Whisper my name...... (My Time Has Come Book 1)

One day, the Director of the facility warned her that if she won't respond or co-operate with the evaluators within a month, she will be removed from the program. As her last chance, she is assigned to a new evaluator Landon Ward and that's when things start to change. In a state of panic she utters some words and strange things start to happen. Stranger things come ahead as you read it because guys! I don't want to give any spoiler just so the illusion of this wonderful world created by Lynette Noni doesn't break.

Trust me when I say, go into this book blind. The lesser you know the better and get ready to hooked on it until you devour it in one sitting. Lynette Noni has done a great job. Her wtiting style is superb. The world building is great and all the characters are awesome! Each character has a distinct personality. It feels like you are seeing everything how each character is talking, walking, smiling, acting etc. When I read a book I hardly remember the names of side characters but with Whisper I have a list of my favorite side characters.

Enzo is the sweet guy and I loved his sense of humor. Cami is so adorable and huggable. Ward is that mysterious guy you would never know what he is upto but he will melt your heart with his dimpled smile. Kael is just awesome! He radiates an aura of strength and power yet he is super caring and considerate.

Now the character I really wanted to punch in the face - Vanik. Just so you know, after Voldemort, Vanik is my most hateable character. Lynette Noni has created a masterpiece of a book with living and breathing characters in an amazing world that feels so real. I could even see the places in my head so clearly. I walked side by side in the dead white corridors with Jane Doe.

I got exhauseted while running after her in the catacomb. Even her cell where she was imprisoned gave me chills. My most favorite scene from the book is: You get it right! I want next sequel now Cover Art The cover art is simply amazing. We see the face of a girl with eyes open amd staring directly at you. There is an element of mystery and wonder on her face. Her eyes are blue and her lips are pink and other than that we don't see any colors. The title of the book Whisper is written accross her lips.

Conclusion I absolutely loved it. This is a must read for fans of X-men and Stranger Things. If you are a fan of X-man and Stranger Things you are definitely going to like it and even if you are not a fan, you are still going to love it for its strong plot, awesome characters, the suspense it creates and how fast-paced it is. It will make a great movie too. This book is the one everyone will be talking about this year so go get your copies today. View all 6 comments. Apr 27, Phrynne rated it really liked it Shelves: Science fiction set in Sydney! Goodies versus baddies but we take a long while to discover which is which.

What more could you ask for: I really enjoyed this young adult novel. Okay so there is a love triangle and our main character has amazing powers but does not know how to use them and the bad guy's laboratory is like something out of Frankenstein. It is still a fun book. It moves fast and a lot of very interesting world building Science fiction set in Sydney! It moves fast and a lot of very interesting world building takes place. I enjoyed all the characters and their different skills. The ending wrapped this book up nicely but at the same time left it wide open for a sequel.

I look forward to it. Thanks to Netgalley for an advance copy to read and review. View all 3 comments. Sep 08, Maria V. Snyder rated it it was amazing. It's coming out in May and it is wonderful! The main character is afraid to speak and with good reason and I just was pulled in an couldn't stop reading! Plus Lynette is the sweetest person you'll ever meet - she's from Australia and I got to know her when I was there and she's lovely - just lovely and I was happy to give her a blurb for her US debut!

I am a test subject, not even worthy of a name. In these years she has been experimented on or should I say tortured! Words have cost her everything. I can do the unimaginable; I can Speak the impossible into being. And with just one wrong word she can change the whole world! But how much she can fight with 4.

Inside The Whispers

But how much she can fight with herself and keep going like this?? Loved it so much! My first read by this author and it was a winner! Loved all the characters!

Main and secondary ones! They all are well developed! So well-written, well-paced with a perfect story-line! Told in single POV, 1st person. Looking forward to reading the next one! Overall, I had a good time with this one and hope you enjoy it as well! View all 26 comments. Whisper is a young adult fantasy written by Lynette Noni. The genres are young adult, science fiction, and fantasy. This book is intended for readers ages 14 and up, grades 9 and up.

This book is a fantastic read! I love the plot and the characters. I love Abby and her kid-ish ways. I love the humor. They are definitely great supporting characters! She has been kept there for over two and a half years. She is treated like a prisoner with handcuffs and guards when moving from one room to the next.

She is on a strict daily schedule for analysis like a lab rat. When the program is about to lose hope on her, Falon, the Director assigns her to Landon Ward for a one-on-one session. Landon introduces her to being normal. She gets to read books and treated with respect. One day Landon offers to take her aboveground for a change of scenery. Something happened and she spoke her first word in over two and a half years. Her word have an effect that will shock readers! This book is very well written and developed.

I like the mystery and suspense. I like not knowing what will happens next. I love the whole underground secretive world. Vanek gives me goosebumps. I enjoy the writing and the story because it keeps me hooked.

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I like how the title is weave into the story multiple times. This book is an excellent read and I highly recommend everyone to read it! Please be assured that my opinions are honest. Thank you to NetGalley for a free copy of this book. In the beginning I was hooked, because I was eager to see what would happen next, but after a while my interest waned because I came to realize You're just like the others. I couldn't put this book down during the first half, because I really wanted to know what was going on and the way the author kept you gue Thank you to NetGalley for a free copy of this book.

I couldn't put this book down during the first half, because I really wanted to know what was going on and the way the author kept you guessing made it a pretty addictive read.

See a Problem?

That was my mistake. Who is Jane Doe and what do they want with her? I have no doubt that Whisper My Name is a novel that will pass the test of time. The story centers around who is involved in these mind altering experiments and how to reverse it befor You are a psychologist and the patients you are seeing not only suffer from nightmares about getting caught in an underground fire but, they all suffer the same nightmare and have committed suicide over it The presumed romance is virtually nonexistent.

For a while, at least. Some people might make comparisons to Shatter Me , but at least Shatter Me had a unique writing style, and even though the protagonist was melodramatic and arguably annoying for some people, she definitely had more of a personality than the one in this book. I've read so much YA that at this point I've become very cynical towards any new YA book I read that doesn't do something unique. I thought the supernatural powers in this book's universe was pretty unique at first, but I feel like it's not much different from anything else now that I think about it.

What makes it unique is that it's all about Speaking with a capital S. At first I thought it was sort of clever, like maybe the author wanted to make a commentary on the real world because har har, words have power and it's not the word, it's the intent lol get it? But nope, that wasn't even the moral of this book. I wasn't even sure what the moral was or if it had one. The whole words thing is just set dressing, the actual abilities these characters have are nothing you haven't seen before.

And let's talk about the most annoying part of this book; the introduction of a love triangle in the second half. My opinion and interest on it immediately plummeted from that point onward. It's bad enough the first guy, Ward, was kind of a douche already, but then they introduce us to a guy that's even douchier.

He's one of those assholes who call you "princess" all the time. I don't find it charming or hot in the least. Frankly I think it's condescending and sexist. It just makes me think of Link in that old Zelda cartoon from the 80's. Seriously, who finds that stuff appealing? It's not cute and it needs to stop. What I did like about the book was, like I said, the addictive quality of the first half. And I also liked Cami as a character; she was just genuinely a nice person, and I think this book would've benefited more if they showcased the friendship between Jane and Cami a lot more.

This book is currently "Read Now" on NetGalley, and it's up to you if you wanna pick it up or not. It's a pretty quick read so you won't be wasting too much of your time, but don't go into it expecting anything new or out of the box. It's just your average, run-of-the-mill YA book, and if that's your thing then go for it, sis. I, on the other hand, am sure I'll be forgetting about this book by tomorrow. Would you read another book by this author?: I will pay full price for her books. I will pre-order them if possible. Who might enjoy this book?: She refuses to tell them her name, she refuses to speak at all.

Jane has been imprisoned and kept as test subject at Lengard for nearly 3 years. She knows nothing of the experiments purposes, as nobody tells her why is there and why they are testing her. She was told that Lengard was a place for extraordinary people, and she believed them. The story builds when Jane is assigned to a new evaluator named Ward. Jane is very cautious of Ward, as he is the only person to show her any type of kindness or compassion in over two years. While she tries to keep her guard up against him, he slowly chips away at the walls she has put up in order to protect herself and those around her.

In a moment of panic Jane shatters her wall of silence and is then introduced to the real world of Lengard and the secrets that the government facility has been hiding from those it claims to protect. She has to decide which side to believe, and making the wrong decision or the wrong moves could have deadly consequences for her. Her faith in those claiming to help and protect her is tested as the ultimate battle beings.

The ending had me craving a sequel immediately. Action packed and thrilling, a picture was so well painted that I could swear I was watching a movie instead of reading. Special thanks to the publisher and author for providing me with an advanced reader copy of this book through Goodreads Giveaways. I look forward to being considered for any of this authors books in the future. My review is based on immediate feelings after completing this book, and is not meant to be in comparison to other books I have read.

Jun 17, Ryan Buckby rated it really liked it. They are beautiful; they are terrible. They are a gift and a curse. I will never forget what they can do. I have been a fan of Lynette's work ever since i started her Medoran Chronicles series and i was very interested in seeing what she would do with this new series. I would say this story is like x-men meets stranger things and another story that i can't quiet put my finger on but if you like x-men or stranger things then defiantly pick this one up and give it ago Words demand respect. I would say this story is like x-men meets stranger things and another story that i can't quiet put my finger on but if you like x-men or stranger things then defiantly pick this one up and give it ago.

I love Lynette's work and have ever since i picked up her series The Medoran Chronicles and this series is so much different to her other one and i don't think i enjoyed it as much as that series but this one is totally and completely different and i still very much enjoyed it. This first book in the series is so much darker and thats one thing i really enjoyed about this book because it's something that i would never expect Lynette to do but she did it so well. However there were a few plot points that didn't quiet match up and they were left unexplained so i hope in the next book they get answered or i will be left very clueless.

One thing Lynette is really good at is her world building and characters and each character has their own voice and you can really tell the difference between each person your reading and that's one thing Lynette hits on the head. I really enjoyed the characters that were introduced in this story from the main characters and all of the side characters they all play such an important role in the story.

That's one thing you can expect in Lynette's books is to like nearly every single character even if they are bad because she writes such likeable characters. Overall i absolutely enjoyed this book because it was darker and had something that i didn't think Lynette could come out with but she did and i can't wait to see where she takes the series in book two.

This review was originally posted on Happy Indulgence Books. Check it out for more reviews! When a mute test subject called Jane Doe suddenly finds her routine disrupted by a kind boy called Ward, her whole world changes. What does he want from her? Is this just a trick? Whisper opens up with the core mystery: Who is Jane Doe and what do they want with her? After reading and loving the Medoran Chronicles, I had high hopes for Whisper, but unfortunately I found it to be a fairly standard supernatural sci-fi story. I tend to lose interest when a character has an all powerful special ability that she just naturally knows how to use, and when everyone is in awe of how incredibly special she is.

I did like the concept of Speak and garnering the power of words, and how Jane could achieve anything that she wanted with her ability, as long as she learnt how to use it. My favourite scene was when she summoned a full room of animals as part of the training, which was a lot of fun! I received a review copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Dec 22, Reading. This is a fast-paced YA novel that completely overcame all of my expectations.

Whisper is about subject Six-Eight-Four, aka Jane Doe, who is being kept in a secret underground government facility. She is poked, prodded, and tested every day because she has a gift; we just don't know what that gift is until a ways into the book. She has been here over 2 years but still refuses to speak when the director basically insinuates that she has 1 month left to make some progress or she will be disposed of. What happens after this is an incredibly intense, wild ride to the end of the book.

Whisper My Name

For quite awhile I was getting some serious Stranger Things vibes, until it turned into something else Even though that vibe went away I still loved it. I loved a lot of the characters even though there isn't really a ton of character development in my opinion. I also love the world that Noni was able to build in such a short amount of time as it is only just over pages long. I also think a lot of the characters are relatable even though it is a sci-fi book.

I especially loved Jane and I felt so bad for what she was going through. Warning, this book does get a little I was cringing while reading it, but it seemed necessary to the story and I get why the author got so descriptive. I absolutely LOVED Whisper and the only reason it wasn't a 5 star for me is I felt like some parts were a little slow in the beginning, but overall it was fast-paced. I had a hard time putting this one down and it was such an addictive read. I'm very excited to see what the next book of this series brings!!

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Whisper in 3-ish words: View all 8 comments. I had never heard of Noni before this novel and went into this book with an open mind. I was largely mistaken. Whisper is a science fiction novel that will appear in stores on May 1, It follows a young woman, who goes by Jane Doe in the beginning of the novel. We find that Jane Doe is a sort of prisoner in a top secret government facility in Australia for the past two and a half years. From the description of the novel, we know that Jane Doe has some sort of supernatural abilities that causes her to be apprehensive to speak.

We do not find out what exactly that ability is until about a third of the way through the book and I do not want to spoil the amazing world that Lynette Noni has created. This information forces her to confront demons from her past and overcome them to decide what is right and what is wrong in her present day life. Whisper has all of the makings of being the next big science fiction novel that everyone will fall in love with. The supporting characters she adds into the mix each bring their own fun quirks.

By the end of the book, you will know that this book will have a sequel and could even be the makings of a trilogy. And my favorite little nugget that I picked up on and am excited to see how it will play out is that there is the potential for a love triangle in the future.

This book starts off fast and puts you right in the middle of the story. Which may be frustrating for some because it produces a lot of questions that you want answered as a reader, but I thought it was extremely clever. Because it made you read on to discover the answers to your questions. Noni could have a big hit on her hands and I suggest marking your calendars for this one. I give this book 5 out of 5 stars. May 11, Manon rated it really liked it Shelves: My review was originally posted at www. I adored this book. The story is written in first person from the point of view of a mysterious girl.

She stays at a secret government research facility named Lengard. She refuses to give them any information about her name, or about anything else. She has been silent for years. At Lengard every day is the same for Jane. She eats and sleeps at set times and every day she takes part in various experiments with different evaluators; Enzo trains her physique, Manning assesses her psyche, Vanik pokes at her brain and subjects her to painful experiments. None of these training sessions or experiments succeed in making Jane talk.

And then one day the Director of Lengard, Falon, wants to see her. It sounds a bit like a threat and she is given an ultimatum. Also she is assigned to a new evaluator, Landon Ward. He is just a year older than Jane and he is different than the other evaluators.

When Jane starts to work with Ward, things are beginning to change. Not long before something happens and Jane utters a word.. The silence is broken and something strange and supernatural happens. The thing I loved most about Whisper, are the characters. I really feel like I got to know Jane and I could relate to her.

Also there were a lot of amazing side characters. Landon Ward is loveable, but he also has a mysterious side. Cami is sweet and she is best friend material. Not all characters are sugar-coated. Vanik is an evil being, but this character is well-thought-out too.

Lynette Noni did a wonderful job describing the research facility Lengard. I can picture the white corridors in my mind and they give me chills. The beginning reminded me of Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi; a mysterious girl in a cell-like room and every day is exactly the same, until a guy enters the story. Whisper also reminded me of X-men and Jessica Jones.

What book lover doesn't love a great story about the power of words? Naturally I was hooked from the first page, and completely unsurprised that I read this in a day. It's why I waited for a day off to start it. As a fan of The Medoran Chronicles , I was expecting this new offering from Lynette Noni to be pretty addictive and it didn't disappoint. That being said, I'm glad it went in a totally different direction from the fantasy world of TMC, because it made this book that much more refreshin What book lover doesn't love a great story about the power of words? That being said, I'm glad it went in a totally different direction from the fantasy world of TMC, because it made this book that much more refreshing to read.

So here is Jane, trapped in a secret government facility and experimented on. She refuses to speak. When her rigid schedule changes up and she's introduced to a new 'evaluator', things take an interesting turn. Always fun when the cast involves a handsome, protective gentleman , who only wants the best for our heroine. The best part of YA or any book, really is forming unhealthy attachments to fictional characters, right? Ward, Enzo, Cami, Kael They are such a great crew, and really fun characters to get to know.

There's also that splash of grey to give them depth, and flesh them beyond typical stereotypes. I actually rather enjoyed how broken Jane was. There's the whole 'superpowers' angle that's alluded to in the blurb, but there's real pain in Jane's emotions, and how she reacts. I felt quite distressed by her pain, so I really loved the progression of that journey. This is an origin story that has beautiful development made fun by colourful characters.

As a lover of words myself, the theme really spoke to me see what I did there and I rather enjoyed that exploration, even if there was a lot to take in. The info-dumps were modulated so it wasn't too much of an overload, but it's still pretty rich in detail. The Sydney setting was fun, too! There were a few occurrences that I kind of expected, and the formula of the story seemed familiar, but these things made it no less enjoyable for me.

I'll admit it, though - I'm a bit biased by my love of TMC. I'm so looking forward to the next installment, though, because I'm expecting it to get pretty badass. Lovers of The Medoran Chronicles - Akarnae, Raelia, Draekora, Graevale should enjoy this new series just as much, even if it's a little different. Noni's writing still grabs you and refuses to let go. I'd also recommend this to readers who enjoy YA and dystopian, and suggest 'give it a go' for anyone looking for an easy read with some memorable characters.

Even after all he did - he was so sad and alone! I know what he did was really jerky, but if his motives had been kinder then it really was an interesting idea for a study.

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Dec 06, Mazohyst rated it it was amazing Shelves: As always, Jane Eagland has dazzled me once again. This time, she brings to life to a charming, innocent, and peculiar character, Meriel. She is sent to live in England with her oddball grandfather after her mother dies in India. After four years, she undergoes the most oddest things and decides that she needs to break free. Along the way, she discovers a past that would forever change her future. At first, it seemed to be an innocent tale. But as you progress through the book, you uncover secret As always, Jane Eagland has dazzled me once again.

But as you progress through the book, you uncover secrets that will make you just shake your head it's not quite cringe worthy. Wonderfully crafted characters and a brilliant plot, all set in the alluring Victorian age. Ah, my favourite combination. Near the end, I found myself sniffling and wiping away some tears. Truly, the characters are not as they seem. Feb 07, Nami rated it really liked it. Im an avid reader, and this brings that out- its almost painfull to put the book down. My dad is getting annoyed because I keep sneaking off to go read somewhere quiet.

Eventhough when I get into a book I block everything out anyways- does that happen to anyone else? I end up imagining what Im reading as it happens Id reccommend this to people who like 'teen' books and a little drama and mystery. I still agree- its a seriously good book! It saved me when I was bedridden and when, later, the internet was cut off early so that we could move house.

Which was straight after I hurt myself accident.. Oct 02, Cat rated it did not like it Shelves: This story had so much potential but the protagonist was so! She whines throughout, making mountains out of every molehill which Daddy thinks is just adorable and throws a massive tantrum whenever she doesn't get something her own way.

Given, this might be necessary to an extent for her 'turnaround' at the end of the story, but to this extent? Apr 09, Amanda Ashby rated it it was amazing. I picked this up on a whim and really enjoyed the Victorian setting and the mysticism of the era. Oct 20, Amy: I thought this book was readlly good, well written and interesting, though I preferred Wildthorn.

Feb 08, Laurel rated it it was amazing. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. The ending is very sad Oct 07, Laura rated it liked it Shelves: View all 3 comments. Dec 02, Elizabeth rated it really liked it Shelves: I didn't love this as much as Wildthorn , but it was still a fun book. Speaking of Waters, this does start off like a bit of a YA version of Affinity -- I mean, a lonely protagonist with a dead parent whose prize possession of sa I like Jane Eagland because I feel like if Sarah Waters wrote YA, Eagland's Victorian stories would be the kinds of things Waters would write.

Speaking of Waters, this does start off like a bit of a YA version of Affinity -- I mean, a lonely protagonist with a dead parent whose prize possession of said parent is a locket who seeks comfort with an enigmatic spirit medium? It's actually kind of cute -- but just as Wildthorn draws some comparisons to Fingersmith , as the story goes on, these similarities start to fall by the wayside.

Some reviewers have complained that Meriel was an annoying protagonist, but honestly, I didn't mind her all that much. I mean, she was sixteen, and given her circumstances, her negative attitude towards a lot of things seemed justified. One thing that of course I loved was her relationship with Sophie. Unfortunately, unlike in Wildthorn , there's no overt queer content, just heavy intentional subtext. Eagland wrote an small essay explaining how she was pressured to de-queer Meriel and Sophie Eagland later regretted that. I feel like this does take away from the novel a bit.

And then Meriel and Sophie both admit that they don't feel anything for Richard, that they only want to be with each other. You can tell Eagland was going to make them a couple, but had to stop short of actually doing so. Aug 13, Megan the rated it it was amazing. Jane Eagland is one of the best historical novelists, ever. Her first novel, Wildthorn, blew me away, and Whisper My Name is even better.

Both of her works have such twists and turns, such mystery — you just never know where the next page will take you. High praise indeed as they were very important to my childhood. I have no doubt that Whisper My Name is a novel that will pass the test of time. Its portrayal of Victorian London, its Jane Eagland is one of the best historical novelists, ever. Its portrayal of Victorian London, its shocking mystery, its intrepid heroine, all create a book more than worth its weight in gold.

Whisper My Name achieves an amazing feet by appealing to both lovers of historical fiction and those who tend to avoid it. However, it still contains various historical nuances that will appeal to the history lover. As the novel begins, Meriel, the heroine, has just lost her mother, been sent away by her father, and is now journeying to live with a grandfather she has never met. While her grandfather turns out to be just as cold and distant as he is odd, Meriel finds a friend in a maid named Sally and a medium named Sophie.

With their help, she begins to unravel a mystery that could change her life… Meriel is the perfect protagonist for this novel, flawed, but with her heart in the right place. Behind her stands a memorable cast of characters who truly enrich the story. I have to say that Sophie, the reluctant medium, is my favorite character in this novel. She is just one of those people who are truly, truly good at heart. Sophie offers quiet support and friendship to Meriel, even when she might face unpleasant consequences for her actions.

She just might be the most perfect friend who ever existed besides my BFF, of course. Whisper My Name is historical fiction for the most ardent history lovers and those who avoid the genre at all costs. It has an intriguing plot full of twists and turns and well-crafted writing. Jane Eagland is an author to watch. Nov 24, Joanne rated it liked it. I did quite enjoy this novel, but I didn't fall in love with it. Merial is sent away from her father and India where she grew up, to live with her remote and slightly menacing grandfather in England.

I think more could have been done to make Merial feel the threat from her grandfather, rather than him just being contro A solid 3. I think more could have been done to make Merial feel the threat from her grandfather, rather than him just being controlling and mad. That would really have ramped up the tension and also my sympathy for her as a character. So much was hinted at and alluded to throughout that in the final chapters it was a bit of a let down that the grandfather turned out to be almost loving.

Although the reader can understand Merial's motivations, she still came across as a selfish child. I know in the final chapters she had her light bulb moment of realising she's been a selfish cow, but that didn't negate my thought that she had a narcissistic personality disorder. I would have packed her off to boarding school too. There were some turns of phrase both in the narrative and in the speech which I question their use in Victorian England.

It's too late at night for me to think of examples now. Lastly, the cover picture, though clearly evocative of a historical novel, is inaccurate for the Victorian period. It is from the mid-Georgian period of the 18th C. That's the publisher's fault though. One would have thought that the historical section of a publishing house would know that and get it right.

Sep 11, Rachel McKitterick rated it really liked it Shelves: I really enjoyed this. Its a fast read and im looking forward to reading more of her books. Only a tiny part is paranormal. Mostly about a Victorian era life, a girl and reconnecting family. Apr 12, Kayleigh rated it really liked it Shelves: I really enjoyed this book and came very close to putting it as a 5 star instead but despite how much I liked the book and felt it was very historically accurate, the book just kept confusing me, everything in the book managed to be explained in a way that I just couldn't understand, and when I believed I could understand it, main girl Meriel saw it in a completely different way.

Also Meriel was a character who I enjoyed during the book, but when I look back at it I just can't stand her. She is a I really enjoyed this book and came very close to putting it as a 5 star instead but despite how much I liked the book and felt it was very historically accurate, the book just kept confusing me, everything in the book managed to be explained in a way that I just couldn't understand, and when I believed I could understand it, main girl Meriel saw it in a completely different way.

She is a very well-developed character, with many different dimensions; however that does not mean she has to be an unlikable character. She's portrayed at selfish and spoilt little girl, who is oblivious to the way she acts, maybe she has the right to be, but still she is a character who I cannot stand. Though the book I still really enjoyed, its a perfect example of a historical novel, exactly right for all the Young Adult readers.

Nov 30, Leonie rated it really liked it Shelves: A lonely girl discovers family secrets. I think every time I read a book and think: Not that this is anything especially amazing, but it was definitely a very nice read for me. I think the autho A lonely girl discovers family secrets. I think the author got more into her stride as the novel progessed; the period tone was uneven but felt better as we went on. I liked that there wasn't a romance plot. I liked the character of Sophie. I liked Meriel's ambivalent reaction to Kitty; it's something that could have been treated very flatly.