Solid, Stable and Strong: Heal From the Inside Out

How do broken bones heal?

A summer shower had swept though earlier in the evening, the hot day was cooled and the dry grass was refreshed by the deluge. This I thought, was the perfect time to get out and enjoy the fading light.

2. You think failure isn't an option.

SOLID, STABLE AND STRONG Heal From The Inside Out MIND RENEWAL - CA $TING OUT DEMONS RENEWED MIND - MINDSET BOUNDARIES DAILY. Solid, Stable & Strong, Heal From the Inside Out - Is about doing the Inner Healing Prayer Process to bring every thought to the obedience of Christ as we are.

On my walk I encountered a steep embankment and arriving at the bottom of the descent, I slipped on the wet grass, felt a crack in my left ankle and the next thing I remember I was on the ground embarrassed and in pain. Most of us can identify with this situation, however after trying to walk I noticed that my left ankle was foreign to me.

It was extremely unstable and the pain in the area and inability to walk along with some not so subtle prompting from my wife had me arriving at emergency for X-rays not much more than an hour later. These X-ray films confirmed what I already knew to be true. I had fractured my left ankle at the bottom end of the fibula, the smaller bone at the outside of the ankle.

Fortunately my ankle fracture was stable, or not likely to move and surgery was not considered necessary. You can see the fracture site pointed out by the arrows diagonally through the bone.

Nearly everyone I know either has broken a bone or has someone in their family who has broken a bone. So, how do broken bones mend with out being screwed and bolted back together and how does the human body repair the area of trauma to cope? The big question is how long will this take to fix?

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The answer to the first of these questions is the easier of the two so we will start there. We can break bone healing down into roughly 3 phases:.

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This phase starts as of the moment the injury occurs. Bones have a blood supply and the process of breaking it causes trauma to the injured area. Blood is no longer constrained by the veins and arteries in the area and spills into the surrounding tissue.

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Think of inflammation as the bubble wrap of your body. It protects and stabilizes an injury site and in the process squashes any nerves in the area leading to great discomfort for you!

This period of inflammation lasts roughly seven to ten days after the injury. At the beginning of this stage, the patient is usually put into a full cast or a special walking boot or brace. Things begin to change as the inflammation decreases. Some of the blood clots which formed after the injury are being replaced by soft callus bone which is strong enough to prevent further injury in an immobilized patient. A type of white blood cell known as an osteoblast begins its work to bridge the gap between the two pieces of bone.

The soft callus slowly fills the gap between the bones over the next few weeks returning some strength to the bone and further stabilizing the area. They're also less forthcoming about their medical symptoms when they see a male physician. But clearly, it's not always just men who feel the need to act tough.

How do broken bones heal? - The Foot Group

Many women do, as well. Here are seven signs you're just acting tough:. Acting tough involves developing a persona that says, "I'm the best.

Rather than waste energy trying to cover up their weaknesses, mentally strong people invest time into improving themselves. They acknowledge their shortcomings and strive to become better. Saying, "Failure isn't option," won't prevent you from failing--but it might prevent you from trying. People who act tough are usually more interested in showing off the skills they already have, rather than learning anything new.

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Mentally strong people view failure as a stepping stone to success. They trust in their ability to bounce back from setbacks, and they're prepared to learn from their mistakes. People who act tough are very concerned with their appearance. Their self-worth depends on other people's opinions of them. Mentally strong people, however, aren't worried about proving anything to anyone but themselves. Often, the only emotion tough people feel comfortable expressing is anger.

They hide their sadness, fear, and excitement from others as much as possible.