La Molécule de Floc (French Edition)

Antimicrobial peptides in oyster hemolymph: the bacterial connection.

Supernatants of hemolymph resident bacteria coming from 60 oysters were screened against 10 target bacteria including aquaculture pathogens. They belong to Pseudoalteromonas and Vibrio genera. We report herein first BLIS-producing bacteria isolated from bivalve hemolymph.


These results strongly suggest that hemolymph resident bacteria may prevent pathogen establishment and pave the way for considering a role of resident bacteria into bivalve defense. Fish and Shellfish Immunology , Elsevier, , 34 6 , pp.

Thursday, December 5, - Marine bacteria from New Caledonian ecosystems were shown to produce EPS with unusual chemical composition with potential applications in cosmetics. Preliminary experiments also showed high metal-binding capacity with applications in bioremediation.

Spin resonance in soft magnetic composite materials : a surprising effect of the magnetic load.

Different PHAs were also produced using different types of sugars and oil as renewable resources. Blue biotechnologies can have various applications in many industrial sectors Health, food industry, environment, cosmetics etc New Caledonian marine bacteria have proved their capacity for producing innovative biopolymers with a wide range of application that can be valuating in on short time period environment, cosmetics or at long time pharmaceutics, surgeries.

These applications are promising in order to develop. These particles play the double role of biological filter and dietary supplement. This dissertation aims to better understand the process of this rearing system and its interactions with the Litopenaeus stylirostris shrimp.

  1. Presentation?
  2. Metaphor or the war on words – a critical analysis of the theory of conceptual metaphors!
  3. Publications - Quantum nanophotonic!

Two specific objectives were integrated within the framework of this general objective: Thus, our results show production gains of shrimp reared in biofloc in terms of survival, growth, reproductive performances and quality of larvae. This food supplement, constantly available in the environment, provides energy, nutrients and bioactive molecules.

Our team also studies the organisation and dynamics of Deinococcus radiodurans nucleoids that present several unusual features: This complex is involved in anti-cancer drug resistance in solid tumours treated with cisplatin. Bacterial cell wall nanoimaging by autoblinking microscopy.

Editorial Reviews

Scientific Reports 8 1 p. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. Timmins J and Moe E.

A decade of biochemical and structural studies of the DNA repair machinery of Deinococcus radiodurans. Comput Struct Biotechnol J. Structure and primase-mediated activation of a bacterial dodecameric replicative helicase.

Molecule Feat. Promoe - Faluja (French Dub System)

Nucleic Acids Research 43 17 p. Structural and functional characterization of two unusual endonuclease III enzymes from Deinococcus radiodurans.

  1. I love Islam (Algaida Literaria - Oberon) (Spanish Edition).
  2. Team Gilles Pagès.
  3. THUGLIT Issue One.
  4. Find Gold in the Golden Triangle.
  5. Please note:!
  6. Presentation - IBS - Institut de Biologie Structurale - Grenoble / France;
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