The Best Sore Throat Remedies: Direct from Natures Pharmacy

10 Natural Cold and Flu Remedies That Work + A Giveaway!

Containing good levels of protein and omegas, eggs are soft — however you prepare them — and will slide nicely down your throat.

How To Treat A Cold - How To Cure Common Cold - Best Medicine For A Cold And Fever And Sore Throat

Scrambled definitely makes most sense. Put the Liquorice Allsorts down and instead start sipping on liquorice root tea.

Hand Washing

It fights infection and has been proven to soothe throats, particularly after surgery. In traditional Chinese medicine, cinnamon not only helps heal a sore throat, if you want to get ahead of the game, it can also ward one off entirely. Cloves have loosening properties, so drinking a tea with them in can help break up mucus in the chest, making coughing up phlegm less painful weirdly, they also help with earache. Having been used as a herbal remedy since ancient Egyptian times, a few sage leaves infused in a mug of hot water can soothe and reduce inflammation.

Marshmallows Sap from the marshmallow plant has been used to treat all manner of colds for hundreds of years, and the candy variety may still have healing properties. Ice cream Cool that burning oesophagus with something frozen: Ginger Boost your honey and lemon with a hit of antioxidant-heavy ginger for an even more revitalising throat treatment. Bananas Mush up a banana and you have a soft, super healthy, vitamin-rich baby food for your sore throat.

Eggs Containing good levels of protein and omegas, eggs are soft — however you prepare them — and will slide nicely down your throat. Liquorice root Put the Liquorice Allsorts down and instead start sipping on liquorice root tea. Cinnamon In traditional Chinese medicine, cinnamon not only helps heal a sore throat, if you want to get ahead of the game, it can also ward one off entirely.

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  • Prevention and treatment of the common cold: making sense of the evidence;

Cloves Cloves have loosening properties, so drinking a tea with them in can help break up mucus in the chest, making coughing up phlegm less painful weirdly, they also help with earache. Sage Having been used as a herbal remedy since ancient Egyptian times, a few sage leaves infused in a mug of hot water can soothe and reduce inflammation.

Make sure she catches enough ZZZ's. If your child is tired all the time, her immune system may be too sluggish to fight off bad bugs.

Prevention and treatment of the common cold: making sense of the evidence

Unfortunately, a third of all kids don't get as much sleep as they should. Ideally, babies need up to 18 hours a day, toddlers and preschoolers need 12 to 14 hours, and grade-schoolers should get 10 to 11 hours. It's probably not practical for your child to wake up later, so if she's not hitting these numbers, make her bedtime earlier. Practically 80 percent of infectious diseases , including the common cold, are spread through touch, so it's crucial for your child to wash his hands a lot. To make sure he scrubs for enough time, have him sing a verse of "Old MacDonald" while he lathers up both sides of his hands and between his fingers.

Alcohol-based hand wipes or sanitizers are good options for when you're on the go. New research offers yet another reason to make healthy sleep a priority in your house: It may help your kids live longer. Once one person in the family catches a cold, be extra careful about cleaning so no one else gets sick too.

Feeling croaky? 15 foods to soothe a sore throat

Viruses can live for up to two hours on things like cups, countertops, and towels, so disinfect frequently touched areas and objects with bleach or antibacterial wipes. Show your child how to sneeze and cough into the crook of her elbow, not her hands, so she's less likely to spread germs around the house. Use paper cups in the bathroom, separate toothbrushes to keep them from touching, and never share glasses, plates, or utensils.

Coughing helps your child breathe better by clearing mucus from her airways, so don't try to stop it. Nonetheless, all that hacking can leave your kid's throat irritated. Before the FDA's recent warning , about one in 10 children took cold or cough medicine in a given week. Now that these medications are out for infants and toddlers, and questionable for older children, try some of these safer, natural cough remedies for kids.

Recent studies show that honey is better than cough medicine for relieving coughs and helping a sick child sleep better. Dark honeys, such as buckwheat, may work best because they're higher in antioxidants. Give half a teaspoon to children ages 1 to 5 years and one teaspoon to kids ages 6 to But never give honey to babies younger than 1; they can get botulism from bacteria in it. It's more than an old folk remedy: Research shows that chicken soup has anti-inflammatory properties.

Its warm temperature also acts as a vaporizer, helping to loosen mucus in nasal passages.

All-Natural Cold & Cough Remedies

Warm or very cold liquids make excellent cough remedies for kids because they thin out mucus, making it easier to cough up. Plus, liquids soothe a raw throat and keep your little one hydrated. Have your child drink ice water, cold or warm juice, or decaffeinated tea mixed with honey. Children age 4 and older can suck on sore throat or cough lozenges, sugar-free hard candies, or even frozen berries.

How to fight the flu

A Popsicle or crushed ice are great choices for a younger kid with a scratchy throat. From getting vaccinated to washing your hands properly, understand the flu basics to keep your family in the clear.

1. Introduction

Video courtesy of Le Bonheur Children's Hospital. Flu is a common worry each year as the weather turns cold.

A pediatrician explains everything you should know about the virus. You may be going through a lot of tissues, but all that mucus helps wash the cold virus out of your child's nose and sinuses. Don't panic if you notice his mucus changing from clear to yellow to green: It's a sign that his immune system is fighting off the virus; it doesn't mean he needs antibiotics.

Got a sore throat? Don’t run straight to the pharmacy, try one of these foodie home remedies first. The Best Sore Throat Remedies: Direct from Nature's Pharmacy eBook: Nicholas.J Meyer: Kindle Store. FREE ebook: The Best Sore Throat Remedies: Direct from Nature's Pharmacy.