them to navigate through difficult days with ease.

Creativity through self expression is what we all need and those with mental or physical disabilities need even more. How creativity can make you happy Creative pursuits need not be limited to only singing, dancing, writing or acting. What makes it unique is that it is infinite and can mean anything that stimulates the mind and energizes the body. Open mindedness is the most important trait of any creative pursuit as everybody has a different and unique talent.

When you are focused on an activity, your mind automatically zones in and becomes one-tracked allowing you to immerse yourself in a pleasurable activity. Whether you take up a new instrument or just experiment with paintbrushes, a person with disability is give a tool of self expression and joy. Methods like art therapy, music therapy and color therapy are known to work wonders on the state of mind of these people. Whether you are in a bad mood or a good one, an outlet to express your emotions is exactly what people with disability need. It also makes them feel in control of their lives as they are paint their emotions onto a silent, non-judgmental canvas, often literally!

How does art ease disability? Frequent participation in arts, crafts and other creative pursuits is especially beneficial to people with disability. When introduced at an early age, creative projects can greatly enhance the social functioning and improve performance in academic and personal fields. In fact, people with disabilities who continually work with creative projects can do away with stereotypes and perform better in the community and the workplace. It has been scientifically proven that children who engage in reading, music, arts and other creative pursuits earn higher test scores in the high school and college levels.

The reason why art therapy is so popular is because it is unconditional, subjective and decidedly infinite. This allows people with disabilities to express themselves in their own unique manner without any social, physical or attitudinal obstacles. This universal language has the power to unite people of all ages and all walks of life. Art is especially helpful in releasing negative thoughts and emotions by venting the energy in productive and creative methods.

Oftentimes, people with disability are known to have difficult thoughts and with the help of art, any art, they can easily express themselves. As the figures we see about the ordinary utilization of tobacco is ascending as opposed to diminishing. Consistently the world faces deaths of 6, 00, individuals in the view of tobacco.

In every 6 seconds a person dies in view of tobacco related sickness. Tobacco contains around synthetic substances, out of which 49 cause cancer. Likewise as the self evident certainty aloof smoking is similarly hurtful to the general population around. The number is expected to develop in upcoming years. The figures are to make you aware about the utilization of tobacco in world and its consequences for individuals.

Cost of tobacco is persistently expanding just with a specific end goal to make it excessively expensive for individuals, best way to lessen utilization of tobacco. The awareness is being made through different campaigns and rallies. We here at Narayan Seva Sansthan additionally attempt to create awareness among individuals through different campaigns and rallies around the nations.

Additionally we treat individuals with tobacco addiction and the uplifting news is we so far have been fruitful in doing this. This is our little initiative in helping the general population around us for the advancement of the nation. We in future will keep on taking such initiative at our own particular level to help individuals. The rally was carried out in the presence of the founder-chairman of Narayan Seva Sansthan, Padmashri Kailash "Manav".

Many local civilians joined the rally and supported the cause which was a thoughtful initiative of the Sansthan. This camp diagnosed the conditions of the patients and encouraged them to quit their addictions. Presently it's the ideal opportunity for you to consider your dear ones and help them leave this addiction in a route workable for you.

This activity isn't just for you dear ones yet for you also, enable you to dispose of passive smoking. World needs change and you can be a piece of this change. Step up and improve the world a place for upcoming generation and help them not get someone who is addicted to this hurtful substance. While Narayan Seva Sansthan is a well known Nonprofit Organization and is perceived as a humanitarian body that aims at serving humanity, it has a huge network of donors in India and all across the world, who are always ready to contribute for the ones in need.

Prashant Agarwal, being a visionary social reformer, never misses a chance to show his gratitude towards the contributors and to look forward for the opportunities of expansion for supporting the vision of the organization. He often travels to meet and greet the donors from other parts of the world, to inspire them to have confidence in him and his vision and to thank them for their contributions towards the underprivileged segment of the society. Not just this, during his travels he always explores the places that he visits, to evaluate and analyze them for the scope of work and possibilities.

His purpose of visit has been to interact with the donors, visit the office at London and to figure out the scope of work in these countries. There is always some way or the other through which we can extend a hand of help to the needy. As we follow the sole ambition of serving humanity, this generous cause has no boundaries and no limitations and so there has been a lot of scope to be able to serve in these countries. He has been visiting our Office at London to see for if there are any requirements and if a stronger and better networking for the various countries of United Kingdom could be developed through this establishment.

Further the availability of resources, spreading the cause among different territories and the ease of connecting with the potential donors have been some of the topics that were attended by Mr. Prashant at the London Office. He also and most importantly interacted with the valuable donors and well wishers who have been selflessly contributing to extend the much needed help to the ones in need.

There have been a huge number of people who have received funds from these donors for the treatment of critical diseases, other expensive treatments, education, skill development, clothes distribution, empowering and liberating the poor class and for several other causes. This all could have happened because of these eminent donors. But there is still a large segment which is awaiting their turn for treatments and other aids.

They will be attended, as soon the help and contributions will be extended to them by the donors. This has been one of the prime reasons why Mr. Prashant visited these countries, to meet with the potential donors and to inspire them to connect with the causes, such that one more life could be saved or empowered. And that God according to various scriptures is in us. Providing selfless service to mankind will provide that non materialistic happiness to the God in us, such that, at the last breath you will only see those images of the smiles that you were responsible for and will know that the life was well lived indeed.

He travels, he interacts, he works, he inspires and he has been doing all this, just for the sake of serving humanity, reaching to more and more number of people in need and believing that he will be able to heal the world and making it a better place for the entire human race. Patience is the exercise of restraint in trying situations. It is a virtue, which enables the individuals to proceed towards worthy goals, undeflected by adverse circumstances or repeated provocations.

If he allows himself to become upset by opposition, taunts or other kind of unpleasantness he will never reach his goals. He will simply become enmeshed irrelevancies. The only way to deal with the irksome side of daily living is to exercise patience. Patience will ensure that whenever one has some bitter experience, he will opt for the way of tolerance rather than that of reaction to provocation. Patience, as well as being a practical solution to the problems faced in the outside world, is also a means of positive character building.

One who is failing to exercise patience, gives free rein to negative thoughts and feelings develops a personality, which is likewise negative while one who remains patient is so morally bolstered by his own positive thoughts and feelings that he develops a positive personality. Patience is no retreat It only amounts to taking the initiative along the path of wisdom and reason as opposed to the path of the emotions. The present world is fashioned in such a way that everyone is necessarily confronted with unpleasant matters at one time or another. Things, which are unbearable, have somehow to be borne; harrowing events have to be witnessed and all kinds of pain have to be suffered.

In such situations, succumbing to impatience leads to the kind of unnecessary emotional involvement, which is counter-productive, while a demonstration of patience has a healing, beneficial effect, allowing one to tread the path of discreet avoidance. Success in the present world is destined only for those who adopt the path of patience in adverse circumstances.

Donating blood to help people is one of the noble things done by any human being. It is a complete safe process, unless done by professional medical centers or hospitals and is beneficial for both donor as well as Recipient. The requirement for blood donation is increasing day by day.

Each year Millions of people need blood transfusions. Major Diseases like dengue, sickle cell anemia, certain types of cancers, surgeries, accidents, natural and man-made disasters etc have been the main cause for blood transfusions around the world. Every Year India collects around 9 million bloods through blood donation camps. Each donation helps to save at least 3 lives. Prashant Agarwal encouraged everyone to join the drive. Donating blood is a noble cause and a selfless act which helps save lives. Proper blood flow for us Repeated blood donations may help with proper blood flow.

Stress and unhealthy diet can make your blood hypercoagulable. It essentially makes our blood thick and slow moving. Donating blood helps to release those extra toxins from human body. Balance iron levels in Human Body: Too much iron in our body is actually harmful. Our iron levels benefits greatly when we donate blood. Every unit of blood we donate, we lose about one-quarter of a gram of iron. So each drop of donation matters. Countless lives are saved every day due to generous donors who give of their own blood for the benefit of others. Life is precious and so is being a life-saver.

There can be various reasons as follows: We do not want to let down our image of being very nice. Fear of rejection by the other person. Fear of other consequences, e. We do not want to hurt the other person, e. We all know the power of yes. Offer a consolation Prize: It helps us to concentrate on what is important to us, so that we can get our version of success much faster. It will also Help us to avoid the negative feeling of lack of progress, or even the worse feeling that we are not in control of our own life.

Life flows effortlessly, moment to moment, like a huge gushing river. Every moment, we have the choice, to go with the flow, or to resist it. That is our free will, which is always available to us. In any given situation, we decide what is best for us, and act accordingly. These actions may or may not be in the direction of the flow of life.

If our actions arise as a result of connecting to our inner being, as a result of intuition, and as a result of love, then it is likely that we are always with the flow of the cosmos. Giving up resistance for what we believe to be true, or what we believe to be our right, or correct, is not easy. We are often compelled and forced from inside, as our ego-mind screams injustice, screams destruction, and forces us to push and resist, in an effort to survive and avoid discomfort.

This invariably leads to draining of our energies, for we are but a small speck in the Universe, and we obviously cannot take on the forces of Nature or the Universe. But our ego-mind does not think so, and we try and control and manipulate each and every situation, to our advantage.

Whatever you resist, persist, is a well known dictum. As Pema Chodron says "Nothing will go away, unless you have learnt what it has come to teach you". With our resistance, we tend to block the free flow of energy in many aspects of life. Life is flowing, energy is always flowing, but with our anxiety or greed ridden minds, we tend to become a barrier to the flow of life. What it means, is that we have to soften or drop our resistance to the flow, and let things happen. Why do we resist that unwanted things or situations, or situations that bring us discomfort?

But we are here on this earth, in order to experience. And we are here to have every sort of experience, not only the good or positive or beneficial ones. We are Source Energy which has incarnated in this physical form, in order to experience and learn. We have chosen our lessons much before we were born. But having forgotten all that, we tend to resist in many situations, without realizing that resistance often means negatively engaging with the situation and going against the flow.

And resistance or escape also means we lose a valuable change to get a particular experience, which might hold great gifts or insights for us. Common sense tells us that navigating a river downstream is a hundred times easier than navigating upstream. And downstream needs no effort. In fact, it requires you to cease effort, and relax, and let yourself be carried by the river of life. Starting with small things, try softening your resistance.

Then your can do the same to the big things in life. And you will discover how life suddenly improves, becomes more interesting and how you find more joy and peace in your life. For Donate money , Click on: In our country the practice of child marriage is still in existence in many villages. Even the birth of a girl is considered to be an insult and a burden for the family, as the parents are supposed to earn and extra penny each day to collect dowry for their daughter.

The girl child is not allowed to relish the status like her brothers in the family.


She is kept deprived of education, health care and from any opportunity of growth by her own family. Even while there are uproars about gender equality and saving the girl child, female infants are still found to be discarded and to be left abandoned while the fetuses yet to be born are often thrown away in the dump yards. A girl is ill-treated even before she is born and while she is into the grey days of her life.

There are a lot of miseries and helplessness that she goes through in her life cycle. This is one of the most important reasons for the inception of causes like — charity for girls and donation for a girl child, in order to make them relish a status of equality and respect in the society. Narayan Seva Sansthan, a non-profit organization has taken an initiative to empower the girl child from the underprivileged section of the society by offering them various resources which will help them to prosper and grow out of the situations that they were facing and which were proving to be a hindrance in their path of progress.

We have made them realize their importance. We have taken the responsibility of educating the girl child and to impart in them the much needed traits of a versatile genius, such that when they grow, they have the freedom of choice to choose the field of interest and growing into it. Their curriculum is not just limited to the course books, but they are taught and trained for various other things, like public speaking, painting, music, handicrafts, dancing, musical instruments, writing, photography etc.

We not just train them for these skills but we also evaluate their skills and education through various interactive tests, which help them to prepare and master their field of interest. We have designed various skill development programs for girls that can help them to become independent and prosper in their life. The skill development programs include — stitching, computer repairing, mobile repairing etc. It is not just about imparting these training to these girls, but we also employ them into our organization and we help them to get placed into other organizations to earn their livelihood.

We being a non-profit organization, have been putting our every possible effort to bring about a status of respect, equality and acceptance for every girl in every society. We have a vision to liberate every girl child such that their very existence must be celebrated. We have raised funds for this very cause and there have been a lot of people who have given donation for a girl child and have supported our ambition of doing charity for girls. The phrase in itself describes mother as the supreme.

Nature is the generous provider of all the things in the world. It nurtures, protects and gives birth to different floras and faunas. This central part of a computer is its heart which enables all the other programs to keep running well. Similarly, moms seem to have a unique ability to operate on so many levels simultaneously.

We should appreciate her skills for constantly being attuned to and connecting with the different emotional needs of our family. Imagine how exhausting it would be to be alert on so many fronts? There would be no communication without a common language that we adhere from the beginning of our life cycles. From here, people set out in smaller crafts to find their own way, knowing they can always return for supplies, support, and sustenance.

One of the greatest gifts a child can have is a mother who knows how to help them hoist their sails and strike out on their own while always knowing they have the home port to go back to. This is selflessness at its richest. It has always been and always will be the best synonym of loving, caring, giving and nurturing. She is the one whose love never fades and will remain as the most special and the dearest. Shreya Ghoshal has proved it yet again that she is the modern day queen of melody as she mesmerized a houseful of audiences at the 4- day concert in United Kingdom.

The audience cheered and applauded Shreya for her performance while she sang their favorite tracks. Shreya managed to keep the audiences captivated from beginning till the end and left them wanting more. It was a well organized concert and the promptness of the people associated added to the pitch of it.

Prashant Agarwal was present in United Kingdom to address the audience about the functioning of the Sansthan. A Five Minute documentary was played at the event to make the audience acquaint with the philanthropic strides of Narayan Seva Sansthan. Also, literature about the organization and a brief was provided to the audience through a Media Stall at the venue.

Narayan Seva Sansthan is aiming to create awareness about its practices and the services that the Sansthan provides both nationally and internationally, so that more and more people associate to its cause of global welfare. Disability awareness and breaking stereotypes related to it as equally important for the patients living abroad as it is in India. In its journey so far, Narayan Seva Sansthan has religiously treated patients worldwide. Associating with events like these provide a huge platform to make people familiar with the disabled community and gives a great stage to convey our message.

Narayan Seva Sansthan aims to create a more inclusive society where everyone is treated equally and accepted in their most natural form. Disability is nothing more than a mentality that we need to break, and Narayan Seva Sansthan is constantly doing it with a number of activities. The Concert was attended by approximately attendees giving spectators a bigger experience. Narayan Seva Sansthan is an Internationally Acclaimed Organization and Events like these connect more people in its vision to bring a positive change for the Physically Impaired. But while talking about him, how can we forget his life- changing philosophies, who else can inspire us better than Rabindranath Tagore, to live our best lives.

Through his writings, he covered every aspects of life — love, friendship, courage, challenges, difficulties, education everything. Let us share with you some of those philosophies here in this blog- Education: Education is turned into a meaningless competition today, where young minds are forced into participating every day. Getting good marks and degrees is being given most importance, than acquiring real knowledge and implementing it to create something meaningful.

That's why we need to remind ourselves what 'education' really means. What is the value of education if we forget to appreciate the gifts of nature, abandon kindness and become afraid to love? Often we hear adults saying to younger people "Do you know than us?

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Do you understand life better than us? And this is how potential stars waste their lives living like lamps. Never limit your children or students with your own limitations. Today when the world around us is teaching us to avoid difficulties or take shortcuts, we need to remember that Rabindranath Tagore taught us to fearless and face all the dangers and difficulties in life.

In spite of so much progress and development, more and more people are becoming pessimist. Next time you think about giving up, remember these lines by Tagore. We are programmed from our childhood by people around us to think and feel according to what is happening to us.

If life is going good, feel good. If life is going tough, feel bad. Most people live their whole lives never realizing the catch point. We hope following his philosophies will not only transform your life but will also inspire you to study your mind! Disability, be it physical or mental has largely misunderstood by the society.

While some fail to understand the condition, others might be totally insensitive to it. Even there are people who believe it as a curse. How does one define disability? According to WHO, the term disability is an umbrella term for any kinds of physical or mental impairments, participation restrictions and activity limitations.

It mainly refers to the inability of person affecting his participation and normal functioning in the societal structure caused of environmental, genetic or personal factors. The term disability is precisely used when encountering basic difficulty in performing physical tasks.

Why is it important? To ensure sustainable Development of economies in the world, it is of utmost importance to treat this social agenda with seriousness. When people with disabilities are given the tools to self dependence and skill sets, they can act as contributing members to the society and the economy, making it more valuable. Disabilities caused by accidents, ageing, illness, and genetic reasons often even affect the health conditions of the individuals. Social development and disability go hand in hand.

When people with disabilities are lower on priority list, they are more likely to live in poverty without their basic amenities and rights. Similarly, the increasing incidence of poverty will give rise to disability due to their inability to afford the treatment.

This is a never ending cycle that can only be stopped when people with disabilities are allowed to become educated and employed giving them opportunities of healthcare, nutrition and social interaction. Exclusion of the disabled is seen as a cultural norm and often associated with religious beliefs, especially those of being cursed. Families with disabled members in rural societies often blame the mother for a disabled child and often use harsh ways to ill- treat them.

However, things are looking up slowly, albeit surely. With advanced medical and healthcare options, special schools, vocational training and increased presence of non-profit organizations, the lives of people with disability are improving in all sectors of society. With the intention of teaching individuals about living with their limitations while learning new skills, people with disability today are more independent than ever.

When it comes to talking about a change, we as a society can do it very well but the youth of our nation is the force responsible to execute it. By responsible, I do not mean there is an obligation to do so but there is an urgent need to get into the pit to clean the dirt everybody is busy cribbing about. In a country like ours, despite the majority of the population being young, ambitious and driven; development still seems farfetched and this is simply because of the lack of channelizing the energy and allotting the resources to optimize and begin with.

There are two areas in particular to consider: The lifestyle and life standards given to the youth is far better than what their previous generations had lived in and this gives birth to a changed series of thoughts and a spontaneous will. India is keen for their young people to become involved in civil society and develop political interest as this is seen to be a vital part of the development of the country.

In many ways it would appear to be a great deal of pressure being placed on the younger generation to move India into more developed and progressive country. Regardless of the pressure, what ensures a common goal for all is Education. The better educated the young people are, the more likely they are to participate fully in civil society according to available research.

Therefore, increasing the level of education across the country is important to develop the skills in the young people to enable to undertake the type of jobs that will help India develop. There is a rising need to revolutionize thinking generally in society in order to develop an aspiration for education and a certainty that education is important to improve the standards of living for one and all. For the poorest people earning a living may be more important than education and even young children are required to contribute.

An objective learning and rational thinking right from the beginning will result in a strong headed child and later a determined adult very well capable of differentiating between wrong and right. How often do we complain to the almighty and ask for our worldly desires, and how frequent do we express our satisfaction with what we have got and settle for a happy life? Human as species has become greedy and unsatisfactory, therefore continuously hops on more. We start to run in the race to achieve more and be able to increase our affording power, a person tries for happier and wealthier life and when he becomes the level of rich he preferred for, his expectations increase and he does not think about stopping there itself.

And for some reason if he is not able to achieve extra than what he should have settled for, he needs someone to blame and in usual case, it is the god to be blamed for. Irony being, when its was you to have moved forward in the pursuit of finding extra and better, you left your current to achieve your tomorrow and god is blamed for your greed. Simply not differentiated between need and greed and merging the two to label it as need is the incorrect way to go about it. Any satisfaction that a human works for is just the temporary worldly materialistic satisfaction which is short lived and only keeps quiet until your greed knocks again on your door.

The real lasting happiness lays in the stagnant introspection of how much do you actually need of this? And your heart will lead the way ahead. A very accurate example being of hunger. If one is hungry even after 4 meals a day and he hogs on more just to fill his want, he will end up being sick because he went ahead of his body requirements. Similarly, there is a limit to your body and life and when you move past them, the growth starts declining and comes the stage of degeneration.

Exactly this marks a certain kind of downfall when person invests in his own deterioting cycle to jump higher. One should be content and thankful for all worlds and still continue to achieve excellence in whatever does. Asking for more is different than striving for perfection and that is how one should be moving forth with. Only this time, the striving is not born out of unsettling feverishness, but instead out of calm self control. Just think how much a human being hopes of receiving blessings from almighty and this is the key to achieve it.

You cannot succeed by absconding or showing disregard towards your duties. Kind and discern persons are not fearful and always walk with confidence towards achieving their goals. When their duties call them, they keeping trust in god and overcome all the obstacles and hurdles that come in their way to be successful.

Strong will is the only thing which helps us and if we do not succeed in, then our life will not be fruitful. We should not do or act in a way by which we face embarrassments. You should always move forward not backwards. Those who do not have the courage to rise in life, their life sink into abyss. All the successful people in this world have worked very hard to achieve their success. They toiled day and night and attained the heights of success.

The difference between unsuccessful and the successful people is that the successful people are completely dedicated towards their work, which we do not have. Instead of learning new things and gaining knowledge we waste our time in irrelevant activities. The outcome is, as our efforts so the results. The key to success is Motivation. Motivation is most certainly the secret to success in life. While staying motivated can be incredibly difficult, it can also be extremely rewarding over time.

The motivated person is far more able to cope with stumbling blocks and overcome potential limitations on the road towards achieving their dreams. Staying motivated is also a way that you can ensure you take action on a daily basis. How can we still push forward even when nearly every fiber in our beings are screaming that we should either take a break or possibly even give up? Find things that inspire you. Focus on developing the right amount of willpower to see things through.

A healthy mind depends on not only good food and water, but a healthy lifestyle and a recommended sleep cycle. Sound sleep cycle helps you in maintaining a good lifestyle throughout our entire lifetime. Not only does it help maintain our physical and mental health; rather it also helps in maintaining a decent and healthy lifestyle along with ensuring safety from a number of fatal diseases. How aware and attentive a person is next day depends on the amount of sleep hours and its adequateness. Several physical, mental and emotional issues are associated with lack of proper sleep which causes a mental ruckus to the person and people around him.

Getting enough sleep is one of the necessities in life and it helps in making an individual sharp and smart over the span of their lifetime. The question now arises is how much sleep is adequate for whom? This makes the person low on activeness and more lethargic towards life and day to day activities. Comprehensively, at this point, the measure of rest we require every night diminishes consistently all through our childhood up to our adulthood, when it levels out and stays pretty much steady. The measure of rest we really get likewise diminishes all through life, in spite of the fact that for an assortment of reasons sleep need and sleep accomplishment is not generally in line.

Lack of proper sleep can cause physical problems in a body starting from hitting the immune system to opening up the body to variety of viruses. The above happens because of a protein called cytokines. This is released by our body during our sleep and is needed in increased numbers during a sickness, but lack of sleep causes less release and in fact causes weakened defense mechanism for our body to fight outside germs and viruses.

Long-term lack of sleep also increases your risk of obesity, diabetes, and heart and blood vessel cardiovascular disease, stress and over thinking, and this has to be taken seriously in consideration to the number of heart attacks increasing over the years. Thus, it can be concluded that a good day starts from a good night itself. Most communications today occur online, be it sending emails, processing payments, maintain schedule or communicating with people. If you are a professional who largely depends on the internet, navigating through new visual features is already considered familiar.

But imagine doing all these with your eyes closed. This is exactly what the web seems like to the visually impaired users. It is important to remember that every day, millions of visually impaired people who use the internet face many problems. Just like anyone else, the internet is essential to the blind community as it helps them with various activities like gathering knowledge, entertainment and what not.

Also, the tasks that cut down the need of physically travel and inconvenience such as Online Shopping, Bill Payments etc can be indisposed to the community. But are these things easy? Are these accessible to them? Navigating through the Internet without Vision! Gaining access to the internet for the visually impaired is frankly an expensive, tedious and litigious affair. The internet is primarily a vision mode of communication with few additional options for sound. So, this makes it very difficult for a blind person to navigate through the web comfortably. Screen Readers essentially do just that, read any content on the screen with an Audio or Braille Output.

Advanced version of Screen Readers are available today that decipher different types of content like Texts, Links, Pages, Photos etc. Certain Screen Readers delineate the link between the internet and the visually impaired individuals. But is that Good Enough? The answer should be no, empathically! The tools offered with Screen Readers are only efficient if the information found on the website is efficient.

Websites without any accessibility features are not that compatible with Screen Readers which is again a major challenge for the visually impaired users to comprehend the information. While the technology allows these users to be able to read any content, most of the websites today are not geared up towards accessibility to the blind community.

Adapting websites to the special needs of the visually impaired is often considered an afterthought, which makes it difficult to the users to access most sites with ease. The difficulty level of accessing the web also depends on the severity of the visual impairment that can range from Color Blindness, Partial Blindness to Complete Blindness. What Can Be Done? Making websites more accessible and compatible that in turn enhance the navigation and overall satisfaction of internet is a must. The needs of these people are extraordinary and a few steps can conclude better functionality of gadgets for them.

Narayan Seva Sansthan, is an Non- Profit that regularly works for the developmental innovation for by birth visually impaired children and is constantly taking efforts to incorporate a change in the way we pursue things for the Visually Impaired. This feeling is nothing but sympathizing with the person. A differently able person deserves equal treatment and wishes to be seen and felt normally but In order to be nice to them, we become over the top helping and this gives them a sense of helplessness.

A feel that, because they cannot do it, you are doing it for them and this makes them feel handicapped. A total contrast from the emotion of sympathy comes the term empathy. Psychologists say, empathizing is the best kind of affection you can offer to a person with a disability and it is very important for the people dealing with victims or patients of mental or physical disability to understand the difference between sympathy and empathy and significance of the latter.

Everything you say verbally or non verbally including body language counts up to the kind of response you will get in a treatment or in general life. Empathizing with someone who has dealt with all the pity before can actually turn the tables in your favor and you not only can make the person happy but learn how it feels to be them. Akshay Tritiya celebrated on the third day in the month of Vaishakha vaisakha sukla paksa tritiya.

Akshaya means inexhaustible, that which never deteriorates. It is considered to be the most auspicious day to start a new venture. Akshaya Tritiya is one of the most auspicious observances for Hindus and Jains. Any venture that is begun on Akshaya Tritiya brings much prosperity. This day brings prosperity and luck and the deeds done today are times more eventful and powerful than the rest of the days.

It is said that the Akshaya Tritiya is the most pure and serene day to lend our offerings to our forefathers. The benefaction made today by us goes directly to them and treats them. This is good day to gather blessings and wishes from our forefathers. Make a 5 course meal and offer them to your forefathers. Feeding Food and Water to Animals: They say feeding food to animals is the cause of the almighty.

Although feeding the animals should be a regular practice but this done today brings extraordinary and exceptional luck with happiness. Reach out to other living beings, Feed a cow or a dog. In return, you will be showered with unconditional love and loyalty. Donate Food To the Needy: So, what better day to start than today?

Make this day a lot more auspicious by including a hungry stomach in your list of donation. Do this and the blessings you end up with will fill flourish your lives with wealth. The blessings of the Almighty can be attained by helping those in need. You can start it by donating to Narayan Seva Sansthan that pledges to feed thousands of hungry individuals daily. Donate Clothes and books to the underprivileged: Just like food, clothes are also one of the basic necessities. Donating food polishes your luck and is many times more significant in removing obstacles for wealth accumulation.

Donate clothes to the poor and the underprivileged and spark their lives with a little effort! Donate to Save a Life: What better than gifting someone a new life? Trust us it will change the way you see your life. There are thousands of individuals who need a little support from you. So gear up and commit to help a life today! Help Narayan Seva Sansthan with the cost of a corrective surgery.

This will the most fulfilling and virtuous deed you can do this Akshay Tritiya. Akshaya Tritiya is the perfect occasion to make a difference to the lives of people around us with your contribution towards a cause. What if someone you know, someone you care immensely for is diagnosed with a medical condition? How will be their future? How will they cope up in the real world full of judgments? Experienced a spine chill when questions like these arise?

The word 'disabled' is mostly related to people who are diagnosed particularly with some kind of mental and physical condition. The word isn't totally incorrect — there are the conditions that often restrict normal functioning in major social situations. But the point remains, why are we calling them disabled? People aren't and shouldn't be labeled as anything, least of all, disabled. Who they are as a person is not impacted by a medical condition and it surely doesn't contribute to their identity. While the labeling aspect is important to some, it isn't to most others.

The term disabled has not been favored in recent times with several alternatives cropping up. One of these is seeing more favor than others - 'differently able'people. This term is inclusive and offers an equal platform to those who fall under it. What does it mean to be differently able? People with mental or physical conditions are differently able because they possess a unique set of abilities and perspectives.

Everybody has ability and everybody matters, it's all about acknowledging it. The term differently able recognizes talent and value in everybody and treats them equallyMany differently people are known to flourish and rejoice in life with the right opportunity, support and love. How can I help? If you personally know someone with mental or physical conditions, the best way you can help is to provide them unconditional love, support and patience. Get in touch with experts at Narayan Seva Sansthan to understand the conditions and how they can affect their life.

Knowledge is the best way to help those around you. You can also help by spreading the word and sensitizing people on the matters of mental conditions. Alternatively, you can also help substantially by volunteering as an individual or a group with NGOs like Narayan Seva Sansthan and making the lives of the differently able easier and happier. You can contribute your time, money or labor. You and your spouse need to be aware, that it is not only about his or her alcohol addiction.

Drug Addiction : How to Recover from a Meth Addiction

It is about everyone that has to deal with it: Even neighbors and co-workers. That is not the reason of family or marriage. If there is no benevolence from the addict, there is nothing more you can do. You cannot change a person different against their will. If someone is a threat to your physical well-being, you and especially your children should relocate to a safe environment. Well, moving out of the household does not necessarily mean burning all the bridges. If the individual is obviously dangerous to you and shows no tendency to cooperate, then it is a matter of protection to move.

The fact is, most alcoholics are better suited to handle their life than they and you think. Living in a household where their sober partner takes over all duties keeps the alcoholic in a passive stance. That might seem like caring for them, but in fact, it puts the addict in a position of powerlessness. He or she might simply blame the alcohol for their shortage of willpower.

Living with an addict on the final stages of alcoholism and be dangerous. By doing this, you are helping them take responsibility for their actions as well, and alert your spouse that they need to change. Sometimes the first solution to break that vicious circle is to leave the household. The idea is to make the alcoholic person comprehend that you fully intend to live your own, independent adult life.

Similar to any addiction recovery, this process will take some time — maybe months or even years. Every individual and every case are unique, so there is no general directive on how to deal with living with an alcoholic loved one. It is a lengthy process, and you will have to learn to adapt to different changes. You will need to alter your attitude and your perspective.

Read them several times if needed, or print them out. Alcoholics generally try to blame their drinking on circumstances or other people. Since you are the closest, you will probably get the most attacks. Each person has problems, but not everyone becomes an alcoholic. And this happens because alcoholism is an addiction. Just to make them feel better. This is why many women have problems learning how to deal with husband addiction. You might feel embarrassed for your spouse or your personal situation.

You might not know how to deal with an alcoholic son. In fact, it is assisting the denial. It is your life, be true to it. To a certain extent, this makes you seem approving of the drinking. You or other family members or friends might be tempted to try every single thing you can to stop your partner from drinking. But negative stimulants or punishments will not determine the alcoholic to stop. They will find themselves feeling even worse, and that gives them another reason to drink.

You also need to understand that alcohol withdrawal effects can be very dangerous, so you should never try to put your alcoholic partner through detoxification by yourself. That needs to happen in a medical setting. Get professional assistance instead. People do and say random things under the influence of alcohol. However, that should not be an excuse for it. When you are living with an alcoholic, you need to clearly express yourself if a behavior was inadmissible for you.

Offensive behavior is not acceptable sober, nor is it tolerable when being intoxicated. Be unyielding about that. Otherwise, you will find yourself in a toxic and abusive relationship. You might be wondering: You should care for yourself. You already discovered that your husband is alcoholic, you might have even offered help and was refused. So focus on what you can do for yourself instead.

Pay attention to your own mental and physical well-being. Besides, you might encourage your wife or husband to act similarly.