Chance of Bunnies, with Occasional Toad

Month: July 2017

The routes may include holes in fences, paths through dense vegetation or even through tunnels with multiple exits. When the predator drops them, they suddenly race away.

the official website for fiction writer Annie Reed

Like other rabbits, Eastern Cottontails fight each other: The ears go back, the chin juts forward, thumping begins, growls are emitted and a war is on. It can be fierce, with jumping, chasing, biting and boxing involved. Males fight with other males for females. Females will fight each other for control of a territory.

It leaps in the air and over the back of its predator. As it sails over it gives the predator a powerful kick in the head or neck with its hind legs.

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  • Legacy: A Journal of Missionary Service.

Eastern Cottontails are solitary, except when mating or raising young. Despite this, they have a sense of community: They may warn others about perceived danger by stamping their hind feet to transmit vibrations through the ground. They make distress calls and may scream when caught by a predator. Well, you be the judge: They also can be flawlessly trained to a litter box. One owner of a domestic rabbit says her pet has learned to unlatch his cage and also leads her to the food storage container when his food bowl goes empty.

Medical imaging studies have shown that humans and animals have the same neural activity in primitive parts of the brain that are associated with emotions. This implies they feel at least some of the same emotions we do. Owners of domesticated rabbits claim they show anger, jealousy, love, grief and other emotions.

Reproduction As you may already know, rabbits are birthing machines. Males may be sexually mature at one month of age and females within their first year. Eastern Cottontail breeding season is from about January through June, with most young born in May and June. Mating and births occur a little later in the north and earlier in southern climates.

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Chance of Bunnies with Occasional Toad [Annie Reed] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Something wonderful – something magical. Chance of Bunnies, with Occasional Toad. By Annie Reed. Something wonderful -- something magical -- happened to Cecily when she was ten.

The female is capable of producing a litter of up to eight or more babies called kits or kittens every 30 days, through five pregnancies per season. Usually, they have three litters producing four or five kits. A different male fathers each litter. Cottontails have an entertaining courtship display: A male chases a female until she turns and faces him, after which she stands up on her hind legs and punches him in the ears and face. The two rabbits then sit facing each other. The male moves toward the female, leaps up to 15 feet 4.

Meanwhile, she runs under him and turns degrees. Then the female does the jump-and-spin while he does the run-and-spin.

July – Westford Conservation Trust

They alternate doing this repeatedly, until after a while mating commences. The hiding place is lined with grass and soft fur she plucked from her own body for insulation. At birth, the kits are about 4 inches long 10 cm , deaf, blind, nearly bald and their ears lay flat. Their mother nurses them for the first time, covers them with grasses, leaves or other debris, then slips away.

Rolo the Great Annie Reed Author Augustus Woods and the Prince Aaron Michaels Author Bait Annie Reed Author The Forever Soldier and Other Annie Reed Author Night Passage Annie Reed Author Wiseguys Aaron Michaels Author In Dreams Annie Reed Author Cleo and the Scout Annie Reed Author Harley and the Alien Annie Reed Author Just My Luck [a Diz and Dee All everybody did was keep their heads down and survive the best way they could. Stuck in an unsuitable job and an unsuitable life. The summer had been hot, the land baked dry beneath clear, rainless skies.

That was the good thing about hitting rock bottom. The people in this big house never recycled beer cans, but they went through soda like it was going out of style. The trash bags in their recycle bin were always full of cans already flattened. I leaned back in my leather chair and gazed out my tenth floor office window at the overcast sky. I could almost smell the wet asphalt. It would probably rain again today. Just thought you should know, Nell. My company had a contract with the city to supply enhanced weapons and restraints to the police department.

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Research and Development had been testing redesigned handcuffs. Lighter-weight with an easy snap-close lock, the new handcuffs were supposed to address problems the cops had with the old handcuff design. Personally, I thought any set of handcuffs that could keep a changeling in its true shape or prevent a wizard from casting a spell to escape custody were good enough, but my father built this company by supplying our customers with whatever they wanted.

And what the customer I had a meeting with later today wanted was new and better handcuffs. I unlocked the bottom drawer in my desk and took out the thick, three-ring binder I kept there under lock and key. To the uninitiated, the binder looked like nothing more than what a high school student might carry around in a backpack. But instead of notes on Shakespeare, calculus, and the culture of ancient Rome, this notebook was chock full of page after page of spells and instructions written in a tiny, crabbed hand, all neatly separated into categories by brightly-colored index tabs.

Toad House

My father had been anal in the extreme. This was his spellbook. Instead of walking along the beach yesterday, I sat in my car and watched the sea foam blow through the parking lot. Very windy and chilly, with lots of rain and hail and sleet. Even the seagulls were hunkered down.

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They also eat spilled seed at bird feeders. The X2 card doubles all cards already revealed, and the Bowser card ends the minigame though Mario keeps any 1-Ups revealed. I almost turned around at the next two off ramps I passed. I almost forgot about it until I did that little jump-skip thing I do over cracks in the sidewalk, and I felt the lighter poking hard against my hip. As the year holiday from active rabbit control comes to an end it is obvious that there has been tremendous loss of capacity to act.

Image licensed by http: You lift the curtain with the tip of one finger and peer out at the customers ringing the edge of the bar. Middle-age losers, their mouths slack, hands cupped around their drinks, staring up at Emma with so much naked want in their faces, it makes you sick.

How many of them would want to touch her if they knew she went home with you? Would it matter, or would they pay more to watch? I guess winter wanted to remind us it really is a season, not just a memory. At least according to the news. The pink neon sign over the entrance promised live nude dancers. The windshield wipers slapped a steady beat against the late night rain off the Bay as Jeremy dug out two tens from his wallet. Enough for a tip, not enough to make an impression on the driver.

Not enough for the man to remember he was here. Jeremy passed the money through the slot in the clear plastic shield between the driver and the back seat. The driver grunted as he took the cash. He had a scar bisecting one eyebrow, and the kind of muscular neck Jeremy had seen on guys who worked out but never really bulked up. In fact, that might make things easier in the long run. Jeremy was about ready to make a run from the cab to the club. The driver looked at him in the rear view mirror.

I love those mornings. For a minute there, the old-fashioned lock, rusty with age, fought her.