Borderlands 2 Unloaded - The Secrets.. The Guns!

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You can rack up the 'get kills from your shield' achievement this way too. It's subtle until it climaxes, but by then it's too late. If you know that Goliaths are around, listen for it, because if you start to hear it you will want to focus on headshots on the Goliath before it completely heals itself and goes into rage mode. It's very useful in multiplayer as well as single player, in case you accidentally dislodge the helmet of a Goliath from a grenade or other attack. That being said, sometimes it's useful to have a raging Goliath on your side, assuming you can deal with his bad-ass or super bad-ass form when he eventually sets his sights on you.

They can quickly build small armies of support units for themselves if you don't aim for the eye. Shooting the eye while they digi-struct units will interrupt the process, but only if you do enough damage before they finish. Don't get caught reloading a slow weapon while they do this. Other Loaders will move to and hide in their shielding bubble, and no attacks can penetrate these shields.

You can enter the shield bubble yourself, but this can be risky because chances are there are other loaders hiding in the small space as well, and the Ion Loaders will discharge a powerful lightning attack that will do heavy damage to your shields constantly while inside the bubble.

Shooting them does not instantly bring the shield down either, so my suggestion would be to run in, throw a grenade, and get out. The Sirens Phase Lock ability will also disrupt them provided you are inside the shield. You can of course also just wait them out, though this gives all the enemies in their shield a free pass to fire at you with no risk. Try them out or look them up. You'll get full exp. These are purple rarity weapons with very decent stats, and they are always scaled to your players level. Once you get late in the game, you can easily be tipping her enough to get a new one of these every couple of levels, making it easy to have at least one decent gun that is scaled to you at all times.

Slag Effect on weaponry is kind of a waste. Slag as a status condition is amazingly effective, but having it on a weapon means you use that weapon until slag sticks to the enemy, then switch to a better weapon to finish them off. You're better off if you can get some slag grenades that you can use whenever you need to, or better yet, get a slag effect for your character abilities.

The Siren has an amazing melee-alt attack that is probably the best way in the game to tag entire groups of enemies with slag. Don't entirely agree with slag weapons being useless. As a gunzerker I find having a rapid fire, high elemental chance slag weapon in my offhand to be pretty decent. Once you get late in the game, you can easily be tipping her enough to get a new one of these every couple of levels.

So you can get them each more than once or do you mean get one and then the other later on I thought you could only get them once. I'll be super pleased to be shown that im wrong. I think it's based off how many times you tip, not a dollar amount. I still don't agree with this. I've been experimenting as well and I just can't figure it out. My best guess is that it's a gradually increasing probability with each tip just to throw us off. After farming the warrior a bit on PT 2 you have more money than you know what to do with, I tipped her 50k and didn't get one.

Tipped her 4k next time I was around and got it. Seems a bit random. I slag the shit out of enemies when I solo, when i just switch to a different gun and wreck their day. The main issue is that gun switch time combined with the relatively short duration of Slag debuff nearly negates the benefits you get compared to just shooting the shit out of them. That's a fair statement. To be honest I mostly use slag in the form of Maya's Ruin ability. Or you can purposefully shoot off a goliaths head and keep it alive until it evolves into a "god-liath" then kill it and receive an almost guaranteed purple and blue drop: Sheild drops, finish them off with some corrosive criticals and you're set.

Borderlands 2 Moxxi's Secret Guns Easter Egg Hot Hail Assault Rifle @ Fink's Slaughterdome! (1080p)

You can also use a fire-based weapon - seems to knock them on their asses before they do too much damage to you. I disagree with your statement about slag if your playing in a group. I play a kind of support siren with the heeling tree, all slag weapons, and slag transfusion 'nades. I don't do too much damage but my friends sure as shit do.

That's great and all, but I still doubt it's usefulness as a weapon buff. As I said, for grenades and abilities such as the Siren's Slag Ball, it's awesome, but if you have access to both of those, having it on your weapons seems redundant. Well everyone in the field is constantly slagged. The slag buff debuff? Just a little side note on your explanation of Ion Loaders..

Throwing an MIRV grenade at the shield will teleport it right through. This is an awesome way to take out multiple enemy's inside the bubble in a short time. Best way is actually singularity grenades, pulls everything out of the shield, and interrupts the ion loader that was making it.

Longbow grenades can bypass ION Loader shields, making for an easy way to dispatch them without risk. Singularity grenades chucked close enough to their shields will pull them, interrupting the shield. Weapons with Red Text have special abilities that are not listed on the weapon. This is interesting, does anybody have an idea what the Neogenator does?

If I recall correctly, the Neogenetor will regen your health when your shield is depleted, making it quite effective. Yes it says that in the description, but the point he was making is that the red text is a hidden effect. Here is what I mean. The Neogenetor is, I believe, one of the few items that does describe its own red text, most do not. I also discovered my Legendary Grenade red text means it spawns 2 sets of child Grenades, so 18 in total. For Goliaths a 'splodey shotgun works wonders in their rage version.

Unload both barrels and they will fall down. You can reload and finish them before they can get to you. Also I think melee stops ion loader's shields, so as Zer0 I would use decepti0n to run in and melee an ion loader then run away and it would always stop their shield. I just tested this.

If you are inside the field it works fine, but outside of the field and you get the same "miss" effect that you would when you try to phaselock nothing. I've been doing it all the time when the field has been up. Just last night in Opportunity and beyond with one of my friends. Maybe it changes on second playthroughs or the like, but I can guarantee you I was doing it. When I played a certain robot arena I was constantly phaselocking ion loaders from across the arena while their shield was up. It is not possible. Barring the incredibly small chance that there is some kind of discrepancy between versions of the game, shielded ION Loaders cannot be phaselocked.

After playing over hours as a siren I can confirm that every time I tried phaselocking an ion loader out of it's shield it worked perfectly. I was specced into ranged rez half the time and elemental AOE the other half if it matters. That may make the difference. I don't use Converge, and it works every time for me.

I'm really thinking this may be a version difference. I just tried to phaselock the last 10 ion loaders I fought. Worked every time, through the shield. It's freaking weird that people who are saying this are getting downvoted. I have no reason to lie about this.

It may be a version difference. Useful co op info: If you notice, you still pick it up, but your ammo count does not change. Just for the record: That's not true, you can pick up individual pieces of ammo without holding down the button, I'm almost sure of that. Not in single player for sure. I don't think it happens in multiplayer either if everyone has full ammo. Holding picks up everything in multiplayer.

Even if my friend and I have just visited an ammo machine and stocked up to full, we can loot anything and everything. He kills off enemies with headshots before I can do anything. What can I do?


Man that's no fun. You could jokingly say "Hey dude, you're taking all the kills! But it seems like you were looking for a gameplay solution. So, I would recommend getting a sniper rifle yourself and show him up. Seriously, Zero is a great sniper, even without his sniping skill tree, you can do major damage in Deception mode by letting the timer run down to one second and headshotting. I've been speccing in Bloodshed melee skill tree exclusively, and I still snipe well enough to make it worth having two rifles equipped.

Lastly, maybe he will find a better gun of a different variety, so if you find any cool shot guns or pistols, be sure to hook your homeboy up. So if he gets all the kills then I am the "retarded-whining-pussy": Your suggestion makes sense. However, if I start sniping then won't it mean I will hardly have to use my melee? What is the point of putting all my points into bloodshed tree if I am going to kill all of them without getting the opportunity to use my melee attack?

It doesn't sound like your co-op experience is a lot of fun. If you're playing on PC, send me your steam name and I'll invite you to my group. We all have a lot of fun and as far as I can tell, no one is hogging kills, even when I'm sniping. If you don't play on PC, then I encourage you to open your game up to public, or find someone here on Reddit to add to the multiplayer insanity. As you probably know, having more people in your game increases the quality of loot and the difficulty. So if enemies were more difficult, your friend would have a harder time wiping everyone out, which would allow you and whoever else would be playing the opportunity to get in close and annihilate: Currently level 12 and I have been doing what you suggested.

And yes, been dying a lot. Hopefully will get better. So imma put all points into melee skill tree only. Especially in the zone where you fight the final boss, oddly enough they spawn endlessly and are always aggro, at least for me they were. Just go make a cup of tea and relax. Dead useful in that zone for second winds.

Feel like that's the primary reason they were put there. I see no other use for mobs that die in one hit other than being irritating when they bat you around. Just wish you could lock onto those damn buzzards. Each leg will be one hit, usually. And with a buddy, you can take them down before they even wind up for a stomp attack. Lots of easy money and no ammo wasted.

It's almost impossible to know how a gun or shield or grenade will really feel without trying it. You might be dissapointed even if all the arrows are green. Always try them out before taking them into battle untested. A great looking shotgun with 5 round mag might consume 4 ammo per shot, but not list this fact in the info panel.

Without the ability to aim down sights, the increased accuracy over time is hugely advantageous, espectially when using skills to extend mags and such. If you don't carry a rocket launcher for quick kills to get up, Hyperion guns are a great second choice for the same reasons listed above. Easy criticals for quick 2nd wind. I learned the hard way with that stupid Trance SMG that slows movement to a crawl and has the irritating midget screaming sound when you fire it. If you mark your items with the red X as you go along if you don't like them , when at the vendor, you just press the DEL button and it sells all the "Trash", i.

I find this takes just as long as waiting until you get to the shop and then selling one by one Who wants to stop and mark items every time you pick up an item? Yeah, this really doesn't save any time. It's a nice sentiment, but it would be more useful if you could mark things as you pick them up instead of having to go through your inventory. In fact, my friends and I usually stop for long enough to sort when we have to hit a vending machine anyway. In the middle of quests is not really the best time to go sorting through your pack.

Any of the loaders Hyperion robots have critical points on their shoulder joints. You can't hit their joints from the side since their shoulder armor or guns on the really big ones cover them. Doing enough damage will actually knock their arm off. You can shoot off both of their arms so their forced to stand still and shoot their eye-lasers if they're not dead. I think some of the ones you encounter later in the game don't have those critical hit points.

You can tell because the arms are fused to the body. For those you want to shoot the red eye part which works for ALL loaders. Works for their legs too, so they have to crawl around.

Books by Brandon Hunter (Author of Borderlands 2 Unloaded - The Secrets.. The Guns!)

I have corrosive could grenades, so I just try to gather them in a small area, knock off their legs and throw a grenade to kill them all with only a couple shots. I only learned about weak points other than the eye from a late game miniboss called Saturn nothing important to the story there, no spoiler worries. I couldn't do much damage to him until I started to hit him in the joints. Went down in a fraction of the time it would have taken otherwise. Plus, there are a couple house structures you can hide in and all his attacks will fizzle and you can still shoot him in the ankle.

Another good tip for Saturn is that you can shoot the Auto Cannons off him. I like take a couple out at a distance before engaging him up close.

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Phaselocking allows Maya, and any vault hunter with her, to attack the enemy inside the bubble with no restrictions. I'm trying to get the links, but they won't let me link them anymore Bandit weapon concept art. It is just not as effective with slag on slag. His melee weapon of choice is his trusty Tomahawk. Here is what I mean. This edit will also create new pages on Giant Bomb for:

Less guns shooting you the better, right? Then again, if you just hide out in the house they can't touch you. Battle will move much faster if you take out shields with electric - armor with corrosion - flesh with fire. Gunzerkers - try dual wielding a slag weapon for the double damage with the other weapon. Corrosive Bane can be amazing. I used one on my Zer0 to tear Saturn a new one. While I'm asking are the minecraft shotgun and sniper rifle any good or another gimmick? And lastly the infinity pistol.

Books by Brandon Hunter

All 4 seem like a gimmick but idk. The Blockhead shotgun is quite good, as well as the Longbow. The Longbow takes some getting used to, but is one of the most powerful fire snipers in the game once you get used to the arcing projectile. Blockhead is great, the Fire Damage is incredible especially with the Bee. Longbow also has amazing fire damage, but the lack of a scope and slow firing speed is a bit irritating. Infinity can be good with a few builds, but not in UVHM.

The Blockhead and Longbow are both quite good. Definitely one of the better varieties of their respective guns in the game. The Infinity Pistol is pretty mediocre, and is overrated like crazy. That gun is absolutely a gimmick. On the contrary, its accuracy ranges from It's not meant to be a long range weapon, but rather a mid range weapon, like the Buffalo or the Elephant Gun. I was exagerating obviously, I am pretty sure no gun has exactly 0 accuracy. The point is that it is a sniper rifle but is not accurate by sniper rifle standards.

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If there was a category for single shot rifles that are not sniper then I am sure it would be great. Flakker is hilariously unaimed. Bad for human sized targets. Really useful for huge targets. I think like every gun, it has its uses. One that comes to mind is FFYL, because you're not going to move that much anyways.

Otherwise you just take too much damage. Only problem I have found with the Bane in FFYL is it confuses me since I rely on half ditch effort on commando and the accuracy takes a while to get good. It's good in these scenarios: The damage is really high, but yeah the side effect is pretty bad.

I had a corrosive one on my first play through that I used for a long time because it absolutely tears loaders apart. That's true for loaders. On my commando I am on the mission where angels fear to tread and it have a level 24 bane which is perfect for my level 24 commando. I have a slag one and another corrosive one in my secret stash so I might consider using them for that mission thanks!

My roommate did that exact combo with his gunzerker and holy hell did that put out some damage.

Borderlands 2 Unloaded - The Secrets.. The Guns! - Kindle edition by Brandon Hunter, Sara Esque. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC. Great ebook you must read is Borderlands 2 Unloaded The Secrets The Guns English Edition. We are promise you will love the Borderlands 2 Unloaded The.

You all seem to love yours but I got an electro one and hated it. It ate through ammo way too fast, I hate the fact that you can barely move and it drives me nuts. I sold it and got some sniper rifles instead. I'm an assassin class and I'm very much about the one shot one kill philosophy.