Ashes Shadow

Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Shadows And Ashes by Dul Johnson. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Shadows And Ashes , please sign up.

Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Oct 13, Sueddie rated it it was amazing. This can be said to be the mind descriptions.

Shadows And Ashes

Most of the characters in Shadows and Ashes are not shown simply as characters that appear to serve as a vehicle to meet the end of telling a story. They are given human emotions and importantly, a strong intellect that allows think. This is a quality that is shared by almost all the central characters in the book. The deep thinking brings out aspects of the characters that are hitherto hidden and adds spice to the development of the character and indeed, the story.

She is a true temptress as she admits in several instances. She is made to look like Eve and Dungchang, Adam. It is true that Tanya finally succeeds in seducing him but what is of note, is his strong resistance even at the stage where the head is gone, and the head at the center takes over. Usually, it is said that the forces of good and evil debate when we consider doing anything evil or bad. Many people call the good and noble thoughts, conscience and the other, human nature while others refer to the good as God and the negative thoughts or thoughts that lend credence to our desires, the Devil.

The debate about righteousness and the act of sinning, human nature and denial is also a high point in this story. The story has some sexual descriptions at a point but quickly becomes figurative making use of planes, and cars in order to cover what some might consider as lurid. This does not mean that he lacks the skills of describing the process, his quick notes on the foreplay is enough enough said on that already!

His love and bond with the boy increases as his twin brother goes to join the war. A mix of Isralie and homegrown infantry weapons. Infantry LAW's with AP 16 or below will still damage and stun heavies especially en mass but really only intended for knocking out IFV's, light armor and medium tanks. Domsing is tempted to join too but eventually, his love for the boy makes him stay. Return to Book Page. Global changes Radar SAM's missile have an across the board range increase Range increases on ARM missiles Reduction in points cost from 2 to 1 for the second slot of Logistics, infantry and support Additional 4 pt infantry slot added Additional 5 pt aircraft slot added Reduction in accuracy of older BVR radar missiles, to reflect the impact of DRFM jamming suceptability on older guidance systems A range of more minor weapon renames and adjustments Increase in top armor for a number of Tank CV's Reduction in cost of medium and low end tanks Points reduction for a number of higher cost special forces and shock infantry, as infantry is now a lot more vunrable with the proliferation of air power and tanks. It'll get swapped out at some point.

A lot of stories have been written about the Nigerian civil war with most of the notable ones coming from writers of Igbo origin who for one reason or another; usually with a focus on showing the Biafran view. It is in this regard that any differing view is seen as a breather. He focuses on the physical, emotional and psychological effects that it has on men who volunteered for the Federal forces and their family.

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He is deeply traumatized and makes a vow to kill Igbos. He however changes his mind in the end when he meets and rubs minds with three Igbo friends of his, who have lost both families and are deformed for life. He recognizes that the pain is mutual and that none of them had a hand in it.

He promises his father wealth on his take-off but comes back worse than he left. His father is crestfallen. Dukven marries a wife in the city who is good for nothing.

Properties You see shadow weighs ashes are warm and greasy to the touch. They emit a faint, dark glow. Notes Click Here to Show/Hide. More Ashes Communities: Facebook Reddit Twitter BoardGameGeek · View Shadow Spirit in card browser. Card Type: Conjuration. Placement: Battlefield.

His father sends a delegation to the city to find out how he is faring. They go to the city and bring unfavourable news. The war has changed Dukven, and many others.

  • Shadows And Ashes by Dul Johnson.
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No new Air-craft, but they came out with a few things I can fire in the vehicle tab. Alternate history where communist guerrillas gained a better strangle-hold over south american politics and things like operation condor had some nasty blow-back for NATO. Should retain a lot of finland-unit feel. Light and fast units, a focus on medium tanks over heavy ones. Nations like Peru and Venezuela contribute to a solid air-tab. F's, Mig 29's and Su's. Hind's from Venezuela and Brazil as well. NOOB - For tips and advice Contributors ;Rex88, Cyan - For assorted unit suggestion I've also been reading a lot of various forum posters on their thoughts on game balance, although I forget exactly who.

Ash and Shadows Ash and Shadows is a mod featuring an increased prevalence of stealth units according to the W: Don't send me bug reports when your planes seem to panic for no reason; long ranged radar AA now has 'acquisition radar' set up as a weapon that will cause morale damage, stun and occasionally cause critical damage to aircraft.

Also works on ships. I've styled this mod as a future that could have been; it's not our , its the that follows on from what was more or less WW3 from In the previous two games we saw the Soviets invade Europe, Scandinavia and then Japan, China and Russia turn on each other, a second Korean war and a bunch of smaller conflicts. In the wake of that, Weapons projects that never made it today had the faults ironed out of them, and 'Defunded due to the end of the cold war' wasn't a thing that happened. East and West Germany will have unified however.

And some current NATO derived weaponry of Poland and the Czech republic will have to be assumed to have been developed along parallel lines or acquired by reverse engineering. I've tried to find differing ways to balance the two sides, for example, the US takes the stealth route for its ASF's, Soviets go for less stealthy platforms with stand-off AA missiles so they are more able to remain under the umbrella of their own ADN.

US goes for Stealthy Helos, Soviets go for high speed helos. Basically a collection of Pro-Soviet nations who border the Mediterranean and historically, sided with the Soviets: Lybia, Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Yugoslavia, or at least, Yugoslavian tanks that the other nations picked up after the Balkan wars. This is an alpha Beta, not fully finished or balanced First up, a download link; https: AB Noob, available as a folder in the above link.

Don't touch the ones inside 'original', these are the original unaltered files as released by eugen that get swapped back when you uninstall. For those new to using mods, the path for where you want to put them will look something like F: Global changes Radar SAM's missile have an across the board range increase Range increases on ARM missiles Reduction in points cost from 2 to 1 for the second slot of Logistics, infantry and support Additional 4 pt infantry slot added Additional 5 pt aircraft slot added Reduction in accuracy of older BVR radar missiles, to reflect the impact of DRFM jamming suceptability on older guidance systems A range of more minor weapon renames and adjustments Increase in top armor for a number of Tank CV's Reduction in cost of medium and low end tanks Points reduction for a number of higher cost special forces and shock infantry, as infantry is now a lot more vunrable with the proliferation of air power and tanks.

Yet to be implemented decrease cost of non-armored CV's Increase availability and decrease cost of infantry CV's Adding more representative unit cards for new units. Apparently the French made a prototype, so Previously it had been a single 22 round stack with 5 seconds between real shots, while other tanks had their 6. Now the Autoloader carosel is spilt into two 19 round groups, with a 12,10 or 8 second reload and 5. Decksgrupp will also get an MP7 as a result. Yet to be implemented.

WAH added with Brimstones.

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  2. Genealogical and personal history of western Pennsylvania; VOLUME 2!
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  5. 100 Poems Is Not Enough:Poems of Praise to God.

Exceptional stealth, weapons not yet updated. Marines renamed Marine raiders. Weapon loadout not yet updated.

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Good optics, increased availability, reduced cost. Add Mi Super hind, a South African upgrade. Ka rerolled as Ka, high speed transport helo with km speed. Mi-8T rerolled as Mi, a faster transport helo Mi-4A rerolled as an Mi gunship Mi-4 rerolled as the Mi, a high speed attack helo, and then given to the Czechs.

But maybe too ambitious: I'll have you know that nearly half of the units you've planned are impossible to make due to the fact that we cannot change the models. It'll all have to be proxies. Anyways, I wish you good luck and patience in developing this mod It has potential to deliver experience never to be seen neither in vanilla wargame, nor any other mod. By going crazy with national doctrines a-la "the US takes the stealth route for its ASF's, Soviets go for less stealthy platforms with stand-off AA missiles so they are more able to remain under the umbrella of their own ADN.

Of course, if I were doing that, I would seriously narrow down the national base for start. Likely forget about individual nations completely, and try to flesh out coalitions as basic playable entities taking the most interesting choices from composing nations to form vastly different playstyles. Ash and Shadows Message par The W: It also comes with an uninstaller, so people won't have to back up their files.

You can also do the same for coalitions. If need be, re-install the country by just making a new row and entering in the correct TableString.

Shadow Ashes

RD Sandbox Mod 5. Rapier missile model not changed Patriot and PAC-3 have different sizes Raven glows then disappears in armory. Have no idea why. Give at least good stealth If you need help with fixing any of these, feel free to PM me. I look forward to your finished product very much! The download drop box has been updated with my recent changes. I think I must have saved a test copy of something while I was twiddeling with its weapons. Ahh, I know why, the Aim-9B got turned into a missile for the Rapier