Attitudes of Gratitude, 10th Anniversary Edition: How to Give and Receive Joy Every Day of Your Life

Sep 19, Keri A rated it really liked it. Still one of my favorite books.

Occasionally re read as a good reminder. Dec 11, Janice Smith rated it liked it. Great topic, but I found it a bit boring at times.

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Mindful and Meaningful I enjoyed reading this book over and over. Each time I opened the book the authors words came to life with different and deeper meanings. Jan 28, Heather rated it really liked it. We use this book daily in my therapy group. As much as I dislike "positive thinking" this book has actually been a big help for me. Jun 12, Ember DeBoer rated it really liked it Recommends it for: This book was divided into three major sections with short chapters that were an easy read before crashing at night: The first section discussed some of the benefits you'll witness in your life as your thankfulness grows.

The second section talked about different states of mind we should try to embody, and the third section outlined tangible actions to take once the groundwork of having the right attitude This book was divided into three major sections with short chapters that were an easy read before crashing at night: The second section talked about different states of mind we should try to embody, and the third section outlined tangible actions to take once the groundwork of having the right attitude has been laid.

Admittedly, there were days when I struggled with the message of this book What was helpful, however, was that this book was not so unrealistic as to tell readers to ignore the difficulties in one's life--to sweep them under the carpet--and put on a happy face. No, that was not the message of the book at all, thank goodness, otherwise I don't think I'd've been able to stomach it.

Though the message seemed a bit repetitive at times, overall the book provided me with some good perspective, and I now feel better equipped or is it just more self-aware? The truth is we can't count on anything except our ability to choose how to respond to what happens to us.

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One way to counteract the tendency to look outside ourselves is to practice No Matter What. Before you go into a situation, ask yourself, 'What is it that I can learn, accomplish, or experience here, no matter what happens? It's cheating to be grateful only for the good things that happen and to shun the bad. This isn't to say that we want bad things to happen to us, just that if we can be grateful for the soul-lessons inherent in the difficulties that befall us, then our souls will be able to grow and mature.

Otherwise, we never progress, because we fail to use the hardships that dog us to become more loving, more patient, more present, more kind. No Matter Whats" chapter, this quote from C. Hidden Blessings" chapter, the quote from Wayne Muller reminded me of one of the same Biblical references I stumbled across while reading "Inconceivable: Finding Peace in the Midst of Infertility," which has brought me comfort: And Jesus answered, 'It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the words of God might be manifest in him. Dec 20, Kevin E rated it it was amazing.

What a perfect book for the holidays, when it is so easy to get caught up in extra drama stemming from grudges and the inability to forgive, and therefore blocking a sense of gratitude.

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That being said, it's good at ANY time of the year. A relatively quick read, each short chapter begins with a nice poem or quote--it comes in short "bites" that speed it along and nourish you with examples of uses of gratitude that brought grace and deep fulfillment in peoples' lives. It also uses simple enough language that a 7 or 8 year-old could comprehend it. Nov 07, Basemah rated it it was amazing. Attitudes of Gratitude was gifted to me by a friend many years ago. I keep it close by and read selections from it often.

Many pages are "tagged" and much "highlighting" throughout. Recently, I purchased another copy through Amazon for a close friend as we were talking about the importance of being grateful for the blessings in our lives. There have been times when I found myself being thankful for things that didn't happen. That also is addressed in this book. It's one that I can pick up and Attitudes of Gratitude was gifted to me by a friend many years ago.

It's one that I can pick up and read whenever I want to be lifted up and reminded of the importance of gratitude. I am grateful for each and every story shared. I hear my friends and others talk about giving gratitude and thinking of a certain number of things to be grateful for before going to bed or on awakening in the morning but I wasn't sure what that entailed. I do give thanks to people when appropriate but am now feeling that giving gratitude is much deeper.

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I'll probably have to re-read parts of this book se "Attitudes of Gratitude" is a self-help book which helps one learn to give gratitude every day and what to expect when you make it a habit. I'll probably have to re-read parts of this book several times before it "sinks in" and I feel comfortable with this but this book assures me that giving gratitude will give me joy and will improve my life. A book that really makes you think. The power of gratitude in our lives M.

Ryan writes about what gratitude is and how expressing gratitude in our lives can increase the amount of joy we experience. Whether you agree with what is said in the book or not, it would be worthwhile to pull out one of the ways that she suggests for expressing gratitude and trying it in your own life to see what if any difference it makes in your life or in the lives of those around you. I think that you may be hooked.

Attitudes of Gratitude - 10th Anniversary Edition : M. J. Ryan :

Jun 22, Margie rated it liked it. Sometimes we just help to remember the good things in life and gratitude is the way to help us accomplish that. The short readings in this book are motivating and thought-provoking; hopefully they lead us to realize all there is in life to be grateful for and different ways to express that gratitude. Apr 25, Chelsea rated it really liked it Shelves: In this book it tells how to "give and receive joy every day of your life.

In these it deeply describes how to show, think, and be grateful, and then by being grateful it shows how happiness is followed. Mar 21, Zakir Jaafar rated it it was amazing. I am agreeing to my wife's statement that this should be a book to give to others. For me somehow the book has put a cushion to the life's bumpy ride. Dec 31, Stacey rated it it was amazing Shelves: I am so glad I saved this for my last book of This is one to revisit every few years.

One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. Apr 17, Emily rated it really liked it.

If I liked warm soup on a cold day, I would say that this book is just that. But I like chocolate and coffee a lot better Oct 10, Marvin Azzopardi rated it it was amazing.

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My life's journey, coupled with an emotionally charged relationship and this book given to me by my good friend Stacy It's a nice read. I hate to give only three stars to such a great topic, but there's just not a lot of depth here. Sort of like a random quote of the day. Nice, but without more substance to follow it usually doesn't create lasting impactat least not for me. Jul 05, Elizabeth Olson rated it really liked it Shelves: A perennially fresh and charming set of reflections on gratitude.

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Although not a devotional or daily guide per se, this is wonderful to travel with throughout the year, to help you, as the title says, "give and receive joy every day". A favorite I'm always happy to revisit. Jan 18, Alissa rated it liked it Shelves: I like MJ Ryan's style of bite size chapters. I thought this was an interesting reflection on why we should practice gratitude, what kind of attitude this means and how to practice gratitude.

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Attitudes of Gratitude: How to Give and Receive Joy Every Day of Your Life In her introduction to this 10th anniversary edition, Ryan recounts current research. Attitudes of Gratitude: How to Give and Receive Joy Everyday of Your Life [M.J. Ryan] Attitudes of Gratitude 10th Anniversary Ed.: How to Give and Receive Joy Every Day Try the Kindle edition and experience these great reading features.

My only complaint is the how to practice section wasn't concrete enough. Flap copy In Attitudes of Gratitude, M. In her introduction to this 10th anniversary edition, Ryan recounts current research that bolsters her original thinkingapeople who practice gratitude on a daily basis are, by and large, happier, healthier, and more effective in the world.

The concept of this book is very simple and very profound: Review quote This little book is an elixir for the soul. Ryanas words on gratitude heal the heart and inspire breakthroughs. She helps us to know just how powerful a shift in consciousness can be; we can change our lives by changing our thoughtsawhat a miracle! Book ratings by Goodreads.

Attitudes of Gratitude: How to Give and Receive Joy Every Day of Your Life

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