Leadership Conversations: Challenging High Potential Managers to Become Great Leaders

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A leader's decisions, on the other hand, will revolve more around a vision for the organization's future, and thus around the unknowable. The process whereby a decision is arrived at can be as important as the decision itself, and there is a greater tolerance of risk.

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Among a leader's decisions is the hiring of next-level managers with leadership potential. The astute leader will find that his or her criteria have undergone a fundamental shift. In the old command-and-control model, decision-making involved a leader assembling and assessing the necessary information, and then issuing a directive to his or her subordinates.

In the new model, decision-making is a more fluid, ongoing and collaborative process. By tapping into the input of as many team members as possible, the new decision-making develops leadership and cultivates a sense of ownership in the organization's objectives and their subsequent implementation.

Leadership Conversations™: Challenging High Potential Managers to Become Great Leaders

In today's world, the authors argue, important decisions must be made with the executive knowing an ever smaller part of what is necessary to make those decisions. Thus, the information held at any given time is less important than the group's capacity to quickly acquire and spread fresh knowledge in response to changing circumstances.

A decision-making process that builds in a broad foundation of input and ownership will foster a learning culture within an organization in which everyone is both learning and teaching. Berson and Stieglitz contend that developing a plan to implement key decisions involves the most crucial and delicate balancing of the management and leadership mindsets.

On the one hand, the management approach "takes center stage" as getting things done becomes the priority.

Reward Yourself

Conversation techniques and tools that can help strong managers become great leaders Often the very same skills and traits that enable rising stars to achieve success "tenacity, aggressiveness, self-confidence" become liabilities when promoted into a leadership track. I had to read this for class. Thanks for telling us about the problem. AJ Lapre rated it really liked it May 27, The results, the authors say, can include a lack of internal cohesion, high recruitment fees and increased turnover.

It is entirely possible to meet statistical benchmarks while failing to expand markets, innovate services and fully tap the team's creative potential. As is the case with decision-making, the process can be more important than the result. A planning process that successfully engages the entire team will allow it to adjust when unexpected events occur, as they almost invariably will.

Moreover, implementing a plan often proves to be an organization's most effective classroom. As the authors put it succinctly, "Actions create learning. Cultivating a "learning culture" within an organization also involves making peace with the prospect of failure. A team afraid of failure will at best make incremental gains within the constraints of the current status quo. Organizations that fear failure will also easily fall prey to the kind of "analysis paralysis" that waits for complete knowledge and perfect solutions.

In the face of pressing deadlines and the need to demonstrate immediate results, too many executives fail to invest the necessary time in leadership conversations. Consequently, demand for quality leaders consistently exceeds supply, and organizations are again and again forced to turn to outside managers and consultants. The results, the authors say, can include a lack of internal cohesion, high recruitment fees and increased turnover.


Leadership Conversations: Challenging High Potential Managers to Become Great Leaders [Alan S. Berson, Richard G. Stieglitz] on www.farmersmarketmusic.com *FREE*. www.farmersmarketmusic.com: Leadership Conversations: Challenging High Potential Managers to Become Great Leaders (Audible Audio Edition): Alan S. Berson, Oliver.

They cite research showing that nearly half of high-potential executives fail to reach their full potential a phenomenon euphemistically referred to as "midcareer derailment" , and the book is full of examples of rising stars who hit a wall soon after a significant promotion. In each case, the candidate acknowledged a lack of mentoring that left them unprepared for the new leadership mindset required at the next level.

The book closes with a detailed checklist of conversational skillsets high-potential managers will need as they move up the organizational ladder. This checklist is intended as a tool for interpreting a leadership assessment test the authors provide on a companion website.

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They encourage budding leaders to use these tools to put together a personal action plan to identify strengths and weaknesses and set themselves on the path to becoming an effective leader. There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it's going to be a butterfly. We've sent daily emails for over 16 years, without any ads.

Join a community of , by entering your email below. DailyGood is a portal that shares inspiring quotes and news stories that focus on the "good" we can find in our world daily along with a simple action to continue that goodness. Since , it has delivered positive news to subscriber inboxes for free by volunteers every day. The New Conversation-centered Leadership. A Changed Environment Leadership Conversations is part of a growing recognition that the so-called "command and control" model of organizational leadership is fast becoming outdated in today's world.

Managing A central distinction in the book is that between leadership and management.

Leadership conversations challenging high potential managers to become great leaders - JH Libraries

Developing Leaders The second type of leadership conversation is geared specifically toward cultivating leadership qualities in those who report to you. Making Decisions Making crucial decisions is the cornerstone of leadership.


A Plan of Action Berson and Stieglitz contend that developing a plan to implement key decisions involves the most crucial and delicate balancing of the management and leadership mindsets. Quote Bulletin There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it's going to be a butterfly. Buckminster Fuller Search by keyword: Subscribe to DailyGood We've sent daily emails for over 16 years, without any ads. Richard rated it liked it Apr 30, Sam Baber rated it really liked it Sep 16, Cashman-walter rated it it was amazing Jun 06, Bobbie rated it it was amazing May 30, Dave Thomas rated it really liked it Jul 28, AJ Lapre rated it really liked it May 27, Monica Orr rated it really liked it Mar 25, Kevin rated it really liked it Jan 01, Nancy Peterson rated it it was amazing Jan 30, Adam rated it it was amazing Apr 19, Karen Ziehm rated it it was amazing Sep 23, Lorna rated it really liked it Mar 17, Kristy rated it really liked it Jun 28, Thad rated it liked it Jul 12, John rated it really liked it Sep 23, Alison Turner rated it it was amazing Oct 23, Ayu rated it it was amazing Apr 06, Nathan Cummins rated it liked it Feb 10, Deborah Sharlow rated it it was amazing Apr 10, Cheriecrosby rated it really liked it Mar 27, There are no discussion topics on this book yet.

Books by Alan S. Whilemanagers' conversations are generally Berson , Richard G. Conversation techniques and tools that can help strong managersbecome great leaders Often the very same skills and traits that enable rising starsto achieve success "tenacity, aggressiveness, self-confidence"become liabilities when promoted into a leadership track.

Identifies four types of conversation every leader must master: What Blend of Management and Leadership. If You Cant Change Retire. Lessons from Successand Failure.