Christians, Their Characteristics and Their Chances of Escaping the Great Tribulation

The Rapture: Who Is Left Behind?

Shawn, You only checked KJV? Both tale a little scripture and truth and build a doctrine made by man. Sounds good but to full of holes. Without even using scripture to disprove this theory lets us just use some common sense.

That will even so solve the secret rapture theory quickly. This would have to be believers from every nation on the earth? They would have to have money, passport and means to fly in a plane? I know some old prayer warriors that make us look like grasshoppers who would not fly in a plane if they had money, passport and a car to get to the airport? What about mentally handicap people? GOD is no respecter of persons? That flys out the window on this one? Only for the wealthy and the frequent flyers? Anyone crazy enough to believe this theory might as well hold out for the secert rapture.

If it does you think and pray and read and decide? Yet it happened because God wanted it to and helped with miracles. Funny thing is this exodus directly references the miraculous provision and helps of the first exodus, almost as if God knew there would be skeptics like you even among believers who doubt this is his plan: If God provides that kind of strong help, why do you need to be rich and privileged as you claim?

Further how did you ever think God could command his people to leave their country Rev So there I published your comment. I hope you are around to see this happen with your own eyes and understand better how God works and maybe believe in him a little more? Is the bible that I bought not accurate. Also, how can I explain the migration to my husband who does not go to church and my kids who i am trying to lead to Christ who are 11 and 3.

Kescher, I recommend you judge the job and the move off its own merits not for end time strategy. As the article says, God has a plan to warn the saints fund getting them to safety in plenty of time, no matter where servants of God are in the world including Timbuktu or even NJ! Hi Tim, I just found your site today. All my studies and research papers now have an additional witness! All the silver, gold, and jewels you will need are your family. There is no such teaching in scripture.

When Christ comes again, He comes to judge the living and the dead and to restore all things. The post-tribulation rapture is found in the plain literal reading of several statements of Jesus and Paul. Same with a literal, year future Millennium after Jesus comes and the dead are raised and living raptured. Amillennialism is just like the pretrib rapture theology in that it depends on spiritualizing and allegorizing those passages. The Bible is much more literal than amillenialists, pretribbers and most of us ever thought.

Hey Tim, I enjoy reading your inspirational teachings all the time. They have enriched my faith much. I just wanted to let you know about another teaching out there that is very similar to yours about the END TIME leaving everything behind for the promise land and 2nd Exodus. In the book Monte mentions the camps of the righteous that will exist all over the nations making Aliyah to the promise land.

And he also mentions the time to leave according to scripture is at a future Passover when we see the abomination of desolation happen. Hope you take a look at such a profound teaching. It sounds good to Torah keepers, because his idea of a Passover departure and camps of Tabernacles keepers being safe throughout is based on extrapolation, types and shadows from the Torah such as the 42 camp sites Israel migrated through during the 40 years wilderness punishment. Jesus said we leave before the abomination occurs in the winter not spring on a Sabbath day.

Joel and Daniel talk about a single gathering place for the saints for protection from Wormwood and Antichrist, respectively. Also I would expect Wormwood to say hello in appearance on that day or very close to that day too if Wormwood is what causes the northern enemy of Mystery Babylon to destroy it. Perhaps 1 Thessalonians 5: If this is true, and the wormwood event takes place in May of then mystery Babylon would have to be destroyed right before that time and not after.

Thanks for the clear explanation on the faith needed to leave all behind to flee. History shows what damage ridicule and peer pressure can do. However, by only Armenian Christians out of approx 1. These were ridiculed as they left. Things were good in Armenia, why leave? A year later the approx.

They did remain faithful, some singing as churches were locked and burnt down, but they perished prematurely for lack of faith. This is a good example of what we can expect. I think this was done in public and perhaps right at the produce stand, because when someone else saw it, they asked that Christian to pray over their produce, too.

And it was also made to be uncontaminated. I also have radiation detection instruments, and look forward to see if God would give us such clear confirmation of his protection, or whether it would need more faith as in, the meter reads high. Wow Mike this is such an awesome story! We have no reason to be fearful of anything on this earth because God is able to protect us in any way He chooses. I guess I want to take this chance to mention a miracle that happened in my home in , when God took a little container of cornmeal and made it last all year.

But if we are thinking ahead to times when we might not have a modern food supply, then I can testify that God is willing and able to provide manna, even for someone ordinary like me. I wonder is it just the beheaded saints who get to live years with Christ, or everyone alive, and living in safety, in Jordan as well? Rob, every glorified saint reigns with Christ as the multiple of verses make clear, not just the beheaded ones as reading Rev Rose, I answer these common questions like you asked in the FAQ.

God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Too many people have cheapened grace and the salvation offered by Yeshua Jesus. Our hearts will tell the real story on Judgment Day! Having no other gods, religions, or idols before him? Do we love other people as ourselves and treat them fairly?

How We Escape the Great Tribulation: Faith, not a Rapture

Thank you for allowing different viewpoints and honest dialog on this website! Too many people are offended today for the slightest provocation and want to shutdown or shame publicly if someone has a differing idea, opinion, theology. Jesus said today you will be with me in paradise. Currently you have JavaScript disabled.

In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Faith, not a Rapture. How We Escape the Great Tribulation: This article came about because a reader asked me to explain the mysterious beheading of saints in the Great Tribulation: Tim, I was just reading Rev.

This implication that believers are on earth for the Great Tribulation to be caught and killed by the Antichrist is consistent with what Jesus said in the Olivet Discourse about believers in the end time: The Obvious Source For Tribulation Believers The best answer to who the Antichrist kills by beheading or otherwise is that there must be a sizable contingent of today's believers "left behind" who simply do not take part in God's escape plan. Print This Post If this article blessed you and you want to bless back, you can Print page cleanly Javascript must be on.

Tim McHyde Tim is the author of this site since and the book Know the Future that explains Revelation literally at last--including the key event of Wormwood Rev Megan - October 28, Tim McHyde - October 29, Larry Cook - October 28, Cab - October 28, Sherrie - October 28, Francis Connolly - October 28, John Lemons - October 29, Ken Cole - October 29, Julie Szymczyk - June 20, Candie Daneliuk - October 29, Alamb - June 18, Tim McHyde - June 18, Garay De Ryder - October 29, Samuel Oliver - October 29, Joan Blackwood - October 30, Tim McHyde - October 31, Elizabeth Slaughter - October 31, Jon - December 17, Tim McHyde - December 18, Sue - February 18, Ron - March 12, Tim McHyde - March 13, Kristiana - April 8, Tim McHyde - April 8, Zachary Miller - May 31, Tim McHyde - June 1, Zachary Miller - June 1, Sam Miller - June 20, Donny Chartrand - July 22, Tim McHyde - July 23, Sue W - June 20, Steve Shane Lester - July 2, Elizabeth Becker - July 24, David Price - July 24, Tim McHyde - July 24, Michael Fish - July 8, Ramon Kroutz - August 23, Tim McHyde - August 23, Shawn - August 24, Tim McHyde - August 24, Ken - August 25, Tim McHyde - August 25, Amanda - September 6, Tim McHyde - September 6, AnnEz - September 16, Kescher - October 7, Tim McHyde - October 7, Vickie - October 9, Brad - October 18, Tim McHyde - October 18, Tim McHyde - March 18, Kami - October 20, John Mande - December 23, Chris Ball - January 4, Zachary Miller - January 4, Anko Griffioen - February 3, Mike - April 10, Nanette - April 12, Rob Foster - May 3, Tim McHyde - May 3, Rose - May 8, There is none beside Thee; neither is there any Rock like our God.

To what likeness will you compare Him? I am the first and the last, the only God, there is no other God but me. Who then is like Me i. Jesus never stood up and argued that he was God, neither did Paul. Is there some other God? Is there some powerful god I never heard of? It is Yahweh God who is your redeemer — no one else! I will strengthen you.

Yahweh created the heavens — He is the one who is God! Who announced this from before, who declared it from the distant past? Turn to Me and be saved, all you ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no other! God spoke through Isaiah the Prophet that He, Yahweh, is your saviour — no one else! See also Isaiah Why should we betray, each one his brother, to profane the covenant of our forefathers? Now this is eternal life: Singular, singular, singular … none of the nouns or pronouns quoted above are plural or composite — Not one!

If you have a concordance, there will be others. Tell me — what else could God have said to make it any clearer, that He alone is God? He caused to be written a complete Instruction Book the Tanack — the Jewish Old Testament ; how could He have made it any clearer in what He caused to be written? Of course God is all embracing, of course God is everywhere and at the same time, of course God is the beginning and the end and everything in between, of course God exists in every circumstance imaginable, but that is the nature of GOD — that is what God is, they are the attributes of an infinite God.

Why not ten, or a hundred, or a thousand or a million or a trillion or a zillion — why try and limit Him? How many times must God tell us that He is One and that no other exists or can be compared to Him. Why do Christians ignore what God himself says? Scripture alone is the final, infallible authority and if any other source is placed on par with or above the Tanack, then the Word of God is no better than the fallible words of man, and the Tanack is mocked.

Why does genesis 1: Also says Jesus was in the beginning, all things made through him and by him. He is coming to get those who will rule and reign with him in the Kingdom. In any governmental system, there has to be rulers and there has to be subjects to rule over. This idea that believers are whisked to heaven and live happy ever after in heaven is so not scriptural.

The Kingdom on earth is what we are promised NOT heaven, we were never promised heaven as our final home only earth. The meek shall inherit the earth, guess the meek will be bummed out when they see everyone else gets to go to heaven and they are stuck on earth, they probably will wail and gnash their teeth and wonder why they were meek and missed heaven where everyone else is!

Jesus reserved His anger primarily for the Pharisees and then next were His own followers. That sure seems to fit our world today. Long ago, I told you I stopped attending Christian churches for the very reasons you stated. I respectfully disagree with your overall assessment of what a Christian actually is.

The idea that a person can be Christian but not have a change in behavior or a change in their decision making processes is unbiblical. To be Christian is to be born again, born of the Spirit. Being Christian is all about the supernatural encounter a person has with God when they believe the Gospel and repent turn from their sinful life to a life of fellowship with God. Turn from your life of sin to enjoy fellowship with Christ now through faith in His work at Calvary.

Christ will give you a new heart and mind to stop loving lawlessness and rather one to love righteousness. He will live through you and empower you to live a Godly life because He is making you a new creation and old things have passed away. There is no fellowship between light and darkness. There is no such thing as a Christian who is continually living a life of sin rebellion to God known as lawlessness. Well, the meaning of words is often at the heart of disagreements. One party interprets a word to mean something different than someone else. A saint is simply a holy person, a person set aside from the way of this world to follow Christ.

I am not a Christian because of my affiliation with a religious organization. I am called a Christian, not because the council of Niacea, but because disciples followers of Jesus were first called Christians at Antioch Acts Being Christian is all about the new creation God works in a person. You must be born from above. It is basically the Roman Catholic church which deferred to the Trinity. They still want to hang on to those holidays. I am not going to put down those who have not seen the truth on that subject.

People will still be being saved during the 1, year reign. It will be like no other time upon the earth. It is an instant unity of the Spirit when one repents and accepts Jesus as their Savior. It is like no other human experience upon the earth as it is a spiritual connection to our God, which was severed in the Garden of Eden, when Adam and Eve sinned.

Then a soldier thrust a sword in Jesus side, gushing forth blood and water. There is Power in the Blood, the Life Giving power, which Christ shed every drop of his blood for your sins and mine. Accept Jesus as your Savior. The times will only get more evil. True Christians, are being beheaded in other countries, we have not yet seen the persecution here in the United States, but that could change.

Why Most Christians Won’t Be Raptured (& How To Make Sure You Are)

And glory to God in the highest if that happens, as it will show who the true Christians are! And by no good within our own selves, but through the one who bled and died for us on Calvary! Bless the Lord, Oh my soul! And all that is within me! The Word of God led me to the same conclusion several years ago.

It has been a blessing of understanding which answers a lot of questions. Another comment you made that hit home was something I, fortunately, sensed early on in my studies. Many people ask me if I have read a particular end time book or something written by a particular notable author. Popular christian books, including the Left Behind series, will be very misleading to many, as end time events unfold. If people were seeking wisdom in a Great Tribulation crisis situation, they should know what the Holy Bible says, rather than trying to remember what the main character did in a fictional novel.

Jesus paid it all,all to him I owe. No human who ever lived,can stop sinning,even a Christian. If all you have written is true, please explain the thief on the cross, who had no time to stop sinning, turning his life around e. The cross is a lesson for all, two thieves, one believed, one did not, its that simple. Don,t make things complicated, be like a child, the Gospel is that simple.

The fruit will follow,because he has changed you by his spirit,once you believe,who walk in the spirit by his power. Thank you Jesus for this simple, and wonderful free gift that passes all human understanding,your Amazing grace. Cloudbound, yes, salvation is free by faith alone, agreed, but faith in what, exactly, saves? Repentance starts with faith in Jesus as Lord and Savior.

If you really believe he is Lord who will save you, then you make Jesus Lord by firing yourself from that role you currently have like all humans do. You will learn and practice the law of the new Lord, what he said to do, the law of Christ Gal 6: This is the outcome of saving faith. The thief on the cross had that faith and you missed that he did act on it in repentance even for the short time he had left. He defended Christ Lk That took guts and faith.

His changed actions proved his faith in his new Lord! He did not justify the old Lord, himself, like the other thief seemed to. Faith in a savior who saves you without you repenting like you expressed is not saving faith. Depart from me you worker of lawlessness. Why must it be this way? It would result in chaos and conflict. However, with everyone on the same page of doing the law of love and submitting to the authority of Christ, there will be peace and harmony.

Instead they think they can make God a debtor to themselves. They heap up fleshly, religious works that make them think they can get right with God: They are ignorant of the fact that Christ does not and cannot accept anyone on that basis. Notice that the one referred to by Jesus in the text under consideration is boasting about what he thinks will get him saved. The truth is, there is nothing that will get anyone saved but believing in the shed blood of the Lamb that sits at the right hand of the Father in heaven.

The Pharisee in Luke 18 below thought he was a Saint because of the good things he had done:. They know that the blood of the Lamb saves them or they will spend eternity in hell. God justifies on that basis and that basis alone! Furthermore, God will only open the eyes of your understanding if you have that posture before him. I mean really, do you? Eternal soul is a Greek construct. The soul that sins dies. Revelation 14 for instance. Smoke rising forever is much different than torment going on forever. Today we take pictures and video of our enemies being bombed and their city set on fire and play it over and over a hundred times, but back then the enemies of God were destroyed and it was over.

There was no video to review over and over again back then. The preservation of smoke was the only way for them to remember the great event. And her smoke rose up forever and ever. That is what is meant by smoke rising forever. It is not proper hermeneutics to view the scripture in Revelation And they do not use it of eternal torment. Edom was destroyed and the smoke rising forever was meant as a remembrance statement.

Obviously, there is no smoke today still rising from the location of Edom. I am not going to lie. He vowed to follow Christ exactly as he said. It was only later that he realized he was wrong. While reading Martin Luther did he realize this. I want to be saved by grace. I was in the past but I guess my name was blotted out, as Revelation 3: How can I not look back.

Six Apocalyptic Prophesies

If that verse is a criteria I miss it. This has been going on for 2 months and I feel damned now. I used to Love Jesus more than anything. I used to follow Him because of my love for Him. I slowly over the past three years fell away from Him. I feel damned already. I know this is a mess but please make an effort to answer me. Nobody has answered any of my posts anywhere. Those thoughts are normal. It uses plowing as a metaphor for seeking the kingdom.

To take plowing seriously and do it correctly you must keep your eyes forward for proper steering. If you look back, you will not plow in a straight line or stay in your field even. As for you, the fact that you are worried about disappointing God is all the evidence you should need that you are right with him! Oh, and I too, had to delve into the scriptures for myself, to get away from the pre-trib doctrine I was taught.

It just began not to make sense anymore. And the old testament scriptures especially in Isaiah, and Ezekiel 38, Wow! Just a lot of amazing scriptures which are just around the corner from being fulfilled. I was fortunate to have seen a Youtube preacher debunk that so-called rapture theory about six months ago, as he went to the NASA site, and carefully followed the stars, the moon, the sun, the planets, and those celestial bodies were not lining up, and it was not some rare event.

I have someone who is near, and dear, to my heart, they know how to pray the right prayers, at the right time, yet their life does not speak of Christ. They do good deeds for people, yet inside that person I have seen a ravaging wolf, and that does not bepeak of the new creature we become in our hearts once we have repented and committed with JOY unspeakable and full of Glory! A true Christian can walk and move and breather in Christ, yet the other person has no clue who you truly are. Because, the natural, human heart, cannot know the things of God, until they become transformed by the renewing of their mind when the Holy Spirit speaks peace and comfort, unlike what the world has to offer.

Thank you for your site. I am unable to donate online. Do you have a P. Please post it for other too! And then the scriptures say: THIS is the Blessed hope! The choice is our own. I agree with your article, however missing on your list is the preaching of the gospel and making disciples. Jacob, preaching the gospel is not missing.

Christians do not even have the basic training of a first century believer in love John In my opinion, this teaching is coming from a spirit whose duty is to instill fear in disciples of Christ. The thought of a pre-trib rapture should cause disciples to live a godly life, in repentance daily, since the Lord could return at any time.

People who rely heavily on grace and ignore their sin are wrong. People who live by the letter of the law are also wrong because they rely on their own works to be saved. Christ died for the sinner and He rose again to bring life to His followers. He sent Holy Spirit to give His people power to live the Christ-like life. Through the blood of Jesus, a person is redeemed.

The Father sees His child, through His Son.

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  • Charles Munch.
  • What About the Pretrib "Left Behind" Explanation?;
  • What is the Tribulation Period? A Study From the Bible!
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  • What is the Tribulation Period? A Study From the Bible?

He is looking for those with a pure heart who have a relationship with Him. The problem is that the pre-trib rapture and the related Christian teaching on salvation do not lead people to a godly life. It leads them to apathy and false confidence and false hope. No works save you, only redemption through accepting Jesus as your Savior, having atoned for your sins through His death on the cross. That is the only condition.

Jan, no addition to the Bible is necessary as it repeatedly says we must have good fruit Lk 3: Sorry to break this to you. Thing is the demons believe in Jesus yet their destination is the lake of fire James 2: I completely agree with you. Yet, they exemplify the two commandments so well?

There are even studies that show atheists as a whole are more ethical than religious people. I have largely seen that in my life as well! So how can they have such good actions that stem from their good hearts and minds, striving to be good people and improve themselves regularly, yet be condemned to hell for not believing in jesus? But if the result is the same, that they reflect and try to make amends when they make mistakes, and aim for their soul to be noble, brave, fair, kind, honest… how is it fair that a lack of belief would send them to hell?

Ruby, I agree atheists are often more ethical than Christians. But there is no hell , so God is fair. Thank you for elaborating with such thoroughness in your article. It was a great aid towards comprehending the coming events. I hope God has a big eraser. Mystery Babylon is apostate Jerusalem. They were cut-off as a nation, and still are. The sixth, not her husband, was Jesus. One is— this the sixth also — is Jesus again. The seventh is the Anti-Christ. Wow, Jack, How could a Christian NOT be motivated toward the saving of souls when faced with a future that looks like that? Thanks for the wake up call, once again, my friend.

Yours in Christ, Robert. Is it a Sin? Thanks for the suggestion. Christians should not do this because it is sin. Because it is lusting in the heart and lusting in the heart is said to be the same as sexual immorality by Jesus.

A Bible Question and Answer TV Program

Thanks for the great idea Jack. Read more at this link below on this subject:. Thank you, Pastor Jack. Could you perhaps give me a little tip? Anyway, the same things that pertain to helping people overcome an addiction to pornography is the same principle for it is in the heart where sin begins. First with temptation, then when temptation is not resisted, it gives birth to sin, then in the mind the sin becomes fully blown. It is in the heart Jesus said that we can lust and that is equal to adultery in His words, not mine.

I know that this is not exactly the same thing as being addicted to porn or have an adulterous affair, but the ways to overcome it are similar. I know that this was not specifically mentioned and so I may keep this in mind for a future article. Paul also struggled mightily with sin even after conversion if that encourages you any. Read Romans 7 and see what I mean but in verse 25 there is a joyful conclusion he reaches.

Greetings from a quarter of the world away! In relation to soteriology, propitiation means placating or satisfying the wrath of God by the atoning sacrifice of Christ. I see that you are right. I did mention part of Revelation chapter 16 where the bowls of wrath are poured out. When I wrote this I saw that I would not be able to write a comprehensive article about the Tribulation because there are so many verses but I see that I should have at least included Revelation I dont allow myself to be taught by those that are not of like mind, I know what im rooted in and prefer that teaching.

Personally im more a mid tribber because were not objects of Gods wrath, but on the other hand Noah was also delivered or kept in the tribulations of his day, just as Israel was in Egypt. Pastor Jack, my prayer for you is that May Good Lord keep you safe, give you long life and protect you from all the enemys traps,in Jesus Name. Man of God, you are doing a very big job in this world. This is the return for judgement. Anyone who has read your articles and happens to have been disappointed, I guess is not in the family of belivers.

There is absolute life in whatever you teach. May the Almighty God continue to lead you in all truth. May the Holy Spirit continue giving you more insights. I wanted to ask for one thing. As their could be no one to minister to the person soon after learning the truth from you. It may even be too late for them to click on come to Jesus link.

Gracious, you are far to kind to me in your words and better than I deserve, surely. I consider it a privilege to share the gospel with anyone. As long as a person is drawing breath, there is still yet hope that they might be saved. I would do anything to help them come to a belief in Jesus Christ as Savior.

Direct anyone you wish to have me be of service. I am a slave to our Lord and King, Jesus Christ. Oh write my name Jesus Christ my saviour, in your book of life. Nathan and Sean…I agree. During the plagues in Egypt, Israel had to go through at least the first few plagues and I believe that Christians will have to go thru much but yes, God has not appointed us to His wrath.

Personally, I am not fully persuaded about the rapture. My thinking is that we must be ready, at all times, at any given moment, for our Lord can come in the twinkling of an eye. What that means is that at the time of the opening of the first seal we will know the anti-christ because of the peace treaty with Israel in which he is primarily instrumental.

Because God has provided us with this knowledge, we will recognize him for who he is. There will only be a brief time of peace and a scant opportunity to prepare for the full unleashing of persecution on the Christians after he declares himself to be God. There are already Christians being beheaded for their faith in other countries and the war on Christianity in our own country is picking up steam. So many Christians these days seem to be lolling around in their lives thinking they just need to be ready to take that awesome flight into the clouds with Jesus, not realizing that before that day comes, they may have to endure torture and murder for their faith from a satan-run society.

As the day nears, we will be persecuted more often and more severely. I do agree that we are too Laodicean as we are but the fires test that which is truly wheat and may separate the tares. I was thrilled to read your definition of the Tribulation. I just finished reading Dr. I was not sure if any christians would be in the tribulation since I knew we would be in the Rapture. However, you stated that their would be some, however they would have to die in the tribulation to be saved.

Thank you for your answer. God Bless you and your web site!!! What kind words Denise. I really appreciate that. I have a great deal of respect for Dr. I know that the Bible has so many mysteries that we have not yet understood but one day will see more clearly. Please do come back again my friend. I just read this article and appreciate your thoughts on Bible prophecy.

What I have learned though is quite a bit different. Perhaps you can comment on it. Although the seven last plagues will not fall on them, they will have a trying time as well making sure that they are right with God Everyone will have made their decisions and probation will be have closed.

The message will be clear and convincing. So no one will have an excuse to reject it. All who do will do so at their loss of their souls. The 4th commandment Sabbath will be the focus of the tribulation. Sunday sacredness, having been observed these past centuries, will come up as a legislative decree. All who oppose it will be hunted down, imprisoned, and ultimately condemned to death for keeping the true Sabbath.

But God will protect them. Martyrdoms will not be necessary because everyone will have made their final decisions.