I only meant that it could be worse.
Order picking strategy selection remains a largely unresolved In addition to wave picking, two other commonly used order- design problem. Maximizing of the throughput of a computerized automated Gu, J. Batch pick- if it could begin to characterize order picking alternatives in ways ing involves the assignment of a group of orders to a picker to be that were easy to apply in design decision making. White and Francis 2. Class-based storage assignment policy in carousel Azadivar, F. Computers and 18 , — To our knowledge, this is the only research paper are themselves a considerable development challenge.
One after another they stretched their necks out, audibly sniffing at the figure head, and uttered a cry such as i had never heard. Taking a cigarette lighter from one pocket, he slid the interior workings from its case.
As each photograph emerged from the slot, dolan handed it to me.