Critical Learning for Social Work Students (Transforming Social Work Practice Series)

Critical Learning for Social Work Students (Transforming Social Work Practice Series)

This revised second edition helps to tackle this problem and goes to the heart of these essential skills. By using practical examples and interactive features Critical Learning for Social Work Students will help guide you through your degree and on to becoming a fully-developed and critical practitioner. It covers key areas of critical thinking such as developing a clear and logical argument as well as the application of self-evaluation and understanding the 'professional self'. For this edition there is a new chapter on developing emotional intelligence. Theories of Learning for the Workplace.

Learning to Teach in Higher Education. Doing Work Based Research. Developing Professional Knowledge And Competence. Rethinking the Fifth Discipline.

How to be a Brilliant Trainee Teacher. The Routledge Companion to Creativity. The Unconscious at Work. Tools for Teaching in an Educationally Mobile World. Rethinking Information Systems in Organizations. Working Below the Surface. Supporting Teachers Supporting Pupils.

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Transforming Social Work Practice Series By using practical examples and interactive features Critical Learning for Social Work Students will help guide you . Critical Learning for Social Work Students (Transforming Social Work Practice Series) [Sue Jones] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.

Shift to the Future. Perspectives on School-based Teacher Education. The Art of Action Research in the Classroom. Becoming a Primary School Teacher.

Human Rights and Social Justice in Social Work Seminar

Professor Claire Maree Wyatt-Smith. Exploring Individual and Organizational Boundaries. Praise, Motivation and the Child. Reflection and the College Teacher. Educating the Gifted and Talented. Essential Theory for Social Work Practice. Studying Childhood and Early Childhood.

Check out the top books of the year on our page Best Books of Product details Format Paperback pages Dimensions x x Looking for beautiful books? Visit our Beautiful Books page and find lovely books for kids, photography lovers and more. Other books in this series. Social Work Practice Jonathan Parker. Sociology and Social Work Jo Cunningham. Management and Organisations in Social Work Dr.

Social Work Intervention Trevor Lindsay. Social Work Assessment Ruben Martin. For example, the School where we teach has one course that focuses primarily on assumptions and values; another one focuses primarily on theories and concepts; and a third on principles and practices. As you learn about the historical evolution of critical social work and its predecessors like radical, feminist, anti- racist, structural, anti-oppressive perspectives it will become clear that it has been, and continues to be, somewhat on the margins of more dominant, Euro-American perspectives.

Although often claiming the opposite, mainstream social work tends to view social problems in a depoliticized way that emphasizes individual shortcomings, pathology and inadequacy. Interventions are aimed largely at the individual with little or no analysis of or intent to challenge power, structures, social relations, culture or economic forces p. The most significant thing to remember at this point in your studies is that critical social work and mainstream social work are informed by some fundamentally different assumptions, especially ontological, epistemological, and political assumptions.

Some other social work perspectives, such as Afri-centric, Aboriginal, and Queer, are also marginalized in relation to mainstream social work. Critical social work has been enriched by the insights of these perspectives, particularly by an analysis of the complex processes of colonialism, de-colonization, and de-colonialism Lang, While all of these perspectives share a commitment to co-creating a just society, it would be a mistake to assume they are the same. Again, some are informed by fundamentally different assumptions than critical social work.

As a beginning student or practitioner you may find it difficult to identify the differences between various marginalized approaches and mainstream social work.

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An in-depth analysis of these differences is not possible within this introductory paper but please accept that there are many valid reasons for your struggle. First, without knowledge of, or experience in, mainstream social work practice you may find it difficult to comprehend the real uniqueness of the various marginalized perspectives, including critical social work.

Second, mainstream social work has a stated commitment to social justice and equity that, on the surface, appears to be consistent with the aims of the marginalized perspectives. It is only though a more detailed study of all components of each perspective that you will be able to distinguish sometimes subtle qualitative differences.

Third, the use of shared words and images is not always indicative of shared perspectives. For example, while the following quote from the vision statement of the Nova Scotia Association of Social Workers n. Active support of an anti-oppressive framework for social work practice reinforces our commitment to diversity home page.

Fourth, the actual work done by critical social workers can, on the surface, resemble the work done by mainstream social workers. But the practice is not the same: We earlier suggested that the ideal situation is when all components of a perspective are congruent. However, human beings, and the structures, institutions, and cultures we create, are rarely ideal or congruent.

Social work theory and practice is no exception: It is important that we all become skilled at recognizing and working within these contradictions in the best interests of our service users. The privileging of mainstream perspectives over those of critical social work and other marginalized perspectives gives rise to a common question from beginning practitioners: Healy asserts that an essential element of critical social work is analyzing and understanding institutional context.

The deeply contextual nature of social work differentiates it from other professions. Our professional practice foundations — our knowledge, purpose and skill bases — are substantially constructed in, and through, the environments in which we work. For this reason, enhancing our capacity to understand, analyze and respond to our institutional contexts must be an integral part of our frameworks for professional practice. Through understanding our context, we can both recognize how our practice is shaped by context and how we might act as agents of change both within, and in relation to, our context , p.

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Fook claims that such a question implies that our social work practice is determined by the organizational context in which we work. She rejects this implication, asserting that if practice is truly contextual, there is no longer an opposition between practice and environment.

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She suggests that, if we experience our environment as hostile, then part of our work is changing that environment. Rather it frames how you explain, understand, and make meaning of any situation. Many critical social work educators are informed by pedagogical assumptions that give rise to teaching principles and practices that may differ from your previous university experiences and may not conform to your ideas of university education and professional training.

Critical education, sometimes called transformative education, is more than a cognitive process; it is also an emotional and spiritual process that calls for active dialogical engagement among students and teachers Campbell, , Many critical educators strive to facilitate learning environments that privilege: Such education can be both exhilarating and destabilizing so creating mutually supportive relationships with your instructors and fellow students is very important.

There are multiple possibilities for promoting social justice, exploiting critical possibilities, and politicizing practice in every work context. As you study critical social work you may find that your own perspective on life and practice differs from the critical perspective we have explored here.

This educational process of learning and unlearning takes time, demands cognitive and emotional investment, entails risk, is often circular and contradictory, but it is also rewarding, exciting and energizing.

Beginning at the Beginning: An Exploration of Critical Social Work

Critical social work provides us with the hope for, and progress towards, a changed social world for the wellbeing of all. May you enjoy and celebrate your journey as much as we do ours. Critical practice in social work 2nd ed. Critical social work theories: Practising critical social work. An introduction to theories and practices pp. An introduction to theories and practices. Building transformation politicized social work.

SAGE Learning Matters: Education, Nursing & Social Work - Transforming Social Work Practice Series

Cambridge Dictionaries On line. The search for congruency: Developing strategies for anti-oppressive social work pedagogy. Canadian Social Work Review, 19 1 , Principles and practices of anti-oppressive pedagogy as represented by Dr. Advancing social justice course outline. Canadian Association of Social Workers. Social work scope of practice. Social services and social justice in Canada 5th ed. Changes in Euro-American values needed for sustainability. Journal of Social Issues, 51 4 , Seeking the spiritual in anti-oppressive organization change. Critical Social Work, 7 1.

Critical Learning for Social Work Students

Anti-oppressive social work theory and practice. A social justice approach to social work 2nd ed. Edie Bower Publishing Co. Spirituality as a guiding construct in the development of Canadian social work: Social work theories in context. A critical turn pp. Factor analytic structure of the scale to assess world view. Current Psychology, 13 3. Transformative learning for a new worldview. Race and well- being. Rethinking critical theory in qualitative research.