Your Love Broke The Chains: Love Poetry

Pain Of A Broken Heart

About the Poem I was captured by love unexpectedly when I was busy with my life. A Few Visitor Comments Christine. This poem has totally touched my heart. Broken Chains by Michelle Newton All day long I tangle with these questions of unanswered fate and inevitable truths, these teasing aches that haunt my soul and the very thought of you makes me fall to my knees. Where was I when all of this happened? When did I lose myself and where did I go? I am looking for you in this vast jungle, vines creeping to me, reaching for me and you - peeking out from the chain of them. I see you there, arms stretched out, waiting for me to run and fold you in.

My eyes catch your gaze and search the depths of your soul where we meet and collide, once again. I fall into you and all constricting things break free. Want to share this poem with a friend? You can email the whole poem not just a link directly to your friend, with a personal message from you. If this poem touched you, please take a moment to Vote for the poem and perhaps leave a comment telling us why. You can use this poem in a graphical greeting card, designed by you, and then send it to a friend.

Add this poem to your netpoets. Want to post this poem to your blog or website? Click here and we'll make it easy. I realized that I falling in love with him. And now they have been in relationships for 16 months. Am I wrong to fall in love with him? No, you're not wrong. Love is like an uncontrollable bullet. If you try to hide your love for him, yes, it will do good to your friend and the lover, but you will have no peace. It's not a problem to love.

Love is something that costs nothing. No, you are not wrong. But what can we do now? I'm feeling very sorry for you, dear. Don't disclose this to him. This will be the proof of your pure love. Start your new life and keep in touch with him. He made a bet to make me fall for him about 3 months ago. He was smart and charming. When I told him I was falling in love, he told me he didn't love me, not even like me. He was fun to talk to. All this happened on the phone. And then to dispose me off more, he sent me pictures and videos with other people about how they chill and all.

He and I had certain jokes and stories and games. I thought he was only like that with me, but he is like that with everyone. We rarely talk because I no longer feel good about myself after our conversations. But I like him now too much. Hey, I don't really like to share my sadness, but I think I reached my limits to keep it in on my own. I just broke up about 3 months ago, and I wasn't over it until a month ago. I force myself and I did it.

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But what happened next was he came back to me about 2 weeks ago and said to me that he wanted to start it over. Can you tell me what to do?

The Broken Chain - Poem by Ron Tranmer

What do you think is best for both of us? I think you should first know his motives. Why did he come back? If you still love him, then go, because love is about sacrificing. It is all about forgiving. We never know if the second time around is sweeter and will work. Did he make you happy? If yes, then make the move.

Fighting is a part of being in love, believe me. He was thinking as much as you were. He came back to show you that he needs you in his path. This is a beautiful but true poem. It made me cry. I am going through problems with my life long partner and we have a condo together, but whenever he gets mad he tells me to get out we've been together going on 20years in August, and I was going to leave him.

I love everyone, but sometimes I feel he doesn't love me. It's a word, but a word that can start wars or create life. It's a word that is often taken for granted. We often use the word love but not actually know the meaning of it Love is different for everyone! Love means different things to different people. We never know what love is because we've never experienced love the same way.

I don't have much to say about this except for I know how it feels to have your heart broken and stepped on but c'est la vie! The reason we need our hearts broken is so they will grow back stronger, much like the muscles on our arms. The only way to train it is to tear it then let it grow back stronger and more prepared for other problems.

We all have different definitions of love, but I think it is also when you trust that person fully and even through the fights you say you are willing to make this work. It is not in finding a perfect person but finding someone who makes you happy, even when you're too mad at them but still say I love this person.

No one is perfect, but love covers it all.

Famous Poems

I've been hurt more than once, but I still believe in love. My boyfriend doesn't trust me, and I'm tired of proving to him that I really love him.

A Few Visitor Comments

He never actually said I love you, but I felt he said it with all his kisses. Stay in touch with us! Hello Poetry is a poetry community that raises money by advertising to passing readers like yourself. To deny this is just that they are denying to believe that they once had a true love. I loved this girl from the bottom of my heart.

Hey, please don't worry. If he is made for you then he would definitely come. Keep calm, hold your nerves, and have patience. Hey, I'm not really used to sharing my hurts, but it hurts so bad I have to voice it. I fell in love with this girl, and we have been dating for the past 5 month. I really love her. Every month we celebrate our anniversary. I got her a promise neck chain on our first month anniversary. She broke up with me when she realized she was pregnant. I was really hurt because I loved her still and wanted the baby, but she demanded an abortion.

Ron Tranmer

After the abortion, we got back together and just 3 days after our 6th anniversary she threw the promise chain I got for her and told me to go to hell, for all she cares, and that she's no longer interested in me. I really don't know what to do. Do I call her and try to make things work out again? This is the 3rd time she's breaking up with me, and I really love her Be the best you, and people are going to love you for that. I found out how painful it is to love someone because at the end of one day they broke up with me for no reason.

It was the worst. It's better to love yourself. Women can be an evil being.

'Chains' poems - Hello Poetry

I would let it go and move on, eventually. I'm 33, so I know it's hard. I've had problems with listening to my heart and not my head my whole life. It got easier for me when I lost my mom in That was the greatest heart break of all. It may not seem like it, but it will get better. You just have to force yourself to let go.

Love can be the most addictive drug on earth, with the same withdrawals as heroin. Just fight through it, my friend. If she's broken up with you 3 times, maybe that's a sign that it is not meant to be. Moving on may be hard, but the right woman is out there for you somewhere. All it requires is a little faith and patience. You are hanging on to someone that doesn't want to stay.

I mean, I know you think that maybe your relationship just hit a bump, but I think you just smashed into a mountain. Now I also know you need closure, so try and talk to her. See why she is not interested anymore. It's pretty common for someone to fall out of love. I am not implying it's less painful, but I'm sure you are strong enough to let go and move on.

I want you to know That it's hard for me to go. I don't want us to be like this. Now she's making you smile, And my heart seems to die. Oh please don't leave me like this. I just want to know, Is our chance so low? I just can't seem to let you go. This love is too much. I don't even know the catch. You just leave me like a scratch. Hi, I'm 18 and I've been with my boyfriend for 17 months now.

And a few more if you like the Author ...

The Broken Chain. Author Unknown. We knew little that morning that. God was going to call your name, In life we loved you dearly, In death we do the same. LOVE YOUR CHAIN Love the links in your chain, For a broken chain has no purpose; Love your parents, love your children; For they are strong links of proximity.

Early this year I was raped and I got pregnant and aborted it. He stood by me every step of the way. But recently, he's been really distant from me. He never comes to visit anymore. I don't want him to walk away, but what would he possibly want from someone as broken as I am? Girl, you are absolutely beautiful, trust me. Even though it might not feel like that, you are an amazing woman.

You are a strong woman. Life goes on, so you have to move on. I hope you find a better lover that will be with you. Even if you get pregnant, he's gonna tell you to keep it. You don't have to force him to stay. Maybe he is having a rough time emotionally, but if he was brave enough to stay with you before, then he will be there. Give him some time. Everything will be fine. I'm not that old, but I had a boyfriend who was so sweet, and he told me he loved me, and I believed him. One weekend he hung out with an old friend to catch up. He broke up me after that day. I didnt know why it hurt so bad.

Then I got on my friend's phone and I find out that he had slept with his friend and wanted her and not me. I love him and miss him so much. Today we went behind the stairs and we were hugging and crying and we kissed, but I want the pain to end. I'm tired of crying my eyes out. I'm tired of not sleeping. I'm tired of not eating. I just want this to end. Love sometimes leaves a heart broken, just like a wound. Sometimes it only takes time to heal. I hope the time comes that your wound totally stops hurting.

I'm 11 months in a relationship with a boy. I'm 20 years old, he is After almost 1 month of our relationship, I found out that he has 2 children and was going home with the mother of his children every time he had rest days in work. I was angry at that time, but I gave him another chance. He said that he is just going home, not for her but for their children. After 7 months passed, I introduced him to my family. We were okay and my mother liked him so much until my brother found a message in his inbox from the mother of my boyfriend's children.

Many painful words were said about me. He says that my boyfriend has a wife and family and I destroyed it My mother was very angry and commanded me to break up with him. I was in a relationship with a girl for almost 15 months. Every month we used to celebrate monthly anniversaries. But then my friend got in a bad accident, and my ex started to visit him. She used to watch movies there. Then she said, "I'm not happy with you.

'Break The Chains' by Himshweta - Poetry - Whatashort - TSH

Nothing is left in this relationship. I'm left with emptiness and heart broken pieces. I gave my everything to her. I made a mistake and did everything and my very best to bring us back to what we used to be or at least close to that.

I thought we were getting there. We were so happy until one night she decided to give up on me because she got tired of me. I really thought that love conquers all, but I'm wrong. She's the only person I expected to stay around through my ups and downs, but now she left me, and I'm left here all alone, and I don't even know what to do anymore. She's my everything; she was my light and dark and now I'm so lost.. It is very sad that the people we love do not realize how much we love them.

Yet we try our very best to make them happy and we end up hurting ourselves in a way that chances of full recovery are very tiny even after we have moved on with our lives. They make us regret in a way that our hearts are covered in pain and insecurities. Even after we have found the ones willing to give us true and pure love, we are too scared to love and we end up hurting them, then the cycle never stops.

That's the truth about life, bro. Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, you would still mean nothing to someone who means everything to you. Then you'll have no disappointments! True love is never gone. It lives in your mind until your last breath, even though you may have sealed it up and put it away. Instead of feeling sad, feel grateful that you once had that incredible connection.

Many never experience it-the high of a romantic love. What's meant to be together will be together. If not, remember the great times, but focus on the wonderful experiences life has to offer in the future. You have to face facts. It didn't work because it takes two people who want to be together. It didn't work because at least one person didn't want it to. Yet the fantastic memories will remain.

Yes, true love never ends. No matter what happens in our life, it still lives inside. People say they moved on, but no matter what there is always an immortal pain deep inside. It can be felt no matter how much they try to convince and believe that they have moved on. To deny this is just that they are denying to believe that they once had a true love. I dated a guy for a year and a half. I loved him like my life depended on it.

Then things changed when he had to go to basic. I'm speaking on a broken heart. He decided to get drunk one night and then cheated on me then broke up with me through a text. I called him begging him to stay but he kept hanging up. And then he told his uncle to tell me to leave him alone. To me that made me think he was less of a man.

And more like a boy. And as I stood there crying like a idiot, not able to breathe, he just laughed. The man who stood before me wanted to appear bad to his friends. And the sad thing is, I still wanted him. Even though he cheated. Even though he was horrible. But he didn't love me. And that's when I became the broken girl who thought of herself unlovable. But what I didn't see was the love I had from other people and made me realize I wasn't unlovable.

Absolutely encouraging and thoughtful.. I would ask you to listen to Emotional Orchestral Music - Transcend and read your poem: This guy liked me in and I didn't like him at all then. Around May of we started talking again and then I gained feelings for him. We carried on liking each other and then he asked me out in November. In February we broke up. Officially, we only lasted for 3 months. It's been 7 months and we still talk like nothing happened, we even joke about our relationship. I don't know if I've moved on. I still get jealous, miss him and all that.

But I also know that we're never going to work out. It still bothers me. It's not enough that you love him or someone I am having the same problem. Now we are apart and he is getting married with the girl of his parents choice. I am the one who is suffering a lot and can't get over this pain. It's not that easy to forget such a beautiful moment of my life. Though he broke my heart into pieces, I still love him with those broken pieces.

The worse part is, I'd pick it up and hand it right back to you. Worse part is, he doesn't even seem to miss me. Well I'm with that kind of guy right now an don't know what to do. I love him so much. We've been together for almost 9 years but last few times he has gotten drunk he says those kind of things to me and gets mean buts sobers up an acts normal. Doesn't even bring it up next day some of the time. Now he is drinking a lot more not coming and for like two nights saying he is at his land with his son which they are ALWAYS at and never answers text when he leaves.

Says it's none my business what he does I'm not his mom. He use to be sweet to me. We were so in love. A girl has crush on him down road from his land too. I feel lost broken and scared of everything n my life. I am so sorry this is happening to your beautiful heart.

Nine years and you still love bigger than you love yourself. Through nine years one has the time to see and feel the other's flaws and you, your love has surpassed it all. You are your very own person, and this I can tell from the very fact that the love you feel for him goes without the support of his. He makes you feel and will still make you feel things.

He was put onto your path for these very reasons, but now he is hurting you more than he gives you love, and no one should do something other than provide love and strength within your life. You are strong, so very strong. Strong isn't even relevant here, meaning you don't have to be. You have to allow yourself to stop being strong and let the right man be it for you.

Don't you feel tired, at a loss and in deep need for affection and care? See, that it is only because you are putting so much strength where you should not. You should break up with him or tell him to get his act together because you care for him and he doesn't care back - that's his loss. So, break up with him or give him a warning because trust me you won't regret that. A guy like that can just use you for doing his laundry and cooking his food. I mean think like a guy, he's probably thinking "why would you stay with the same person when you can go out and have fun and let the other person never find out.

Because this kind of stuff can sometimes turn dangerous, hope this helps. This is really a heat touching one. I loved a girl in my college for three years and I still love her, during the three years we were good friends, I loved her but she was telling I like you so much, we never dated each other during the three years but at the last days of my college we dated each other and for one week we were always together, it was really nice, I can't never forget it.

We were so happy together and life was so nice and peaceful for us at those moments, but I had to leave her country because I graduated, after I left we were in touch for almost one month through phone and wechat but it didn't last more than that I still really love her and can't forget her, she is always in my mind but I don't know anything about her.

She changed her number but I hope she is alright. The same I felt that time when she left me behind. She was my first girlfriend and I adored her.

The Broken Chain

She also loved me very much even once she cried for me when I said I would give up. Still I can't accept that we gave up. I meet many girls everyday but still she never gets out of my mind. Sometimes I feel that it is better to die if I would to live without her lifelong.. I love you angel. Please come back to me.

I truly love you and I miss you very much.