L.A. Boneyard (David Eric Laine and Chris Bellamere Mysteries Book 3)

It was several heart-pounding seconds before he pushed the other man away. I guess I pushed the boundaries of romance big time on that one. Boneyard climaxes with a meticulously drawn action sequence that in the hands of a less skilled writer than Brown could have become a confused mess, but Brown makes sure the reader knows exactly what is happening with each skid of tires and exchange of automatic gun fire.

I confess that it is the mundane details of the police procedural that keep me glued to the page. Nearby other autopsy technicians were working over other tables, moving from body to body. An assembly line of corpses. The County Coroner handled nearly eight thousand autopsies a year.

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Sometimes the dead were famous, but mostly they were just dead. In the latest in the series, L.

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Bytes , Chris takes a more central role in the investigation of the mystery because of his computer hacking skills, and David is the one who ends up needing to be rescued. Perhaps, also, just as the explicit sex in the first three books highlighted in those books the risk of gay love—coming out, commitment and faithfulness—the lack of explicit sex in Bytes emphasizes another aspect of gay romance—the risk of living everyday life as a gay couple.

David and Chris, now legally married in Canada , are finally adjusting to life together. David is beginning to see gray hair in his furry chest and wonders what the younger man sees in him. More in love than ever, the two are now in it for the long haul.

David Eric Laine and Chris Bellamere Mysteries

That is, if they survive. Bytes starts out with David going into anaphylactic shock and the two seem as if they are hospitalized throughout the book. Brown must have taken one of her frequent research trips to Los Angeles from her native Canada to suss out the interiors of the three major hospitals featured in the book. Brown says she is currently at work on the next David-Laine-Chris Bellamere novel. Since I lived in Bermuda for two years I had to use it in at least one book.

Maybe I can even return to Bermuda for a book launch! Brown plans to return to Los Angeles next year to do research for the novel. Email will not be published required. Please use kind words. Your e-mail address will not be published. You can use these HTML tags and attributes: The Novels of P. Brown Review by Dick Smart August 3, The novella ends with David bottoming for Chris: Dick Smart Dick Smart dicksmartlv yahoo. When not daydreaming, he is hard at work on his first romance novel. I figured out that it was because the characters - David, especially - were still in the same mindset they were in the last book four years earlier.

Normally, couples grow together but they seemed to have stagnated here so David cheating wasn't all that big of a surprise. The crime story didn't hold my interest this time either, and I was annoyed by the ending, tbh. The best part about this story was the friendship between Des and Chris. I would have really liked to see Des recover and move on though, and was sad we missed out on that.

Mar 02, DaisyGirl rated it really liked it Shelves: Now that's what I'm talkin' bout!

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This installment blew my socks off, which is saying a lot considering the view spoiler [super-close- borderline -actually-over-the-line infidelity issue hide spoiler ]. I loathed David's poor judgment and weakness albeit not total failure in staving off temptation. I wanted to strangle the shit out of Lothario Jairo sometimes. And, my heart bled for Chris. It all worked out in the end although I was sad for view spoiler [ Lothario Jairo and 4. It all worked out in the end although I was sad for view spoiler [ Lothario Jairo and his family hide spoiler ] but I did feel that David got off a little easy How can one begin to think to rebuild trust on a lie.

I'm sorry but that's fucking retarded. I can't find it anywhere!!! View all 5 comments. Apr 26, Matthew Vandrew rated it liked it. This one was better than the previous installment. The case David was working on was as much dramatic as the crisis in his relationship with Chris. However, both main protags and Jairo were the same - selfish, stupid, unable to communicate and when it comes to sex, reduced to drooling zombies. How was I supposed to like them? The ending killed it for me, too. Jairo's out of picture and there is a huge and teary reconciliation brought to a completely new level in the final chapter.

I re This one was better than the previous installment. I really didn't buy it. Still, the book is well-written with very thorough research although I really doubt Ukrainians would ever root for Russians in a soccer match; they would root for ANY team EXCEPT Russians and I enjoyed the crime aspect much more than the romance subplot.

Mar 06, Betryal rated it really liked it. Wow a 4 year time frame jump from the last book. Be ready for it. All I can say here is: LA Bytes here I come! Oct 17, Chris rated it really liked it Shelves: Feb 01, Elisa Rolle rated it it was amazing. Jul 30, Spiderorchid rated it liked it. I wanted to give this a higher rating but I was so disgusted with parts of this book that I just couldn't. First, the mystery is excellent. That storyline, from the moment they find the first body until the well written action sequence at the end, was tightly plotted and full of suspense.

It's an original take on the forced-protitution angle with some cruel but fascinating twists and lots of good dialogue and detailed but well-paced detecting. A five-star rating, easily. And then I wanted to give this a higher rating but I was so disgusted with parts of this book that I just couldn't. And then there's the romance. When this book starts they have been together for more than four years.


They are both around or nearing middle age, so one could expect mature behaviour. As it turns out, a subplot involving David and a younger colleague who tries to seduce David results in Chris turning into a hysterical teenager and throwing a fit view spoiler [ and David out of their house, including changing the locks, because he can never trust him again.

I should mention that David never even slept with the other man, just was attracted to him AND he told Chris about this, believing in honesty hide spoiler ]. It was a great mystery with a believable love story. With this volume, P.

One Response to “Risky Romance: The Novels of P.A. Brown”

On the last sites the crime case was boring for me. I wanted to know how David and Chris fix their relationship I was happy about the end, but it was too quick and unbelievable - for me, too bad. I love those guys, but sometimes I have the feeling David does not love Chris very much. His life is all about his work. Wouldn't he want to spent more time with the guy he loves? All he does is work all the time. I don't get him Dec 26, R. Jun 11, Nicole rated it did not like it. In fact, I was so eager to know what would happen between Chris and David that I ended up skimming through quite a bit of the crime portion of the story because it was in the way of the part of the book that I was invested in.

Boneyard lacked balance between Chris and David's relationship and David's work, and that was detrimental to the whole story because the brief scenes that did involve the couple or just Chris seemed glossed over, as if Brown were in a hurry to get back to the crime plot. And as for David, what an asshole. He had no excuse and let himself be manipulated by Jairo. And nothing he did to apologize or make it up to Chris was enough in my eyes. I found it unbelievable that Chris would take him back. And when Chris did finally take him back, the scene was so anti-climatic, so brief, and so underwhelming that I was completely disappointed.

And that ending was ludicrous. Brown has a habit of including one character who is so one-dimensional, so completely unlikable that there's almost no reaction when something terrible happens to that person. In book one, it was Kyle, and in this one it was Jairo. He deliberately pursued someone he knew was in a loving relationship and damn near destroyed that relationship and did not care one bit about that or the wife he had waiting for him at home.

What a despicable asshole. Totally got what he deserved. I think I need to stop reading this series now because the last two have pissed me off so much that I think anymore books would just be hate reads at this point. Another fine book in the series. I've become fully invested in Detective David Lane and his lover, Chris Bellamere, though this novel will absolutely tug at your heartstrings! Well plotted mystery and exciting thriller! Apr 23, B. Walker rated it it was amazing Shelves: Brown is absolutely astounding! If you're a murder and mystery fan you are surely going to love this book!

Captivating from start to finish, it's a must read! When two bodies turn up in a local park, Detective Laine begins his pursuit to find the killer, with his new homicide partner Jairo Hernandez. With no clues as to who these women are, and a new partner, this case proves L. With no clues as to who these women are, and a new partner, this case proves to bring chaos into David's life. As the investigation pursues, his partner shows increased interest, more than in just the case at hand.

When a third murder almost kills David's life partner, Chris, Chris is sent away on business. In the days of Chris's absence, Jairo becomes more persistent in his advances. David struggles with his morality and desires, trying to maintain professional boundaries while trying to solve these murders. Trying to keep the investigation the main focus, the only clue into these deaths are dental work and tattoos all the deceased possess. When they narrow down there search to claim identities, they uncover a smuggling and prostitution ring with a surprising twist.

Full of suspense, murder, mystery and even explicit sex, Brown left nothing out! What more could you ask for in one book? I strongly recommend this book and I believe Brown could possibly be the next J. I think we can expect to see much more from P. I loved this read and I give L. Aug 05, OkayKim rated it really liked it. Really enjoyed this murder mystery, had me doing the constant page turner thingy. As for the relationship though, I just wanted to shake Chris and tell him to grow up! After being with David for 4 years, well lets put it like this, David might as well have done fully what he was accused of.

At least, the punishment would have fit the crime. I'm surprised that after knowing Chris through the last 2 books, that he was such a coward. If I'd been Chris I would have confronted Jairo had that chance Really enjoyed this murder mystery, had me doing the constant page turner thingy. If I'd been Chris I would have confronted Jairo had that chance in the last meeting between the two and made a big stink about him coming on to my boyfriend. After what he did with David, why should Jairo have gotten off so easy.

Although, Jairo did suffer the ultimate punishment for stupidity. Chris and David both had some serious problems with communicating with each other. Hope it has improved by the next book. Would have given this a 5 star except for the relationship part of the story. Great murder mystery and suspense. Dec 16, Rie rated it it was amazing. It was so enganging that I finished it in a day thank god I wasn't that busy at work.

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I would give it a solid five star if not for the ending for Jairo. With that kind of ending for Jairo, we couldn't know how David resolve his own problem toward Jairo. I wanted to know more about that. Apr 11, Lori S. Brown just gets better as she goes.

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Editorial Reviews. From the Author. I love the way Robert Ellis, Michael Connelly, Jonathan L.A. Boneyard (David Eric Laine and Chris Bellamere Mysteries Book 3) - Kindle edition by P.A. Brown. Download it once and read it on your Kindle. L.A. Boneyard (David Eric Laine and Chris Bellamere Mysteries Book 3) . my review will be the same as the one wrote on book 3, I hope this is enough for.

This one's gruesome, with a nasty twist for the characters. I felt bad that David Laine's new partner, Jairo Hernandez, bought it in a way that was just a little too obvious, I wanted him gone from the picture, just not that way. May 09, Juli rated it really liked it Shelves: I think so far this is my favorite of the series. I felt so bad for Chris this book, he was far less annoying then he had in previous books. Also I can't believe that David couldn't have said anything to his boss about the new D harassing him, that part was a hard pill to swallow.

Apr 17, Miriki rated it really liked it Shelves: I'm surprised at the details of the forensic works. Sadly the romance was lacking something.

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