The Male Nurse: A Novel Based On a True Story

10 Greatest Fiction Novels Every Nurse Will Love

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Luther Thomas marked it as to-read Aug 18, Humor, frustration, romance, laughter, and tears, The Male Nurse contains virtually every human emotion in this roller coaster ride of a novel which is based on a true story. But, for the most part it was a pretty decent read. Nov 25, Tara Donaldson RN rated it liked it. This book helped me decide that being a nurse was what I wanted to do.

Mary, the main character, helped Mr. O'Brien through many tough moments. This is a very informative read for anyone considering nursing as a career. Apr 07, Lisa rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: As a nurse I found this book fascinating! It gave a very good perspective on what goes on in a hospital and also what it means to be a nurse. I would recommend it for any medical professionals and anyone who has been in hospitals or plans to go into one soon. It was published in and I am astonished at the things that never change. I am also amazed at the things that have.

For example in a nurse could not only not put in an IV, she couldn't do an IV push of medication.

The Male Nurse: A Novel Based On a True Story (Electronic book text)

If a patient need As a nurse I found this book fascinating! If a patient needed IV pain meds the doctor had to do it! Imagine that happening on a regular medical floor these days. I loved this book and can highly recommend it, although of course I am biased being a nurse. I have read other books about nursing that I did not find as compelling as this one. Dec 10, Mary rated it it was amazing Shelves: A sort of autobiography of a new nurse working in a big city hospital back in the sixties. It is a fast read because you are drawn in to the nurses, what they do their feelings about what they do-the love for even the patients that push them to the edge of patience.

You learn that nurses rarely leave their whole self at work and at times can interrupt their personal lives.

  1. Waiting for Boaz: Encouragement for women desiring marriage Gods way.
  2. The Male Nurse: A Novel Based on a True Story.
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  4. 10 Greatest Fiction Novels Every Nurse Will Love - NurseBuff;
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Great book, esp for new nurses, student nurses, any nurses. Technology has changed but nursing remains the same, hopefully i A sort of autobiography of a new nurse working in a big city hospital back in the sixties. Technology has changed but nursing remains the same, hopefully it will stay that way. Good book for patients and anyone who will be the patient ie. Loved this book and the nurse who shared her life.

Feb 16, Kim Chestnut rated it it was amazing. Jan 09, Christina rated it did not like it Shelves: Nov 01, Colleen Mc rated it it was amazing.

By Charles Graeber

This booked helped me solidify my decision to enter the nursing field when I read this in High School. Oct 09, Sherry Knight rated it really liked it. Now I am aware of the many good and bad experiences nurses get at work. I can truly see now that nursing is a really tough profession!

Wasn't as good as I hoped it would be. Nov 03, Nicole Nash rated it it was amazing. While admittedly dated there are passages of smoking on the floors , Nurse takes you into the world of an urban nurse and her day to day life working with real patients. She sees it all - patients fighting to survive, patients giving up, and patients who know the end is near. The good, the bad, and the ugly is all contained in this slice-of-life story.

At the time I read this, I was considering becoming a nurse, and I figured reading a true story of what it's like would be a good place to start While admittedly dated there are passages of smoking on the floors , Nurse takes you into the world of an urban nurse and her day to day life working with real patients. At the time I read this, I was considering becoming a nurse, and I figured reading a true story of what it's like would be a good place to start. I am very glad I did so. This book helped me decide that being a nurse was what I wanted to do. Nov 25, Tara Donaldson RN rated it liked it.

This book was interesting in a historical perspective, because the story it tells is of being a nurse in a very different time from today. Some things changed immensely, others, not enough. Oct 30, Debbie P rated it did not like it. I have not rrad Nurse, but can anybody tell me how long or short it is. Definitely is a bit dated.. Nov 19, Ray rated it did not like it Shelves: It was a chore getting through this one. Such a great book about nursing. Helpful insight on how the occupation is and how it can possibly affect not only oneself, but family, patients, ext..

I thought this book was a great memoir. Yeah, it is dated but I think it is good to reflect on just how much nursing and medicine in general have evolved. Also, although I am not a nurse I think this would still hold some fundamental truths and advice for those in the nursing practice even today.

The Male Nurse: A Novel Based on a True Story by Jake Duke

It was interesting just to hear all about her experiences and patient interactions as well. This is just one quote I always want to remember for myself. They just think that you know. Mar 04, Kadie Bennion rated it liked it. This book is rather dated - thankfully there are several issues that are not anywhere near as much a problem now, at least in my experience.

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Thankfully some of the big issues that existed at the time this book was written 70's like the smoking in the hospital, the sexual harrassment and lack of respect from doctors in the profession is much changed. I don't think I could have survived very well in the atmosphere this nurse worked in. And most patients don't stay anywhere near as long as the one This book is rather dated - thankfully there are several issues that are not anywhere near as much a problem now, at least in my experience.

And most patients don't stay anywhere near as long as the ones in the book. However, some things have not changed. The patient issues this nurse ran into still happen. You have people you remember forever because of how they weathered the health challenges they went through, and how they handled everything with such grace and dignity. You appreciate the role you play in someone else's life in helping them get well, and that you were able to hopefully make a difference.

You are part of things that absolutely change your life and the way you see things. Sure, you still get the negative stuff she mentions, like crazy people, drug seekers, and people who are just looking for something to sue you over. You get people who are difficult to take care of because their family is nit-picky and looking for things to complain about and they do too much for the patient in the name of "helping. One thing she mentions that I think everyone needs to have a conversation with their spouse or family about is end of life stuff.

What do you want to happen if you can't make decisions for yourself? What kind of end of life care do you want? Who do you want to make decisions for you? Do you want to be maintained with iv nutrition if you can't eat? When do you want CPR done, and when not?

Letting your spouse know if you are an organ donor.. A hard conversation to have, because no one wants to think about these sorts of things as a possibility, but how much better to have had that conversation if something happens than having to guess at what your family member would want.

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Jun 30, Marsha rated it it was amazing. Mary Benjamin is a fictitious name, but the story is true. I am able to relate to it since I am a caretaker. Although I do not work in a hospital, I am working with ill people and that is heartbreaking and a lot of work.

This book was copyrighted in , but it could have been written today. I realize that the book had to be confidential because the medical information of patients is private. Also, the anonymous author was able to share stories about her relationship with other nurses and doctors where she worked. I felt like I was right there with her. I enjoyed this book a great deal. Jan 24, Stephanie rated it liked it. On one hand, it's an interesting, and fairly terrifying, look at the way hospitals were, and thankfully are no longer - even with all the issues that exist currently, it's hard to imagine a time when patients routinely smoked in their beds!

On the other hand, it's oddly remote - you don't come away from this book feeling like you really know any of these people, including the narrator, and a lot of details aren't explained very well, like various MD decisions about treatments and what wa OK. On the other hand, it's oddly remote - you don't come away from this book feeling like you really know any of these people, including the narrator, and a lot of details aren't explained very well, like various MD decisions about treatments and what was actually going on with some of the patients.

Maybe they were self explanatory when the book was written, or maybe his was intended to demonstrate how little information the MDs shared with the nurses in which case it's a lot more terrifying , but feels like this would have been a much better read with more details. I enjoyed this book somewhat being a future nursing student , but at the same time it was incredibly dated.

I mean, everyone smoking everywhere, goodness gracious! I think women are more inclined to call sexual harassm I enjoyed this book somewhat being a future nursing student , but at the same time it was incredibly dated. I think women are more inclined to call sexual harassment by name, which is definitely a good thing , while other parts of the book were just tedious I really don't need to know about the author's sex life. But, for the most part it was a pretty decent read. Oct 13, Sara rated it really liked it. Published in , this is an interesting look at hospital nursing from that era.

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