Mud Season

Mud Season Has Arrived!

Think you can just walk around that mud puddle blocking the trail? Think again — while walking around muddy areas will keep you dry, walking on the edges of trails tramples vegetation, widens the trail, and causes more damage to both trail and environment. Help us help you!

Believe us, we get it! First of all, keep in mind that what the weather is like at the trailhead is not necessarily what it is like farther up the trail. You could still be walking into winter if you somehow made it past the mud. Secondly, maybe try some different activities for the next two months: Spring is also a great time to plan out your summer hikes.

Or take a workshop and learn some new skills for later. But even in those places, be prepared to turn around if the trail is suddenly muddy.

DEC Issues Mud Season Advisory for Adirondacks

One of the seven principles of Leave No Trace outdoor ethics is to only travel on durable surfaces. Hard, dry soil is durable. Mud is not durable.

  • Why Mud Season is Secretly the Best | Maine Huts & Trails.
  • 2. Go Trout Fishing on Opening Day.

Help us protect the trail for use the rest of the year by turning around when you come upon a muddy section of trail. You can also join the GMC Facebook Group to chat with other hikers and see where other people are finding dry areas to get outside. Mud season has traditionally ended around Memorial Day but climate change is making it harder to predict what the season will look like.

We do our best to keep abreast of conditions and we are happy to share any information we have. This article was originally published in April and was updated in April Thanks for the suggested hike to Black Mountain, Dummerston! WE did it on Monday, April 10th and it was perfect. Only a bit of ice still on the bottom, flat quarter mile.

Once you start climbing it was totally dry! Another hiker also suggested several loops that are not on the map. You announced that mud season has begun. Do you also publicize when mud season is over? Even better to know. We will definitely be making an announcement when mud season is over!

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For the Russian mystic, see Grigori Rasputin. W ell, I'm one of those dreaded "summer people" Thank you for taking care of the trails! I am sorry to hear that Boreas. Spring conditions are present throughout the lower elevations of the Adirondacks but trails in the highest elevations are still covered in slowly melting ice and snow.

Also, despite showering in bug spray and bug repellent essential oils, I still manage to end a day. When I am hiking, my ankles constantly seem to brush against a patch of overgrown forest.

Hiking in Mud Season

In the summer, when I turn to see what I bumped into, is usually is a mix of leaves. Well, if I have itchy bumps on my legs in two hours, I. During mud season, I do not have to worry about this. The poison oak and poison ivy have not. For me, this is the divine. I can frolic in the forest. In the summer months, my hikes usually involve me keeping a keen eye on my dog and.

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I can also relax a bit more during my walks knowing that the hazards are minimal for my dog. I have lived in Texas for the past twenty years and guess that we have got mud too.

But, I was born a Vermonter and always will be a Vermonter. I can remember when all the roads in the northern part of the state were mud from April 'till June. Because all the Governors were from the southern part of the state.

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So they got the paved roads first! B eing a Native Vermonter stuck here in the state of Florida, I still see a whole lot of mud, but none of it like the mud back home.

Mud Season in Vermont

I fondly remember going to Vergennes Union HighSchool and experiencing the traditional senior outing called "Mud Bowl". That is where we would venture to the house of one of the teachers and roll around in the mud in his backyard. This was our time for our revenge against the other students and the teachers who would accompany all of us. It is one of the best times I can remember having in high school. I still pull out the year book on occasion and check out the pictures of our "Mud Bowl", they still make me laugh!

I grew up in Vermont in the late 60's -early 70's. As a teenager and having a brand new license I took Dad's new blazer on some of the worst Vermont roads known to man. One day my buddy dared me to try a seasonal road and I gave it a whirl. It all started out fine until it started to got steep. I gunned the blazer and flipped it onto it's side. It was stuck so badly that we had to hire a skidder to pull it out. A few hundred dollars later and it was almost good as new. Needless to say I walked from then on!!! Dad didn't have a very good sense of humor.

M ud Season is sure interesting in Vermont , actually I'm Canadian and live near the border in Quebec but had an aunt that lived in the small town of Franklin which is very close to the border. I remember visiting her sometime in April in the mid 80's. I was traveling with my mom and sister and were trying to find her house, she lived just outside Franklin on this little farming road.

It was on a Saturday afternoon and it had just stopped raining and we somehow managed to miss her driveway and kept driving down this little tote road hoping to find somewhere to turn around, my mom and sister were getting nervous and the road was getting very muddy, we were driving a huge stationwagon and our wheels kept spinning in the mud, this road was getting smaller and only enough room for one car, finally we saw a small opening where we tried turning the car around and as soon as we drove onto the field our car sunk to the axles in the soft mud, it was funny we couldn't budge.

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Mud season is an informal term used in northern climates, particularly in rural New England and other parts of the northeast U.S., for a period in late winter/ early. Rasputitsa is a Russian language term for two periods of the year (or "seasons") when travel on unpaved roads becomes difficult, owing to muddy conditions.

We walked back half a mile to my aunts and her neighbor pulled our car free and it wasn't easy especially that heavy Olds. Good thing he had a 4x4 Tractor, what a nice neighbor he was. One thing I'll remember to bring if I visit Vermont in the spring is a good pair of boots, a tow rope or 4x4: See Mud Season in VR!

Click here to post your own mud story Some Mud Comments from the past: Dad only brought some light duty chain Q uote of the Day: