A Long-Awaited Kiss

16 of the Most Long-Awaited Kisses in TV History

Over the course of a single episode, the all-or-nothing pair went from violence — she broke his nose twice — to a kiss, to a fling in a barn, then blamed their tryst on the Coho winds.

Booth and Brennan, 'Bones' (Season 3, Episode 9)

Spike proved his love for her by undergoing torment to gain a soul and then sacrificed his life to save her and the rest of the world. The real meaning of Y2K? While the rest of the world worried about systems crashing in the countdown to the year , The X-Files was busy quietly moving Mulder David Duchovny and Scully Gillian Anderson to the next level, bringing into focus the tension that had hummed in the background of the show since she dropped her robe for him in the pilot.

TV's best long awaited kisses

It only grew from there, evolving as they each dated other people, had individual brushes with death, and saw President Bartlett through his term in office. Seven seasons and nearly seven years after the September 22, premiere, Josh and Donna finally had their first real kiss.

Best First TV Kisses

The two got together following a victory for the Santos campaign, celebrating the good news with a smooch. They go on to hook up repeatedly and struggle to define their relationship, leaving the future open as they close the series jetting off on a vacation together.

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  • 16 of the Most Long-Awaited Kisses in TV History.

But it took the show seven seasons before the couple locked lips for the first time. However, it was a kiss worth waiting for, because not only did it bring the couple together, but they stayed together, eventually getting married in season 10 when they eloped in Reno. SVU is the TV definition of a tease. If you need to make an inquiry, please do so HERE.

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The Long-Awaited Kiss "Looking at me while lip-locking with another girl G2Comix Ijippari Kiss Rating: I was hoping there'd be more "climax" until they showed their feeling but I really liked it!

Oliver and Felicity, 'Arrow' (Season 3, Episode 1)

Almost wish it was longer but then it'll cost more. Any fan of The Office will appreciate exactly how it felt to watch as Dawn turned her back on Lee "She'll just get a part time job as a cleaner and then pop out a couple of kiddies" Bell-end only to return to that depressing corporate block and, with no announcement, kiss the man who had been her friend since day one.

Mindy and Danny join the mile-high club on The Mindy Project

Waiting for your ride-or-die TV couple to finally lock lips can be quite frustrating, especially if it takes an eternity! When the big moment finally transpires, it's like. Explore Angie Thomas's board "The long awaited kiss" on Pinterest. | See more ideas about Kisses, A kiss and B w photos.

Even the poor quality of this video can't quell the love between these two. By the time we see Tara and Willow press lips on Buffy The Vampire Slayer, they've already technically been patronising the downstairs diner for some time. But prudish network executives put the kibosh on any lip locking as far as the witchy lovers were concerned.

So when it does come, it's delivered in classic Joss Whedon style - sensitively and utterly moving. Anyway, I couldn't find a clip of that kiss so here's one of those fan created videos set to a sappy love song with lots of clips of Tara and Willow falling in love. Thank me later, ladies who love ladies. I never really cared much for Kate. Sure, she was tough and strong.


But she played those men off against each other like table hockey pucks. Having said that, this kiss is still mega babin'. Sawyer's jonesing for Kate, while the two of them are locked in separate cages near one another. The heat is palpable.

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  • TV's best long awaited kisses.

And even though technically this isn't their first kiss, it IS the first one that's driven entirely by passion and lust. As a side note, I was fairly tickled later on in the series to discover Sawyer has a daughter named Clementine. And - as a bonus - she has her father's last name, which is actually Ford.