Merediths Justice

Today All Political Factions May Lurch US Justice One Big Step Toward Successful Italian Model

His family were warned he would likely be left in a vegetative stage. Complete recovery from viral encephalitis of this severity is unusual. Only a virus could have caused viral encephalitis.

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However, stress could have lowered his physiological resistance. To size him up with confidence we really need to know more about this viral episode, but the HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act will almost certainly be enlisted to hinder fulfillment of that need. The last book with Douglas as sole author was in His chapter was co-written with Mark Olshaker.

All have been exposed by us here over the years. The Introduction was by Thomas Lee Wright, and the malicious grandstander Bruce Fischer introduced at least some of this team to one another; his fingerprints seem on the book as well as those of Marriott and the Knox-Mellases. It will be easy for the media to take this further. John Douglas needs to speak up. In shilling for Knox… did he jump, or, was he pushed? In the previous posts, I used the official court reports and court testimonies to prove John Douglas has made numerous demonstrably false claims.

In this post, I will analyse a number of specific claims that John Douglas makes in his analysis of the crime scene in The Forgotten Killer. Note that the police processed the whole of the apartment for evidence and as it was distributed throughout they defined that as the crimescene. For ex-FBI he sure adopts very strange methods. Examples of his overarching claims include 1 there was proof of only one attacker and no proof of multiple attackers, 2 there is no indication of a female attacker, and 3 the break-in at the cottage was genuine and not staged to mislead investigators.

Devastatingly convincing closed-court recreation ignored by Douglas. But there were multiple indication of multiple offenders. Many hours at trial were devoted to this evidence, and in Post 3 in this series I explained how even the defenses had to fall back to accepting and trying to explain this.

The fine journalist Barbie Nadeau was in the courtroom when these experts testified at trial in and explained why they concluded there were multiple attackers. And here is more testimony on the certainty of multiple attackers. One of many exhibits on the knives not mentioned by Douglas. The fine journalist Andrea Vogt who was also in court reported more details about this evidence.

Wounds were from two different knives, Perugia courtroom is told…. He said she died of suffocation and interpreted her stab wounds as having been inflicted as threats during a struggle. The wounds, mostly on the side of her neck, were possibly inflicted by two different knives, he said, but noted that one of the stab wounds was compatible with the alleged murder weapon.

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The Italian Supreme Court has repeatedly acknowledged the certainty of two knives having been used in the attack on Meredith. Judge Chieffi in his report presents a concise summary of why the Supreme Court ascertained from the wounds that there were multiple attackers. In particular, it was found that many injuries were caused by activities of grasping, others by a pointed and cutting weapon; they were extremely different in size and degree of injury, and had reached the victim sometimes from the right and sometimes from the left.

All of which led to the conclusion that more than one attacker, together, held the girl, limited her movements, and struck her from the right and from the left, depending on their position with respect to her, but above all they covered her mouth in order to prevent her from repeating the scream that was heard and reported by the two witnesses mentioned above. Knox DNA profile outside bedroom not mentioned by Douglas.

And it is flat-out wrong that the other two left none at the rest of the real crime scene: Douglas is not a forensic biologist and he has no special expertise in DNA evidence.

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It is a fact that has to be assessed and evaluated, and Knox would surely have appreciated that questions would be asked and that adverse inferences could be drawn. Italy-India relations became fraught for several years after when marines on an Italian tanker off the southwest coast shot at and killed two Indian fishermen thinking they were pirates making moves to board. The subsequent prosecutions of Knox and Sollecito received international publicity, with forensic experts and jurists taking a critical view of the evidence supporting the initial guilty verdicts. To make matters worse for her, Brendan Dassey repeatedly confessed to the police and his mother that he and Steven Avery raped and killed Teresa Halbach and he knew multiple specific facts about the murder and made claims which were later corroborated during the police investigation. Amanda Knox rents the fourth bedroom.

But no DNA expert ever claimed this. Does the strange logic of Douglas mean that Sollecito never drove his car or was even inside it at all? Many, many crimes and many many crimescenes come up short on DNA. However, there were no traces of them in his house. Amanda Knox admitted she was at the cottage in her 1: We make reference in particular to those declarations that the current appellant [Knox] on On the other hand, in the slanderous declaration against Lumumba, which earned her a conviction, the status of which is now protected as a final judgement [giudicato] [they] had a premise in the narrative, that is the presence of the young American woman, inside the house in via della Pergola, a circumstance which nobody at that time - except obviously the other people present in the house - could have known quote p.

Judge Chieffi also highlighted the fact that Amanda Knox knew specific details about the murder in his Supreme Court report and he criticised Judge Hellmann for not addressing this evidence. Judge Nencini noted in his report that Amanda Knox placed herself near the basketball ball in Piazza Grimana which was corroborated by another witness. In post 3 I quoted Douglas claiming Guede was wandering around the apartment, as if the shoeprints and footprints prove that.

This something that has been noted by multiple judges and the Supreme Court. Judge Nencini stated it would have been impossible for Guede to leave the bare bloody footprint on the bathmat. The Supreme Court also noted there is no evidence that Rudy Guede went into the small bathroom after Meredith had been stabbed. Also Barbie Nadeau reported: Hard to prove, though. The Incriminating Bathroom Evidence: We reject this conclusion based on crime-scene photos of the exterior window. Photos reveal that prior to breaking the window, the rock first struck the inside edge of the exterior shutter, indicating it was thrown from outside.

Freshly exposed wood under chipped paint and mineral fragments imbedded in the wood surface substantiate this finding. Glass-fracture examination of the window would prove this. The only reason he puts forward for the break-in being genuine is there is allegedly a mark on the inside of the exterior shutter. The courts considered that this proved the window was broken after the room had been ransacked and that the break-in was staged. I remember very well [the glass] on top of the computer bag because I was careful as it was all covered with glass.

The window glass evidently was broken after entry into the cottage, by someone who was already inside and had already arranged the disorder that was then seen by the witnesses. Judge Chieffi summarises the reasons why the Supreme Court ascertained the break-in was staged in his report. Explaining The Massei Report: The fact John Douglas has airbrushed every single piece of incriminating evidence against Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito out of his analysis and pretends there is no evidence against them speaks volumes. If he had the tiniest modicum of honesty, he would at least acknowledge the fact Knox and Sollecito gave multlple false alibis.

Note that Douglas again and again accused his Italian counterparts counterparts the FBI trusts and heavily relies on who he never once consulted or checked with. Mark and I have spoken with many people around Amanda. It became clear to us that the Amanda Knox the prosecution and the media described did not exist in real life.

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Meredith's Justice - Kindle edition by Philip Harbottle. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks. Meredith's Justice [Philip Harbottle] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.

She was a creation designed to serve their very specific needs and purposes. As I showed, the prosecution and media and around 30 judges and the Italian public had a very clear-eyed and accurate view of the Knox and Sollecito which John Douglas sure does not. Guede morphed - or was morphed - also. From late to late Italians saw Guede as a mild quite popular basketball player with zero criminal record who had been enticed into a hazing of Meredith by two others whose close-ups were considerably less lovely.

In both the defense lawyers, and the Knox and Sollecito public relations led by Curt Knox and the late David Marriott , and the Friends of Amanda led by the mafia poodles Doug Preston and Michael Heavey from very early on set about demonizing him. The lawyers mainly demonized him in court see below and the PR demonized him in a huge onslaught in the American media kept largely below the Italian radar. From late after his return from Germany Guede sat in prison and assumed a fairly low profile.

In the same period both Knox and Sollecito sought far higher profiles, not so much a team as frustrated mutual accusers. In November Knox framed Patrick. Then Sollecito damaged Knox, not only with police and prosecution but with the supervising courts. Also in December each appealed to the Supreme Court for at minimum house arrest; in spring each appeal was rejected. Stays in prison continued. Claims have been made of a pact between Knox and her Italian former boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito, It is alleged their lawyers have agreed to work together to blame the murder on Rudy Guede, 21, a part-time gardener from the Ivory Coast and the third accused.

Here is an example of the incendiary tone now adopted by the public relations and Michael Heavey as channeled by the PR shill Peter Popham. In contrast, here is the outcome of the Guede trial late in October , note the cool-headed official tone not intimidated by the PR.

In the prosecution laid out a vast array of evidence all of it pointing to several attackers: The defense portion of the trial was loaded with anti-Guede innuendo but all their attempts to prove he was a burglar and lone-wolf killer failed markedly. Late in Judge Massei set out at more length the very clear case for a pack attack, subsequently agreed-to by the Nencini appeal court , and also three times by the Supreme Court of Italy , , In the defenses finally split from the increasingly absurd public relations stance on Guede and they went their different ways.

They dropped lone-wolf arguments with Guede as sole perpetrator and attempted other tactics, not successfully. Hellman appeal witness Aviello was a failed attempt of the defenses to prove that Guede attacked Meredith with others. Hellman appeal witness Alessi was a failed attempt of the defenses to prove the attack was by another group entirely.

Neither could produce even an ounce of evidence. Never once in court was the pack-attack evidence pointing to the three charged shaken. At the outer edge of my timeline when the PR was morphing Guede more and the defenses morphing him less Cardiol wrote of the defense headache he represented. That was after the Hellman appeal but before his annulment by the Supreme Court.

And even later, after the Nencini appeal and the Douglas books but before the bent Marasca-Bruno outcome the macho Sollecito had made his second visit to the Dominican Republic at this point SomeAlibi picked up the threads. Spitting In the Wind: In their books Knox and Sollecito both demonized Guede and tried to sell him as a lonewolf killer. In these posts Marcello explains just how far short they fall, and Chimera derides Knox at greater length in the huge Knox-book series.

Questions For Knox and Sollecito: Read those and you will know they had not heard of him before and he was not secretly working for them. They show him as mild, funny, popular, well-funded, and diligent in activities he liked. The real Guede had zero reason to break in, steal money, deal drugs, or attack anyone. On this Guede has been much lied-about. See more on this in Part 3 above and also this post, and this post. Guede was only on the police radar because of a minor incident in Milan just before.

The Massei report, page Sure, do foolishly bet some money. John Douglas seems intent on over-egging the pudding in order to portray Guede in the worst possible light i. In total, there were only five samples of his DNA at the cottage. The burden of proof is invariably lowered when it comes to Guede, and inevitably raised when it comes to Knox and Sollecito. So there is no need for him to stand trial for the crimes he has allegedly committed.

Straight to prison and case closed. It is extremely obvious that he did zero real investigation, zero real fact-checking, zero reading of the official court reports and court testimonies. Both Knox and Sollecito have morphed considerably. Their families and PR and a very strong case were primary causes of this.

Those who missed the happenings as John Douglas and the Netflix production team did can get fanatically sold on a fake Knox and fake Sollecito which are really only PR designer creations. This morphing was to become quite deliberate as part of the attempt to poison public opinion against the strong case. It is well-documented though Douglas is unaware that Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito mostly did not get along.

Same wth Curt Knox and Edda Mellas. Same with Francesco Sollecito and Raffaele Sollecito. Often each pair has been close to open war. In both cases lots to hide. This was probably the decisive factor in going for hardline and dishonest public relations which repeatedly irritated the defenses. The nature of Amanda Knox V Raffaele Sollecito can be read about in this post and there is much much more in both this series and this series. On 1 November , the night Meredith died, Knox and Sollecito were essentially low-achieving druggies with few friends and limited financial resources.

Knox had a drug-dealer in tow see False Claim 5 below. On November , as I explained in the previous post, Knox and Sollecito each broke explosively and unexpectedly under minimal pressure at the Central Police Station. On that night Sollecito blamed Knox, and so Knox blamed Patrick.

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The nearest Sollecito ever came was this instance which of course was not in a courtroom. Knox had already aired her considerable irritation to all of Italy!

On 6 November Mignini patiently heard her out and on 17 Dec he gave her quite a break: Through early this relatively naive trusting Knox persisted. But then as Knox describes in her book she was taught by her lawyers and parents to actively distrust a fictionally hardline Mignini and aggressively scramble the truth. From then on through Knox tried to charm a cold, hard Sollecito remotely, and in September this truce was agreed.

Drugs were more or less to be denied and a bid for lesser charges went out the window. Throughout trial in all Italy observed two more Knoxes. The really daffy bubbly one and the really callous and meanspirited one. Douglas was a profiler? It was often pointed out that Amanda Knox had attended a Jesuit high school in Seattle and claimed probably falsely that she was an honors student and her parents were professionals - Curt Knox is an accountant and her mother is a maths teacher. Actually the restrained prosecutors and restrained Italian media mostly got the Knoxes correctly sized up.

Italians could repeatedly see and judge Knox for themselves. They knew about the drugs see False Claim 5 and saw Patrick framed. He was an IT student and the son of a wealthy urologist who had set him up with his own apartment in Perugia, and provided him with a black Audi A3, and an expensive Apple laptop. Any inconvenient facts about Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito were brushed under the carpet and were conspicuous by their absence in the PR narrative. Highlighting the privileged backgrounds of Knox and Sollecito was a proven successful strategy on the part of PR consultant David Marriott and early legal supporter Anne Bremner.

Watson was a football, basketball, and track star. He had almost an A average in high school. And when the people in Farmersville learned he was being charged with these murders, the general consensus was this is absolutely impossible, it must be a case of mistaken identity. Time and time again, her high-profile supporters in the media claimed she was incapable of murder because of her background. Lady Justice is symbolically depicted as wearing a blindfold. The blindfold represents impartiality and the ideal that justice should be applied without regard to wealth, power or any other status.

Nobody with an ounce of common sense assumes someone must be innocent or guilty of murder or sexual assault because of their background, their status or their wealth. There have been a number of high-profile murder cases where seemingly normal girls have committed horrific and senseless murders with little or no motive e.

Leslie Van Houten was an honors student and a homecoming queen. She came from a middle class background; her father was an auctioneer and her mother was a school teacher. She took part in the savage murders of Leno and Rosemary LaBianca. Patricia Krenwinkel came from a fairly normal background. Her father was an insurance salesman. She graduated from high school and then attended a Catholic college for a semester before moving in with her sister.

Krenwinkel participated in the Tate and LaBianca murders. She stabbed Abigail Folger more than 70 times. How, in the name of all that is rational, could Amanda and Raffaele have participated in this satanic orgy of sex and murder Mignini so imaginatively described? But this team and this prosecutor came up with a bizarre criminal conspiracy involving satanic sex orgies and rituals. And this crime, according to the prosecutor, was perpetrated by people never before involved in Satanism or violence or group sex.

Both [this and the West Memphis case] were rushes to judgment, prosecuted as satanic ritual murders on the basis of fear and superstition rather than solid evidence and analysis. Since there was a strong satanic component it was supposed to take place on Halloween.

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Did it not cross his mind to actually check to see whether Mignini had ever claimed Meredith had been killed in a satanic ritual? If he had bothered to have checked, he would have realised there are NO quotations from Mignini himself claiming Meredith had been killed in a satanic ritual. He has repeatedly DENIED claiming that Meredith was killed in a sacrificial rite a deliberate false rumor from the defense and has strongly questioned satanism as a motive for other crimes.

I have never understood who has and continues to say that. For example in his published statement in Corriere. This is an assertion that Mr. The jury agreed that it was a damning piece of evidence. Barbie Nadeau points out in Angel Face that the jurors accepted the mixed blood evidence. Barbie Nadeau, Angel Face, page Suffice it to say? See here for evidence points, which between them at trial in and again at appeal in were devastating. In final judgment even the Supreme Court disagrees with John Douglas.

Knox, she had returned home in the company of Lumumba, whom she had met by chance in Piazza Grimana, and when Ms. So, it was Lumumba who killed Meredith and she could affirm this since she was on the scene of the crime herself, albeit in another room. For the most part, John Douglas sticks closely to the PR narrative about Rudy Guede being an experienced criminal whilst completely ignoring the fact that Amanda Knox and Raffaele both had previous brushes with the police and other inconvenient facts that portray them in a negative light.

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Amazon Inspire Digital Educational Resources. Matteini ordered Knox, Sollecito, and Lumumba to be detained for a year. On 19 November , the Rome forensic police matched fingerprints found in Kercher's bedroom to Rudy Guede. On 20 November , Guede was arrested in Germany, and Lumumba was released. The prosecution charged Guede with the murder. Knox became the subject of intense media attention. The book included accounts of events as imagined or invented by Sarzanini, witness transcripts not in the public domain, and selected excerpts from Knox's private journals, which Sarzanini had somehow obtained.

Lawyers for Knox said the book had "reported in a prurient manner, aimed solely at arousing the morbid imagination of readers". According to American legal commentator Kendal Coffey, "In this country we would say, with this kind of media exposure, you could not get a fair trial".

2009 prosecution theory of Meredith Kercher's murder

Knox and Sollecito were held in prison. According to the prosecution, Knox had attacked Kercher in her bedroom, repeatedly banged her head against a wall, forcefully held her face, and tried to strangle her. Mignini suggested Knox had taunted Kercher and may have said, "You acted the goody-goody so much, now we are going to show you. Now you're going to be forced to have sex! A court-ordered review of the contested DNA evidence by independent experts noted numerous basic errors in the gathering and analysis of the evidence, and concluded that no evidential trace of Kercher's DNA had been found on the alleged murder weapon.

On 3 October , Knox and Sollecito were acquitted. A ruling that there was insufficient proof, similar to the verdict of not proven , was available to the court, but the court acquitted Knox and Sollecito completely. In their official report on the court's decision to overturn the convictions, the appeal trial judges wrote that the verdict of guilty at the original trial "was not corroborated by any objective element of evidence".

Describing the police interviews of Knox as of "obsessive duration", the judges said that the statements she made incriminating herself and Lumumba during interrogation were evidence of her confusion while under "great psychological pressure". Following a successful prosecution request, there was a rehearing of Knox and Sollecito's second-level trial. The only new evidence came from the court-ordered analysis of a previously unexamined sample of the blade of Sollecito's kitchen knife, [ clarification needed ] which the prosecution had alleged was the murder weapon.

Despite the negative result for the prosecution case, the court returned verdicts of guilty against the defendants, who both appealed. On 27 March , Italy's highest court, the Court of Cassation, ruled that Knox and Sollecito were innocent of murder, thereby definitively ending the case. After this verdict was announced, Knox, who had been in the United States continuously since , said in a statement: Gennaro Marasca, made public the reasons of absolution.

First, none of the evidence demonstrated that either Knox or Sollecito was present at the crime scene. Second, they cannot have "materially participated in the homicide", since there were absolutely no "biological traces that could be attributed to them in the room of the murder or on the body of the victim, where in contrast numerous traces were found attributable to Guede". From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

This is the latest accepted revision , reviewed on 17 December For the Congolese independence leader, see Patrice Lumumba. Italian Code of Criminal Procedure. Italy portal Criminal justice portal s portal. Retrieved 20 October John Kercher is no closer to knowing who killed his daughter Meredith".

Retrieved 13 November Bologna, Monduzzi Editore, Retrieved 19 October Google translation, Italian to English. Sentenza del 28 October — 26 January Italian: The bed was, according to his description, covered with a red or beige duvet but he had insisted far more on the former colour: Retrieved 31 March Archived from the original on 9 December Images, Realities, and Policies, , R. How does DNA contamination occur?

Retrieved 28 March Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito acquitted". Retrieved from " https: Pages containing links to subscription-only content CS1 Italian-language sources it Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from October Articles with Italian-language external links Webarchive template wayback links Wikipedia pending changes protected pages Use British English from April Use dmy dates from January Coordinates on Wikidata Wikipedia articles needing clarification from May CS1 German-language sources de Commons category link from Wikidata.

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In other projects Wikimedia Commons. This page was last edited on 17 December , at By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Meredith Kercher in Via della Pergola 7 , courtesy of the BBC. Rudy Guede meets Kercher and Knox.