Willets has real-time experience on the topic of grief. He has served in local church ministry for more than thirty-five years. His educational training is in the area of pastoral care and counseling. In , David's wife of twenty-seven years and eighteen-year-old daughter were killed in an automobile wreck.
Storm clouds gather. Losses mount. The pain of grief is crushing. Is there life beyond your storm? Silverlining is a practical application of healing grief. From his. Silverlining: a life application journey through the dynamics of grief - Kindle edition by Dr. T. David Willets, Dr. Anthony Jordan. Download it once and read it on.
Through this painful experience, along with his training, Dr. Willets brings sound psychological, spiritual and applicable expertise to those on the journey of grief. Sections of this page. Email or Phone Password Forgotten account? Portions of bibliographic data on books is copyrighted by Ingram Book Group Inc.
Want to like this page? After my brother died, it was as if I put some tinted glasses on and saw the whole world differently. People who are self-centred, ditch them. People who make you feel good, hold on to them. Find your tribe, and let them know you appreciate them. I constantly tell my friends and family how much I love them.
Tell your people that they light up your life, and you in turn will light up their day. You have to take control of your happiness, no one else will.
Be brave, take a leap. It will all be ok in the end.
Being prepared for your next significant loss. Close mobile search navigation Article navigation. Each person had to tell his or her Alzheimer's story before being able to discuss personal grief reactions. There is a sense that spouses understand that aging brings decline and death closer and that eventually one has to prepare for self-sufficiency. In the current research, this was true. The diabetes was not letting up. For a few, the parent's early decline has brought relationships closer, but for most, it has produced conflict and feelings of abandonment especially by siblings , resulting in what one member referred to as "double grieving.
What if you spend the next ten years doing something that you hate and then die? There is no perfect time. But there is today, and you can do it now.
Shine on, and help others to do the same. What really serves you, is to be the very best version of yourself. And as you liberate yourself you will unconsciously give others permission to do the same. I found this quote a few months after Evan died, and it has changed my life:. This has been my mantra since the day my brother died.
I left a relationship that was damaging my confidence, I left a job that was causing me so many tears. And that was scary. But you know what? Figure out what it is and get yourself out of there. You owe it to yourself to stop doing things that make you unhappy. Find your thing, and do it. I know, it can sound like a load of hullabaloo. What could you pursue for hours and hours on end?
But if you chase that thing you love, opportunities will follow. They say it takes 10, hours to become an expert in something. Create serendipity for yourself. We all love those serendipitous moments, when you seem to be in the right place at the right time.
It seems like luck, but you can create your own luck. Surround yourself with people who push you to do more, to be better, and who you come alive with. Put yourself out there, do something that scares you every month, you will be astounded by the opportunities you create for yourself.
Go out there and create some serendipity for yourself. The only reason I now have the privilege to work at Escape the City is because I put myself out there. Why not do something today that pushes you out of your comfort zone?