Theory and Practice in the Austrian School (Cato Unbound Book 92012)

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The whole thing reminds me of Ronald Reagan's famous quote; ".. This is the ninth consecutive year in which Atlas Network has earned this top distinction , cited: See capital account, the "common" definition 2. The private-sector organization that sets accounting standards for the United States, the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. An asset whose value arises not from its physical embodiment as would a building or a piece of land or capital equipment but from a contractual relationship: Announce the changes and then implement them with close supervision , cited: And some comes from the biases of media and academics, who more often than not are still hostile to free market ideas.

Of course, China — still ruled politically by an authoritarian Communist Party, even though its economy is now more mixed if not exactly free — is now the biggest creditor nation to the United States ref.: And anyone can join the game, provided they go about it peacefully.

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Syndication, sued up by lending relationships, rather allocate defined borrowers, taxes and investment cards to the cash, free transunion credit report ref.: Granma is the voice of the Communist Party and one of the principal ways the government communicates plans with the people. The leitmotif of the campaign, it turns out, is going to be fairness, and that's a moral argument. Brooks tries to counter that with a moral argument for free enterprise http: There are indications that America is moving away from the philosophy that made her the most prosperous nation in the world.

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B and abandoning the work incentive philosophy of Mr. His priority is not free enterprise but political power and left wing environmentalist ideologues. The recent elections hopefully show that Americans are waking up to where the truth and their interests lie. But we currently have excellent tools to diagnose TB and to deal with it both in its latent stage and its active stage, so any concern about that is highly overblown.

Video released this week shows construction underway in El Paso, Texas, for a portion of a U. Posted on December 11, But also fixing existing walls and existing acceptable fences. Customs and Border Protection told PolitiFact on March 13, , that the wall prototypes were still being evaluated. Earlier in the day, Trump threatened to veto the bill because it did not fully fund his long-promised border wall.

But since the election, Trump has said parts of the wall will actually be see-through and that the barrier could also consist of fencing. His administration also seeks taxpayer money to cover the costs, though he pledged Mexico would pay for it. Parts will be, of necessity, see through and it was never intended to be built in areas where there is natural protection such as mountains, wastelands or tough rivers or water….. NAFTA is a bad joke! And I worry that that would cross that line. Comey was also fuzzy on the eventual Democratic funding of the research that went into the controversial and unverified anti-Trump dossier.

House Judiciary Committee member Rep. Comey also claimed not to know key details surrounding the involvement of Christopher Steele, the former British spy who authored the dossier. Comey initially challenged the subpoena to appear before the committees and instead pressed for a public hearing out of concern his comments would be selectively leaked and taken out of context. He eventually agreed to appear, with an arrangement for the transcript to be made public.

Posted on December 7, By John Solomon Opinion Contributor. Sources tell me the targeted documents may provide the most damning evidence to date of potential abuses of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act FISA , evidence that has been kept from the majority of members of Congress for more than two years. If the FBI knew Steele had that media contact before it submitted the article, it likely would be guilty of circular intelligence reporting, a forbidden tactic in which two pieces of evidence are portrayed as independent corroboration when, in fact, they originated from the same source.

These issues are why the FBI email chain, kept from most members of Congress for the past two years, suddenly landed on the declassification list. The question long has lingered about when the doubts inside the FBI first surfaced about the allegations in the Steele dossier. Sources tell me the email chain provides the most direct evidence that the bureau, and possibly the DOJ, had reasons to doubt the Steele dossier before the FISA warrant was secured.

Sources say the specifics of the email chain remain classified, but its general sentiments about the Steele dossier and the media contacts have been discussed in nonclassified settings. The bureau, under a Democratic-controlled Justice Department, sought a warrant to spy on the duly nominated GOP candidate for president in the final weeks of the election, based on evidence that was generated under a contract paid by his political opponent.

That evidence, the Steele dossier, was not fully vetted by the bureau and was deemed unverified months after the warrant was issued. At least one news article was used in the FISA warrant to bolster the dossier as independent corroboration when, it fact, it was traced to a news organization that had been in contact with Steele, creating a high likelihood it was circular intelligence reporting.

If ever there were grounds to investigate the investigators, these facts provide the justification. Director Comey and Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein likely hold the answers, as do the still-classified documents. John Solomon is an award-winning investigative journalist whose work over the years has exposed U.

Moreover, Steele absolutely hated Donald Trump. View image on Twitte r. And FBI has acknowledged dossier was not verifieid. This list includes Dennis Kucinich and investigative journalists. I n , Dennis Kucinich was still a Democratic congressman from Ohio. But he was not walking in lockstep with President Obama — at least not on Libya. To be sure, it is not a solid case. The White House knew there would be vigorous Israeli opposition to the Iran deal — just as there was ardent American opposition to the highly objectionable pact.

Fair enough — it is simply a fact that allies occasionally spy on each other. Obviously, their interests sometimes diverge. But there was something different about this monitoring initiative. It was not targeted merely at Israeli officials plotting their opposition strategy. We began to notice the White House was responding immediately, sometimes within 24 hours, to specific conversations we were having. At first, we thought it was a coincidence being amplified by our own paranoia.

After a while, it simply became our working assumption that we were being spied on. This is what systematic abuse of foreign-intelligence collection for domestic political purposes looks like: Intelligence collected on Americans, lawmakers, and figures in the pro-Israel community was fed back to the Obama White House as part of its political operations. The administration got the drop on its opponents by using classified information, which it then used to draw up its own game plan to block and freeze those on the other side.

And — with the help of certain journalists whose stories and thus careers depend on high-level access — terrorize them. Do you really think the Obama administration, which turned the Internal Revenue Service and the Justice Department into process cudgels for beating Obama detractors, would be above that sort of thing? Attkisson notes, for example:. Attkisson also has her own story to tell.

Formerly at CBS News, she was one of the few journalists at mainstream outlets who aggressively reported on the Fast and Furious scandal and the Benghazi massacre. In the latter, we recall, Rice and other Obama officials falsely told the public that the attack, which resulted in the killing of four Americans including the U.

The Obama administration later used its criminal-prosecution authority to trump up a case against its chosen scapegoat: But can it so easily be dismissed after the spying on American critics of the Iran deal? On the other hand, Kucinich recounts that the recording is very clear on both ends one might expect a Libyan recording would be distinctly clearer on the Libyan end.

Furthermore, Kucinich explains, he made routine FOIA requests regarding information pertinent to him before leaving Congress in Although he did not learn of the recording until , these FOIA requests would have covered his communication with Qaddafi, he adds. Kucinich says that some of the intelligence agencies have failed to respond.

The scandalous Benghazi cover-up — including a bogus prosecution of a pathetic video producer to help prop up the fraud? The monitoring of Trump associates and members of his campaign and transition staffs — the unmasking, the intentional wide dissemination of raw intelligence, the willful felony publication of classified information? There is considerably more evidence that the Obama administration grossly abused its awesome intelligence-gathering and law-enforcement powers than that Russian meddling had a meaningful impact on the election. None of these statements seem to have affected President Trump, however, who continues to stand by his accusations.

The answer, unfortunately, is yes. And that should make Republicans and Democrats nervous enough to work together to reform our surveillance laws. These may be fair criticisms—today the president cannot simply order the intelligence agencies to wiretap his domestic political opponents. Without significant reform, exploiting this immense pool of data may one day prove irresistible.

It is important to remember that surveilling political opponents in the name of security is something of an American pastime. In response to many of these types of abuses, Congress created the Church Committee to investigate surveillance practices. But recent disclosures demonstrate that the law did not go far enough. Moreover, passage of the Patriot Act in and other laws have undercut the protections in FISA, further opening the door to biased, unjustified, or politically motivated spying.

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There are jarringly few protections against these abuses. Section of FISA was passed at the request of the Bush administration and extended at the request of the Obama administration with bipartisan support. Given that much of the data collected under Section is stored for five years or longer, it means the government likely has access to hundreds of millions of stored emails and phone calls. Once collected, the government asserts that they can mine this information to scrutinize the activities of Americans—opening the door to political abuse.

Under Executive Order , the government engages in the bulk collection of communications and data—with no approval from a court or any other independent judicial body. This surveillance primarily takes place abroad. While the government is not supposed to target Americans under EO , this spying likely results in the collection of information of millions of Americans.

Moreover, the government has taken the position that information collected under the executive order can be used to prosecute Americans for certain ordinary domestic crimes—even though it was collected without a warrant. In addition, it means that if the government stumbles across information related to these individuals in the trove of data they collect, they may assert the right to use it as the basis to prosecute or further investigate these individuals, without ever notifying them. This creates a bizarre incentive for any ill-intentioned president: Although FISA was passed with the admirable goal of halting many of the surveillance abuses of the s, this statutory scheme is not nearly as protective as a warrant.

Specifically, unlike an ordinary warrant or wiretapping order, a traditional FISA order does not require the government to believe that its spying will produce evidence of a crime, and the secrecy surrounding the FISA court undermines effective oversight. They include foreign government officials, foreign political organizations not substantially composed of U.

While this authority is certainly narrower than EO or Section , it too leaves room for abuse. These communications can be retained or disseminated under procedures that are more lenient than those that apply to federal wiretaps. For instance, in the wiretapping context, the government is supposed to immediately purge communications that are considered irrelevant. But that explanation only tells half the story. The fact that our intelligence-gathering laws leave room for politically motivated surveillance should give us pause. With the expiration of Section looming, they have the opportunity to push for a complete overhaul of our surveillance authorities, and ensure that they are brought fully in line with the requirements of our Constitution.

In other words, President Trump should match his action to his tweets, and demand that Section and other authorities be reformed.

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Neema Singh Guliani is a legislative counsel at the ACLU focusing on surveillance, privacy, and national-security issues. Funding for the wall — a top Trump priority — and legal protections for so-called Dreamers, a key Democratic goal, should not be linked, Pelosi said. Her comments came as the House and Senate approved a stopgap bill Thursday to keep the government funded through Dec. The measure, approved by voice votes in near-empty chambers, now goes to the White House. Trump has promised to sign the two-week extension to allow for ceremonies this week honoring former President George H.

Bush, who died Nov. Pelosi, who is seeking to become House speaker in January, said the lame-duck Congress should now pass a half-dozen government funding bills that key committees have already agreed on, along with a separate measure funding the Department of Homeland Security, which oversees the border. Funding for the homeland agency should address border security and does not necessarily include a wall, Pelosi said. Either option would avert a partial government shutdown, which lawmakers from both parties oppose, he said. Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Richard Shelby said he prefers to include Homeland Security in an omnibus package containing seven unresolved spending bills for the current budget year.

Roy Blunt, a member of Republican leadership, said the key question is whether Trump will sign a bill without funding for the wall. Bush, is the leading candidate for the job as a permanent replacement for Jeff Sessions, a source familiar with the matter said on Thursday. The Washington Post reported earlier on Thursday that President Donald Trump could choose his nominee for attorney general in coming days, and that Trump had told advisers he plans to nominate Barr.

With the current session of Congress set to soon end, anyone Trump nominates may have to wait until well into for confirmation. Barr has worked in the private sector since serving as attorney general from to , retiring from Verizon Communications VZ. Jump to navigation Jump to search. He received his B. Barr was known as a strong defender of Presidential power and wrote advisory opinions justifying the U.

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Theory and Practice in the Austrian School (Cato Unbound Book ) - Kindle edition by Steven Horwitz, Antony Davies, Bryan Caplan, George Selgin, Jason. Authority, Obedience, and the State (Cato Unbound Book ) - Kindle edition by Theory and Practice in the Austrian School (Cato Unbound Book ).

According to media reports, Barr was generally praised for his professional management of the Department. The media described Barr as staunchly conservative. After his tenure at the Department of Justice, Barr spent more than 14 years as a senior corporate executive. During his corporate tenure, Barr directed a successful litigation campaign by the local telephone industry to achieve deregulation by scuttling a series of FCC rules, personally arguing several cases in the federal courts of appeals and the Supreme Court.

In his adopted home state of Virginia, Barr was appointed during by then-Governor George Allen to co-chair a commission to reform the criminal justice system and abolish parole in the state. He married Christine Moynihan in June , and they have three grown daughters. America turned into a net oil exporter last week, breaking 75 years of continued dependence on foreign oil and marking a pivotal — even if likely brief — moment toward what U.

The shift to net exports is the dramatic result of an unprecedented boom in American oil production, with thousands of wells pumping from the Permian region of Texas and New Mexico to the Bakken in North Dakota to the Marcellus in Pennsylvania. Given the volatility in weekly data, the U. The shale revolution has transformed oil wildcatters into billionaires and the U. The power of OPEC has been diminished, undercutting one of the major geopolitical forces of the last half century. The cartel and its allies are meeting in Vienna this week, trying to make a tough choice to cut output and support prices, risking the loss of more market share to the U.

The EIA said the U. Oil historians that have compiled even older annual data using statistics from the American Petroleum Institute said the country has been a net oil importer since , when Harry Truman was at the White House. The Delaware Basin, the less drilled part of the field, holds more than twice the amount of crude as its sister, the Midland Basin, the U.

Geological Service said Thursday. While the net balance shows the U. In turn, the U. Posted on December 4, Professor Lindzen is a dynamical meteorologist with interests in the broad topics of climate, planetary waves, monsoon meteorology, planetary atmospheres, and hydrodynamic instability. His research involves studies of the role of the tropics in mid-latitude weather and global heat transport, the moisture budget and its role in global change, the origins of ice ages, seasonal effects in atmospheric transport, stratospheric waves, and the observational determination of climate sensitivity.

He has made major contributions to the development of the current theory for the Hadley Circulation, which dominates the atmospheric transport of heat and momentum from the tropics to higher latitudes, and has advanced the understanding of the role of small scale gravity waves in producing the reversal of global temperature gradients at the mesopause, and provided accepted explanations for atmospheric tides and the quasi-biennial oscillation of the tropical stratosphere.

He pioneered the study of how ozone photochemistry, radiative transfer, and dynamics interact with each other. He is currently studying what determines the pole-to-equator temperature difference, the nonlinear equilibration of baroclinic instability, and the contribution of such instabilities to global heat transport. He has also been developing a new approach to air-sea interaction in the tropics, and is actively involved in parameterizing the role of cumulus convection in heating and drying the atmosphere and in generating upper level cirrus clouds.

He has developed models for the Earths climate with specific concern for the stability of the ice caps, the sensitivity to increases in CO2, the origin of the ,year cycle in glaciation, and the maintenance of regional variations in climate. He earned a Ph. Protesters vandalized the Arc de Triomphe, rattling Mr. The protests have become a test of Mr. The concession marked the first time the Macron government has blinked since the former investment banker took office in the spring of The French leader has eschewed the consensus-building approach of his predecessors.

Instead, he wielded his executive powers and his large majority in Parliament to defy the political opposition, unions and other groups. It remained unclear whether the delay was enough to thaw tensions. On social media, gilets jaunes were preparing to protest for a fourth consecutive weekend. Macron has much left to accomplish from his agenda. Macron made shoring up the currency area a centerpiece of his campaign to prevent a repeat of the crisis that nearly tore the eurozone apart several years ago. The finance ministers agreed on several measures Mr.

But there was no deal on a common eurozone budget to fund government spending in nations hit with economic downturns, a goal of Mr. The size of that budget has yet to be discussed. A few gilets jaunes who were preparing to meet with Mr. The protests have exposed the weakness hidden behind Mr. Macron as unprecedented numbers of French left their ballots blank or abstained. Many gilets jaunes come from this segment of the French electorate, deeply skeptical of his centrist, business-friendly policies. While the fuel-tax proposal spawned the gilets jaunes, the movement has since embraced a broader antigovernment agenda, accusing Mr.

Macron of being a champion of the rich at the expense of the working class. The tax proposal, aimed at simultaneously raising revenue and cutting automobile pollution, was a hallmark of Mr. Economists say such consumption taxes that reduce pollution and other harmful effects are an efficient way for the government to raise revenue.

That approach, however, alienated swaths of French people who live in rural and suburban areas and rely on their cars to reach their jobs in city centers. Hundreds of thousands of people flocked to Paris and other cities around France, blocking roads, clashing with police and demanding Mr. Since , AfD is the largest opposition party in the Bundestag.

The Free Voters leadership declined to join forces, according to a leaked email from Bernd Lucke. On 22 September , the AfD won 4. The party won about 2 million party list votes and , constituency votes, which was 1. The euro is dividing Europe! On 31 August , the AfD scored 9. On 15 February AfD won 6. On 10 May the AfD secured in the 5. In the German federal elections the AfD won She also said that she would be leaving the party at some future date.

AfD also supports the privatization of social programs and state owned enterprises. The party also describes German national identity as under threat both from European integration and from the presence and accommodation of immigrants and refugees within Germany; its anti-immigration message is often articulated in this way, especially with regard to Islam. The party is also against adoption for same-sex couples. This will probably rise to more than million Euros per year from onward. Further, the party has established and acknowledged a foundation for political education, and other purposes, close to the party but organized separately, which may be able to claim up to 80 million Euro per year.

A investigation conducted by the internet social analytic company Linkfluence showed little to no similarities in Facebook likes of AfD followers and those of the NPD supporter base. Initial reports by party officials and the police suggested that they were left-wing extremists and that about eight out of 20—25 attackers had succeeded in getting onto the stage. It was reported that a campaign worker had been cut with a knife. Later the police indicated that the number of people was probably around 10, of whom only two were known to have gained access to the stage, that only one of the opponents was known to be a left wing activist, and that the minor cut sustained by a campaign worker was probably not caused by a knife and was incurred later when attempting to apprehend a fleeing attacker.

Beatrix von Storch , and Conservative spokesperson Hedwig von Beverfoerde, then requested and obtained a preliminary injunction against the theatre, prohibiting it from using images of them in the production. The Young Alternative for Germany German: Southern finished last, having received votes, or 0. NGO ships often rescue migrants and refugees, who disembark from Libyan shores on unsafe makeshift rafts, and bring them to Sicily. The group has been accused [ by whom?

The failure to find a venue was celebrated by around 1, protestors, who said the planned event had nothing to do with freedom of speech. He added that they were never banned from Australia or the United Kingdom as previously reported. He cited the visa cancellation of a rapper in using a law usually reserved for white supremacists, and suggested the grounds of a risk to order or the public interest.

The Free Speech Coalition said time had run out to find alternative arrangements for the pair, following the Auckland Council ban. On 2 August, Southern and Molyneux arrived in Auckland for their speaking event on the following day. Owner Peter Campbell rescinded the booking, citing disruption to neighbours. The right-wing N-VA party started a social media campaign against the migration pact Tuesday, more than two months after Prime Minister Charles Michel pledged he would sign the pact for Belgium at a meeting next week in Marrakech, Morocco.

Instead of a coalition breakup, Michel announced late Tuesday he would take the issue to parliament for vote in the days to come. The in-your-face campaign featured pictures of Muslim women with their faces covered and stated the U. You can take pictures like this every day in Brussels. It is the stark reality. Amid the N-VA upheaval, a Cabinet meeting was canceled Tuesday afternoon and Michel resumed consultations with vice-premiers looking for a way out of the crisis.

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The United Nations says the compact will promote safe and orderly migration and reduce human smuggling and trafficking. The N-VA said it would force Belgium into making immigration concessions. Many experts said the accord is non-binding, but the N-VA said it still went too far and would give even migrants who were in Belgium illegally many additional rights.

Several European nations have since pulled out of signing the accord during the Dec. November 30, 4: But the ideas proposed are not your run-of-the-mill aspirational pledges. This UN compact is unprecedented and truly radical. It seeks to make immigration a universal human right. The compact stops just short of saying that every person from around the world has a right to live in Canada and become a Canadian citizen.

And it gets even worse. Alongside describing a world with no borders and no meaningful citizenship, the document includes a particularly disturbing section about the media. The UN wants governments to actively intervene in the media and pick and choose which journalists are worthy of promoting, based on a radical ideology and far-left worldview. The prime minister and his top officials are known for name-calling and attacking anyone who disagrees with their dogma on immigration, diversity and multiculturalism. Liberal officials frequently accuse opponents of being intolerant, xenophobic and racist for raising legitimate concerns about illegal immigration, border security and terrorism.

This dystopian UN plan seeks to erase borders, destroy the concept of citizenship, undermine the rule of law and circumvent state sovereignty. It would change what it means to be Canadian and prevent the media from criticizing these fundamental changes. Several of our allies, including Australia, the U. Across the world, political leaders and respected journalists are ringing the alarm bell. In Canada, however, the Trudeau government is welcoming this UN scheme, while most Canadian journalists are failing to inform Canadians about the radical changes on our doorstep.

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The Declaration recognized a need for more cooperation between nations to manage migration effectively. The declaration set off a process leading to the negotiation of the Global Compact for Migration. A resolution was adopted by the UN General Assembly on 6 April , which decided on the modalities and timeline for the compact.

There are 23 objectives listed in the draft agreement. These include collecting and using accurate and anonymized data to develop evidence-based migration policy, ensuring that all migrants have proof of identity, enhancing availability and flexibility for regular migration, encouraging cooperation for tracking missing migrants and saving lives, ensuring migrants can access basic services, and making provisions for both full inclusion of migrants and social cohesion. According to the Estonian Prime Minister, the declaration would provide the basis for the Governments decision to support the Global Compact for Migration.

Sources say that secret negotiations were carried out long before the news broke out. The decision was made because the parliament demanded a final say on whether the country would approve the compact, which would require more time. The Australian government has criticized the agreement, claiming that it does not distinguish between legal and illegal migrants, particularly when it comes to welfare.

They have also claimed that the compact could impose obligations to support migrants even when they have returned to their country of origin. The Australian government believes that the compact would undermine their current migration policies. Posted on November 12, Eight of the 12 the victims shot dead in the crowded country music bar in California have now been identified. Ventura County Sheriff Sgt. Ron Helus was among those killed. He was shot multiple times by the gunman after responding to the first calls and later died in hospital.

Helus was speaking to his wife Karen when he received the call about a mass shooting. The last thing he said to her was: Cody had plans to go into the military and was speaking with U. Justin Meek was identified as one of the slain victims by his family and his former college.

The year-old, who was a recent graduate of California Lutheran University, worked at the bar where he was killed. Borderline employee Telemachus Orfanos was also among those confirmed dead. He survived the mass shooting that killed 58 at the Route 91 Harvest Festival in Las Vegas last year.

Borderline employee Telemachus Orfanos, 27, was also among those confirmed dead. In a cruel twist of fate, Orfanos was a survivor of the Route 91 Harvest Festival shooting massacre in Las Vegas last year. An estimated 50 to 60 survivors of the Las Vegas shooting were at the Borderline Bar on Wednesday — they often met there for mutual support. Alaina Housley, the year-old niece of actress Tamera Mowry-Housley and her husband Adam Housley, died in the shooting.

Actress Tamera Mowry-Housley and her husband Adam Housley left issued a statement saying their hearts were broken following her death. Mowry-Housley posted this tribute to her slain niece on Instagram after the shooting. Her Apple Watch and iPhone showed her location as still inside the bar in the aftermath of the shooting. Her uncle Adam, who is a former Fox News correspondent, had rushed to the hospital at 3. Two of her friends jumped out of a broken window and ran for safety but say they lost Alaina in the mayhem.

They are in hospital being treated for major injuries. Kristina Kaylee Morisette, who worked as the cashier at Borderline Bar and Grill, was also confirmed dead in the shooting. Kristina Kaylee Morisette, who worked at Borderline Bar and Grill, was also confirmed dead in the shooting. Morisette was reportedly working the cash register at the front of the bar when the gunman stormed in and began shooting. She was such a sweet girl and cared for everyone.

Noel Sparks, a year-old student at Moorpark College, was also confirmed dead. The United Methodist Church in Westlake Village, of which she was a member, posted condolences to her parents on Facebook. Her friend Madison Nenkervis posted a tribute to Sparks on Facebook, writing: A friend places his hand on a photo of Sean Adler during a vigil at the Rivalry Roasters coffee shop on Thursday.

Adler had recently launched the business when he was killed. He was a wrestling coach who had only recently opened a coffee shop in the local area. Blake Dingman, 21, was identified by his girlfriend as a victim of the mass shooting. God brought us together for a reason and I will hold our memories in my heart forever.

I love you with all of my heart my sweet boy and my angel. His Facebook page shows his enthusiasm for motorsports, including monster trucks and racing. Some published reports said that Dunham was at Borderline with his friend, Blake Dingman, who also was among those killed.

Marine veteran Daniel Manrique, 33, was another victim confirmed killed in the shooting. A shirtless man and two others carry an injured person out of the Borderline Bar and Grill in Thousand Oaks, California, on Wednesday night after a gunman opened fire at There were roughly people inside the bar when the gunman opened fire.

Many of those inside were students at Pepperdine University and others are thought to have gone to California Lutheran University — both are Christian schools. They said they were doing everything possible to notify relatives. In addition to the 12 innocent people who were killed, another 12 at least were injured. Authorities said Long was wearing a hood and dressed all in black when he used a smoke bomb and handgun to open fire at the bar. Authorities said 21 people injured in the shooting had been released from various hospitals by Thursday morning.

The gunman, who was a former marine, deployed a smoke device and used a. He first fired on a person working the door and then appeared to shoot at random at people inside, according to witnesses. Mass shootings in the United States in [1]. Mass shootings are incidents involving multiple victims of firearm-related violence.

The precise inclusion criteria are disputed, and there is no broadly accepted definition. Only incidents considered mass shootings by at least two of the above definitions are listed, and only shootings that have Wikipedia articles of their own are included in this list. Detailed lists of shootings can be found per-year at their respective pages. Sandy Hook Elementary School Aurora, Colorado Movie Theater Shooting The perpetrator stormed a late-night premier of a Batman film and shot and killed 12 people and wounded 70 others.

He was sentenced to life in prison. Wisconsin Sikh Temple Shooting Chardon High School Shooting The perpetrator entered the school and fired at students sitting in the cafeteria killing 3 and wounded 3 others before being arrested. Oikos University Shooting A former student, opened fire on a classroom and fatally shoot 7 people and left 3 wounded.

Seal Beach Shooting The perpetrator entered the workplace of his ex-wife and shot and killed 8 people and injured 1, before he fled the scene and later arrested. Safeway Shooting in Casas Adobes, Arizona Representative Gabrielle Giffords , before he was tackled and arrested. Hartford Beer Distributors Shooting An employee of the company was fired, and in retaliation he shot and killed 8 coworkers and injured 2 others before committing suicide. University of Alabama in Huntsville Shooting A biology professor opened fire and killed 3 other professors and injured 3 others, before she was arrested.

Fort Hood Military Base Shooting A US army psychiatrist opened fire and killed 13 individuals and injured 42 others. Carthage Nursing Home Shooting The perpetrator attacked the workplace of his estranged wife, and shot and killed 8 people and wounded 2 others before being arrested. New York Immigration Center Shooting Northern Illinois University Shooting A former graduate student, entered a lecture hall and fired widely and killed 5 people and wounded 21 before committing suicide.

He killed 4 people and wounded 5 others before committing suicide.