Sorcerers Code (The Elements of Sorcery Book 1)

He returns to the tribe to train as a warrior and though despised and mistreated as the son of an outcast, grows into the role as the greatest warrior in a tribe famous for great warriors. This work is basically episodic in nature. Readers will see in Imaro the same qualities found in other famous Sword and Sorcery heros Conan. What makes this hero unique is that he's African and not of European decent.

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The Chronicles of the Black Company. This is a different breed of fantasy fiction than its pulp fiction brethren. However, there are many elements found in the Black Company that have Sword and Sorcery qualities to them. Glen Cook is one of the modern authors who writes what you might call modern Sword and Sorcery. Black Company is not traditional Sword and Sorcery, but there are enough elements to loosely class it as such. The Black Company is a true classic -- a thrilling tale of magic and might, where the characters are neither good nor evil, and evil itself has shades of good.

Many will argue that the series loses some of its appeal after that in part because the narrator of the story changes to a different character. This is more of an epic fantasy, but with quite a few Sword and Sorcery elements to it. First it's a dark world where morality is questionable. There's the loner hero with an emerging power. The landscape is one of ice and stone, a setting that fits perfectly with the brooding hero of the tale. Yes this is epic fantasy -- there is a world that's in grave peril and an emerging hero who steps up to set this world-gone-wrong back on the right path.

But there's also a hack and slash quality to the series. If you are looking for a modern sword and sorcery mixed with epic fantasy, a combination that works perfectly in this case, read Sword of Shadows.

Gemmell specializes in heroic fantasy. His best book is widely regarded as Legend. Gemmell explores a lot of themes in this book -- the idea of true heroism for instance. Books in The Drenai Series 9 1 Legend.

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Kearney reported that these stories were inspired by some of the original Fritz Leiber stories. Sea Beggars would be a modern sword and sorcery by any interpretation: You might also want to try his The Ten Thousand novel for another similar sort of tale, though one that focuses even more on action and battle. Tears of a Heart marks the tale of a young man, Aeden, who unwittingly shapes the world. The writing is beautiful, layered, and timely. Chase Blackwood weaves an intricate tale that hints at so much more.

And that may be its greatest challenge. Tears of a Heart, the first book in the series, was beautifully written, and interesting. It shows us an amazing world filled with detail and depth, but for a portion of it, just a touch slow. The writing, such beautiful writing, overshadows this, as does the ending. Tower of the Arkein , the next book in the series, is where the story truly begins to unfold, and where Chase Blackwood shines as an author. It is fast paced, full of action, adventure, and love. A very strong entry in the fantasy genre, and if the next book is equally as good, expect it to make quite a splash.

You can buy on Amazon now. The Malazan Book of the Fallen. While these are epic fantasy, there's are more than a few sword and sorcery elements present in the series to land them on this list. Heros who can beat unbeatable foes. This series draws on Nordic influence and European myth. You get a good dose of ancient Norse gods, the beginnings of Christianity, beings from Irish mythology, and even a few half-gods from Greek mythology tossed in for good measure. Into this melting pot of myths is thrown the human hero, Scarfloc -- a man whose very love for his adopted immortal parents has doomed them all.

This is the tale of his struggle to save them. The Broken Sword is a dark tale and the heavy influence of the dour Norse mythology is present on every page, in every word. But for a sword and sorcery tale that's quite different from anything else out there, The Broken Sword is a recommended read.

This hero matches sublime martial prowess with an equal level of intellect. So if you are looking for a mix of different speculative fiction genres with a good dose of sword and sorcery blended in and one of the most vicious ass-kicking characters ever created in the fantasy world, read the Acts of Caine. A lesser known work by Jennifer Robson, but a great romantic sword and fantasy read. And you know what? The series is a wild ride, with each small novel a page turner. Tiger and Del are some of the more well painted characters in the Sword and Sorcery genre.

You slowly see how the characters change over the series -- Tiger is a hero in the truest sense, but he's a flawed one. He transforms from machismo hero to a softer, more understanding character by the end of the series. The female lead Del's hard-ass edge begins to melt away into a more softer aspect.

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Overall, Robinson does a very good job with her characters and the slowly built romance in particular. Robinson breaks the traditional Sword and Sorcery convention and paints a richly detailed landscape with vibrant cultures and traditions, even incorporating different languages into the mix.

Sword, Ring, and Chalice. Chester also takes some of the standard Tolkienesque conventions elves and reworks them into a new form. This series is entertaining in a B Action movie sort of way -- you can enjoy it for the fast paced action and the cheap thrills. This fantasy marks the heyday of the 60s and 70s style of fantasy.

Because of this, the series is easy to read and harkens back to the pulp classics of the Robert Howard era. You may find Saberhagen's prose a bit off-putting at first, if you are used to the bloated prose common in the epic fantasy of today. But move past the idea that bulk equals quality mind-set that most younger fantasy readers have these days, and you'll find a series with a lot of substance to it.

I'm treading loosely on the term Sword and Sorcery by including this work here, but Duncan's hack n slash "with style" series, Tales of the King's Blade, brings to mind some of the old Sword and Sorcery classics. This series is all about raw action. Unlike the classics in this genre, Duncan spends a great deal of time building up the hero and the world around the hero. The hero, unlike Conan,Fafhrd, and Elric the Sword and Sorcery archetypes by which all characters in this sub genre must be compared , is not a force of nature or a myth given form and life yet still incomprehsible. The hero is rather brought fully to life as a living and breathing man.

sorcerer’s code | Eye of the Storm

This is a series with a lot of action, but it does bring to mind some of the older Sword and Sorcery days. We generate a very small commision if you buy an amazon product linked to from this site. Ghost Exile Omnibus One. Sorcerer's Ring Bundle Books 16 and How to write a great review. The review must be at least 50 characters long. The title should be at least 4 characters long.

Sorcerer’s Code

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Nice genre crossover, that. Yet the pangs of near-instant nostalgia that come after you put down a book like this have less to do with the inspired setting, and far more to do with those who inhabit it. In his stunning debut, Ireman has built the type of world so vivid and engrossing that leaving it at the end is agony. Tears of a Heart Chase Blackwood. You can read this item using any of the following Kobo apps and devices:

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Best Sword and Sorcery Books

Chi ama i libri sceglie Kobo e inMondadori. Sorcerer's Code The Elements of Sorcery: Free eBook Add to My Books. Ratings and Reviews 4 31 star ratings 4 reviews.

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Yes No Thanks for your feedback! Great opening chapter for a book … Show more Show less. Nice short story, well written … Show more Show less. I am a fan of noir fiction, in just about any form, this was one of the better fantasy stories. I will not hesitate to read anything by this author. Just a short story. No background of the times, the town, or characterisation of the Sorcerer How to write a great review Do Say what you liked best and least Describe the author's style Explain the rating you gave Don't Use rude and profane language Include any personal information Mention spoilers or the book's price Recap the plot.

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