The Ghost (Supernatural Stations Series Book 1)


Dean wakes up one day in a totally different world. His mother Mary is alive, he is married to a fine woman, and Sam is engaged to Jessica. Dean soon realizes he's been captured by a Djinn, who is The Mary Poppins Returns star chooses the former co-stars she would hire. A documentary on the making of the three Godfather films, with interviews and recollections from the film makers and cast.

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This feature also includes the original screen tests of some of Kris Kelvin joins the space station orbiting the planet Solaris, only to find its two crew members plagued by "phantoms," creations of Solaris. Kelvin is soon confronted with his own phantom, taking the shape of his dead wife Hari. TV adaptation based on the eponymous book by 'Boris Vasilyev I '.

Set in Russia, in , during the Second World War. The Red Army Sergeant Vaskov is stationed at a remote artillery post A young Jewish prince seeks revenge after an old friend wrongly imprisons him and his family. The local corrupt authorities from the provincial town of the 19th century are horrified by the news that an inspector from the capital is designated to them for an inspection.

Spartak Molodtsov is a man who can not pass through. Because of this he always gets into trouble. He is in charge After losing their mother to a demon, two brothers grow up fighting supernatural beings. First off, let's dispense with any sort of delusions and be up-front about something: It's nigh-impossible to review this series without comparing it to the live-action source. And given how many people are going to be coming to the anime series from the live-action one as opposed to the other way around, there's little good reason not to tackle this from the perspective they're probably wanting.

First off, the series is pretty solid, for the most part. For the most part, it captures the feel of the live-action show pretty well. And given that the individual episodes are half the length of the live- action episodes, that's pretty impressive. The overall running plot is taken from the first two seasons of the live-action series, particularly with regards to Sam and Dean's search for their father and later the hunt for the Yellow-Eyed Demon.

While I personally was neither expecting nor desiring an exact word-for- word translation of the live-action show into the animated medium, I was admittedly a little disappointed that the animated series runs off of its own continuity. Changes to events are one thing; but at least one recurring creature from the live-action series clearly works under different rules in the anime. I fully acknowledge that this entirely a personal reference, but I was hoping for something a little more supplemental to the live-action series like how some shows have novels and comics that take place in the continuity without necessarily implying an effect on the original series.

After Charlie stabs the Witch to death using the pointed heel of the ruby slippers —thus freeing Sam and Dean from the Witch's control—Dorothy uses the key to return to Oz and free it from the evil forces. Charlie takes her up on her invitation to go with her, as she has been longing for fantastical adventures of that kind ever since she became a hunter. A taxidermist Forbes Angus in Enid, Oklahoma is constricted to death by a man with snake-like traits, and a shelter worker Kris Neufeld is killed by the same man but now with cat-like traits after eating a cat whole.

Sam and Dean investigate and find the taxidermist's dog, The Colonel, who witnessed both murders. Dean casts a spell that allows him to communicate with animals but causes him to take on dog-like traits. They question The Colonel voiced by Al Rodrigo and various other animals, discovering that the killer is a man named Chef Leo Steve Valentine who is using shamanism to take on the traits of various animals by eating them.

Chef Leo attacks and mortally wounds Sam, but Sam quickly recovers due to Ezekiel healing him. Chef Leo witnesses this and captures Sam.

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Chef Leo has been trying to find a way to cure his cancer by gaining the abilities of different animals, and now he hopes to acquire Sam's healing power by eating him. Dean calls a pack of dogs to maul Chef Leo to death. Dean takes The Colonel to a new home with loving owners and the spell wears off, returning Dean to normal. Four people mysteriously combust in Rexburg, Idaho , where Castiel is working as a sales associate at a gas station.

He calls Dean, who leaves Sam and Kevin at the bunker doing research, to investigate with Castiel. They visit the crime scene of the newest victim, and Castiel recognizes it as the work of a Rit Zien, a class of angel healers who are able to mercy-kill mortally wounded angels. Unable to differentiate between the temporary and permanent pains of humans, the Rit Zien has been killing those suffering from any distress. Castiel leaves the investigation to go to his boss's house, thinking she'd asked him for a date, but finds that she'd actually wanted him to babysit her infant daughter.

There, Castiel is attacked by the Rit Zien angel Ephraim Ashton Holmes , who heard his inner pain and is there to kill him. With Dean's assistance, Castiel kills the Rit Zien instead. Dean then leaves Castiel to his normal life. At the bunker, Kevin is only able to translate the angel tablet into an obscure form of cuneiform. Sam and Kevin make a deal with Crowley: After communicating with Abaddon and having her tell him that she has seized control of Hell and is stamping out all his work and followers to remove his influence, a subdued Crowley translates the tablet for Sam and Kevin and tells them that Metatron's spell is irreversible.

Later, Sam catches Crowley injecting himself with Kevin's blood for an unknown reason. Dean gets a call from Sonny Blake Gibbons , an old friend who runs a reform school in Hurleyville, New York , asking for his help when a man is mysteriously killed at the school. Sam learns that Dean Dylan Everett in flashbacks spent two months at the school in after he got caught stealing food. Instead of it being a hard time for Dean, he enjoyed it and flourished, along the way having his first romance with a girl named Robin Sarah Desjardins.

On the night of a school dance, Dean's father returned to collect him and, despite Sonny's offer to let him stay permanently, Dean elects to leave to reunite with Sam Hunter Dillon in flashbacks. In the present, Dean meets up with Robin Erin Karpluk again, though she initially pretends not to recognize him out of hurt that he had abandoned her without a word back then. They eventually patch things up. Sam and Dean go to the reform school, where they talk with a boy named Timmy Sean Michael Kyer , whose mother is a ghost who has been protecting him from perceived threats at the cost of going murderously insane from being tied to Earth.

Timmy tells his mother to move on and she listens to her son, returning to her normal self as she departs. Suspecting that the mysterious disappearances she is investigating in Hartford, South Dakota , are linked to the supernatural due to unusual reports she is getting, Sheriff Jody Mills Kim Rhodes calls in Sam and Dean to help her with the case. Sam and Dean realize that the victims all belong to the same church chastity group and so go undercover as new members to continue investigating.

Dean discovers that the group councilor, Suzy Lee Susie Abromeit , is one of his favorite porn stars ; unhappy with her old life, she has quit the porn industry and is trying to turn over a new leaf. Wooing her with his genuine admiration for her and her work, he seduces her at the same time that Sam and Sheriff Mills realize that the people taken are members of the chastity group who have broken their vows of chastity.

Before Sam and Sheriff Mills can get to them, Dean and Suzy are kidnapped and imprisoned in an old fallout shelter where the rest of the victims are being kept save one who has already been taken away. Dean manages to call Sam and though the call cuts out quickly, the sound of a train whistle in the background clues Sam and Sheriff Mills in to Dean's location. They also deduce that they are dealing with the goddess Vesta Lindy Booth , who has been posing as a member of the chastity group to select her victims.

Supernatural: The Animation

Sheriff Mills manages to kill Vesta and she, Sam, and Dean who breaks free of confinement rescue the surviving victims. However, Sam remains troubled by Vesta's words about him barely being kept alive. Seeing his brother's distress, Dean is about to tell him the truth, but Ezekiel reemerges and warns him not to. A civil war starts between angels working for Bartholomew and angels working for Malachi, an anarchist, both of whom want to rule the fallen angels, which will end in disaster.

Desperate, Castiel prays for help and is met by an angel named Muriel who is neutral in the war. Castiel convinces her to hear him out and she explains what she knows, but he is captured by Malachi and another angel named Theo who were tracking Muriel. Malachi tortures Castiel for information on Metatron, killing Muriel to try to force him to tell him what he knows.

He reveals that many angels died in the Fall from Heaven, including Ezekiel. Malachi leaves Castiel alone with Theo who wants to defect to Metatron's side. Castiel tricks Theo into releasing him, then steals his grace, turning him back into an angel and at least partially restoring his powers. After escaping, Castiel calls Dean to warn him about "Ezekiel. He was imprisoned in Heaven's dungeon for not stopping Lucifer and was only released by the Fall.

Metatron, having grown bored with his solitary rule of Heaven, proposes working together to restore Heaven with angels that they like. Gadreel is initially reluctant, but agrees and is given orders by Metatron to kill Kevin to prove his allegiance. After learning the truth from Castiel, Dean uses a sigil to knock Gadreel out so that he can tell Sam the truth, but "Sam" knocks him out and reveals himself to really be Gadreel, having altered the sigil so it gave him control rather than Sam. Gadreel kills Kevin and leaves, taking with him the angel and demon tablets, but leaves Dean alive to mourn the loss of Kevin and Sam.

Metatron orders Gadreel to carry out two more murders, including an old friend of Gadreel's Dan Payne. Though Gadreel hesitates to kill his friend, he goes through with it in the end. Back at the bunker, Castiel informs Dean that Crowley can bypass the angel and help them talk directly with Sam, who can then cast Gadreel out.

After they find and capture Gadreel, he proves immune to Crowley's methods of torture so Dean reluctantly agrees to allow Crowley to possess Sam to communicate with him directly.

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With Crowley's encouragement, Sam manages to expel Gadreel who repossesses his old vessel to continue his work for Metatron. Abaddon, having tracked them down, arrives and Crowley stays behind to hold her off while Sam, Dean and Castiel escape. Crowley tells Abaddon that rather than the bloody battle between the two of them she has been anticipating, they are in the middle of a "campaign" to win the hearts of their demonic subjects for rulership of Hell. He then leaves before Abaddon can attack him. Meanwhile, it is discovered that Gadreel has restored enough of Sam's health that Castiel can take over healing him through conventional means.

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The Ghost (Supernatural Stations, #1), The Sinister (Supernatural Stations, Book 1. The Ghost. by Ada Uzoije. · 13 Ratings · 5 Reviews ·. published Supernatural is an American dark fantasy television series created by Eric Kripke. It was first . One of the original ideas was for Sam's girlfriend Jessica to be revealed as a of Letters bunker, a storehouse for several supernatural artefacts and books, Affiliate list · Tribune Broadcasting · The WB + Station Group.

Dean tells Sam that he is going to hunt Gadreel alone as he believes that he causes too much hurt to those around him. Hurt by Dean's trickery, Sam tells him that Gadreel is not their problem, but refuses to elaborate, instead bidding Dean to go. Crowley approaches Dean for help with finding the First Blade, the only known weapon that can kill Abaddon. Following clues, Dean and Crowley discover that Dean's father had once worked with a hunter named Tara who spent years searching for the Blade.

Finding Tara, they cast a locator spell she found that leads them to the "retired" demon Cain Timothy Omundson , who had trained—and then killed—all the other Knights of Hell except Abaddon, who had escaped his wrath. Cain refuses to help them, even letting in a group of other demons to fight Dean and Crowley, who kill them. Cain reveals that he wants revenge on Abaddon, as she murdered his wife, but is unable to exact it himself because he is bound by his promise to his wife not to kill anymore.

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Cain also reveals that the spell led them to him because his Mark the brand Lucifer marked him with when he turned him into a demon is the source of the Blade's power and he can transfer it to someone worthy. Despite Cain's warnings of an unknown but terrible cost, Dean agrees to bear the Mark so that he can kill Abaddon. Cain asks for Dean to kill him after killing Abaddon and sends him and Crowley to safety as he single-handedly defeats a swarm of demons that arrived to kill them. Having picked up on Crowley giving himself away in small but tell-tale ways, Dean confronts Crowley on having been deceiving and manipulating him all along, including having allowed Tara to be questioned, tortured, and killed by demons so that they would find him and Dean and Dean could prove himself worthy to Cain for the Mark.

However, Dean can't retaliate against Crowley yet because he still needs Crowley to retrieve the First Blade from the bottom of the ocean. Running parallel to this plot is Sam and Castiel's attempts to harvest the part of Gadreel's grace that is still inside Sam so that they can use it to track the angel. Removing the grace causes Sam to start reverting into the state he was before Gadreel possessed him, but Sam refuses to let him stop until they get all the grace they need, even if it means his death.

Due to his own brief humanity, Castiel empathizes with Sam's desire to make up for the people who've died from the choices he, Sam, and Dean have made, but refuses to risk killing Sam, instead stopping and finishing healing Sam and eliminating the last of the grace. The spell turns out to be unsuccessful because they didn't get enough grace. Castiel leaves to track Metatron, who he believes holds the key to fixing everything. After Garth DJ Qualls is hit by a car after mutilating a cow in Grantsburg, Wisconsin , Sam and Dean arrive separately to investigate where their friend has been for months.

Claiming to remember nothing, Garth escapes the hospital and Sam and Dean follow him to discover that Garth is married to a werewolf and is now one himself after being bitten six months before on a hunt. Garth insists that he and his pack don't harm humans and peacefully coexist. While Sam is more willing to trust Garth, Dean isn't after his long disappearance and due to his suspicious nature. As everything seems to be fine, Sam and Dean are lured into a trap by the local sheriff who is also a werewolf and are forced to kill him when he attacks. Looking for Garth, Sam finds him and his wife Bess missing and is kidnapped by a few members of the pack while Dean finds out that they worship Fenris and believe that when Ragnarok comes, they will rule over mankind.

The wife of the minister plans to murder Garth and Bess and frame Sam and Dean to goad the rest of the pack who is willing to live in peace into action, but Dean arrives and kills the three werewolves running the plot. In the aftermath, Garth offers to return to hunting using his new werewolf powers to help, but Dean tells him to enjoy his new life, having realized that all werewolves aren't so bad.

Dean tries to make up with Sam who agrees to return to hunting with Dean, but doesn't fully trust him anymore. Dean finds a case in Stillwater, Minnesota where a pound man was killed in his car and was 98 pounds afterwards. Thinking witchcraft, Sam and Dean investigate, leading them to weird suction marks on the man and another victim. After finding the same mark on a personal trainer, Sam and Dean go undercover at a nearby health spa where people mysteriously lose a lot of weight very fast.

While tasting the spa's pudding, Dean gets drugged by roofies and they realize the spa's owner is a monster after Dean catches her eating refrigerated fat. At the same time Sam and Dean confront the woman, Maritza, her brother Alonzo kills her husband after he confronts him about the murders.

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Maritza explains she and Alonzo are Pishtaco , Peruvian parasitic monsters that feed on fat. Ask me again tomorrow, the list would be slightly different. Some favorite books, not written by people on the previous list but all written by people who might have been on the list on a different day , and again in no particular order: More at Twitter alexirvine and Facebook.

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