Kindergesundheit (ELTERN Guide) (German Edition)

Furthermore, several women of the WECF delegation actively followed the negotiations and Muborak Sharipova of Tajikistan presented a statement from the women's caucus to the plenary explaining why peace is a pre-requisite for sustainable development. Women in Great Britain wrote their visions for a healthier planet on these doves. This action received a lot of press-coverage and made the front-page of South-Africa's largest newspaper. The WECF delegation also participated in the action around paragraph 47 of the negotiation document, which did not sufficiently respect women's rights, and took part in the landless peoples' demonstration.

The stand was well visited including a visit by the Tajik delegation who was particularly interested in WECF's compost-toilets and plant-soil waste-water treatment.

World Summit on Sustainable Development

Finally, the WECF delegates met with several of the top-level politicians: Health and Persistent Organic Pollutants. Gender Just Climate Solutions Awards: Feminists say NO to the global rise of macho-fascism! To fight against this oppressive system, we at the Women and Gender Constituency WGC and our feminist allies are organising actions at the COP24 and inviting any feminists and people that stand in solidarity to say NO to the global rise of macho-fascism.

Wann, wenn nicht jetzt!? Blitzlicht-Beitrag zur bayrischen Nachhaltigkeitstagung Kommunen als zentrale Akteure Geschlechtergerechte Umsetzung der Agenda November Auftaktveranstaltung Gaat jouw hart sneller kloppen van hernieuwbare energie en duurzame oplossingen?

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  • Tristan und Isolde - Ein Vergleich zwischen Richard Wagners Libretto und Gottfried von Straßburgs Tristan-Roman (German Edition).
  • La Presquîle interdite : Initiation au Mont Athos (SPIRITUALITE) (French Edition).
  • Nazi Germany, Canadian Responses: Confronting Antisemitism in the Shadow of War.
  • Gambling Addiction.

Wil je graag jouw kennis over en netwerk op het gebied van decentrale en schone energie opbouwen? Lijkt het je leuk om in ons internationale team ervaring op te doen met het managen van projecten? Dan is deze stage iets voor jou! Waardevol en Verbonden, Nederland als koploper in kringlooplandbouw. Substances chimiques toxiques dans les moquettes: Pesticiden en Drenthe Een rapportage met feiten en hiaten voor beleidsmakers, maatschappelijke organisaties en burgers Economical and social empowerment of remote communities in Uganda Publication on the impact of integrating conservation agriculture, gender, business and accessibility to financial resources on remote communities in rural Uganda Deutsche Postcode Lotterie Germany Anstieg von Brustkrebserkrankungen Arbeitskreise Frauengesundheit fordert mehr Schutz vor hormonell wirksamen Chemikalien Les solutions genre et climat montrent la voie.

Sie wollen Klimaschutz und Gleichberechtigung weiter vorantreiben?

WECF - English - Events - World Summit on Sustainable Development Johannesburg

Stockholm, Aug Veilig en Gezond Werken met Gevaarlijke Stoffen Named thirty-third most influential sustainability fighter in the Netherlands Regional Policy Forum on Development Africa Human Biomonitoring for Europe Vienna, 26 September: Three years of the global goals: In der Klimapolitik spielten sie aber bisher kaum eine Rolle. A life without plastic, wouldn't it be fantastic?!

Interview with Charlotte Schueler of PlastikfreiLeben, who lives a zerowaste life in Munich, Germany and shares her experiences to her Meeresschutz gibt es in Deutschland leider nur auf dem Papier! Sea Shepherd Deutschland e. What to expect from the climate talks that resumed in Bangkok this week? Together for sustainable sanitation and water security worldwide! World Water Week side event: Wees erbij en laat horen wat jij vindt dat er beter kan om de realisatie van de SDG's in en vanuit Nederland een stap dichterbij te brengen! Promotion of Healthy and Economical Agriculture and Livestock Farming How to improve with simple means agricultural cultivation methods and local livestock farming and make them more profitable Dinsdagochtend 10 juli namen we luisteraars mee in de wereld van plastic en gingen in op de consequenties die veel stoffen in plastics hebben op jouw gezondheid.

Gender Road Map der deutschen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit Entwicklungspolitischer Aktionsplan zur Gleichberechtigung der Geschlechter HLPF side event Mapping the gap: Transformation towards sustainable and resilient societies WECF Nederland mocht 3 projectsubsidies verlenen aan lokale groepen die werken aan de uitvoering van en bewustwording over de SDG's, de duurzame ontwikkelingsdoelen WECF's Teilnahme am Plastic, Gender en het Milieu Levenscyclus van plastic en de impact op vrouwen en mannen, van productie tot zee afval Heb jij een goed idee waarmee Nederland nog meer aan de weg kan timmeren als wandel- en fietsvriendelijk land?

Laat het ons weten en win euro! Bleiben Frauen beim Zugang zu Bildung auf der Strecke? Gender and equality are cross-cutting issues throughout the 17 goals and targets. In advance of the HLPF on Sustainable Development taking place from 9 to 18 July, the webinar is an opportunity to explore how to ensure gender and equality are at the forefront of SDG implementation Hoe staan we ervoor als het gaat om het bereiken van de Sustainable Development Goals en de Agenda ?

  • ?
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  • Last Summer as a Virgin: 32 (Sexy Erotica).

Promotion of Healthy and Economical Agriculture and Livestock Farming With simple methods and means, agricultural cultivation methods and local livestock farming are improved and made more profitable. This project is co-financed with an existing project in Uganda: Wie steht es um unsere Gesundheit in Deutschland?

Women and Gender Constituency Joint Statement On SB48 Real commitment to rights-based, gender-just solutions to climate change is imperative for the effective implementation of the Paris Agreement. Jardiner dans la rue c'est permis! Women at European Development Days Women partners at the European Development Days The coalition and local partners of the programme Women will be present at the European Development Days in Brussels, on 5 and 6 June , on their stand number 79, to facilitate dialogues with local partners from Africa, Latin America, Asia and Caucasus, and to showcase results after 2 years of implementation.

Rural Georgians look to the sun to ease energy poverty Video 6 min: Nederland in actie voor schoon water! Goed voor Nederland, goed voor de wereld. Slow Progress but the Gender Action Plan is rolling! Read below our comments. The goal of which is to spark a menstrual revolution and increase demand for healthy, eco-friendly menstrual products. Our eight demands for an EU EDC strategy EU has the obligation to protect its people and the environment from all harm caused by endocrine disrupting chemicals Poland infringing on yet another human right while the European community watches silently UN human rights experts join feminist organisations in condemning Polish Legislation Reinforcing capacity building on waste water treatment in An Oston During a five days' workshop, the engineers Stefan Deegener and Tobias Ulbrich, have brought the expertise and experience to the villagers and decision makers of An Oston Bonn, 4 May How can observes contribute and support countries to complete the Paris Agreement Work Programme?

From Marrakesh to Marrakesh: What is eco-activism and what are its challenges? April in Berlin Dien je projectvoorstel in en 'Maak Europa Duurzaam voor Iedereen'! Vous avez jusqu'au 6 mai minuit Corporations and industrials are permitted to switch out one EDC for another that possesses the same hazardous properties. How was your PlasticFreeLent? The Rural is Political: Doe mee met onze workshop over eco-activisme in Nigeria! The 62nd Commission on the Status of Women Worldwide representatives and officials gathered at the United Nations headquarters in New York City to discuss the matters of women and sustainability De 62e Sessie van de 'Commission on the Status of Women' Gedurende 11 dagen kwamen vrouwen, mannen, staats- en regeringsfunctionarissen, lidstaten en NGO-vertegenwoordigers van over de hele wereld - waaronder WECF - bijeen om manieren te bespreken "om het leven van vrouwen en meisjes overal te verbeteren".

World Water Day ! Women's Major Group side event on chemicals, gender equality and rural women Greenpeace EU Director pushes for "Friends of the Bees" behaviour at the European Commission Discussions to ban Neonicotinoids insecticides have been going on for a year at the European Commission, considering the threat they pose to bees and other major pollinators.

Yet, the vote on the proposal keeps on getting delayed. Climate Change and Freedom of Assembly: Women flyer updated version Using community-based data monitoring to track gender equality realities on the ground New York: Women Coalitie lanceert website op Internationale Vrouwendag De wereldwijde Women coalitie lanceerde vandaag haar eigen website, op Internationale Vrouwendag. Social and gender aspects of local development priorities linked to SDGs Women Local NGOs exchanged experience on their work on health, environment, employment, education and gender in respect to the SDGs On the road to HLPF Op weg naar het HLPF Regional preparatory meeting HLPF Infoblad over de normen van bestrijdingsmiddelen De huidige toelatingsprocedures voor bestrijdingsmiddelen zijn onverantwoord.

Implementing Agenda in Georgia: Where Are We Now? Menstrual hygiene and the environment Check out our videos for the plasticfreelent campaign! This needs to be reduced. Lets turn promises into action - gender equality in the Agenda WECF en WEP Nigeria presenteren documentaire over schadelijke stoffen in afval en het effect hiervan op de gezondheid De invloed van persistente organische verontreinigende stoffen, schadelijke stoffen en afval op de gezondheid van vrouwen en mannen.

Workshops, Press-coverage, Plenary Presentation, Exhibition

Das Training ist der erste Baustein verschiedener Qualifizierungsmodule. Water and Sanitation Safety Planning in rural Romania, Albania and Macedonia The aim of this project is to raise awareness about environmental protection and risk based management of water supply and sanitation systems, and to take action particularly in the area of water quality and sanitation in rural communities Presentation of documentary film "what has Gender got to do with Chemicals" on Nigerian tv Better energy efficiency in Moldova thanks to insulation of public buildings Local authorities and WECF partner OA Colaborare cooperate to provide public buildings with proper insulation Successful first action against algae overgrowth in the Blue Lake in Ukraine Using fish to fight the overgrowth of algae Kein Schutz vor Umwelthormonen: Nu, vier jaar later stellen wetenschappers dat deze beperkingen lang niet ver genoeg gaan.

UNEA3 resistance event End mercury use in dentistry by , civil society challenge European Union A call to phase out mercury use in dentistry by in the European Union has been made by health and environmental NGOs. Attacks on Environmental Women Human Rights Defenders Unacceptable This year has been the deadliest year for environmental women human rights and environmental defenders, protecting their indigenous land and resources as they face increased crackdowns, violence, threats, intimidation and murder by state and non-state actors.

Solutions Genre et Climat Edition Leave no-one behind Stakeholder consultation on water and sanitation in Bokonbaev, Kyrgyzstan COP23 - Quel bilan en tirer?

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Agenda und SDG-Prozess. Possible cover up of leak at nuclear facility Mayak in Russia Since October this year, very high levels of radioactive Ruthenium- have been measured all over Russia and Europe. Les solutions pour un avenir soutenable existent Press Conference Gender Just Climate Solutions Award Winners During this press conference you will be able to meet the award winners and hear about their project Historischer Schritt bei den Klimaverhandlungen in Bonn: Feministen eisen een gender rechtvaardige transitie COP23 Deze eisen bevorderen een gender rechtvaardige transitie weg van fossiele brandstoffen Une action interactive pour un Plan Action Genre robuste!

English summary of WECF publication on pesticides in surface waters in Dutch province Drenthe For our non Dutch readers we now publish an English summary of the publication about pesticide pollution in the surface waters of Drenthe Frauenmuseum Exhibition COP23 Findings of a literature study: Plastics, Gender and the Environment Lifecycle of plastics and its impacts on women and men from production to marine litter Over 20 NGOs urge European Parliament to fully implement Monsanto lobby ban One month after the European Parliament voted to ban pesticide manufacturer Monsanto from entering Parliament premises, 24 transparency and environment groups remind them to implement their decision as comprehensively and effectively as possible.

Better Lives- Less Rural Migration The aim of this project is to improve the living conditions of the rural, young population through a more sustainable agriculture, based on organic and conservation agriculture methods. Mogelijk relatie tussen medicijnvervuiling en autisme In onlangs gepubliceerd Amerikaans onderzoek in Neuroscience Letters wordt een verband gelegd tussen verontreiniging van oppervlaktewater door uitgescheiden medicijnen en autisme bij de mens.

De hoofdauteur van dit onderzoek, Gaurav Kaushik, licht tijdens de Green Pharmacy conferentie in Utrecht, op 27 oktober, zijn onderzoeksbevindingen toe Three years of activities have led to the creation of a network of experienced public organizations involved in local energy policies, with a focus on energy efficiency. Audrey Ledanois Project Officer Women Sascha is now regional representative We are incredibly glad to inform you that our Executive Director Sascha Gabizon has been elected to be UNEP's regional representative for civil society in Europe.

Thank you, we couldn't have made it without your incredible support and votes! Environmental toxins' influence on male fertility De stemming vond plaats op 4 oktober. September in Kiboga, Uganda. Stimmen Sie am 4. EU and European governments spend billion a year on fossil fuel subsidies A new report by the Overseas Development Institute and Climate Action Network shows that the EU and European government continue to support the fossil fuel industry Kijk verder dan fipronil en het ei Het spel met de maximale residu limiet Hormoonverstoorders hopen zich op in menselijk brein Recent wetenschappelijk onderzoek, geleid door het UMCG, heeft nu aangetoond dat hormoonverstorende stoffen zich ophopen in het menselijk brein.

EU stemming over criteria hormoonverstorende stoffen: Drents water nog steeds vervuild met bestrijdingsmiddelen Na eerder onderzoek door WECF tonen metingen van de provincie vervuiling boven de norm aan Towards the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals WECF co-organising partner Green Pharmacy Conference The environmental cycle of medicines - an incentive for innovation in the human and veterinary medicine chain Biomonitoring of lead and cadmium: Preliminary study on the added value for human exposure and effect assessment The RIVM Dutch national institute for public health and the environment published a report on the biomonitoring of substances possibly hazardous to health Biomonitoring van lood en cadmium: Verkenning naar de toegevoegde waarde voor de beoordeling van humane blootstelling en effect Rapport gepubliceerd door de RIVM over het belang van biomonitoring van stoffen die mogelijk schadelijk zijn voor de gezondheid.

Oktober geht unsere Veranstaltung in die 2. WECF's and other civil society organisations' work paid off! Het werk van WECF en andere civil society organisaties heeft haar vruchten afgeworpen! WECF is op zoek naar een directeur voor haar kantoor in Utrecht die samen met ons wil werken aan een rechtvaardige, gezonde en duurzame toekomst Petition and letter to Secretary General UN: NO to pro-nuclear energy lobbying at the UN Global governments agreed on banning Nuclear Weapons, but at the United Nationsduring its Sustainable Development summit were panels falsely promoting nuclear energy as a sustainable energy source WECF is networking for more protection WECF encourages media, scientists, local communities and national authorities and local communities to take action for more protection from endocrine disrupting chemicals NGOs acknowledge vote on first ever EDC criteria - call on European Parliament to reject flawed criteria for the sake of human health and environment protection Today, representatives of European member states from the EU pesticides committee adopted the criteria that are supposed to be used to identify endocrine disrupting chemicals or EDCs in the future Sixth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health Not Wasting Our Future Further delay on flawed EDC criteria maintains unnecessary risks on human health and the environment The criteria to identify hormone disrupting chemicals or EDCs , for which a decision was expected today, continue to cause disagreements among EU member states.

Daarom hebben de organisaties Partos en de Groene Zaak het initiatief genomen voor een publieke oproep aan de om de SDG's op te nemen in het regeerakkoord. Meer dan bedrijven en maatschappelijke organisaties hebben hieraan gehoor gegeven, waaronder WECF. Feasibility study of gender-sensitive energy cooperatives in Georgia, Ukraine, Armenia and Moldova New report by WECF offers report offers an overview of the feasibility of gender-sensitive energy cooperatives in Georgia, Ukraine, Armenia and Moldova. Feasibility study of gender-sensitive energy cooperatives in Georgia, Ukraine, Armenia and Moldova An overview of the feasibility of gender-sensitive energy cooperatives in Georgia, Ukraine, Armenia and Moldova.

In each country, existing national climate and energy policies are examined and, if existing, feed-in tariffs for renewable energy are explained. Participation au projet d'approvisionnement en eau potable du village d'An-Oston Kirghizstan. Lessons and best practices integrating gender into the implementation of the BRS Conventions Gender Equality and Mainstreaming" Komt er ooit een verbod op hormoonverstorende stoffen?

In juni zal de Europese Commissie nieuwe regelgeving rondom chemische middelen presenteren, waarin duidelijk moet worden of er strengere maatregelen komen rondom hormoonverstorende stoffen in producten. Reducing chemicals and pollution of drinking water sources in rural communities' Eco Forum Zenica, in partnership with WECF International, Journalists for Human Rights Macedonia , Women and Development Albania and UNEP, work together on the construction and installation of EcoSan toilets, filters for waste water and composting help, in order to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and protect drinking water sources Towards improved - sustainable - sanitation for rural women, men and children National technical standards on ecosan toilets and constructed wetlands initiated by WECF for the Republic of Moldova Veel bestrijdingsmiddelen in Drents oppervlaktewater; de helft geclassificeerd als zeer gevaarlijk WECF publiceert rapport over bestrijdingsmiddelen in het oppervlaktewater in Drenthe How can we ensure that the international community remains committed to the pledges it made?

Women Media Training Toolkit If you need to know more about how to communicate your campaign to others, this Media Training Toolkit will help you. Why waste water is part of the Sustainable Development Goals? SDG6 is about ensuring adequate and sustainable water supply. One of the targets is to halve the proportion of untreated wastewater Women's Economic Empowerment in the Changing World at Work Follow the latest updates on our work at CSW61, download related publications and learn about our activities ADHD en lager IQ mogelijk gevolg schadelijke stoffen in huis Schadelijke stoffen kunnen schadelijk zijn voor de hersenontwikkeling van kinderen, zo blijkt uit het rapport No Brainer van de Britse organisatie ChemTrust Huize Aarde Huize Aarde is a non-profit consultancy in the Netherlands, founded in Integrating gender dimensions into the implementation of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions Gender and Chemicals Prozess zu Umwelt und Gesundheit in Europa: Who will stop the destruction of trees in Kamiansk Dniprodzerzhynsk?

Ukrainian partner Voice of Nature protects the environment in the Ukrainian city of Kamiansk Compendium to develop a Water and Sanitation Safety Plan in a Rural Community 2nd completely revised edition of the compendium is out and available in English, Romanian, Macedonian, Albanian and Bulgarian Hazardous substances and wastes in Indonesia: De biogas toiletten werken! Call to implement Better Regulation principles in EU action on Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals NGOs call for horizontal criteria to identify endocrine disruptors in all types of applications, not just pesticides and biocides and urge EU Commission to redesign its currently proposed EDC criteria Stem namens jouw organisatie mee in de verkiezingen van de Women's Major Group!

Een groep actieve Kirgizische vrouwen bouwt een duurzaam en eco-vriendelijk resource centrum om met kleine acties grote veranderingen te bewerkstelligen Water solidarity between Kyrgyzstan and France continues successfully Safe water and sustainable sanitation for the village An-Oston, Issyk Kul, Kyrgyzstan Active Kyrgyz women are building a sustainable and eco-friendly resource centre as little actions can make great things happening. Take part in these changes! Regional Women Workshop in Romania Gender Just Climate Solutions Award uitgereikt tijdens ceremonie op Klimaattop in Marokko "Als vrouwen oplossingen ontwerpen, slaan ze niemand over", stelde Amina Mohammed, Minister van Milieu van Nigeria tijdens de uitreikingsceremonie UN's climate conference is officially over - but there is a lot left to do!

De klimaatconferentie van de Verenigde Naties is officieel voorbij - maar er valt nog veel te doen! It honours the fundamental contribution of women in the fight against climate change and demonstrates the pertinence of integrating gender equality in all climate policies. The success story of the Khmelnytskyi Youth Development Club For the very first time in the history of Khmelnytsk, energy conservation not only became the main discussion point of local authorities and politicians, but also of its youth Barbara Hendricks und Bundeslandwirtschaftsminister Christian Schmidt Everyday there will be some report back on the highlights of the day Musical Performance today at 4.

Gender Events at COP 22 Taking responsibility for safe water and adequate sanitation in rural Romania In the frame of the annual professional water and wastewater conference EcoImpuls in Timisoara, Romania, Aquademica organized a workshop for mayors in the region. The aim was to raise awareness about the responsibilities of the mayors to safely manage water and sanitation in their rural areas.

Water and Sanitation Safety Planning in rural Romania and Macedonia The aim of this project is to raise awareness about environmental protection and to take action particularly in the area of water quality and sanitation in rural communities. SDG Watch Europe launch UN elects their 9th male Secretary General - do women need to grow a moustache to have leadership position at the UN?

This broad coalition will work to ensure that the European Union and its Member States live up to their commitments, made when signing the Agenda agreement in New York last September, to enable a sustainable future at home and abroad. Platform for cooperation between local grass roots organizations on energy efficiency Regional Network Meeting of Green Initiatives seeking to green the world with green energy for a sustainable and clean environment Introducing a new phenomenon in Armenia: Envoie ton affiche avant le 09 octobre Making local grass roots organisations stronger by working on energy efficiency WECF and partners organise regional network meeting and workshop in Georgia and Armenia Unsere Gesundheit geht vor: Retrouvez la position en anglais ci-dessous But proper sanitation is dignity" Ecological sanitation as an opportunity for rural areas of Albania High Level Political Forum VN machteloos als het niet obstakels overwint die in de weg staan van implementatie van de Global Goals, de Duurzame Ontwikkelingsdoelen Women, een alliantie van vijf regionale vrouwennetwerken wereldwijd, waaronder WECF International, is ongerust omdat VN er niet in slaagt obstakels uit de weg te ruimen voor implementatie van Duurzame Ontwikkelingsdoelen, de Sustainable Development Goals How dry toilets can both reduce use of chemicals and contamination of drink water sources Impression of an ecosan toilet workshop in Macedonia What does the Brexit mean for us women?

We've made it - overwhelming success of our crowdfunding campaign! In the last 4 weeks we run a crowdfunding campaign to collect 4. Thanks to your great support we can now build even more! Measures against endocrine disrupting chemicals. Maatregelen tegen hormoonverstorende stoffen. Schandalig voorstel, aldus artsen-, vrouwen- en milieuorganisaties Europese Commissie neemt beslissing over EDC criteria Schandalig voorstel, aldus artsen-, vrouwen- en milieuorganisaties, geheel in tegenspraak met voorzorgsprincipe Commission's EDC criteria proposal: More humans will have to be harmed before action is taken The European Commission presented today its proposal for criteria to identify endocrine disrupting chemicals EDCs.

However, what is less well known is that many everyday products contain pollutants that can also be harmful to your baby. It now also available in Spanish. The letter urges President Juncker to present EDC criteria based on best available scientific evidence, excluding potency. Project Start-up of Women in Nairobi Partners from around the world gathered last weekend in Nairobi, Kenya, for the exciting initiation phase of the project Women WECF is running a crowdfunding campaign in order to finance 15 biogas toilets for deprived families in Uganda - please get involved! Jan Olsson Swedish Environment Ambassador opened up the session in front of a packed room.

Am Mittwoch, den De Bonn klimaat onderhandelingen: International Symposium WECF France on the impact of early life exposure to toxic chemicals Mobilising public authorities, perinatal professionals and civil society on primary prevention and the importance of environmental health issues in health practices Bridging the knowledge gap - Demo farm in Uganda In cooperation with our local partner organization ARUWE, WECF builds in Uganda a demonstration farm in order to improve the education of local farmers, present sustainable technologies and increase the people's lifequality Let us have a review about the present results WECF trained Energy Cooperatives founded in rural Georgia Four community based groups have started the formation of energy cooperatives as a way to finance Solar Water Heaters in rural areas of Georgia Endocrine disrupting chemicals may lead to billions of euros in health care costs in Europe A new research of the Utrecht University presents the socio-economic costs of EDC-associated diseases.

Reducing chemicals and contamination of drinking water sources in rural communities in Bosnia-Herzegovina, FYR Macedonia and Albania How Ecosan toilets, greywater filters and composting can help reducing the use of chemical fertilisers and protecting water sources in rural areas of South Eastern Europe Experts discuss integration of chemicals management with SDGs Last week, stakeholders involved in international chemicals activities met in Geneva and compiled a course of action for linking sound chemicals and waste management with the Sustainable Development Goals.

Capacity Building and Strategic Partnerships for Chemicals Safety in the Republic of Serbia Building capacity and strengthening cooperation between government agencies, NGOs, and other civil society sectors, to strengthen legislation, enforcement and partnerships for chemical safety, in particular harmful chemicals in products The importance of solar energy for women Four renewable energy cooperations will be build in Georgia, in which women will be the essential actors After nine months she obtained in April officially asylum. Improving education, sanitation and food security in Busi parents' primary school By providing hygienic toilets with privacy and hand wash facilities, WECF improves in cooperation with local partner ARUWE education and sanitation conditions in Busi parent's primary school Uganda France grants asylum to Russian environmental activist and WECF partner Nadezhda Kutepova Kutepova fled her native country in July with three children, after being labelled 'foreign agent' by Russian authorities WECF en haar partners stemmen vandaag voor!

Managing Wastewater through Global Partnership Reducing the pollution of the Black Sea by introducing sustainable wastewater and nutrient management in rural Georgian communities During this visits partners are coming together, information are exchanged and project sites inspected.

Tegengaan van hormoonverstorende chemische stoffen in onze leefomgeving Tegengaan van hormoonverstorende chemische stoffen in onze leefomgeving CLEEN winners for announced! Women's Organisation in Rural Development From energy audits in kindergartens to round tables in youth development clubs International Women's Day Two participants in the trainings share their views Heating failures in schools of Dneprodzerzhinsk cause extensive closures and diseases among pupils Annual school closures are a in the Ukrainian city a vicious tradition by having adverse educational impacts.

The organization "Voice of Nature" disagrees with the official version and blames poor heating conditions for the mass diseases. Lisez le rapport complet. Baby cosmetics still contain too many ingredients of concern WECF releases survey on baby cosmetics products of which contain high risk ingredients Bescherm je baby, beperk hormoonverstoorders Informatiebrochure bij zwangerschap Running the discussion on EDCs Promote the political discussion on EDCs on German policy level for achieving decent EDC criteria and strategy on EU level, which guarantee a high level of protection for human health and the environment German Members of the Parliament show great interest in the topic of endocrine disrupters WECF has initiated a parliamentary event to provide an impetus to regulate endocrine disrupting chemicals EDCs The invisible danger Europese Commissie lijkt veroordeling Europees Hof in de wind te slaan: Volksgezondheid lijkt geen prioriteit!

In december oordeelde het Europees Hof van Justitie dat de Europese Commissie de wetgeving heeft overtreden. De Commissie heeft echter nagelaten wetenschappelijke criteria voor hormoonverstorende eigenschappen van biociden vast te leggen, of tenminste de deadline hiervoor niet gerespecteerd. Op 9 december hebben 16 publieke belangenorganisaties, waaronder WECF, een petitie voor een verbod op glysofaat overhandigd aan de Europese Commissie. De petitie werd ondertekend door meer dan , Europeanen Duurzame ontwikkelingsdoelen en de post agenda Waarom milieuduurzaamheid en gendergelijkheid zo belangrijk zijn voor het terugdringen van armoede en ongelijkheid Waarom gendergelijkheid de Sustainable Development Goals kan maken of breken WECF directeur Sascha Gabizon schreef een artikel voor een serie van het World Economic Forum over de nieuwe mondiale doelen voor duurzame ontwikkeling.

Haar artikel richt zich op doel 5: Serbian journalists and consumer associations highly interested in chemical safety Around 30 journalists met with representatives from the NGO ALHem, UNDP Serbia, Serbian public authorities and Ministries, science, and consumer organisations to discuss various topics of chemical safety in Serbia A coalition of public interest groups representing more than 31 organisations across Europe have come together through a concern about endocrine disrupting chemicals EDCs and efforts to raise public awareness and urge quicker governmental action.

UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights, Toxins and Waste criticizes double standards of German chemical production Tuncak calls for stronger global standards and encourages both the German government and German companies to reduce the export of hazardous substances.

Empower Women - benefit All Uganda: Uitbannen hormoonverstorende stoffen komt dichterbij Europese Commissie veroordeeld door Europese Hof: EU moet criteria opstellen Historisch klimaatakkoord laat echte verandering zien, maar voor vrouwen zal dit veel te langzaam gaan Reality Check doorde Women and Gender Constituency WGC van het Parijse Klimaatakkoord Vrouwen vragen om rechtvaardige actie van wereldleiders in Parijs De belangrijkste eisen van vrouwen voor de klimaattop in Parijs Europese Commissie voor Europees Hof van Justitie gedaagd vanwege uitblijven criteria voor hormoonverstoorders De Europese Commissie EC is door Zweden voor de rechter gedaagd vanwege het uitblijven van criteria voor hormoonverstorende stoffen EDCs die noodzakelijk zijn om gepaste maatregelen te nemen om de blootstelling aan EDC's aan te pakken.

Gezamenlijke brief tegen hormoonverstoorders in medische hulpmiddelen WECF ondertekend een brief ter ondersteuning voor het uitbannen van EDC's in medische hulpmiddelen Nieuwsbrief Nederlandse ambassade Georgie wijdt aandacht aan WECFconferentie Mensgerichte water en sanitatiebeheer en duurzaam milieu was thema conferentie Khobi Ask Today's Expert A people-centred approach to sustainable sanitation and wastewater management, water supply and environmental protection Regional Round Tabel in Khobi, Georgia Bambus-Biogasanlagen und Regenwassertanks in Uganda nach indischem Vorbild Luttons contre la violence par un climat de paix WECF France exprime sa compassion aux proches des vicitimes des attentats du 13 novembre a Paris Strengthening environmental and sustainable development dialogue in Europe in the context of the SD Agenda The online launch of the designs is scheduled for tomorrow Agenda de l'Action Lima-Paris: Atomkraft ist kein Klimaretter Petition zum Weltklimagipfel WECF lance une campagne de financement participatif avec Bluebees.

ZijSpreekt Booking agency for female speakers Check out our project activities in Tajikistan! Flame retardants in consumer products remain a hot topic for environmental health Lying on your couch did you ever wonder if you were being exposed to potentially toxic flame retardants? A new report by ANSES, French national risk assessment agency for health and environment, about flame retardants used in upholstered furniture might help you to figure out Stop state-sponsored forced labour in Uzbekistan! Sign the petition by Walk Free and Cotton Campaign Sascha Gabizon speaker at the post SDG's evening about gender equality Accord de Paris, les femmes ne sont pas satisfaites par le nouveau texte!

Letter to EU vice-president Timmermans, regarding the sustainable development goals EU vice-president Timmermans, who is responsible for Sustainable Development was asked to ensure greatest priority for an ambitious implementation, monitoring and accountability plan and strategy, and integration through all policy areas of the European Commission. WECF on endocrine disruptors: Umsetzung nachhaltiger Entwicklungsziele auf kommunalter Ebene Hoe kunnen gender sensitieve indicatoren toegepast worden op Duurzame Ontwikkelingsdoel 6?

Victory for citizens, victory for the Human Right to Water! Another milestone for the Human Right to Water. Water and sanitation are a human right! Just one last step to go! Reverse the flows EU G20 countries should stop funding fossil fuels and increase financial support for real climate solutions Portez-vous candidates pour le Prix Terre de Femmes La Fondation Yves Rocher recompense les femmes qui agissent pour notre planete - tentez votre chance avant le 30 septembre!

What we measure is what we treasure! Why and how to include gender sensitive indicators into the Sustainable Development Goal 6? Over worried grand parents signed petition: Side event World Water Week Gender sensitive indicators in sanitation and wastewater planning and implementation AT Uganda Ltd Soil for Life National Association of Large Families Duurzame Ontwikkelingsagenda presenteert gedurfde visie voor vrouwen en meisjes WECF en de Women's Major Group maken zich klaar voor werk dat eraan komt Is the EU still leading?

Terra Preta Sanitation 1: Background, Principles and Innovations This handbook provides an account of main theories of Terra Preta formation and principles of Terra Preta Sanitation concerning material recycling and soil fertility improvement A Warm Home for Households in Ukraine: Juli , es ist endlich soweit: Inauguration du potager collectif du Perrier - Annemasse Un potager au pied d'un immeuble! Female deputies of Kyrgyz National Parliament commit to women empowerment and improved access to water and sanitation A high-level stakeholder meeting took place on 28 May , at the National Parliament Jogorku Kenesh of Kyrgyzstan in the framework of the Forum of Women of the Jogorku Kenesh Greywater Treatment in Sand and Gravel Filters: Le Prix des femmes Marjolaine How Far Have We Gotten?

Symposium on the SDGs and their financial sustainability Kyrgyz deputies are concerned about water, sanitation and hygiene conditions in villages Deputies of Kyrgyz Supreme Council visit villages to assess WASH issues in schools and kindergartens Miljoenen Europeanen nog zonder schoon drinkwater Deze zomer vindt een bijzondere trip plaats: Produits chimiques toxiques dans les textiles: Effective stakeholder engagement in NAMA development and implementation TV programma Zembla toont aan: Safe drinking water and sustainable energy for rural Uganda Improving living conditions in rural Uganda through sustainable technologies for renewable energy, agriculture and water Over countries handed in a total of over entries.

Gender Aspects in Development Projects Should women repair engines and could male engineers design successful cookstoves? And is gender equality a prerequisite for development? Join the workshop on 11th of June to find out more.. EU Conference "Endocrine disruptors: WECF urges for a precautionary approach of biocides at Chemical Watch Biocides Event "Adopting a precautionary approach to reduce impacts of biocidal products on human health and the environment" Hormoonverstoorders aan banden leggen: WECF presents film on how to protect children from Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals Pregnant women know it is important to avoid alcohol, nicotine and certain foods.

Who pays the Bill? Rotterdam Konvention COP 7 Litte Hero start petitie ter vervanging van hormoonverstorende stoffen in medische hulpmiddelen Think Before You Buy: At least one in three Europeans can be exposed to asbestos at work and in the environment WHO press release Nederland blijft achter Fondation Lemarchand France CU Strasbourg France CG Val de Marne France Agence de L'eau Artois - Picardie France ARS d'Aquitaine France From Parma to Haifa: Rotterdam Convention and Asbestos Overcoming the blocking attitude of opposing countries with the objective of a functioning international chemical policy and a better protection of the environment and health in countries which use or produce asbestos Zwischenstopp Addis Auf dem Weg zu neuen Nachhaltigkeitszielen Water Solidarity France- Kyrgystan Women as drivers of change Werkervaring opdoen bij Een Veilig Nest als webredacteur?

Een Veilig Nest is op zoek naar een aanstaande of jonge ouder met een neus voor groen nieuws WECF presenteert voorlichtingsfilmpje over bescherming van kinderen tegen hormoonverstorende stoffen Zwangere vrouwen weten dat het belangrijk is om alcohol, nicotine en bepaald eten te vermijden.

Maar wat minder algemeen bekend is, is dat veel alledaagse artikelen stoffen kunnen bevatten die ook schadelijk kunnen zijn voor de baby. WECF presenteert animatiefilm voor zwangere vrouwen over hormoonverstorende stoffen Niet roken en niet drinken is logisch tijdens een zwangerschap. Maar minder bekend is dat veel alledaagse artikelen stoffen bevatten die ook schadelijk kunnen zijn voor de baby. Application open until May 15 Onkruidverdelger Roundup gelinkt aan non-hodgkin lyfoom WECF waarschuwt voor risico's kinderen bij gebruik onkruidverdelger en vraagt om onmiddellijke stop verkoop Netherlands identifies hazardous substances in textiles Netherlands, Textiles IARC classifies glyphosate as "probably carcinogen to humans " The news came out just in time for the 10th year of the Pesticide Action Week: IARC - adopted a new classification for 5 insecticides and herbicides, among which glyphosate, malathion, diazinon, tetrachlorvinphos and parthion World Water Day Regulations on small-scale water supplies need to be improved and implemented.

Joint efforts are needed towards increased safe water supply Combining ecological sanitation and the production of Terra Preta soil in Kyrgyzstan Ecosan toilets or Urine Diverting Dry Toilets UDDT are an adequate and sustainable sanitation solution in areas where there is no piped water and sewerage. Zet de zon aan - leef met comfort! WECF leert lokale bevolking in Georgie hoe zonnepanelen te maken And it is now possible. Please sign the petition online in Dutch. Gender Equality and Earth's Future Event and workshop for health and patient groups on EDCs and health in Munich Zonder hormoonverstorende en andere schadelijke stoffen.

Dat wil natuurlijk ieder ouder. En daarom is het nu ook mogelijk om online de petitie te tekenen Jeder Tag ist Weltfrauentag Am 8. App "Giftfrei einkaufen" jetzt auch mit Tipps zu Textilien OHCHR publishes alarming report on increased violence against women in Ukraine Women in Ukraine are confronted with heightened sexual and domestic violence The Dangers of Cashier Receipts Women working at cashiers are exposed to high levels of BPA used on thermal receipts, resulting in harmful health effects and adverse effects during pregnancy Gender and Food Security A guidance document for practitioners Stopping breast cancer before it starts A new campaign is launched to getting environmental and occupational risk factors taken seriously in the breast cancer debate.

Communiceren over Zeer zorgwekkende stoffen Art.

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