Using the methodology of Giggenbach and Goguel, we found that the gases are in equilibrium with the liquid phase at temperatures between and Celsius degrees. The initial thermodynamic conditions of the wells show that they produce fluids from the liquid region. This fact, together with the low salinity, permit the application of the D' Amore methodology, with which the estimations of vapor fractions in the reservoir are relatively low.
Esto se debe a que extraen fluidos de la parte somera del yacimiento. Los pozos H y H-6 son clorurados sodicos; el primero por cierta influencia de la zona. Seismologic study of Los Humeros geothermal field, Puebla , Mexico. Seismic tomography by attenuation of coda waves Qc-1 of local earthquakes; Estudio sismologico del campo geotermico de Los Humeros , Puebla , Mexico. Tomografia sismica por atenuacion a partir de ondas de coda Qc-1 de sismos locales. Results of test of acid fluids neutralization in the well H, Los Humeros geothermal field, Puebla ; Resultados de la prueba de neutralizacion de fluidos acidos en el pozo H, campo geotermico de Los Humeros , Puebla.
When well production was measured, it was found the well produced acid fluids with high corrosion potential. Then it was decided to try to neutralize the acidity of the H fluids by adding a solution of sodium hydroxide. First sodium hydroxide was injected into the well to protect the casing of It was possible to increase the pH of the well fluid from 5. The approximate costs of the neutralization tests performed, including equipment for the proposed neutralization system, the neutralizer NaOH , and drilling the well are about Se decidio por tanto realizar una prueba para neutralizar la acidez de los fluidos de este pozo, que consistio en agregarle una solucion de hidroxido de sodio.
La inyeccion del hidroxido de sodio se realizo dentro del pozo a fin de proteger de la corrosion a la tuberia de revestimiento de Como resultado de la prueba, se logro aumentar el pH del fluido producido por el pozo de 5. Seismologic study of Los Hum eros geothermal field, Pueblo, Mexico.
Seismicity, source mechanisms and stress distribution; Estudio sismologico del campo geotermico de Los Humeros , Puebla , Mexico. Sismicidad, mecanismos de fuente y distribucion de esfuerzos. The distribution of earthquakes at the surface and at depth in the Los Humeros geothermal field, Puebla Mexico , is analyzed from Data for 95 earthquakes were registered at more than five permanent and temporary stations installed by the Comision Federal de Electricidad and the Instituto de Ingenieria of the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico.
The duration magnitudes of the quakes are equal to or lower than 3.
Simple focal mechanisms and moment tensor inversions were made, and the number of earthquakes registered by two stations of the permanent network numbers S05, S06 was compared with water-injection and steam-production volumes over a certain period. The results at the surface and at depth show seismic activity occurring in the northern zone of the field around injection wells I29 well H and I38 well H ; whereas, the simple focal mechanisms and moment tensors demonstrate stresses of heterogeneous origin, suggesting that part of the seismic activity in Los Humeros is probably induced, mainly by injecting water.
Los datos corresponden a 95 sismos registrados por mas de cinco estaciones permanentes y temporales instaladas por la Comision Federal de Electricidad y el Instituto de Ingenieria de la Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, cuyas magnitudes de duracion son menores o iguales a 3. Asimismo, se realizaron mecanismos focales simples y de inversion de tensor de momento, y se comparo el numero de sismos registrados por dos estaciones de la red permanente numeros S05, S06 con la inyeccion de agua y la produccion de vapor durante cierto tiempo.
Los resultados en superficie y en profundidad muestran actividad sismica en la zona norte del campo, alrededor. Geochemistry and isotopic characterization of rain in the zones of Los Azufres, Michoacan and Los Humeros , Puebla and its relation with geothermal fluids; Caracterizacion geoquimica e isotopica de lluvia en las zonas de Los Azufres, Michoacan y Los Humeros , Puebla y su relacion con fluidos geotermicos.
This work presents the preliminary results of chemical and isotopic monitoring of rainwater in Los Humeros and Los Azufres geothermal fields and their surrounding during The rainwater samples were collected in seven and eight sites in Los Humeros and Los Azufres, respectively. The alkalinity values of rainwater were positive in all Los Humeros sites, which indicates that there is no acid rain in the region.
There were some samples with negative alkalinity at two sites in case of Los Azufres, Vivero and Guadalajara, but the values were very small. This means that there is some acidity in the rain. In case of Los Humeros a good correlation was observed between alkalinity and the concentration of calcium, which indicates that the samples were probably affected by dust. This evidence suggests that the clouds formed in the Gulf of Mexico bring rain to the Central part of Mexico.
Rainwater at Los Azufres contains contaminants from industrial sites located to the east. It can be concluded that there is no discernible influence of geothermal emissions on rainwater acidity. This paper presents the results of log interpretations using the percentage method to define the productive fluid intervals in wells H and H These were identified with pressure, temperature and flow rate PTS electronic logs, used for the first time in this field. The test were carried out with the well integrated to the electrical generation units.
Well H fed steam to Units 1, 4, 5 and 7 through a plate with a restriction orifice diameter of Well H fed steam to Unit 3 through plate with a restriction orifice diameter of El estudio se hizo a partir de datos obtenidos con una sonda electronica de presion, temperatura y velocidad de flujo PTS , utilizada por primera vez en este campo. En ambos casos se realizaron las pruebas con el pozo integrado a las unidades de generacion electrica, el primero suministra vapor para las Unidades 1, 4, 5 y 7 a traves de una placa de orificio de restriccion de El segundo alimenta a la Unidad 3, fluye por orificio de A new method of damage determination in geothermal wells from geothermal inflow with application to Los Humeros , Mexico.
Geothermal inflow type curves were obtained for different values of well damage i. The method was evaluated by diagnosing the damage of thirteen producing wells in the Los Humeros , Puebla , Mexico geothermal field. Permeability determinations were carried out for these wells and their productivity indices were estimated. Comparison of the diagnoses made via damage effects against the results of field pressure tests showed that the maximum difference between both approaches is on the order of 0.
The methodology allows reservoir characterization along its productive life, since several production tests are carried out while the reservoir is producing. The data obtained from production tests are used to determine the damage effect and permeability of the rock formation. Previously the damage skin factor could only be determined from the analyses of transient pressure tests. Tambien se hicieron determinaciones de la permeabilidad en las zonas de produccion de estos pozos y de sus respectivos indices de productividad.
Se compararon los resultados del valor de dano obtenido con la metodologia propuesta, con los valores de dano obtenidos a partir de pruebas de presion, encontrando que las diferencias maximas entre ambas tecnicas es del orden de 0. La presente metodologia permite la caracterizacion del yacimiento a lo largo de su vida productiva a partir de las mediciones de las pruebas de produccion efectuadas en los pozos.
La metodologia propuesta es innovadora porque anteriormente el dano solamente se podia determinar a partir de los analisis de las mediciones de la pruebas de presion. Soil degassing at the Los Humeros geothermal field Mexico. The Los Humeros geothermal field is the third most important producer of geothermal electricity 70 MW in Mexico. Geothermal fluid upflow from the reservoir towards the surface is limited by welded ignimbrite deposits that act as a low-permeability barrier.
The particular location of these three areas suggests that the steam-dominated reservoir degases to the surface through permeable faults crossing the ignimbritic deposits. Finally, we estimate the heat output from the three high degassing areas to a value of Four out of the seven back-pressure power units of 5 MW operating in the Los Humeros geothermal field, State of Puebla , Mexico, are fed by one steam pipe gathering the steam produced by nine wells.
When a failure occurred in any of the units and the excedence valve had to be open to deviate the steam, a decrease in the steam flow for the remaining units was noted, along with lower electrical generation. The cause for that is analyzed and explained in this paper by comparing the interconnected steam supply system to an electric circuit. A way to maintain a uniform and continuous supply of steam in the Los Humeros field has been found. It was implemented several months ago and the problem has not reoccurred. Cuando ocurria una falla en alguna de estas unidades y se abria por completo la valvula de excedencia para desviar el vapor, se observaba una reduccion en el flujo de vapor que llegaba a las otras tres unidades, lo que a su vez ocasionaba que la generacion de electricidad se redujera notoriamente.
En este trabajo se analiza y explica la causa de ello, mediante la comparacion de este sistema interconectado de suministro de vapor con un circuito electrico, y se explica la solucion que se encontro e implemento en el campo de Los Humeros para regular el suministro continuo y uniforme de vapor, con resultados satisfactorios a varios meses de su implementacion en las cuatro unidades interconectadas.
Geochemical evidences of the boiling phenomena in Los Humeros geothermal field; Evidencias geoquimicas del fenomeno de ebullicion en el campo de Los Humeros. The geochemical behavior of the fluids in the geothermal field Los Humeros suggests the existence of a reservoir of relatively low permeability, with hydrostatic pressure gradients and thermodynamic conditions of pressure-temperature close to the boiling point in stationary conditions, that is, non-disturbed.
Nevertheless, the fluid geochemistry also indicates the presence of steam under stationary conditions, mainly in the fault, fracture, fissure, etc. The steam diminishes progressively as the extraction time increases, being replaced by boiling fluid. Sin embargo, la geoquimica de los fluidos tambien indica la existencia de vapor bajo condiciones estables, principalmente en las zonas de fallas, fracturas, fisuras, etc.
El vapor disminuye progresivamente conforme aumenta el tiempo de extraccion, siendo reemplazado por fluido en ebullicion. Application of heating in dex in Los Humeros geothermal reservoir; Comportamiento de los indices de calentamiento en el yacimiento geotermico de los Humeros. Reservoir engineering uses several methodologies to evaluate reservoir information characteristics, which in one well vary with time during its production life. One of the methods widely used is the pressure analysis by stimulating the reservoir through cold water injection. For this case, the temperature is used as stimulating parameter and the resultant perturbation is analyzed for the formation intervals in order to determine reservoir permeability and thickness.
This method requires a set of temperature logs taking a different stability time. The heating index is calculated from the temperature gradient with time. The index correlated with drilling parameters such as the circulation lost volume, lithology, drilling speed, et cetera. It is used identify interesting reservoir characteristics for production and injections purposes.
The method is applied on wells: The results indicate the usefulness of this method in evaluating geothermal reservoirs. Uno de los metodos ampliamente utilizados es el comportamiento de la presion a traves de estimulos suministrados al yacimiento. Haciendo una analogia de la presion, para el caso de inyeccion de agua fria, se utiliza la temperatura como estimulo y se analizan los disturbios que esta provoca en algunas secciones de la formacion, a partir de lo cual es factible determinar intervalos permeables en el yacimiento. El metodo requiere de un par de perfiles de temperatura registrados a diferente tiempo de reposo del pozo.
Con las diferencias de temperatura respecto al tiempo, se calcula el indice de calentamiento el cual se correlaciona con los parametros disponibles, contenidos durante la perforacion, como son. Analysis of production data and fluid thermodynamic conditions in wells of Los Humeros , Pue; Analisis de datos de produccion y condiciones termodinamicas del fluido de alimentacion de pozos de Los Humeros , Pue. Production data from 22 wells of the Los Humeros geothermal field in Puebla , Mexico, were analyzed to estimate the thermodynamic conditions pressure and enthalpy of the bottom-hole fluids entering the wells and the changes to the fluids after exploitation.
The reservoir temperature was estimated by the FT-HSH2 gas-equilibrium method, which provided values matching very well the measured-well temperatures under static conditions. To estimate the rates of change of the well-bottom thermodynamic variables-pressure and enthalpy-the linear and the harmonic methods were used. According to these models, overall results indicated pressure-decline rates of between 0. These rates of parameter change were considered moderate, likely due to recharge from the deeper reservoir.
Most wells showed temperature increases, although a temperature decrease was noticed in wells HR and H, probably due to mechanical damage in the wells or weak communication with the deeper reservoir. Las condiciones a fondo de pozo se obtuvieron al simular las historias de produccion de los pozos mediante el simulador numerico WELLSIM. Mineralogical and micro-thermometric features of the Los Humeros geothermal reservoir, Pue. Studies on many topics have been undertaken during the exploratory and exploitation stages of the development of Los Humeros geothermal field.
From a geochemical and mineralogical view-including hydrothermal mineralogy and fluid-inclusion micro-thermometry, features have been reported differing from those observed in other geothermal fields. Sometimes this has led to ambiguous conclusions. Studies of fluid-inclusion micro-thermometry have shown low-salinity and high-temperature fluids, suggesting a slight temperature decrease in the deepest portion associated with a boiling process rather than a cooling process.
In , Arellano et al. Mineralogical data from wells drilled at the Colapso Central zone tend to support this idea. However wells drilled in the zone known as Corredor Mastaloya seemingly show evidence of a single reservoir. Desde el punto de vista geoquimico y mineralogico mineralogia hidrotermal y microtermometria de inclusiones fluidas se han reportado comportamientos diferentes a los observados en otros campos del mundo, los que en ocasiones han llevado a conclusiones imprecisas.
La microtermometria de inclusiones fluidas ha mostrado fluidos poco salinos de alta temperatura, asi como una ligera disminucion de temperatura en la parte profunda la cual se asocia a un proceso de ebullicion mas que a un enfriamiento del sistema. En Arellano et al realizaron un estudio multidisciplinario proponiendo la existencia de al menos dos reservorios. La informacion mineralogica de pozos perforados en la zona del Colapso Central fortalece esta propuesta. Sin embargo, para pozos localizados en la zona conocida como Corredor Mastaloya se tiene evidencia de lo que parece ser un solo yacimiento.
Interpreting compositional zonation of the Zaragoza ignimbrite from Los Humeros caldera, Central Mexico. Compositional zonation in ignimbrites is relatively common, and is often inferred to record gradual withdrawal by an eruption of a density-stratified magma chamber with silicic magma towards the top and more dense, mafic magma at the bottom.
We show that this model does not match observations at the ca. Detailed petrologic studies reveal a more complex scenario: We present evidence for mingling and limited mixing occurred during or immediately before the caldera-forming eruption. One possibility to explain the observations is that the ignimbrite eruption occurred in response to intrusion of a hybridized andesitic magma into a rhyodacitic magma chamber.
Drilling of bilateral wells: Drilling bilateral geothermal wells has been conducted successfully in fields in the U. The reason for drilling a second leg in a well is to increase production by penetrating additional production zones. In this report, criteria are presented for selecting wells in Los Humeros , Pue.
Wells H-3, H-8 and H were selected as the best subjects for bi-directional drilling. A design is proposed for constructing a second leg in well H El objetivo de perforar una segunda pierna en un mismo pozo es incrementar su produccion, ya que habran mas zonas de produccion. En este reporte se presentan los criterios para la seleccion de pozos del campo geotermico de Los Humeros , Pue. Posteriormente, aplicando los criterios de evaluacion y con la informacion obtenida de cada pozo, se seleccionaron los pozos H-3, H-8 y H como los que presentan mejores condiciones para la perforacion bidireccional.
Finalmente, se establecio un diseno para la construccion de una segunda pierna en el pozo H According to pre-exploitation data, it is suggested the Los Humeros reservoir fluids are made of a mixture of meteoric water of very light isotopic composition paleo-fluids and andesitic water. At the more enriched end of the mixing relationship are the isotopic compositions of the wells H and H located in the southern area of the field , while the lighter fluids were found in well H originally and then in well H repaired.
Based on this isotopic profile, it is considered that even the production depths of the wells H-1, H and H repaired are just about the same, but their respective isotopic compositions are quite different. These results could be useful in creating a conceptual model of the reservoir. De acuerdo con datos previos a la explotacion, se plantea que los fluidos del yacimiento.
Chemical variation in hydrothermal minerals of the Los Humeros geothermal system, Mexico. The Los Humeros geothermal system is composed of more than m of Quaternary altered volcanic rocks and an underlying Cretaceous sedimentary sequence. Petrographic examination of cuttings from five wells and temperature data indicate at least two stages of hydrothermal activity. Temperature is the main factor that affects the chemical composition of chlorite, epidote and biotite. The development of geothermal energy in Mexico is a very important goal, given the presence of a large heat anomaly, associated with the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, the renewability of the resource and the low environmental impact.
The Quaternary Los Humeros volcanic complex is an important geothermal target, whose evolution involved at least two caldera events, that alternated with other explosive and effusive activity. The first caldera forming event was the ka eruption that produced the Xaltipan ignimbrite and formed a km wide caldera. The second collapse event occurred ka with the formation of the Zaragoza ignimbrite and a nested km wide caldera. The whole volcano structure, the style of the collapses and the exact location of the calderas scarps and ring faults are still a matter of debate.
Recent models of the geothermal reservoir predict the existence of at least two reservoirs in the geothermal system, separated by impermeable rock units. Hydraulic connectivity and hydrothermal fluids circulation occurs through faults and fractures, allowing deep steam to ascend while condensate flows descend. As a consequence, the plans for the exploration and exploitation of the geothermal reservoir have been based on the identification of the main channels for the circulation of hydrothermal fluids, constituted by faults, so that the full comprehension of the structural architecture of the caldera is crucial to improve the efficiency and minimize the costs of the geothermal field operation.
Morphostructural analysis and field mapping reveal the geometry, kinematics and dynamics of. Chemical changes in well fluids from the Los Humeros geothermal field: Evidences for deep recharge; Cambios quimicos en fluidos de pozos del campo geotermico de Los Humeros: Evidencia de recarga profunda.
Fluid water and steam chemical changes over time were studied in 20 wells in the Los Humeros , Mexico, geothermal field for the purpose of correlating such changes with physical processes occurring in the reservoir due to exploitation. Most wells except well H-1 produce high-enthalpy fluids with almost no liquid, making gas geochemistry important in this field.
Liquid-phase studies include fluid classification, determination of water-rock equilibrium state, and reservoir-temperature estimates. Data for most wells from and indicate the presence of deeper-fluid recharge, with maximum temperatures occurring in and The estimated temperature in well H-1 in was degrees Celsius and the estimated temperature in well H-7 was degrees Celsius in Temperature estimations from data were degrees Celsius in well H-1D and degrees Celsius in well H These results are considered caused by the entrance of deeper fluids due to the increase of secondary permeability, which in turn is related to the seismicity increase in the zone.
At the same time, re-injection returns in the steam phase were identified in well discharges during by means of the FT-HSH2 diagram. La mayoria de los pozos excepto el pozo H-1 se caracterizan por producir descargas de alta entalpia con escasa produccion de liquido, por lo que en este campo la geoquimica de gases juega un papel importante. El estudio de la fase liquida incluyo la clasificacion de los fluidos, la. Structural analysis and thermal remote sensing of the Los Humeros Volcanic Complex: Implications for volcano structure and geothermal exploration. Understanding the structure of the LHVC and its influence on the occurrence of thermal anomalies and hydrothermal fluids is important to get insights into the interplay between the volcano-tectonic setting and the characteristics of the geothermal resources in the area.
In this study, we present a structural analysis of the LHVC, focused on Quaternary tectonic and volcano-tectonic features, including the areal distribution of monogenetic volcanic centers. Morphostructural analysis and structural field mapping revealed the geometry, kinematics and dynamics of the structural features in the study area. Also, thermal infrared remote sensing analysis has been applied to the LHVC for the first time, to map the main endogenous thermal anomalies.
These data are integrated with newly proposed Unconformity Bounded Stratigraphic Units, to evaluate the implications for the structural behavior of the caldera complex and geothermal field. The LHVC is characterized by a multistage formation, with at least two major episodes of caldera collapse: The study suggests that the geometry of the first collapse recalls a trap-door structure and impinges on a thick volcanic succession The main ring-faults of the two calderas are buried and sealed by the widespread post-calderas volcanic products, and for this reason they probably do not have enough permeability to be the main conveyers of the hydrothermal fluid circulation.
An active, previously unrecognized fault system of volcano-tectonic origin has been identified inside the Los Potreros Caldera. This fault system is the main geothermal target, probably originated by active resurgence of the caldera floor. The active fault system defines three distinct structural sectors in the caldera floor, where the. Proposal to neutralize acid fluids from wells in the Los Humeros , Pue. Neutralizing an acidic fluid consists of adding a sodium hydroxide solution to neutralize the H group of acids, therefore increasing the pH.
The injection of sodium hydroxide has to be continuous and at a proper depth inside the well to protect against the corrosion of casing and surface equipment. Neutralization is a common practice used in geothermal fields, such as at The Geysers in the US and Miravalles in Costa Rica-places where aggressive fluids cause problems for extracting and using geothermal fluids commercially.
Several wells drilled in the area had to be repaired, thus plugging and isolating the deepest production zones. Well H was drilled two years ago in the northern zone of the field, and even though it is not located in the aggressive-fluid zone, the well presents mineralogical features possibly indicating the presence of acidic fluids. Therefore, before producing this well it has been proposed we install a neutralization system with general characteristics presented in this paper. The system will prevent corrosion that up to now has prevented exploitation of the deep portion of Colapso Central, helping to develop the field in a more profitable way.
Esto neutraliza el grupo de acidos H y en consecuencia aumenta el pH. La inyeccion de hidroxido de sodio se realiza de manera continua y a una profundidad adecuada dentro del pozo para proteger a la tuberia y a todo el equipo superficial contra la corrosion. La neutralizacion es una practica comun que se viene realizando en campos como Los Geysers en Estados Unidos y en Miravalles, Costa Rica, donde la presencia de fluidos agresivos causa problemas en la extraccion y aprovechamiento del fluido geotermico con fines.
Implications for Greater Geothermal Potential. Longevity and size of magmatic systems are fundamental factors for assessing the potential of a geothermal field. The inferred short residence time around 5 ka for the paroxysmal Xaltipan ignimbrite is indicative of rapid assembly of a large magma body and rejuvenation of the system due to recurrent recharge magmas, as it has been occurred in some other large magmatic systems.
Thus, the time interval that separates the two caldera-forming episodes at Los Humeros is only 94 kyr, which is a much shorter interval than suggested by previous K-Ar dates kyr. This temporal proximity allows us to propose a caldera stage encompassing the Xaltipan and the Zaragoza ignimbrites, followed by emplacement at Directory of Open Access Journals Sweden. These agroecosystems include native and introduced plant species, as well as cultivated and wild ones. Plant diversity in coffee plantations is closely related to the social, economic, and ecological context into which coffee production is inserted.
In the last decade, coffee cultivation has been in crisis due to low prices. Nevertheless, farmers of the SNP maintain their plantations as a source of income, with new strategies such as the introduction or increase of plants with economic value, like allspice Pimenta dioica, mamey Pouteria sapota, and medicinal plants, taking advantage of the versatility and possibilities.
Los datos utilizados se generaron mediante una entrevista estructurada, aplicada a una muestra aleatoria de empresarios agropecuarios. Peste en una ciudad novohispana. Full Text Available Not available. Los resultados indicaron que los campesinos son minifundistas, y con bajo nivel de escolaridad. Full Text Available Estudios recientes consideran aspectos objetivos y subjetivos para medir la calidad de vida.
Percepciones de los hogares de profesionales en la ciudad de Puebla. Factors determinig these problems, such as loss of vitality and physical and social deterioration, are highlighted in the two case studies. The implementation of a Sustainable Urban Integration and Rehabilitation Strategy, based on functional, formal, social and environmental characteristics, is proposed. The results are expressed as the preservation of historical heritage, and changes in land use and its environmental conditions.
Full Text Available This research aimed to identify the contribution that the backyards of corn farmers make to food security and the preservation and conservation of plant and animal diversity, and its link with farmers' knowledge, in San Nicolas de los Ranchos. To this end, 77 producers surveyed randomly selected corn was calculated using an equation, the role of food security in the backyard, and the calculation of the diversity index and species richness that helped expose the plant diversity found also estimated the amount of dung that provide animals to backyard farming, this helped to show synergy livestock farming.
Some results suggest that the products obtained in the backyard contribute to feeding the family. Also found plant and animal diversity, as are most ornamental plants, food and medicinal use, it is also possible to identify animals such as chickens, turkeys, sheep, goats, cows, horses and donkeys.
The use of residual geothermal energy in an edible mushroom production plant, Los Humeros geothermal fields Mexico: Achievements and alternatives; El uso de la energia geotermica residual en la planta productora de hongos comestibles del campo geotermico Los Humeros Mexico: A plant for raising edible mushrooms with residual geothermal energy is a project of the Comision Federal de Electricidad CFE. The results reflect important achievements in the development of technology for the productions of wholesome and available food with geothermal heat instead of conventional energy sources.
The installations have an enormous technological and commercial potential- demonstrated by the cultivation of oyster mushrooms Pleurotus ostreatus , which success has awakened the interest of research institutions. The Instituto of Ecologia, A. These achievements mark a clear trend toward the integral use of facilities, the establishment of a crop with greater economic advantages, and the diffusion of this project. Los resultados obtenidos hasta el momento reflejan logros importantes en la generacion de tecnologia propia para la produccion de un alimento sano y accesible, sustituyendo la energia proveniente de combustibles convencionales por calor geotermico.
Las instalaciones creadas cuentan con un enorme potencial tecnologico y comercial demostrando con el cultivo de las setas Pleurotus ostreatus con un exito tal que ha despertado el interes de instituciones dedicadas a la investigacion. Tal es el caso de Instituto de Ecologia, A. C que acualmente se encuentra involucrado en un proyecto conjunto sobre el cultivo del hongo Lentinula edodes shiitake utilizando energia geotermica en su proceso productivo.
Con lo anterior, se esta marcando una clara tendencia hacia el aprovechamiento integral de las instalaciones, el establecimiento de un cultivo con mayores ventajas economicas y la difusion de este proyecto. In the first half of the XIX century, the city of Puebla , located in the central high plateau of Mexico suffered, on the occasion of the civil wars, the deterioration of great part of the center.
The city also lived a serious economic depression which affected all the social sectors, especially the poor and the unprotected mass. The conditions of public health were deplorable, and became more complex due to the serious financial problems of the municipality. In this context, in arrive, f Nuevos registros de Eleutherodactylus nitidus Anura: We report the first records of Eleutherodactylus nitidus from the state of Tlaxcala and confirm its presence in the central region of Puebla. Los casos de Puebla y Hermosillo. Los periodos analizados son cuatro: Entre los resultados encontramos que: This paper is oriented to explain and interpret the meanings of social action performed by actors and agents socio-economic and political involved in the process planning, taking as its starting point the recognition and comprehension of conceptions of regional development outlined in their communications, guidelines and strategic documents that they use to impact in a macro-region as the South-Southeast of Mexico under what is termed as the Plan Puebla -Panama.
The thesis is that regional development is not a spontaneous process, but a process designed and managed through public policies in which multiple actors and agents converge, who assert their priorities and interests in the process of building markets and redistribution of wealth. The question is to interpret and compare the nature, scope and limitations of the.
Los resultados mostraron la falta de capacidad de ambos itinerarios para poner en contexto la riqueza patrimonial de los sitios visitados. Los itinerarios estudiados, relevantes para describir la riqueza patrimonial de la ciudad, distan de cumplir el objetivo de un itinerario: The lack of disaggregated information and of research, except for a handful of states with particularly grave demographic and reproductive health problems, were barriers to evaluation. It also appeared indispensable to analyze the situations of the nongovernmental organizations involved, and to define priorities among remaining tasks.
Two achievements of the forum in Puebla were to reconstitute a coordinating body for follow-up of the Program of Action with a specific work plan, and to reinforce links and communication with state population councils and health institutions in order to facilitate implementation of the Program of Action. The themes receiving most attention were sexuality and family planning, pregnancy and delivery, and HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases.
Asimismo, las preferencias de los hombres y las mujeres hacia estos productos. The aril of the fruit is the edible part. After harvesting, the aril is extracted fresh and processed for local consumption. Sometimes the fruits are commercialized in tradicional markets. La parte comestible es el arilo de los frutos. Tras la cosecha, se extrae en fresco el arilo y se procesa para su consumo familiar. Ocasionalmente los frutos se comercializan en los mercados tradicionales.
Full Text Available Knowledge of the composition of the bird community in Alto Balsas southwestern Puebla , Central Mexico is needed for management programs aiming at protection and conservation of bird species and their habitats I studied sites with tropical deciduous forest. Data were obtained during hours of field work in days from March to September Six permanent transect 3. One-way analysis of variance was used to test for differences between sites in species richness and diversity values.
Most species were resident; 42 were migrants. The avifauna was represented by 30 species associated with tropical deciduous forest and 12 from open habitats or heavily altered habitats. Insectivores were the best represented trophic category, followed by carnivores and omnivores. El estudio fue llevado a cabo en sitios con presencia de bosque tropical caducifolio. Se realizaron seis transectos permanentes de 3.
Full Text Available La exigua presencia de los intermediarios financieros formales en los municipios rurales mexicanos impulsa el uso de tandas y solicitud de dinero a prestamistas, familiares o amigos. The case of the Nahuas from the Sierra Negra allows us to establish a set of similarities and differences between these three major categories and to distinguish the features that can potentially guide their study in other cultural contexts. Microstructural analysis of two pre hispanic murals of the Cholula, Puebla archaeological zone; Analisis microestructural de dos murales prehispanicos de la zona arqueologica de Cholula, Puebla , Mexico.
The archaeological site Cholula, state Puebla , in Mexico is famous for its huge pyramid and polychromatic ceramic. In this site there are important traces of mural painting, which were elaborated in the classic period. In this research, we study the pigments of two of these murals.
The last assumed temperature profile is then considered as the best approximation to the undisturbed formation temperature around well H and it is then compared with the stabilized temperatures obtained via the Horner and Sphere methods. The third instar larvae of Paranomala flavilla Bates , P. Hydraulic connectivity and hydrothermal fluids circulation occurs through faults and fractures, allowing deep steam to ascend while condensate flows descend. Early life Machado was born in Maracay, Venezuela. Fifteen years later, the two return to avenge the deaths of their loved ones while meeting
The first is 56 m long and 2. The second is 30 m long and 0. Both murals have different deterioration problems. In order to obtain information about the raw material used in the manufacture of the pigments some samples were taken from different regions of the mural and they were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy SEM and Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy EDS.
Thermal fracturing of the well H, Los Humeros , Pue. Well H was drilled for production in , but the well was not able to sustain flow. The well was stimulated by thermal fracturing in three tests made in October Sin embargo, el pozo resulto incapaz de mantenerse fluyendo. Microstructural analysis of two pre hispanic murals of the Cholula, Puebla archaeological zone. To determine the most effective treatment to capture Rhagoletis zoqui and use it as an alternative to chemical insecticides, this study was developed in two orchards of walnut, during June, July and August of in San Nicolas de los Ranchos, Puebla.
The experiment was t Representar, practicar y repensar el Patrimonio Cultural: There are several options for reconstruction of proximal humerus resections after wide resection for malignant tumors in children. The clavicula pro humero technique is a biologic option that has been used in the past, but there are only scant case reports and small series that comment on the results of the procedure.
Because the longevity of children mandates a reconstruction with potential longevity not likely to be achieved by other techniques, the clavicula pro humero technique may be a potential option in selected patients. Four university hospitals performed the clavicula pro humero technique in eight children aged 8 to 18 years between June and February During that period, general indications for this approach included all reconstructions of the proximal humerus for malignant tumors in children older than 8 years.
All patients were followed for a mean of 40 months range, months ; one patient was lost to followup before 2 years. The tumor resections removed the rotator cuff muscles in all patients, glenohumeral joint in five, and deltoid muscle in three. The median length of the bone defect after resection was 20 cm range, cm.
Direct osteosynthesis one patient , induced membrane technique one patient , or vascularized fibular autograft six patients was used to complete the defect after rotation of the clavicle if necessary. Organochlorine pesticide levels in female adipose tissue from Puebla , Mexico. Organochlorine pesticides were analyzed in 75 abdominal adipose tissue samples taken during by autopsy at the Forensic Services of Puebla.
In analyzed samples the following pesticides were detected: To show if organochlorine pesticide levels in monitored female's adipose tissues are age dependant, the group was divided in three ages ranges , and years. The mean and median levels of all organochlorine pesticides increase significantly p 0. The present results compared to previous ones from indicates an increase in the concentrations during the study, but only the differences for pp'DDE and op'DDT were statistically significant.
The group of females was older compared to the group. The presence of organochlorine pesticide residues is still observed, indicating uniform and permanent exposure to the pesticides by Puebla inhabitants. Organochlorine pesticide level differences among female inhabitants from Veracruz, Puebla and Tabasco, Mexico. Organochlorine pesticides have been used in Mexico in malaria control programs and against ectoparasites. The objective of this study was to compare the levels of organochlorine pesticides: Veracruz, Puebla and Tabasco. When comparing the mean values of the pp'-DDE concentrations among the three states, no statistically significant differences were noted.
However, the aims these NPAs are more closely related to local political contexts than to their importance as reservoirs of biodiversity. In this study, we assessed the conservation value of the park Flor del Bosque, in the state of Puebla. Since this park contains both, well-preserved and human-disturbed habitats, we compared the diversity of plants and birds between these habitat types. Later, to assess its conservation value, the total diversity of the park was compared with that from an external, unprotected site with similar vegetation structure.
In the park, the diversity of both groups of organisms was higher at well-preserved rather than at disturbed habitats. Furthermore, the analyses indicated that the entire diversity of the park is substantially higher than that of the external site. Thus, we suggest that these type of studies should be promoted by the state governments to determine the conservation value of their NPAs and, therefore aid in the development of adequate management programs for these sites.
Un estudio de caso de la Sierra Negra de Puebla. Se identifican cinco instituciones gubernamentales de relevancia para las mujeres: The state of Puebla has little information about mammal presence and distribution. In a study to determine jaguar presence using camera traps and interviews, we obtained 16 new records of tepezcuincle Cuniculus paca in different vegetation types such as tropical rainforest and cloud forest, as well as in coffee plantations.
The records prove that the species is widely spread along the Sierra Norte of Puebla , but the distribution of populations in the Sierra Negra is uncertain. El estado de P In the valley of Puebla -Tlaxcala in Mexico flourished a culture, as great as the Teotihuacana, the Cholulteca, between the years The product most known of this culture was the ceramic, famous by its colours; however, there was another important activity where they left master pieces, the mural painting.
The mural ' Los Bebedores' is probably unique in its type. The technique used to paint it is not defined, but it was very similar to that known as 'al fresco'. This mural is inside of the great pyramid of Cholula and present damage due to its age and the different attempt to restore it. In this work we present the results obtained using a portable system of Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence EDXRF to characterize the chemical composition of the polychromatic ceramic and the pigments, used in the mural painting, of Cholula.
We describe the problems associated to the characterization of composition of the dyes used in the mural painting, due mainly to the thin layers of the pigments of this type of samples. Full Text Available The state of Puebla has little information about mammal presence and distribution.
This University has its origins in late S. This library gathers books from some local religious orders and 2. XIX, archival documents and many other heritage objects. Full Text Available Indigenous women artisans from Puebla state, facing poverty of their domestic groups through craft production as a breeding strategies that ensure their survival; for this reason a group of women leaders representing local groups, has formed a regional organization, "SIUAMEJ, AC", to address the lack of income.
This research focuses on the study of the organization in question, in order to meet changes in gender relations and the effects of the participation of women artisans in this organization, the formation of democratic leadership and the construction of individual and collective empowerment.
In the research were used theoretical and methodological from a gender perspective tools, Participatory Research and Popular Education. The techniques used were group workshops, questionnaires, interviews and participant observation. Was applied a questionnaire for women leaders of local organizations of the organization, both as participant observation group workshops were conducted with 14 local organizations covering just over members applied. Among the identified results highlight the participation in collective decision-making through consensus, administrative management and access to training content that has allowed the individual and collective development of both leaders and women members of the local groups.
Consideraciones sobre el cultivo del aguacate Persea Americana Mill. Specifically in Puebla , there are some counties "municipios", Atlixco among others, where its exploitation represents an important economical fact. Because of this, it is being pretended to increase the surface occupied with that fruit tree.
However, its growth and cultivation, has been exposed to a great number of problems, such as the ecologic ones inadecuate soils, for example and fitopathologic ones mainly, reasons enough to consider the increase of its growth as inadecuate. Musculoskeletal pain among women of menopausal age in Puebla , Mexico. Worldwide, complaints of musculoskeletal pain are more frequent than complaints of hot flashes amongst women of menopausal age.
The purpose of this study was to examine musculoskeletal pain among women of menopausal age in the city of Puebla , Mexico. Mean age was Symptom frequencies were collected by open-ended interviews and with a structured symptom list that queried symptom experience during the two weeks prior to interview. From the structured symptom list, La pimienta de Jamaica [Pimenta dioica L. Full Text Available Pimenta dioica, allspice, is a neotropical Myrtaceae distributed in Mesoamerica and the Caribbean region.
The main use of its dried fruits is as spice, being sold in Mexican nacional markets as well as exported to Germany, the United States, Jamaica and Great Britain. Most of the harvest comes from trees growing wild in tropical forests, although lately there is a trend to domesticate and cultivate the plant.
The fieldwork has been focused on Totonaca indigenous communities from this area. In these communities, allspice has medicinal use, and is used as a condiment for food; other technological and cultural uses have been also recorded. It includes information of the history, botany, cultivation and commerce of allspice. Full Text Available What does Puebla say about mass media media of social communication?
These media seem to be conditionned by the socio-cultural reality. They are too much controlled by the economic and political powers. They seem to violate the conscience of peoples, to destroy the true values of culture and create phantasy necessities. The pastoral has to use these media.
This paper reports a situation in which several policy actors have been striving for water quality improvement in that polluted sub-basin. A series of questions and observations are presented relating to urban problems resulting from demographic growth and economic development in the city of Puebla , Mexico. Although the date used are primarily for the city of Puebla , the metropolitan conurbation in its totality should be the true focus of study.
The major problems in the city of Puebla result from the inability of market forces to satisfy growing needs for employment, housing, and transport, and from limitations on the ability of the municipal administration to provide and improve the public services demanded by the population. If the metropolitan area is not viewed as a whole, there is a great risk that uncontrolled growth will continue while problems in the conurbation will be underestimated.
Puebla 's most rapid period of growth occurred in the s, when significant development took place in manufacturing. An inventory of proposed solutions to problems of urban development and social welfare in Puebla was conducted using data from the Development Plan of the state of Puebla for and reports of the state government and of municipal government programs for and The various plans mention separate proposals, actions, and 16 strategies.
Severe financial limitations and technical and conceptual shortcomings however will probably prevent many from being implemented. Full Text Available Los hongos y actinomicetos asociados a infecciones en humanos, se encuentran ampliamente distribuidos en la naturaleza.
Los campesinos son altamente vulnerables a sufrir heridas y pueden contaminarse con estos microorganismos. De muestras procesadas, se obtuvieron aislados, de los cuales fueron hongos de suelo y de plantas y actinomicetos 96 de suelo y 64 plantas. Indigenous cultures are the result of their adaptation to the natural surroundings, in such a way that, amongst their main features is a set of knowledge, technologies and strategies for the appropriation of nature.
In Cuetzalan del Progreso, Puebla , Mexico snakes represent This study was conducted to investigate the traditional uses of snakes in this cultural group. Formal and informal interviews were conducted with the inhabitants of the communities. During these interviews, 30 images of the different species of snakes present in the area were presented to the subjects, so that they would recognize them and reveal information about the knowledge they possess on them.
A usage analysis was applied to each species considering the following categories: Likewise, the frequency, the diversity and the value of use was estimated for these snakes. A total of 51 interviews were carried out. The individuals recognized 18 out of 30 images of snakes that were presented.
The total of usage categories was five; we found that the magic-religious use was the most mentioned by 32 personas. Boa imperator and Antropoides nummifer were the species with the highest value of use. More than half of the interviewees mentioned killing snakes because they're poisonous and aggressive. In the magic-religious aspect the "Danza de los Negritos" is highlighted; this is a local festival, brought by Africans, and alludes to snakes.
This study revealed that snakes are still very important for the culture in Cuetzalan del Progreso, finding that the magical-religious and the medicinal use stand out. On the other hand, the fear and misperception on the toxicity of snakes might represent a potential threat for their conservation. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out a.
External links Elisa on IMDb He lives with his aunt Amanda and uncle Alejandro since he was orphaned. One day, Alejandro tells Daniel that the inheritance he received from his parents is an area developed into a valuable and bustling city. She thinks that he is one of the city's residents and Daniel played along.
A variety of complications make life difficult for Daniel, though. These include the truth of Daniel's identity coming out, Susana, a girl in love with Retrieved January 8, External links Penthouse on IMDb Julia is a Mexican telenovela produced by Irene Sabido for Televisa in External links Julia on IMDb The logo represents a human eye looking at the world through a television screen. It retains the original logo's yellow and orange colors that contrast with a dark blue background while the center of the logo is a sphere that represents the known contemporary world with its focus on communications, specifically television.
Rebollar Film Historias violentas Film El amor nunca muere English title: Love never dies is a Mexican telenovela produced by Ernesto Alonso for Televisa in Nosotros los pobres, is a Mexican telenovela directed by Enrique Segoviano for Televisa in This is a remake of old Mexican movie of Nosotros los pobres with Pedro Infante. External links Nosotros los pobres on IMDb External links Amor prohibido on IMDb Lying Heart [1] is a Mexican telenovela produced by Mapat L.
Fifteen years later, the two return to avenge the deaths of their loved ones while meeting It starred Silvia Derbez and Carlos Bracho. Retrieved December 13, Retrieved January 10, External links Marina on IMDb Retrieved January 11, External links Santa on IMDb External links Una mujer on IMDb It was broadcast in , on weekends only. It was a remake of the telenovela of the same name. Retrieved 9 January El juramento, is a Mexican telenovela directed by Guillermo Diazayas for Televisa in Retrieved January 9, External links El juramento on IMDb Pecado de amor is a Mexican telenovela produced by Ernesto Alonso for Televisa in External links Web site Mi amor frente al pasado is a Mexican telenovela directed by Carlos S.
External links Mi amor frente al pasado on IMDb However, it remains paradoxical that when Unamuno was offering his analysis, the period of great Carlist role in letters was just about to begin. It lasted for some quarter of a century, as until the late s Carlism remained a key theme of numerous monumental works of Spanish literature. Afterwards it lost its appeal as a literary motive, still later reduced to instrumental role during Francoism.
Today it enjoys some popularity, though no longer as catalyst of paramount cultural or political discourse; its role is mostly to provide exotic, historical, romantic and sometimes mysterious setting.
Lo imperdonable TV series. Retrieved April 17, Retrieved March 14, Retrieved 4 October Retrieved 16 November Retrieved December 11, Retrieved November 25, Retrieved September 24, Retrieved April 20, Retrieved April 8, Retrieved February 13, Retrieved February 20, Retrieved March 15, Retrieved 17 September Retrieved April 21, Retrieved August 7, Lo imperdonable TV series topic Lo imperdonable English: Member feedback about Lo imperdonable TV series: Upcoming television series Revolvy Brain revolvybrain.
Member feedback about Ana Brenda Contreras: Mexican male film actors Revolvy Brain revolvybrain. Colombian film actresses Revolvy Brain revolvybrain. Tania Lizardo topic Tania Lizardo born October 10, is a Mexican actress best known for her work in television. Member feedback about Tania Lizardo: Mexican telenovela actresses Revolvy Brain revolvybrain. List of Televisa telenovelas and series s topic The following is a list of telenovelas produced by Televisa in the s.
Member feedback about List of Televisa telenovelas and series s: Televisa telenovelas Revolvy Brain revolvybrain. Chayanne topic Elmer Figueroa Arce born June 28, , better known under the stage name Chayanne, is a Puerto Rican Latin pop singer, actor and composer. Member feedback about Chayanne: Latin pop singers Revolvy Brain revolvybrain. Eric del Castillo topic J. Member feedback about Eric del Castillo: Member feedback about El mariachi TV series: Cuando me enamoro TV series topic Cuando me enamoro English: Member feedback about Cuando me enamoro TV series: List of programs broadcast by Univision topic Univision logo This is a list of television programs currently broadcast in first-run or reruns , scheduled to be broadcast or formerly broadcast on Univision, a Spanish-language American broadcast television network.
Member feedback about List of programs broadcast by Univision: Lists of television series by network Revolvy Brain revolvybrain. Yo no creo en los hombres TV series topic Yo no creo en los hombres English: Member feedback about Yo no creo en los hombres TV series: Member feedback about Mar Contreras: Mexican film actresses Revolvy Brain revolvybrain.
Member feedback about Pecado mortal TV series: