Twice Loved

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There is so much more to this story that I can't write about because it would give so much away. And loving all three friends, I found myself drawn to the hero's plight and rooting for him all the way! He has become one of my favorites! View all 11 comments. Another first book for me. I was on a trip with friends and bored out of my mind when I went down to the hotel gift shop looking for something to read. I picked up Twice Loved and spent the rest of the weekend buried in it. I was 18 at the time and this was the first real romance novel I'd ever read.

Spencer drew me into her story from the first page. My heart broke for the three main characters who are caught in a terrible triangle not of their own making. Warning for those of more delic Another first book for me. Warning for those of more delicate constitutions Spencer writes hot love scenes, i. Her mastery of human emotions and seamless weaving of historical details make her another of my all-time favorites. I've read every one of her novels, and was sad beyond words when I found out she was retiring back in the '90s, I think.

This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. Lagi-lagi saya tidak suka tema second chances yg rawan bahaya seperti novel ini. Second chances hanya cocok jika kedua pihak tidak terikat pd orang ketiga. Walau di novel ini saya hrs permisif dgn situasi kondisinya dmn Rye Dalton sudah dinyatakan mati 5 thn sebelumnya. Dan ternyata Rye muncul segar bugar di hadapan Laura, istrinya yg skrg bukan istrinya lagi. Laura sudah bersuamikan Dan Morgan, sahabat terdekatnya. Saya menyayangkan cara Dan Morgan yg solusinya menghadapi kenyataan Rye masih hid Lagi-lagi saya tidak suka tema second chances yg rawan bahaya seperti novel ini.

Saya menyayangkan cara Dan Morgan yg solusinya menghadapi kenyataan Rye masih hidup dgn bermabuk-mabukan sepanjang hari. Saya tidak menyalahkan Laura krn menikahi Dan setelah Rye dinyatakan wafat. Laura bukan tipikal heroine yg tegar dan mandiri, Laura rapuh dan Laura menikahi Dan krn butuh suami utk mendampingi dirinya.

Laura menikahi Dan atas dasar kasihan dan berterimakasih krn selama Rye tdk ada, otomatis Dan selalu ada di sisinya dan mjd ayah yg baik bagi Josh. Saya tidak bisa memaafkan dgn perselingkuhan selama masih ada pernikahan sah Laura dan Dan masih menaungi mereka. Cuma saya salut juga dgn persahabatan yg mengakar kuat diantara mereka bertiga. Ketika Dan sekarat, Laura dan Rye sekuat tenaga merawat Dan dan tidak membiarkan si bodoh ini meninggalkan alam fana.

Poin ini menaikkan satu poin lebih. Kesetiaan persahabatan hrs tetap dijunjung walaupun saya tahu sulit dilakukan oleh Rye dan Laura. Mungkin kalau "noda perselingkuhan" tsb tidak ada, novel ini masih lumayan, walau menurut saya ceritanya terlalu bertele-tele dan perlu diringkas sehingga tidak kepanjangan spt ini. Aug 22, Chelsea rated it liked it Shelves: Oh, the cruelty of fate! Yeah, that's what this book is all about. Desperation led Laura to do something that later made her heart shatter after knowing the truth.

I don't know how to make judge of every character because as a reader, it seems easy to decide what I believed to be the right thing, making me pissed if the character can't even act on it. But in reality, it wasn't that easy. Laura fell on this category, the situation she was in was really hard, I understand. But the mom 3 Stars!!! But the moment view spoiler [ she cheated on Dan, that sure pissed me off. Don't leave both men dangling on your fingers!!! But I must say that despite of it, the author provided a great reasoning that made me accept it as it is.

No other way is more suitable on how to end all their misery. The story is slow but seems to cover all aspects needed so it was good. It wasn't hurried so everything just fell out perfectly.

Laura, Rye y Dan han crecido juntos entre las playas y las calles empedradas de su isla natal. Jul 13, Hilcia rated it liked it Shelves: I've loved every single book I've read by Lavyrle Spencer so far. I still love her gorgeous writing style and how she develops characters and a story -- all are evident in Twice Loved.

On the positive side, I absolutely love the setting and atmosphere in this novel. It is set in a small fishing village, and the place and people who inhabit it come alive in this novel. Unfortunately for me, this romance is a triangle, and I mean one of those triangles where the woman who finds herself in the midd I've loved every single book I've read by Lavyrle Spencer so far.

Unfortunately for me, this romance is a triangle, and I mean one of those triangles where the woman who finds herself in the middle knows who she loves but doesn't have the gumption to make the right decision. She ends up hurting everyone, including herself and her child, so that by the time the happy ever after comes along I really did not want her to have it! I wanted the "hero" to walk away from her, and that's not the way a romance works, right? This romance is brimming with betrayal, yearning, love, angst, anger, and passion. I could not help but feel terrible for both men and the child caught up in the middle of it all.

Just as I could not help resenting her for the lack of backbone that destroyed whatever connection I could have felt. In this case, it may be that it is a case of personal preference. If as a reader you don't mind triangles, you may want to read this book by the amazing Spencer. However, for me personally, this was a beautifully written, but painful read. Jun 26, Miidi rated it it was ok. This is the 1st LaVyrle Spencer book I haven't completely enjoyed.

A particularly gaping plot hole is the little boy having no contact with his paternal grandparents. I mean if my son died at sea, I'd do everything to be a part of my grandson's life. And Rye had grown up in the town, wouldn't anyone in the village have said something to the child about his father in all those years? That aspect simply did not ring true to me. Kisah cinta segitiga antara Rye — Laura — Dan Mereka bertiga telah berteman dan bersahabat sejak kanak-kanak hingga usia dewasa.

Dalam petualangannya memburu ikan paus untuk meraih kekayaan demi menghidupi keluarganya, Rye ikut berlayar dengan kapal Massachusetts. Laura mendapat kabar kapal yang ditumpangi Rye tenggelam dan jasad Rye tidak ditemukan. Dalam kedukaan Laura yang tera Kisah cinta segitiga antara Rye — Laura — Dan Mereka bertiga telah berteman dan bersahabat sejak kanak-kanak hingga usia dewasa.

Dalam kedukaan Laura yang teramat dalam ditambah lagi dengan kondisi dia tengah mengandung anak Rye , Dan selalu ada disamping Laura untuk menguatkan dan menjadi pelindungnya. Tatkala Rye dinyatakan telah meninggal, maka rasa persahabatan antara Laura dan Dan berubah menjadi rasa sayang hingga akhirnya mereka menikah membentuk keluarga. Kini lima tahun kemudian, Rye kembali ke Nantucket untuk kembali kepada Laura, kekasih tercintanya yang selalu dirindukannya. Apa yang ditemui dan dihadapi Rye membuatnya kaget. Rye tak menyangka bahwa Laura menikah dengan Dan bahkan Josh, anaknya diakui sebagai anak Dan.

Rye menuntut dan tetap mengklaim bahwa Laura adalah masih istrinya dan Josh adalah anaknya. Rye menginginkan Laura dan Josh kembali ke pelukannya. Feb 08, Jaime Atkins rated it liked it Shelves: I love Lavyrle Spencer's writing. She is so detailed and thorough that you can't help but be swept up in each of the character's thoughts and emotions. This book, however, just didn't grab me the way many of hers have. I didn't like that it began with Rye coming home. I think it would have been much better if it had started with a prologue detailing the love affair between Rye and Laura.

We get to see glimpses of the past throughout the book, but I never totally felt it. Before ever reading th I love Lavyrle Spencer's writing. Therefore, disapointment and sadness are present from page one. Not a good way to start a book as far as I am concerned. Lavrle Spencer has so many great books out there. I say skip this book, but don't skip the author. Heartwrenching heartwarming lovely Rye makes a brilliant, sexy and romantic hero It is harder to emphasize with Laura and definitely hard to feel too sorry for Dan.

I don't get Spencer's total disregard for grandparents. The child is their only grandchild. Why not the truth. Papa died at sea. These are your grandparents. I have now married our best friend and he is your new papa. It seems so sel Heartwrenching heartwarming lovely Rye makes a brilliant, sexy and romantic hero It seems so selfish and makes it hard to sympathize with Laura at all.

Spencer totally disregarded the grandparents in separate beds as well. Almost gave it less stars for this. Jun 24, Debra rated it it was amazing. This was my first LyVryle Spencer, and still my favorite. Laura and Rye are childhood sweethearts, patiently putting up with their friend Dan, who follows them constantly.

They all grow up. Rye goes off to sea to make some money so they can have a better life. Little does he know that Laura is pregnant. Rye is lost at sea. When he returns, some years later, he discovers that Laura has married Dan and they have a child who looks just like him. This is where the story really begins and what a great s This was my first LyVryle Spencer, and still my favorite. This is where the story really begins and what a great story it is.

LaVyrle Spencer will never go out of style. She is a classic. Aug 22, Rebecca Dean rated it really liked it. Read this book first time in Read again in , but didn't like it as much as I remembered. I like so much more left to the imagination. Also, I think that LaVyrle wrote like this in her first few books and then started backing away to better writing and less details.

The shock factor and explicitness wasn't needed after she became a best seller but who am I to know how those things work. I probably won't be keeping this book and that is sad, be Read this book first time in I probably won't be keeping this book and that is sad, because I have kept all but one other of LaVyrle's books. Dec 13, E. Jamie rated it it was amazing. Lavyrle Spencer is one of my favorite authors and I adore all her books but this one holds a special place in my heart. The Fulfillment is a close second! An auto buy author. Her books are bursting with heartwrenching emotion and passion.

Oct 04, Rizky rated it really liked it Shelves: Uno dei primi romance che ho letto. Allora mi piacque molto, oggi forse lo valuterei con meno entusiasmo. Jul 06, Jan rated it it was amazing. Loved it, loved it, loved it.

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The hero and heroine showed restraint instead of just blazing ahead and hoping everything would turn out all right. Jul 26, Tana rated it really liked it. A very amazing book. Loved by two men is a woman' s dream come true. Don't want to give away any spoilers. Old style writing but worth the read. Laura Dalton tak pernah mengira ia akan menemukan Rye menyembul di kerai rumahnya.

Setelah lima tahun berlayar, Laura telah merelakan kepergian suaminya, yang tak ayal divonis mati empat tahun lalu, namun hari itu kapal penangkap ikan paus Omega merapat di Teluk Nantucket. Dan sosok Rye yang tegap tak ayal melandaskan solnya. Dengan wajah yang dipenuhi cambang, Laura masih merindukan saat-saat mereka yang lalu.

Namun, kini Laura Dalton terlanjur belajar untuk mencintai sekali lagi, mencintai Dan Laura Dalton tak pernah mengira ia akan menemukan Rye menyembul di kerai rumahnya. Namun, kini Laura Dalton terlanjur belajar untuk mencintai sekali lagi, mencintai Dan Morgan, sahabatnya dan Rye sedari kecil. Sudah dari dulu, Dan mengincar Laura, tapi semua orang tahu, Laura hanya milik Rye seorang.

Dan juga dengan keberadaan seorang bocah kecil yang bersembunyi di balik keliman gaun Laura. Rye kerap bertanya, siapakah bocah lelaki itu? Bocah dengan dagu mungil, bernama Josh. Apa itu anaknya dengan Laura? Dan masih juga bertemakan percintaan dewasa yang berlatar belakang historical, gue rasa LaVyrle memang ratunya novel-novel historikal.

Walaupun mengambil ide yang simpel, tapi gue sangat menikmati adegan-adegan klimaks yang dihadirkannya dalam beberapa chapter.

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Dengan deskripsi yang detail mengenai teknik-teknik pengobatan kuno, dan juga latar Teluk Nantucket yang sangat tidak biasa. Well, gue memang gak terlalu menangkap di mana tepatnya teluk tersebut berada, tapi sepertinya ada di daerah New England. Jauh sebelum Michigan hendak didirikan. Gue juga suka dengan kultur-kultur kunonya, seperti membuat lilin secara personal dari sari badberry, pun relasi antar tetangga yang begitu akrab satu sama lain, saling tolong menolong, tidak seperti citra penduduk urbanis zaman sekarang yang serba individualis. Memang ada kalanya gue sempet mendapatkan beberapa distraksi dari adanya karakter lain, seperti DeLaine yang ikut meramaikan dilema dari pihak Rye.

Gue ada menaruh harapan kepada Dan Morgan, setidaknya dia bakal fight back untuk merebut Laura sekali lagi, tapi ya, entahlah, gue kesel banget sama sosok Laura di bagian pertengahan. Perempuan itu menjelma menjadi sosok yang plin-plan banget dalam menentukan jalan hidup. Tapi, dengan keberadaan Josh, rasanya gue kadang bisa menyukai sosok Laura juga, khususnya perangai keibuannya yang sangat harmonis. Terakhir, gue agak sedikit kecewa dengan terjemahan dan format penerbitan Gagasmedia. Memang sih gue cukup terhibur dengan sampul depannya yang cukup minimalis dan menggambarkan isi ceritanya dengan sedikit analogikal, tapi gue menangkap beberapa terjemahan yang kurang baik dari sisi ejaan maupun imbuhan.

Kadang malah ada juga kalimat yang kehilangan kata, hingga gue cukup kesulitan untuk mengertinya hingga gue lewat lantaran kesel. Dalam format percetakan juga, gue cukup merasa risih dengan font-nya yang tidak konsisten, ada satu bagian catatan kaki yang sebaiknya dikecilkan ukurannya, agaknya diberi ukuran 12 yang malah lebih pas untuk menuliskan isi ceritanya ketimbang menjelaskan istilah dari sebuah kata.

Pun di halaman agak belakang, tiba-tiba aja tulisan yang tadinya kecil dan tersusun rapi, membengkak di dua halaman, lalu menciut kembali menjadi ukuran normal. Gue rasa, novel ini kurang rapi kalau dibandingkan dengan terjemahan Gramedia yang juga punya style yang kaku dalam menerjemahkan tapi ejaannya tetap rapi dan tidak kekurangan kata, format percetakaannya pun konsisten. Romantis dan pas untuk menjadi bacaan ringan. Jan 19, Gita Ganesha rated it really liked it. Bagaimana jika kau adalah seorang suami yang harus pergi selama bertahun-tahun untuk bekerja demi memberikan keluargamu kehidupan yang layak.

Tapi ketika kau kembali, kau menemukan istrimu telah memiliki suami lain. Suaminya yang dulu adalah sahabatmu dan sekarang bahkan mengakui anakmu sebagai anaknya? Well, begitulah inti cerita novel ini. Please try again later. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. Is there any romance writer who writes, or wrote, as richly and beautifully as Lavyrle Spencer?

Her novels are so amazingly good. I had somehow missed reading all of this book many years ago when I was reading my way through every Lavyrle Spencer book, but I'm glad I finally read it all.

Editorial Reviews

Rich, tender, bittersweet, fulfilling, poignant. I don't know if I can express how good this book is. Rye makes a brilliant, sexy and romantic hero It is harder to emphasize with Laura and definitely hard to feel too sorry for Dan. I don't get Spencer's total disregard for grandparents. The child is their only grandchild.

Why not the truth. Papa died at sea. These are your grandparents. I have now married our best friend and he is your new papa. It seems so selfish and makes it hard to sympathize with Laura at all. Spencer totally disregarded the grandparents in separate beds as well. Almost gave it less stars for this. In spite of some of the mixed reviews, I thought this was a good read. Rye is a character you have to love Laura waffled some, but I think she was only trying to be fair. Dan was the true wimp I think if there would have been more of a fight between the two men and I don't necessarily mean physically to win the girl, it might have added to the story.

However, there were enough complications to keep things interesting and I would definitely recommend this book. One person found this helpful. She liked the story very much and has put the author on her wish list for future gift purchases. I don't have any info on the content but I would guess this is more of a womans story line. Lavyle Spencer is a consummate story teller. You can always count on her to keep a person interested. She writes wonderful love stories and that is what I like to read.

If you too love a good love story, I can certainly recommend her books to you. I first read this book years ago in paperback, and loved it. Over the years I read it several times, I think having lived in coastal Massachusetts all of my life I related to the history that was involved in the story line. I found the love story very poignent Laura not wanting to hurt either man as she loved them both and the men not wanting to hurt the other as they were best friends. I was thrilled when I got my Kindle Fire for Christmas to find out this was availabee for Kindle, it was the first book I bought.

I liked this book but it wasn't my favorite Spencer book. This book would be better if it was shorter. I skimmed quite a bit. I have read this book 5 times in the past 12 years. It has such a chemistry between the 2 main characters written so well that you can feel the passion in your own heart.

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Truly one of the best by LaVyrle Spencer. Every character complimented the story. See all 63 reviews. Amazon Giveaway allows you to run promotional giveaways in order to create buzz, reward your audience, and attract new followers and customers. Learn more about Amazon Giveaway. Set up a giveaway. What other items do customers buy after viewing this item?