Gut, dass es mich gibt (German Edition)

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If an adjective is used without a noun, then it depends on which verb is used. This determines whether it is an adjective or an adverb. In this case, it is an adverb modifying or describing the "gehen, i. In English the verb "to be" or "sein" is used so logically, for us, we would think it it is adjective, thus "well" but it isn't here in this case. Again, it is an adverb and "Good" is the correct interpretation for "Gut" in this case used with "Gehen".

Yes, I'm being a bit redundant at the closing, lol, for emphasis. I think it literally translates as "it goes with me good" or something similar, I suppose like "things are going well" in English. This is just a colloquial phrase rather than having a literal English translation. I think it is like "It goes good to me". That makes even more sense if you pay attention that "ich" is in the dative case here.


The Germans do this in their grammar because it is just one of those things that the Deutsch language simply does. Next, the typical response in conversation is either "und ihnen? The phrase "Ich bin" is more of a statement about yourself, and not a reply of how you are currently doing at this point in time.

I learned 'Mir geht's gut' as the normal word order but I don't know which way is most common for native speakers. Is this the standard word order? My friend from southern Germany always told me it was, Mir geht es gut. Or do both work anywhere? I think 'mir geht es gut' is standard, but 'es geht mir gut' is also technically correct in terms of word order. At the beginning of the lesson it says mir means to me. Very confusing as to how come it suddenly means for me in this sentence.

Even in the hint for me is nowhere mentioned. Sometimes it becomes very irritating when no proper explanation is easily available. You would say 'I am going well'? I'm doing well is quite common but I've never heard I'm going well. It's the opposite in Australia. I guess we use 'doing' more when we are actually doing something i. I'm doing pottery , and 'going' for how we're feeling but also where we're going I'm going well, I'm going to the beach etc.

Colloquialisms are funny things! I wrote "It goes good to me" and got wrong why? One of the answer is "It goes fine for me". What is the difference between good and fine here?

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We say "it goes good for me" but it is not at all proper English. PS - I got it wrong as well. It's actually a matter of the rules of proper English here. Like my mother always said "you don't 'do good', you 'do well'. It does't go good. This is a literal translation and not what people would actually say. If a friend asked how you were, you would reply "I'm fine", or "I'm good". My father works in a bank and likes to ride his motorbike on the weekend.

My mother does not like that because she thinks it is very dangerous. She says we are never allowed to ride with him on the bike. My father doesn't understand why, but he doesn't want to argue with her. Next year, we are going to move into a bigger house because my parents will have another baby.

I hope we are not moving too far because all of my friends are here. My aunt Clara even lives opposite to us. Therefore, my cousin Barbara often visits us. Ich verstehe mich gut mit meiner kleinen Schwester und meinem Bruder. Mein Vater arbeitet zwar viel, aber am Wochenende hilft er uns immer bei den Hausaufgaben. Meine Mutter backt gerne Torten. Ihre Schokotorten mag ich besonders gerne. Wenn uns meine Cousins besuchen kommen, unternehmen wir meist etwas Besonderes.

Letztes Wochenende waren wir alle zusammen im Zoo. Das war lustig, da mein Cousin Ben Angst vor Schlangen hatte. Ich mag meine Familie! My family is very big. I have got two sisters, one brother, three aunts, one uncle, and six cousins. My older sister has long blond hair, and her name is Laura. My little sister is called Miranda and has dark hair.

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My brother's name is Fred and wears glasses. I get along well with my little sister and my brother. But I argue a lot with my older sister about the computer.

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Although my father works a lot, he always helps us with homework on the weekend. My mother likes to bake cakes. I especially like her chocolate cake. During the holidays, we often visit my grandparents because they live so far from us. My other grandparents, the parents of my mother, live on the street next to ours. I like that because that way we can see each other a lot. In addition to that, they have a cute Persian cat I always play with.

When my cousins visit us, we always do something special together. Last weekend, we went to the zoo together. That was fun because my cousin Ben was afraid of the snake. I like my family! Meine Familie ist sehr klein. Ich lebe zusammen mit meiner Mutter und meinem Bruder. Tanten oder Onkel habe ich nicht. Meinen Vater sehe ich nur in den Sommerferien, da er weit weg wohnt. Meine Oma wohnt gleich nebenan. Meine Oma ist schon in Rente.

Das verstehe ich gar nicht. Ich hoffe nur, dass meine Mutter nicht noch mal heiratet. My family is very small. I live with my mother and my brother. I have no aunts or uncles. I only see my father during the summer holiday because he lives far away. My grandma lives next door. She looks after me and my brother when my mother has to work.

My grandma is already retired. She used to work at a post office.

My grandpa and my other grandparents are already dead. My brother's name is Patrick, and he is doing very well at school. He is very tall and slim, and has curly blond hair. My friend thinks he is cute. I cannot understand that at all. But I do not like it when he listens to loud music when my favorite tv show is on. On the other hand, he always walks the dog so that I don't need to do that. I wish I had a sister who would help me style my hair or who I could swap clothes with.

I do hope that my mother is not going to marry again. This is one of my favorite books. If you like it yourself, why not try and read it in German. It is not too long and would be adequate for intermediate learners. If you have your English version at home, you can also cross reference. Just read a paragraph in English, and then the same in German. Janosch is an important part of German literature and culture. Janosh books are written for children, but adults love them too.

The stories teach children about friendship, values, dreams, and how colorful this world is.

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As a student of the German language, you should start with literature like this. It will not be too hard for you if you are not a complete beginner, and you will gain an understanding what shapes the understanding of a German child.

Free German Essays on Family: Meine Familie

Im Sommer mache ich dort immer meine Hausaufgaben. Ich habe auch noch einen Onkel, der manchmal am Wochenende vorbeikommt und Architekt ist. Eine Frau hat mein Onkel nicht. Meine Oma sagt immer, er sei mit seiner Arbeit verheiratet. Dann gibt es noch Tante Miriam, die eigentlich keine richtige Tante ist, sondern die beste Freundin meiner Oma. Tante Miriam hat viele Enkelkinder und manchmal treffen wir uns alle zusammen im Park. I live with my grandparents because my parents died when I was a baby.

We live in a big house, and I have a huge room with my own balcony. In the summertime, I do my homework there. My grandparents are very nice to me. My grandpa always helps me repair my bike, and my grandma often invites my friends for dinner. I also have an uncle who comes around for the weekend from time to time, and he is an architect. At the moment, he is working in Japan for three months, and we are looking after his dog.

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But he promised me to bring a surprise back from Japan. My uncle has no wife. My grandma always says he is married to his job. Then there is aunt Miriam who is not a real aunt actually but the best friend of my grandma.

"Es geht mir gut."

Since they have known each other for such a long time, she became a member of our family. Aunt Miriam has lots of grandchildren, and sometimes we all meet in the park. Then we have a great picnic and much fun! Sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages Network account. Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites. The above mentioned essays are definitely superb I love this website and I am sure that these will help me with my German test. Thank you for the materials. It is very helpful for me: I learn german with a german woman which had a problem to create or find a simple text to teach me the german basics and I couldn t find anything simple and helpful.

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