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Valid only on your first 2 online payments. Cashback will be credited as Amazon Pay balance within 10 days from purchase. As expected, the smartphone market is experiencing multi-year development and implementation cycles for 3D sensing which are due to the complexity of the technology. This has, however, not impacted the clear 3D sensing focus ams observes at smartphone OEMs and ecosystem players targeting broad usage of the technology through the coming years.
Based on its leading portfolio of 3D sensing technologies, solutions and system know-how, ams addresses face-related and world-facing applications and is engaged in numerous OEM projects and discussions at various stages. This includes current design activities for a world-facing 3D sensing application for a major smartphone OEM. The announced 3D sensing design-wins for Chinese smartphone vendor Xiaomi and a further major Android smartphone OEM have both moved to production.
Based on advanced OEM discussions, ams expects active stereo vision 3D sensing built around ams technology in first smartphones next year. As a key provider of industrial sensing solutions to leading OEMs ams benefits from increasing sensor deployment in manufacturing, HABA, industrial IoT and other markets. Leveraging imaging and optical technologies ams enables high quality diagnostics and innovation in existing and emerging medical and personal health applications. Focusing on safety, driver assistance, position sensing, and chassis control ams sees ongoing attractive demand for its automotive solutions.
While ams pursues significant development efforts for the reported major program win in VCSEL illumination for solid-state LIDAR, industry interest in its automotive sensing technologies continues to broaden particularly in Asia and Japan.
To support its range of production needs ams implemented additional manufacturing investments into its Singapore facilities in the quarter which included equipment for the internal VCSEL production line. The construction of its internal high power VCSEL capacity for consumer applications is progressing to plan with production ramp scheduled to start around the middle of next year. In operations, ams is successfully realizing the current high volume production ramps in 3D, optical and other sensing as shown by the strong revenue growth in the quarter.
Following further analysis ams has decided to retain these existing production capacities to support its future growth plans. Updating on its strategic assessment, ams has on the one hand evaluated a meaningful acquisition opportunity over the last months but has decided not to pursue this opportunity.
On the other hand and looking further ahead, ams sees optical sensing technologies supporting an even broader spectrum of applications with significant growth potential for ams, including areas such as audio sensing. At the same time, ams recognizes that upcoming optical sensing opportunities offer a larger size revenue opportunity and higher growth prospects when compared to certain envisaged environmental sensing applications. This includes new areas of innovation such as photonic elements and photoacoustic structures.
Social classes at risk? Fixed-term contracts in East and West Germany: Low wages, poor prospects? Regional and industrial wage dynamics in West Germany and the United States. Active labour market policies, market orientation and gender: Findings for young people in Ireland. Transitional labour markets in the European Union pp. Mitteilungen aus der Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung , 35 , ZUMA-Nachrichten , 26 , Occupational sex segregation in state socialist and market economies: Levels, patterns, and change in East and West Germany.
Two-wave longitudinal findings from the Berlin Aging Study: Introduction to a collection of articles. Kinderbetreuuung in West- und Ostdeutschland: DIW-Wochenbericht , 69 , Zur Erwerbssituation ostdeutscher Frauen im Kontext des geschlechtsspezifischen Umbaus des Wirtschaftssystems.
Exploring trends and patterns of nonresponse: Evidence from the German life history study Materialien aus der Bildungsforschung No. Full text Zeiher, H. Arbeit und Leben im Umbruch No. Azzano San Paolo, It.: Kindheit in der Stadt: Everyday competence in old and very old age: Theoretical considerations and empirical findings. Aging from 70 to pp. The Berlin Aging Study: Aging from 70 to First paperback printing.
Sample, design, and overview of measures. Betrieblich finanzierte Weiterbildung und Unternehmenserfolg: Schule und Berufsbildung im Wandel: Vergleichende Betrachtungen zehn Jahre danach pp. Fiskalische Effekte der Zuwanderung nach Deutschland: Korreferat zu Holger Bonin. In Migration in Europa: Wissenschaftliche Tagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft deutscher wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Forschungsinstitute am April Beihefte der Konjunkturpolitik No. Reasons, measurement issues, and typological affinity to unemployment.
Second report on vocational training research in Europe Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. Eine Betrachtung aus der Perspektive der Betriebe. Income composition and redistribution in Germany: The role of ethnic origin and assimilation. Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung , 70 , The impact of poverty on children's school attendance: Mitteilungen aus der Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung , 34 , Overeducation and skill endowments: Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit.
Die Entwicklung der Einkommensposition kinderreicher Familien in Deutschland. Estimating wage losses of displaced workers in Germany. Labour Economics , 8 , Beruf, Inklusion und die Transformation der Arbeitsgesellschaft. Biographie, Lebensverlauf und das "Problem der Generation". BIOS , 14 , Sociological images of contemporary Germany: International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society , 15 , Erkundungen einer Jugendkultur pp. Die Zukunft von Bildung und Arbeit: Gegenwartsprobleme und Zukunftsanforderungen an die berufliche Bildung.
Eine Konferenz der Jacobs Stiftung. Berufsbildung in Wissenschaft und Praxis , 30 , Sozialisationskulturen in der beruflichen Bildung: Full text Diewald, M. Unitary social science for causal understanding: Experiences and prospects of life course research. Canadian Studies in Population , 28 , Neue Ungleichheiten und Unsicherheiten pp.
Fra biografisk metode til biografiforskning: Dansk Sociologi , 12 , Von Eliten und herrschenden Klassen pp. Full text Jobard, F. Full text Lempert, W. Soziale Ursachen vollzogener Akzentverschiebungen.
The utilization of medical and nursing care in old age. Sample selectivity and generalizability of the results of the Berlin Aging Study. Full text Maas, I. Generational experiences of old people in Berlin. Sensory systems in old age.
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Discontinuities in working lives - How to mis- understand the consequences of global and non-global changes. The theory of reflexive modernization: Problematic, hypotheses and research Workshop "Discontinuities of Modernity? In memoriam Aage B. The paradox of global social change and national path dependencies: What do we know about old age and aging? Conclusions from the Berlin Aging Study. Socioeconomic conditions and social inequalities in old age. A comparison of welfare and outcomes for the unemployed in Britain and Germany. Doctoral dissertation, University of Oxford, UK.
Kognitive und erhebungspragmatische Aspekte Materialien aus der Bildungsforschung No. Full text Research activities: International encyclopedia of the social and behavioral sciences Vols. Full text Solga, H. The East German labour market after German unification: A study of structural change and occupational matching.
Self, personality, and life regulation: Facets of psychological resilience in old age. The organizational ecology theory and income differences between industries. Lessons for the labour markets of Europe from Eastern Germany]. International Journal of Manpower , 22 , Im Verlauf der Zeit und im Lebensverlauf. How do children matter? A comparison of gender earnings inequality for young adults in the former East Germany and the former West Germany.
Social relationships in old age. Children's islands in space and time: The impact of spatial differentiation on children's ways of shaping social life. Dependent, independent and interdependent relations: Children as members of the family household in West Berlin. Verplante Kinder, planende Kinder, planloser Kinderalltag?
Kind, Jugend, Gesellschaft , 4 , Ein Ansatz bei Handlungsentscheidungen. Allgemeines Statistisches Archiv , 84 , ZUMA-Nachrichten , 24 , Tied movers, tied stayers: The higher risk of overeducation among married women in West Germany.
Econometric evidence of obstacles to achieving gender equality pp. Arbeitsmarktchancen und soziale Ausgrenzung in Deutschland. The income portfolio of immigrants in Germany - Effects of ethnic origin and assimilation or: Who gains from income re-distribution? Problemsicht aus klassischer, neo- und neuklassischer Perspektive.
Zur empirischen Bedeutung eines wichtigen positiven externen Effekts des Sports. Sportwissenschaft , 30 , Individuelle Ressourcen als Determinanten sozialer Beteiligung im Alter. Premiums and penalties for surplus and deficit education evidence from the United States and Germany. Economics of Education Review , 19 , Im Osten nichts Neues?
Arbeitsmarktkompetenzen in Ostdeutschland - Nicht vorhanden oder nicht gefragt? Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte , 50 B 40 , Erfolge und Probleme der ostdeutschen Arbeitsmarkttransformation in vergleichender Perspektive. Family change, employment transitions, and the welfare state: Household income dynamics in the United States and Germany.
American Sociological Review , 65 , Modelle und Methoden pp. Public transfers, income distribution, and proverty in Germany and the United States. Eine Studie zu Betriebswechseln und Arbeitslosigkeit in Ostdeutschland. Die Arbeit der Kinder: Kindheitskonzept und Arbeitsteilung zwischen den Generationen Kindheiten No. Das Arbeitsverbot im Kindheitsprojekt der Moderne. Theoretische und forschungspraktische Verankerung. Gemeinwohlorientierung im staatssozialistischen System der DDR. Gemeinwohlorientierung als Maxime professionellen Handelns.
Workshops des Arbeitskreises "Professionelles Handeln" am November in Witten 17 p. Extra-binomial variation in logistic multilevel models: Multilevel Modelling Newsletter , 12 , Le Passant Ordinaire , 27 , Un et un font un: Alters- und geschlechtsspezifische Differenzen. Ethik und Sozialwissenschaften , 11 , Wer den "neuen Menschen" will, darf ihn nicht wollen [Review of the book Die Schule als moralische Anstalt]. Demography and aging after reunification. Families, states, and the elderly pp. Die Zukunft von Bildung und Beruf. Eher osmotisch als systematisch. Gegenworte , , Gesellschaftskonzepte im Vergleich Vol.
Centro de Estudios Avanzados en Ciencias Sociales. A review of 20 years of life course research. Science planning and research perspectives in Germany: Results of a symposium pp. Dies academicus pp. Mitteilungen aus der Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung , 33 , Work and family in women's lives in the German Democratic Republic.
Research informing policy pp. Journal of Marriage and the Family , 62 , Die Bildungsbeteiligung von Kindern in West Deutschland: Wissenschaftliche Tagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft deutscher wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Forschungsisnstitute vom Mai Beihefte der Konjunkturpolitik No. Der Blick auf Kindheitsgenerationen: Entgrenzungen von Lernen, Leben, Arbeiten: Geschichten aus den schwedischen Sommerferien.
Arbeitslosigkeit, Weiterbildung und Berufswechsel in Ostdeutschland. Ob Gleichheitsnorm oder formale Freiheit: Neues Deutschland , Aging from 70 to Artefakte in der Scheidungsursachenforschung: Eine Erwiderung auf einen Artikel von Yasemin Niephaus. Productivity effects of overeducation in West Germany: Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung , 68 , Management Revue , 10 ,