Macandumba (Portuguese Edition)

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Many dialects have special characteristics.

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Most of the differences are seen in phonetics and phonology, and here are some of the more prominent:. Both mean bad , but mau is an adjective, mal an adverb.

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In most parts of Brazil, the l before consonants and ending words, which represents a velarized alveolar lateral approximant in differing dialects, became a labio-velar approximant , making both words homophones. Comprimento means "length", and cumprimento means "greeting". Hispanic influence makes it never represent that sound in some Southern Brazilian.

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Unlike most of the West Iberian languages , Portuguese usually differs between the voiced bilabial plosive and the voiced labiodental fricative , but the distinction used to be absent in the dialects of the northern half of Portugal, and in some dialects spoken in the border of Brazil or Portugal and Spanish-speaking countries. Both are realized indistinctly as a voiced bilabial plosive or a voiced bilabial fricative , like in Spanish. In Northeastern Brazil and the metropolitan area of Rio de Janeiro , the vowels followed by coronal fricatives in the same syllable have a palatal approximant pronounced between both.

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The feature is very distinguishable since this combination appears in the plural forms. The sound happens in other cases in Southeastern Brazil but disappeared in the rest of the Portuguese-speaking world. In regions where Spanish and Portuguese coexist, various types of language contact have occurred, ranging from improvised code-switching between monolingual speakers of each language to more or less stable mixed languages.

This section does not cover Galician , which is treated as a separate language from Portuguese by Galician official institutions, or Fala. For a discussion of the controversy regarding the status of Galician with respect to Portuguese, see Reintegrationism. Portunhol Riverense is spoken in the region between Uruguay and Brazil , particularly in the twin cities of Rivera and Santana do Livramento. It has since suffered influence from Uruguayan Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese.


In academic circles, the Portuguese used by the northern population of Uruguay received the name "Dialectos Portugueses del Uruguay" Uruguayan Portuguese Dialects. There's still no consensus if the language s is are a dialect or a creole, although the name given by linguists uses the term "dialect". The different dialects and accents do not block cross-understanding among the educated. Meanwhile, the basilects have diverged more.

The unity of the language is reflected in the fact that early imported sound films were dubbed into one version for the entire Portuguese-speaking market. Currently, films not originally in Portuguese usually Hollywood productions are dubbed separately into two accents: When dubbing an African character in cartoons and TV and film productions, Portuguese people usually mimic an Angolan accent, as it is also commonly seen as the African accent of Portuguese.

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The popularity of telenovelas and music familiarizes the speakers with other accents of Portuguese. Prescription and a common cultural and literary tradition, among other factors, have contributed to the formation of a Standard Portuguese, which is the preferred form in formal settings, and is considered indispensable in academic and literary writing, the media, etc.

This standard tends to disregard local grammatical, phonetic and lexical peculiarities, and draws certain extra features from the commonly acknowledged canon , preserving for example certain verb tenses considered "bookish" or archaic in most other dialects. The written standards slightly differ in spelling and vocabulary, and are legally regulated. Unlike the written language, however, there is no spoken-Portuguese official standard, but the European Portuguese reference pronunciation is the educated speech of Lisbon.

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