Structural Timber Design to Eurocode 5

Structural Timber Design to Eurocode 5

What does Mathcad do? A simple calculation [2]. Definitions and variables [2]. Working with units [2]. Commonly used Mathcad functions. Maximum and minimum values. Design of members subjected to flexure. Design value of the effect of actions. Bending where the relative slenderness ratio for bending about the major axis is 0.

Structural Analysis and Design of Timber Structures - Dlubal Software

Bending of notched members. Shear stress with a stress component parallel to the grain. Shear stress with both stress components perpendicular to the grain rolling shear. Bearing Compression perpendicular to the grain. Bearing stress when the member is resting on supports. Bearing stress when the member is resting on a continuous support. Combined shear and torsion. Deformation due to bending and shear. Deformation due to compression over supports. Footstep Footfall induced vibrations.


Design of members and walls subjected to axial or combined axial and flexural actions. Design of members subjected to axial actions.

Members subjected to axial compression. Members subjected to compression at an angle to the grain. Members subjected to axial tension. Members subjected to combined bending and axial loading. Where lateral torsional instability due to bending about the major axis will not occur.

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Lateral torsional instability under the effect of bending about the. Members subjected to combined bending and axial tension. Design of Stud Walls. Design of load-bearing walls.

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Design of stud walls subjected to axial compression. Design of stud walls subjected to combined out of plane bending and axial compression. Lateral deflection of load-bearing stud walls and columns. Design of glued laminated members. Horizontal and vertical glued laminated timber.

Design of glued laminated members with tapered, curved or pitched curved profiles also applicable to LVL members. Design of single tapered beams. Design of double tapered beams, curved and pitched cambered beams. Bending and radial stress in the apex zone for double tapered and pitched cambered beams. Bending stress in the apex zone. Radial stress in the apex zone. Bending and radial stress in the apex zone of a curved beam.

Mer fra Abdy Kermani; Jack Porteous

Bending strength in the apex zone for double tapered beams, curved beams and pitched cambered beams. Radial tensile strength in the apex zone for double tapered beams, curved beams and pitched cambered beams. Criterion for bending stress for double tapered beams, curved beams and pitched cambered beams. Criterion for radial tension stress for double tapered beams, curved beams and pitched cambered beams.

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Bearing Compression perpendicular to the grain. General Common rules and rules for buildings EC5. Structural Timber Design to Eurocode 5 provides practising engineers and specialist contractors with comprehensive, detailed information and in-depth guidance on the design of timber structures based on the common rules and rules for buildings in Eurocode 5 — Part Bending of notched members. Characteristic fastener yield moment My,Rk.

Design of double tapered beams, curved and pitched cambered beams subjected to combined shear and tension perpendicular to the grain. Design of composite timber and wood based sections. Design of glued composite sections. Glued thin webbed beams. Strength Analysis of glued thin webbed beams. Stresses in the flanges. Bending, shear and buckling stresses in the web. Displacement at the SLS.

John Wiley And Sons Ltd.

Structural Timber Design to Eurocode 5

Samenvatting Structural Timber Design to Eurocode 5 is a comprehensive book which provides practising engineers and specialist contractors with detailed information and in-depth guidance on the design of timber structures based on the common rules and rules for buildings in Eurocode 5 - Part It will also be of interest to undergraduate and postgraduate students of civil and structural engineering.

The book provides a step-by-step approach to the design of all of the most commonly used timber elements and connections using solid timber, glued laminated timber or wood based structural products. It features numerous detailed worked examples, and incorporates the requirements of the UK National Annex. The Authors Jack Porteous is a consulting engineer specialising in timber engineering. He is a visiting scholar and lecturer in timber engineering at Napier University. He is a Chartered Engineer, Member of the Institution of Structural Engineers and Fellow of the Institute of Wood Science with over 20 years' experience in civil and structural engineering research, teaching and practice.

The authors have led several research and development programmes on the structural use of timber and its reconstituted products. Added to Your Shopping Cart. Description Structural Timber Design to Eurocode 5 provides practising engineers and specialist contractors with comprehensive, detailed information and in-depth guidance on the design of timber structures based on the common rules and rules for buildings in Eurocode 5 — Part About the Author Jack Porteous is a consulting engineer specialising in timber engineering.

General structure 52 2. Basis of structural design EC0 54 2. Rigid model behaviour Weights of Building Materials Appendix B: