Global Mission


When Laurel was 13 years old, she Parents are supported through disability education, home economics classes, and Bible studies. Tesoros de Dios currently works with over 80 children. He taught for several years in primary school before answering a call to ministry. He was then elected and Throughout my life I have had the sense of God calling me to use my business skills in inter-cultural missions.

This sense of calling has deepened through past experiences with Central American migrant workers at various summer jobs, and through my time at Redeemer University. An essential part of being a Christian is to seek justice for the poor and oppressed in the world, taking various forms for each person. During my time in Costa Rica, I hope to love and serve God and others by using the business skills I have been given to do this, while As such, we desire to make it accessible to all people by providing it in a form that speaks to them most intimately- their own language.

A Global Alliance of Churches and Missionaries

Envision. We proclaim God's heart for the world and help His people embrace and respond to His desire for them to be part of building His Kingdom. Global Mission is the frontline mission arm of Adventist Mission, an office of the Seventh-day Adventist Church's world headquarters. The organization sends.

Earlier this year, we felt God moving us to explore re-entry into full-time ministry. Although we had been looking at other areas in Latin America, Resonate identified a possible fit in the Dominican Republic. As many of you know, Carlos was born and raised in the Dominican Republic. His parents became Christians when their neighbors shared Jesus Christ with them. Carlos has long prayed that God would raise up workers to train pastors and leaders to study and preach the Word to believers like his parents.

We believe that quality education is an integral part of helping people improve their lives and communities and fulfill their individual calling. More specifically, we believe in the power of Christian education to teach students about the love of Jesus and help them apply their Christian faith to all areas of their lives. We are excited to be a part of the work of Nicaragua Christian Academy—to develop students who have the spiritual, moral, and academic skills and beliefs to impact the world for Christ In , I went to Argentina on a study abroad program.

I was so challenged and transformed by that experience that I asked my advisor if I could fit in another study abroad program, which ultimately led me to Costa Rica.

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I have long dreamed of being able to live in Japan but never thought it would actually happen. My life was settled and following predictable paths: Then I lost my job and everything became unsettled. But God was in control and opened the position of librarian at CAJ. It was less than a month from the time I first His heart is to see churches in Canada, Nicaragua and around the world learning how to walk with each, learn from each other and serve together. The Nehemiah Center located in Managua, Nicaragua is a community of service and learning which trains lay Returning to Africa to work with Educational Care is a beautiful bookend to my teaching career that started at a rural Christian high school in Nigeria.

In the intervening years, I taught in a Christian school in Ontario, worked with students with special needs and trained teachers as an Education Consultant. I also enjoyed many years of cross cultural learning as I taught English as a Second Language in Ontario and most recently in China. Even my volunteer assignments have provided a rich foundation on which God has led me to invest my life and abilities in supporting Bible translation through ESL. I want our Latin American brothers and sisters in Christ to be equipped with the English they need as they travel even to hostile regions of the world with the Good News of Jesus.

This work will involve two main tasks: Steve and Sandra serve with a ministry team serving alongside three ministry partners: My vision is to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus to people, cultures, and tribes through Christian education and to promote love for service.

Global Missions

My prayer has always been to be called to serve mankind in any capacity. The appointment to lead and facilitate Christian education in Kabala is a clear calling to help bring knowledge to the underprivileged, significant minority for their empowerment, liberation, and salvation. My life is a living testimony. The fact that I was born into a Muslim family and encountered Christ at a traumatic moment in my life, Mexico City is one of the largest cities in the world, with a population of around 25 million. As you can imagine, there is lots of activity, entertainment, and places for the tourists to visit.

Also, there are many challenges to provide public services for all. People often complain of air contamination, and insufficient drinking water. Crime and vices, in some degrees, are present in all the city. At the same time, we can see acts and symbols of religiosity all over the city. People are searching for hope. And many of them are going back to My family is fortunate to be alive and in I returned to Cambodia where my heart was deeply touched.

Since that time our passion to return together has only deepened. Our two sons are in their teen years and both of them want to know their heritage. Together as a family we are asking God how we can impact the Ly and I were born in Cambodia and were children when the Khmer Rouge regime took power. Being separated from our parents, forced to work in labour camps, and fleeing to refugee camps in Thailand are parts of our stories. In , during this time of violence, uncertainty, and strife, we became believers of Jesus, and the Lord brought Ly and me together in marriage.

In we immigrated to Canada, but the needs of Cambodia were never far from our hearts. In we returned to Cambodia for ten years with World Renew working in Community During my high school and college years, I had the wonderful opportunity to go on two short-term mission trips to Guatemala and Nicaragua.

There, I spent time with young children in impoverished communities. It was during those experiences that I discovered I had a passion for Latin America and teaching children. After choosing to study Spanish and education at Calvin College, I had the privilege to study abroad in both Peru and Mexico.

After graduation, I taught Spanish classes for a year at a local elementary and middle school. During my time of Education in West Africa can be a very discouraging picture. Teaching is not a valued profession and many people have become teachers as a last resort. Teaching methods remain much as they were 70 years ago and few Christian teachers and administrators have had training on integrating faith into their curriculum.

Despite this, many teachers and schools are opening their doors for meaningful dialogue and discussions. As more opportunities arise for these exchanges, Christians are envisioning how the biblical world view can impact lives We want to see Japanese people growing strong in the Lord.

In particular, we want to see Japanese children getting equipped to walk with God and influence His world. Since , we have been using the ministry of Christian education to reach Japan for Jesus. Many of these students are Japanese, and most come from non-Christian homes. We are excited about helping our Two years ago, we went on a service and learning trip to Nicaragua for 10 days and fell in love with these beautiful people and their country. We applied to Nicaragua Christian Academy and God told us the time was not right. This past February, through ways that have Partnership with 32 churches supporting theological education, Christian education, and an outreach ministry to at-risk youth: Reconciliation and evangelism summarize our work in Japan.

During the last decade, our work has expanded beyond Japan to other parts of Asia through vision tours, church school teacher training workshops, Coffee Break, and the Japan Church Plantings Institute. Many churches and individuals enthusiastically welcome these ministries and actively promote these activities.

Dave's mission is to develop new and current leaders for the RPC and develop resources for the denomination. A few years later I also taught in Tanzania, Africa, where my husband was doing an internship for his medical training. After 30 some years of teaching in the States and raising three lovely daughters, this opportunity to serve abroad is being realized Our vision is simply to love and serve the people of Haiti and to share in gospel-centered, whole-community transformation. We hope to use our experience and training in education, ministry, and the corporate world to work alongside Haitian brothers and sisters.

Since meeting on a mission trip to Nigeria, we have always had a heart for the nations. Both of us knew that one day we would serve together on the mission field with a specific desire to live and serve in Haiti.


We love that we will be We believe that everyone has a right to worship God in the language that best speaks to them. While we were engaged, we were told about an opportunity to play a role in helping make that a reality. How can they believe in Him if they have never heard about Him? Doug and Priscilla were privileged to take part in translating the Fulfulde New Testament which was dedicated in What an incredibly attractive invitation Jesus is extending to us in Matthew To those of us who have lived another way - driven, exhausted, and with burn-out always hovering on the horizon, this invitation is especially attractive, although seemingly unattainable.

Burn-out was frequently hovering on our horizon or a sad fact of our lived experience Yet, slowly a new view is setting in as the Nicaraguan church discovers that Christ claims all of creation as His, now and in the future. From an early age, I have felt called to serve God by serving others. God has called me to Nicaragua to teach and guide these students, children of missionaries and future leaders, in becoming disciples of Jesus Christ.

It is my hope that my students will grow and deepen their relationships with God and learn to become soldiers of the cross Joel and Jeannie lived and ministered in Managua, Nicaragua, from through While in Nicaragua, Joel helped found the Nehemiah Center. The Nehemiah Center identifies, encourages, and connects Christian leaders for the social and spiritual renewal of their communities, equipping them with an integral biblical worldview.

Eight mission and development agencies work together as part of the Nehemiah Center. We see God at work through people and organizations in Managua, and we see opportunities for our family to join what God is already doing in that place. We see the seeds that we plant through our work bearing the fruit of the Spirit in ways that we may not immediately comprehend. For much of our lives, we have felt a call to go into cross-cultural missions - as individuals as well as a family.

This has had a great and continued impact on our family! The importance and availability of Christian education was impressed onto Sam at a young age because of the many moves his family made. Christian Education in North America has deep roots, but the leaves are beginning to turn brown while Christian Education in Africa has green flourishing leaves, but the roots are not deep.

I will be serving on a ministry assignment to the Middle East to 1 learn more about my own calling to serve the church God has placed me in, 2 experience the Christian body globally, and 3 gain further understanding of the people as religious beings. Within this context, it is my hope to grow in capacity to serve cross culturally. Through discipleship and development, I will be helping to develop a training For many years, we have wondered if God has called us to a shared ministry in a German-speaking country.

We met as German students at Calvin College. We have a large network of friends and contacts throughout Germany. We have extensive knowledge of the people and the culture. Mary has taught German for more than 30 years. David has served urban congregations in Canada and the Stan grew up in the U. They worked together in the Philippines for over 15 years in a variety of ministries, including church planting, seminary and Bible college teaching, church planter training, and diaconal-stewardship ministry.

They recently spent two years in another Asian country, where they served in the English fellowship of a large Our vision is to be part of a team winning Mexico for Christ. There, he taught VBS and preached his first message in Spanish. Felipe and Angelica Santiago offered him hospitality and direction as to an eternal purpose. As Dan saw Filipe pedal his bike through the fields, going from hut to hut to share the Gospel, Dan recalled God works through His people to be His servants in His world.

Our vision is to see a new generation of Japanese believers rise up as a vibrant, growing church to transform Japanese society with the hope of Jesus Christ and launch a movement of missionaries from Japan around the world. Nurturing students and graduates to make known Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord in their universities, work places, and their societies. As a runner in mission frontier we see the CRCNA gets connected widely and deeply in the life of our Mexican Presbyterian churches and other evangelical communities in Tijuana, Baja California state and other parts of Mexico.

As a result, our Reformed faith is shared and encouraged to bring more individuals and their families to the feet of our Savior Jesus Christ. My role is to support and encourage the translators as they are working in their communities. With over languages, Papua New Guinea is the most culturally diverse country in the world.

Can you see the children dancing while worshipping God? Can you hear young adults sharing gripping biblical stories and truths as hundreds of kids cram into classrooms? Imagine smiles lighting up with joy, hearts becoming peaceful, Scriptures being memorized, hands reaching out to forgive and love others every day. I see God delighting in His children as many tribes, tongues, and nations.

Together, our mission is to nurture and mobilize missional communities of leaders and organizations who love and serve the poor, seeking the peace of their communities. Our vision is seeing those who have been labeled the least, the last, and the lost in marginalized communities experience fullness of life. I often face anxiety about the future and this past year was especially filled with anxiety while making post-college plans.

I looked into jobs and graduate school, but nothing seemed to feel right.

  • The Hope Chest.
  • Global Mission - Wikipedia;
  • The Future Of Money: Creating New Wealth, Work and a Wiser World.
  • Das Zeitdenken bei Husserl, Heidegger und Ricoeur (Phaenomenologica) (German Edition)!
  • Where does your money go??
  • Fare di Roma un capolavoro: La città come passione (Tempi) (Italian Edition).

However, God has opened doors for me to return to Germany this fall for a year-long position with the Berliner Stadtmission. I will be joining a team that is planting a multicultural church in Berlin directed toward refugees and immigrants from all over the world. Additionally, I will be working with a program that helps refugees adapt to life in a new To plant and strengthen churches, develop servant leaders, and help others to do the same in the city of Guadalajara with the National Presbyterian Church of Mexico and in Mexico as a whole with Multiplication Network Ministries MNM.

Guadalajara, located about seven hours west of Mexico City, is the capital of Jalisco State. With more than five million inhabitants, it is the second largest city in Mexico. We envision churches, communities, and individuals engaged in relationships of openness and trust that bring transformation to all aspects of life thereby redeeming all things, furthering the Kingdom of God, and making Christ known by proclaiming His love and forgiveness to all people.

Our mission is to join with leaders of churches and Christian organizations through networking, teaching, learning, worship, and community that they would make Christ known throughout Romania The SDRF works directly with the Thai government in agricultural, social, health and educational development. It is staffed by Thai Christians to work among marginalized communities throughout Thailand and southern Laos. Our first two years we worked on a rural development project in Northern Thailand with local churches and their communities.

Now we are working in southern Thailand on projects helping the communities improve or begin additional businesses Our goal is to be part of the transformation in the lives of Nicaraguans and North Americans by building cultural awareness and encouraging an overall sense of global missions After a short-term mission to West Africa, in , Lisa felt God calling her to full-time, overseas ministry. How could we reconcile those two different visions?

This was a point of tension in our marriage. So in , we spent a year at LCC International I see God restoring lives through reconciliation with Jesus Christ. God is faithful to do the work that he calls us to do, and he has called me to serve pastors and churches in Nicaragua and North America. Along with the Nehemiah Center, I see healthy churches actively growing in mission that affects all sectors of life.

I want to serve pastors and leaders by listening to them, getting to know their stories, praying for them, and helping them make connections with other pastors and leaders in Nicaragua and North America What happens if you take a plant, no matter how fruitful and thriving, and plunk it in a new place, where temperatures, rainfall, and soil bear no resemblance to those of its native land? Even if it did survive, the plant is highly unlikely to yield much fruit. Likewise, theology, publications, models of church life and Christian discipleship need to grow out of local soil if they are to engender and nourish new life.

During our years of service in Latin America, we have become increasingly aware of rampant violence, injustice, One of my personal ministry passions is to develop and train leaders. In recent years I have had the opportunity to train lay pastors and leaders in various countries, utilizing the Timothy Leadership Training program as a tool. I have seen the impact on the life and ministry of those who have completed the For many, the transition from high school to adulthood is filled with doubt and uncertainty.

I am no exception. I have struggled for years to find my place in the world. Like many I have struggled to find myself. I believe he wants me to help others, to bring his kingdom to our broken world. When Jena arrived in Bahrain eight years ago, she started working with the youth group. As part of a local church, she mainly worked with the children of Christian expats from around the world. In December of Jena and Reynold were married.

Over the years, the Lord has put on their heart a greater vision for youth across the island, from various churches as well as youth from different faith backgrounds.

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The youth of Bahrain are searching; they are hungry. There is a need for more youth leaders and people willing to invest in the Since , I have held a variety of positions working with youth in ministry and in outdoor education. When I interned with Fara Limite in the summer of , I was enthralled by how Fara Limite and the New Horizons Foundation used outdoor education as a ministry as well as a catalyst for youth development and social change.

Reclaiming the Redeemed Marketplace: There is a need throughout the worldwide Church for a greater integration between the sacred and secular in terms of our daily working lives. Jesus has redeemed the marketplace, but the Church has not yet fully reclaimed it. I see the potential of Christian business persons to have a great impact in the marketplace for Christ and for the Church. I see great potential for churches to recognize the opportunity to build marketplace ministries in the church to encourage this integration of work and worship Confronted with stories of The long walk to freedom toward becoming the Rainbow Nation has already started in South Africa.

Reconciliation has been foundational throughout the journey and yet, fear, malaise, and inequality linger. Within this setting, some of our South African friends see dawn breaking. Together we envision Gospel-empowered collaboration that seeks to cultivate transformation and deepen reconciliation. Living in one of the gateway nations to Africa, we hope to courageously respond to the Holy Spirit's This mission-minded church is deeply involved in carrying out the Great Commission.

At the same time, many of our worshipers only spend a few years here before they are transferred. As the university chaplains, our mission is to provide opportunities for all students to encounter God, engage in faith conversations, and explore what it means to be disciples of Jesus Christ. This clear and simple mission is invigorating, yet extremely complex to implement. The students are Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox as well as Muslim, agnostic, atheist, or holding to some other worldview or faith We are tired of poverty, me included.

In , while mentoring entrepreneurs in Nicaragua, Jari and I saw the great need for training in financial stewardship within the Nicaraguan church. There is a lack of knowledge about budgeting, how to save for the future, and paying off accumulating debt. This prompted the launch of the Kingdom Our vision is to participate in God's Kingdom by partnering with the Pentecostal Assemblies of God to provide theological education which reflects God's desire to renew all creation.

Who We Are

This work will equip Ugandan Christian leaders to foster community growth and to ensure the sustainability of their ministry. I support Bible translation in Mexico by teaching the children of missionaries in Oaxaca, Mexico. Some of the children at Oaxaca Christian School are from families working in translation with SIL a sister organization of Wycliffe Bible Translators , while others come from families associated with different mission agencies.

By teaching children, parents are freed up to do their own ministries without worrying about the educational needs of their children or having to home school them. SIL has completed New Testament projects to date in God has worked in my heart to give me a desire to see high-quality theological education made available to pastors around the world. God is doing tremendous things through these people He uses to shepherd His flock. A majority of them never had the At that time, I immersed myself in a Thailand study-abroad program for four months; my life has never been the same.

As I returned home from that formative experience, I felt the Spirit fixing Thailand in my heart. I have grown to love the Thai people and have become fluent in speaking, reading, and writing in the Thai language. Initially, I worked with two organizations to stop the obscenity of human trafficking, giving hope and aid to those We are working to develop discipleship materials that can be used by local pastors to disciple their churches so that lives, marriages, families, and communities are transformed when people renew their minds with God's truth.

We are working to train church leaders to make disciples so that the peoples of Africa are reached with the gospel of the kingdom of Jesus. In doing this, we are also active participants in a When they heard this sound, a crowd came together in bewilderment, because each one heard their own language being spoken. Utterly amazed, they asked: Then how is it that each of us hears them in our native language? He has a burning passion for missions and it is contagious.

He has a beautiful spirit, humble heart, and servant attitude. He ministers powerfully in impartation, having received a powerful impartation himself which was instrumental in accomplishing his ministry. Leif is one of these.

Global Mission Partners

His ministry is an unveiling of the wonder working power of unconditional love. I cannot think of anyone who can stir the depths of your hunger far more than Leif. It is my honor to call him my friend and my pleasure to recommend his ministry! First, Leif and Jennifer are our children in the faith. Second, my precious wife, Friede, is a product of his spiritual influence.

Third, I have witnessed first hand his awesome anointing in ministering to the nations.