Digital Media for Business - 2.0

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We also asked respondents to specify the percentage improvement they experienced for each reported benefit across all three benefit classes. There are varies of social media sites to be applied for strategic social media campaign, for example, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Skip to content Menu About Assignments Resources. Email Templates 's curator insight, January 24, Yet satisfaction with Web 2. How might my social media campaign contribute to and develop on the theory being discussed.

Looking beyond company borders, significant benefits have stemmed from better interactions with organizations and customers. Respondents also say they have been able to burnish their innovation skills, perhaps because their companies and customers jointly shape and cocreate products using Web 2. Some respondents report that these customer interactions have resulted in measurable increases in revenues.

Respondents cite similar gains resulting from better ties to suppliers and partners.

Looking ahead

Highest on that list of benefits is the ability to gain access to expertise outside company walls more quickly. These respondents also cite lower costs of communication with business partners and lower travel costs. We also asked respondents to specify the percentage improvement they experienced for each reported benefit across all three benefit classes.

The median level of gains derived from internal Web 2. Although many companies use a mix of tools, the survey shows that among all respondents deriving benefits, the more heavily used technologies are blogs, wikis, and podcasts—the same tools that are popular among consumers— Exhibit 2. Among respondents who report seeing benefits within their companies, many cite blogs, RSS, and social networks as important means of exchanging knowledge.

These networks often help companies coalesce affinity groups internally. Finally, respondents report using Web videos more frequently since the previous survey; technology improvements have made videos easier to produce and disseminate within organizations. Both allow companies to distribute product information more readily and, perhaps more critically, they invite customer feedback and even participation in the creation of products.

Similarly, among those capturing benefits in their dealings with suppliers and partners, the tools of choice again are blogs, social networks, and video sharing. While respondents tell us that tapping expert knowledge from outside is their top priority, few report deploying prediction markets to harvest collective insights from these external networks.

Regardless of industry, executives at companies that use more Web 2. Among functions, respondents in information technology, business development, and sales and marketing are more likely to report seeing benefits at various levels than are those in finance or purchasing.

IT executives, in general, are more focused on using Web tools to achieve internal improvements, while business development and sales functions often rely on the technologies to deliver better insights into markets or to interact with consumers. These respondents also report higher levels of technology usage in general.

Respondents in North America and China report the highest customer benefits. Those from India and China, meanwhile, are more likely to report benefits flowing from their interactions with customers and partners. These survey results indicate that a different type of company may be emerging—one that makes intensive use of interactive technologies.

This networked organization is characterized both by the internal integration of Web tools among employees, as well as use of the technologies to strengthen company ties with external stakeholders—customers and business partners.

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Digital Media for Business - eBook: Mike Raffensperger, Aanarav Sareen, Tim Gilmour: Kindle Store. PDF | On Oct 1, , Roger McHaney and others published Web and Social Media for Business.

As such, companies reporting business benefits also report high levels of Web 2. They most often deploy three or more Web tools, and usage is high throughout these organizations Exhibit 4. This integrated internal use of Web 2. The survey results suggest that networked organizations have created processes and Web platforms that serve to manage significant portions of these external ties. Respondents reporting measurable benefits say their companies, on average, have Web 2.

These companies forged similar Web ties to 48 percent of their suppliers, partners, and outside experts. Murugesan mentioned that Web 2. Today, participators in online space become active, and able to participate in what companies punished, for example, adding comments, taking actions to the calling or freedom of examining resemblances to the information.

This circumstance is remarked. When companies making decisions for the target audiences or the contents to be published, community interests have been taken seriously into their concerns. This circumstance can be defined as audiences change the decision-making of the company, company change the action of audiences. Under this multi-way communication model in web 2. Business attempts to engage the communities or target customers to take apart in the processes of achieving their operational goals which is to participate with the designed campaign.

Enterprise 2.0: Social Media in Companies

Since the emergence of web 2. Consequently, it has being extensively attempted in running a better business. Also it has been one of the strategy towards success. The traditional way of in media or the varies of mass media are no longer the only way to speak to the world. Additionally, the development of digital equipment and the ease of use in web 2.

Why should companies exploit the benefits of Enterprise 2.0?

According to Hinton and Hjorth, SNSs as the interface between people and social media and it is an integral part of identity, social and political management in this digital world due to the ongoing commercial and cultural changes happens on SNSs. That is SNSs is playing an essential role to majority of people. Social media provide opportunities, ways and platforms for users to interact with everyone who has access to Internet, to sharing, to participating in all social media campaign, to gathering information, ideas together and to resolve issues.

Consequently, social media helps business to determine ways to promote. Business start to learn the using and leveraging Web 2. Either companies or customers, can do more things in online space. This circumstance indicates that both of companies and media companies are paying more and more attention to the attitudes, feedbacks and reflections from the audiences through SNSs. However, the feedback from customers may benefit the business to determine which product that should be continued and discontinued.

This strategy is helpful to improve efficiency and productivity, also may increase sales, customer satisfaction. There are varies of social media sites to be applied for strategic social media campaign, for example, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

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User Created Content being the fundamental requirement of in various platforms. How can the concept be related to my social media campaign. The first priority of considering the social media campaign, is how to engage target audiences to get involved online and offline. Based on previous researches, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook are the most popular SNSs, therefore, they also are the three key platforms of my social media campaign.

Most significant reason is these sites support to location-based services LBC. The primary task of Social Media Engine is to mine digital data from across Social Media Platforms published by respective owners, host that data on the original publishers website and arrange them in a way they become searchable for users from one place. This way users can read across all digital publications from the original publishers website instead of visiting different Social Media Platforms.

Also, the original content owner is able to create a repository of their digital content on their website using Social Media Engine, this way they have a backup of all their digital campaigns. This is an all inclusive approach to Social Media Marketing that helps you channelize all your digital efforts and allows you to make the most out of your Social Media investment.

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