Zweiter nine writings by the preeminent Paracelsian Teil. Max Niemeyer Verlag, spokesmen Dorn, who presented Paracel- The editors rightly identify such cel- lectual and cultural history. Addressing this ebration as a cultish-religious portrait of problem — which includes a dearth of well- Paracelsus p. Witness too text edited and accessible writings by Paracel- no. An example of a radical for interdisciplinary studies. Kathleen Long theological dimension is text no. To provide for the resurrec- tion as: As Paracelsus elaborates in and the rise of empirical science, along with the Astronomia Magna, both the eucharist a valorization of clinical practice over book- and resurrection body possess the same ish learning.
Each chapter centers around a subtle material as the body of Christ, whose different textual genre and explores the sig- flesh is unlike the mortal flesh of humans. The volume is a tre- profoundly revolutionary effect that this mendously significant contribution that will paradoxical figure engenders: Depending on its use and context, the sixteenth-century authors being exami- it may consequently appear as the evil to ned.
Ma- nature of the sexes, to the cultural, arbitrary thematics, Modesty, Missed Opportuni- dimension of sexual designation in itself. Istituto Storico This is its intrinsically revolutionary effect. Belga di Roma Commercial distribution What these texts ultimately have in com- Brepols Publishers , The book for analyzing the historical hermaphrodite by Ad Meskens, which is devoted to the than contemporary gender theory, then?
Flemish Jesuit Joannes della Faille Ideally, according to this logic, a study of , provides us with a vivid example of hermaphrodites in Renaissance Europe the variety of intellectual and practical tasks should serve to reflect back on the postmo- to which a seventeenth-century mathemati- dern gender theories that the author is pro- cian could be called.
He subsequently studied at the newly mathematician. In della Faille was appoin- the lack of contacts with contemporary ted first cosmographer to the Council of the mathematicians, he did not gain the reputa- Indies, with the task of compiling astrono- tion he deserved. In Hexagram Theorem. The story Meskens tells is indeed for his speculations. Della Fail- of projective geometry, because this was le is described as a passionate mathemati- the only way to prove theorems on general cian, but also as a devout man who, conic sections.
But if one goes back to p. His life was also charac- prove these theorems for a general conic terized by moments of frustration: Indies was not very successful pp. There are quite a few by Newman and Principe in Alchemy Tried typos, some sentences are unintelligible in the Fire Chicago, , is the core of e. Alchemical la- a set of three letters Starkey wrote to his boratory notebooks and correspondence.
As the editors point out for his chemical skills, and for his extraor- p. Starkey published a number that Starkey spent more time in the pre- of chemical and medical tracts and also paration of chemical remedies and distilled wrote several highly influential alchemical oils than he did in his alchemical pursuits. It was through Robert Child have had in notebooks containing such pro- a correspondent of Samuel Hartlib that cesses [i. Though the extant docu- Their collaboration chemical skills, we must be cautious before ended in , when Boyle went to Ireland.
With Boyle nion to the present book the editors Starkey worked at producing the Alkahest claimed that when Starkey met Boyle, the i. Her dis- Besides writing a general introduction to cussion of these topics leads also to a broad- the entire collection of documents as well er account of the health and health care of as a useful glossary , the editors preface elite women. Park makes them unpublished are excellent. This book short work of the myth of Christian taboos is an important contribution both to the on dissections. Gen- riod — helped to regularize the performance der, Generation, and the Origins of Hu- of human anatomy and tells us much about man Dissection.
Following Monica Green, she ar- naissance Italy brings together several of her gues that learned writers increasingly de- earlier studies on this topic and adds much fined women in terms of their reproductive new material. She places women at the cen- functions. Enormously learned and printed anatomical texts such as the Fasicu- clearly written, the book provocatively in- lo de medicina of , whose first illustra- termingles accounts of the dissections of tion was of a uterus.
The relative roles of pi fisici. Si parte da una rassegna di testi che male and female in generation were by no trattano del corpo politico secondo la meta- means agreed upon, however important fora organicista di analogia col corpo uma- these were to dynastic considerations. Unlike e a medici noti come William Harvey, anche Chiara, who had been opened by her fellow nomi meno prevedibili, come il ferrarese nuns, the corpse of the mystic Elena Du- Arcangelo Piccolomini e lo svedese glioli was subjected in to multiple in- Glydenstolpe The picture was in La terza parte infine tratta degli ospedali, equal measure avant-garde and rear-guard sia dal punto di vista dei malati che accolgo- of the content.
Anche qui, oltre al richiamo the image struggle over Copernicanism. Pictures do not re- whose blatant rejection of heliocentrism fer solely to what is to be made visible, but seems to leave no questions open, is ana- also and above all to their own history his lyzed all the more painstakingly in detail by the author whose analysis of Astraea interplay between timeliness and pictorial and Argus is particularly impressive. Remmert has thus succeeded in effect- that astronomy was a court art that could ing a school-forming convergence of science not relinquish patronage; Galileo would history and art history.
The MIT Press, Cette arabisation du rationalisante des Mut. Elle est aussi Occident. Au passage, Saliba and religion. Catholic Church — and science. The rest of the book accept future proofs of the Copernican vi- deals with more recent works, such as Wal- sion. The final chapter deals with the mation. Such a method, however, results e storiografico molto promettente: Dalle letture fatte vengono bliografia. She replies to those who accused her of pretending to be a midwife without ever having been pregnant or having given birth. But why should the practice of midwifery The Court Midwife.
The lack of Europe, edited by Margaret L. King and Al- knowledge and experience is at the bottom bert Rabil Jr. The text opens started to study and practice midwifery. King and Albert Rabil Jr. The second of their art p. From a methodological Introduction, by Lynne Tatlock, explains point of view, the pedagogical aim is based why The Court Midwife belongs to the on a series of means. One is the structure of Other Voice Series. In the last section Tatlock analyses Tatlock analyses the use of such pedagogi- the tradition of the text and its editorial ma- cal means, helping the reader reach a dee- nipulations, illustrating the principles that per understanding of the text.
The reading of books bears midwives p. The same perspective a limited knowledge, whose real source is can be applied to the testimonies, whose experience. Two patients died, cording to Justine? The explanation of the before Justina experienced the method of first child Justine helped deliver is quite ex- detaching it, peeling it off with her little fin- emplary. The young Justine, tient. But these readings are of lit- and the manoeuvres , but also of the way to tle help.
Justina tries a manoeuvre to place acquire a sound experienced knowledge of the child back and in the right position. None of the ele- One of the merits of the book lies in the ments, therefore, relative to a variety of do- mains, from social to theoretical, is ex- fact that it provides, confirming precisely cluded from this account of the context in what the authors point out in the introduc- which innovations slowly emerged. To accomplish this, the first chap- dertaken by A. Lavoisier that turned out in ter draws our attention to the key topics of the idea that the cause of the increase of eighteenth-century chemistry.
Moreover, in this section we sier was not isolated from the scientific come across some other issues, partially community in the working process. To complete the content supplementary actions. Apart from addi- of this volume, it incorporates at the end a tional experimental investigations, in parti- useful glossary and an up-to-date bibliogra- cular the ones carried out with the calori- phy.
This task, assumed as something like narrated. In July Monarchy, half a century later. Panckoucke himself personally with chemical novelties who made a few supervised the project from until contributions in particular areas of the dis- , overseeing 56 of the volumes that cipline. To com- medicine during the period in question bine these two functions, Panckoucke de- was at the forefront of European theory vised an ingenious organisational plan: But setting aside the matter of uneven volumes to each field of knowledge to be coverage, the particular topics that are ad- covered, but within the volumes devoted dressed are handled with thorough scholar- to each specific field, the topics would ap- ship.
This alphabetisa- Historians of science will probably be tion would enable the work to be used for attracted first to the section on Nature, reference purposes. In addition, however, sciences et techniques, which consists of for each field of knowledge there would chapters on naval architecture, physics, also be a guide indicating the non-alphabe- mathematics, chemistry, botany, zoology tical order in which the articles should be and agriculture.
But there are also chapters read so as to provide a systematic treatise on anthropology and geography under the on that field as a whole. This index is sparingly illustrated and concludes with would be the key to the reference function an index of personal names. To what extent was this original concep- tion actually realised?
Cambridge MA and Lon- assigned subjects at a time when most of the don: Harvard University Press, These addition to the literature on science and are the questions which the essays collected the Enlightenment. Focusing on a geogra- by Blanckaert and Porret seek to address. Hunter published its first detailed descrip- The genre adopted throughout is cultural tion. The tion of the first electric battery in Gale, of Galway, New York. As a result, the received view of advocated by Elisha Perkins of Plainfield, the intertwining of scientific, political, and Connecticut, is discussed in chapter 7.
Per- religious motives in the early history of elec- kins also advocated a form of self-treat- tricity shifts. Despite or because of its popu- The second part of the book explores a larity on both sides of the Atlantic, Perkin- broader range of authors and themes. Perkins indeed made no in South America in the s. According to this reviewer, that ap- the tropical world heritage. The series of articles com- the seed of his philanthropic aestheticiza- piled by Felix Driver and Luciana Martins tion of the Tropics.
In contrast to those The text introduced by the co-editors, Felix parallel construction sites of the Tropic, Driver and Luciana Martins, and after- the first article by Starr Douglas and Felix worded by Denis Cosgrove is divided in Driver scrutinizes the work of the naturalist three parts: Voyages, Mappings and Sites. European Tra- The last section of articles, Sites, provides velers and North American Indians Cam- analysis about how different discourses, bridge University Press, An expert views and visions dealing with tropical geo- on the topic, Liebersohn brings an insightful graphical locations are represented and con- and thorough book to the field that is well structed.
This new book focuses on European to India and the Himalayas. On the other travelers in the Pacific, specifically in the hand Leonard Bell engages in the decon- Polynesian islands of Hawaii and Tahiti in struction of the photographic representation the period between and Much of Tropicalism of the South Seas and Samoa has already been written about the most fa- in particular during the nineteenth and early mous travel writers and explorers of those twentieth centuries.
Nevertheless, the author course of tropical diseases and its degenera- manages to condense the most vital and in- tive connotations, where leprosy is the epi- teresting information about these travelers, tome of the disease of tropicality. Tropic as a flush of interaction through his- Additionally, this study focuses on three tory between the diversity of experiences of lesser known travelers: Philibert Commer- the travellers who visited it and the physical son, a French naturalist aboard Louis de world envisioned.
Prussian who served as naturalist on the voy- The revisionist glaze of this compilation not only stands out by the character of its age of captain Otto von Kotzebue content and cross disciplinary analysis but All three writers produced texts that also by the tropical focus envisioned and re- attracted debate and controversy, as there visited, which is accompanied by an excel- was a vast audience anxious for travel ac- lent critical apparatus, a select bibliography counts with descriptions of foreign lands and appropriate illustrations related to the and peoples during this timeframe.
Europe to the Pacific. The book accomplishes its two goals with and London: Harvard University Press, ease: In this volume he continues to develop the old regime to the new European order. The author provides global network whose intellectual production a fascinating account of Polynesians like is subject to many different and powerful in- terests. In an attempt to cover the most im- Ahutoru, Mahi, Kadu and others who be- portant facets of the travel writing of the time, came celebrities in their own right once they the book is divided in sections devoted to reached Europe.
Postcolonial studies have provided a the- This book will be equally attractive to the oretical framework that allows for the read- neophyte who seeks to understand the so- ing of travel narratives as texts produced by cial, political and human implications of tra- the metropolis with the intention of provid- vel writing during the Enlightenment and ing the intellectual, scientific and moral jus- Romantic eras, and to the specialist who tification for European expansion.
Lieber- wants to expand his knowledge by gaining son does not contest this. Still, he is able — insight into the life and writings of three les- in an unusual twist — to expand this type ser known travel writers. Scienza e immaginazione teologica, giu- scopo di salvare la madre in pericolo di vita. Nel la mato sin dal primo istante di vita, giustificas- stessa accademia dovette pronunciarsi su un se la soppressione della donna. Scottata dal feto, entrambi battezzati? Violava il decalogo e i codici? Esso sta- donna al feto.
A rompere il veto ippocratico to a durare. E tato nelle scuole di area cattolica. The sage of make a major contribution towards estab- science. Oxford University Press, lishing the discipline of crystallography, Unlike many of those The task of achieving a wide-ranging he encouraged, Bernal was not awarded a open-minded biography of Desmond Ber- Nobel Prize, but Brown p.
A Life in Science and first stimulated by Bernal while working Politics, edited by Brenda Swann and Fran- with him on operational research in North cis Aprahamian, was published by Verso, Africa during the war, and who ended up providing much interesting information, sharing the Nobel Prize with Perutz; and but a total lack of critical analysis.
Lyell sarebbe il mi- the afternoon of D-day was a fantasy, gliore [ Il prossimo it in the main narrative. While adopting a generally volesse cimentarsi, ti chiederei di prendere neutral tone, Brown is prepared to be caus- consiglio dal Sig. Do- quello presentato da Charles Darwin geolo- centi e mentori, il viaggio iniziatico tra go, che Chiesura ripercorre servendosi in- vulcani e atolli. Bene- nanzitutto delle fonti primarie manoscritte vento: Il testo ripropone in ed.
Se, co- gere la geologia del N. Beagle, editi separatamente osservazioni effettuate durante il viaggio ver- tra il e il Tra gli apparati si segnala in- ico e, pertanto, di origine delle montagne.
Si segnala infine in appendice, la lettera di William The work under review is two very dif- Daniel Conybeare a Lyell febbraio , ferent books under the same cover. The modern uni- nineteenth-century research university in versity, on the other hand, is built on perso- Protestant northern Germany. On another, nal charisma, as much as it is built on bu- it is a subjective and earnest investigation reaucratic values.
In some degree, this into the modern university and its ills writ- stems from the Idealist and Romantic rede- ten in a demotic and personal style which finition of the researcher as an original academic historians traditionally avoid. The first adds data-collector of the Enlightenment, but it considerably to the revisionist argument de- also reflects the emphasis placed on publi- veloped by R. It does so by seeing the research attribute but one manufactured and ma- university as an aspect of Weberian moder- nipulated in the market-place.
This then allows him to demon- words, the modern university, pace the strate the extent to which the Protestant rhetoric, was built on the twin pillars of bu- German universities of the eighteenth cen- reaucracy and capitalism with potentially tury already betrayed the hall-marks of a damaging results. Historians of science and sation, a meritocratic professoriate, the ob- higher education should read it simply for jective evaluation of student abilities etc.
Besides obvious versity which continue to haunt the present points of entry — state visitations, travelo- day. Academic appointments, we are told, gues, letters and so on — the author uses a are far less rational than one might suppose, number of rebarbative archival sources, for evaluation still turns on subjective criter- which have been largely neglected by for- ia, such as oral performance at conferences, mer historians of the early modern univer- gossip and off-the-record telephone refer- sity, such as lecture lists, student evaluation ences, while many academic scientists and forms, professorial dossiers and library cat- medics are not specialised impartial seekers alogues.
He also exploits visual material to after truth but the subsidised agents of drug good effect. This, then, is a book based companies and commercial interests. The on lengthy and careful research. Over the past thirty the United States, tested the predictions of years, social historians of science have quer- General Relativity concerning the three ied sometimes gently, sometimes not the standard effects: And his fine book fully confirms edge is socially constructed.
But their gaze the point, insofar as the author demon- has fallen on wider society — its language, strates, by thoroughly examining a large concerns and structure. No-one hitherto, amount of documents, that many details es- to the best of my knowledge, has looked caped mention in previous accounts, so specifically at the institution in which so many were the trees one did not look at, much of modern science is created — the that one ended up outlining a scarcely rea- university. The Race city have overshadowed the historical reali- to Test Relativity.
Princeton University Press, First and fore- most, to the eyes of a large part of the scien- Historical accounts of the development tific community those results did not in the of one or another natural science given by least appear decisive.
The second and in people active in the field are usually mythi- some ways substantially new aspect is that cal: Historians of science, by contrast, occasion of an eclipse had seen a substantial base their accounts on first hand docu- number of American astronomers involved ments, thus providing a much more reliable from an early stage. Even the tradition that account of the events. There is another further relevant aspects. We should how- series of events which are given circumstan- ever be warned against this conclusion by tial evidence, with the consequence of pro- the obvious consideration that no historical viding us with a much more detailed pic- account — no matter what the field — can be ture, namely the tantalizing series of really exhaustive.
Another and 9, dating from the period between aspect the author lays stress on is the cir- May and April The remaining letters them generically referred to its essential were obtained from other repositories. In this vo- told liberates us from a rigid understanding lume letters written by Hans Albert and of how the scientific community accepts Eduard Einstein are presented for the first scientific theories. Albert Einstein, Volume The Berlin This episode was by no means an isolated Years: In the Introduction, the editors men- , and Supplementary Corresponden- tion an entire series of events which took ce, Mean- tion was characterized, among other things, while Einstein had probably maintained by the circumstance that philosophers had the attitude he had showed once talking started reflecting on the epistemological im- with the astronomer Ejnar Hertzsprung: Quite an interesting amply documented in the volume.
They include Niels Bohr, H. Jahrhundert, Levi Civita, and Arthur Eddington. On 6 November ing work. Einstein had started of Alps physiology in the nineteenth cen- receiving partial reports on the matter in tury. A story with a lot of characters, but mid-August In a letter to Eddington, one main protagonist: Angelo Mosso dated 11 June , while acknowledging , one of the best known Italian he had received direct information, he ex- experimental physiologist of the time. In a letter to physiological functions of the human body, Elsa dated 23 October, Einstein wrote: My theory has been terials still largely unknown.
Now no reasonable tion. The essay, subdivided into four tic traveller; as the subtitle of the third well articulated chapters, begins with an chapter says, sublime becomes exhaustion. At an altitude jective mechanic? There, of Italian academicians for mountaineering, where nature is immense, life is more in- an activity charged with meanings related to tense and feelings are extreme.
At the end the recently achieved Risorgimento. Like for nature and love for science p. Around over the book on Mosso, but mainly a book about inhospitable Alps peaks we do not find some theoretical problems he brought out, the solitary and horrible Dr. One of the human body reactions and behaviours un- most interesting aspects of this work is in- der extreme conditions. As said in the introduc- noises and industries, or a sanatorium to re- tion, this cultural history of Alps physiology store health, but also a silent and exhausting is linked to three branches of studies, con- physiological laboratory.
Work is hard cerning history of physiology, the graphic there, and every movement means fatigue. The sev- als Kultureller Kampfplatz. This part is as a notable example for the importance a clear description of how entropy and en- of cultural studies in the history of sciences. Yet, This is partly due to her topic which is ex- from my point of view, it is the second part tremely well chosen: Nes- and difficult the coherent interpretation of wald explains the choice of her topic expli- the entropy was.
This complexity is rele- citly; according to her study, the concept of vant, as it shows the scope of interpretation entropy is particularly appropriate as it is that remained after the formulation of the semantically underdetermined as well as concept. In what follows, she discusses the complex, yet it also claims a general validity. Here, fundamental Yet, it is not only the chosen topic which theological as well as philosophical beliefs makes this study so relevant and convincing were expressed in interpreting entropy in but also the overall approach. Instead of fo- a manner that seemed to be adequate on cusing on the genesis of the concept of en- the basis of these attitudes.
Her approach is very recently got a topicality that historical explicitly meant to be an expansion of the studies normally do not develop. But also Edinburgh school of sociology of scientific the discussion on what life means and knowledge and the science in context ap- how it can be interpreted goes significantly proach in the history of science p. Par- beyond the scope of most historical studies. The study is published cept of entropy became relevant in various in German and by this choice, Neswald has discourses shows particularly well the open- limited her readership; a limitation that ness and the resulting ability of interpreting seems to me totally unjustified for such a re- this concept in different manners.
Yet, Nes- markable study. It deals with one of da Nissl ad Alzheimer e a Kraepelin e con- the most intriguing historiographical topics temporaneamente con il potere locale, primo of recent years, namely the study, the inven- interlocutore di quanti fossero motivati ad tion and the use of those instruments which espandere gli spazi angusti della ricerca pur contributed significantly to the progressive senza rinunciare a seguirne in prima persona transformation of psychology, and the con- le ricadute applicative, cliniche.
Unlike previous books, which tolineando che il volume chiarisce, in modo focused on the scientific research of Gene- interessante e a tratti appassionante, come va-based psychologists such as E. Ruchat and to, contraddistinguendone il processo di ri- S. Fischer affirm in the Introduction cerca e acquisizione di uno status disciplina- p. The dif- cerebrale fosse tuttavia sempre legata ad una ferent authors who contribute to the book profonda consapevolezza della portata etica therefore have a common aim.
It be- costruzione storiografica che metta in luce la gins with M. Eloquenti in proposito, le pa- Spirit should underline, according to Ru- role dello stesso Cerletti: Une histoire say by M. The second part nologie. Founded in ciplinary branches treated in the labora- by three post-docs and a university tories between and , M. Ratcliff place in a rapidly changing environment. It concerns the development of chapters. Chapters one to three establish perceptions and optical illusions, a subject the research context and historical back- which has always fascinated psychologists.
The emphasis is on In fact, in the s and s J. Piaget the history of instruments and methods and some of his collaborators M. Lamber- used in molecular biology research and on cier, A. Ratcliff and tor in Germany. The core of the study is Hauert throw useful light on the issue. Verdon and Hauert re-evaluate about to Simplicity was therefore the spirit early history, and chapter seven gives a of the Genevan laboratory. Ratcliff is clever short resume. Although DIAGEN developed into a The appeal of the book is enhanced by its market leader in separation technologies rich illustrations.
According to book makes clear, the lab in the box was the first business plans, DIAGEN was envi- as much a product of DIAGEN as of mole- sioned as a research and development firm cular biologists seeking a technology to get specialised in molecular diagnostics for rid of tedious laboratory routines. Separation technologies played only a minor role. A the company had to focus on projects that Victorian Debate on Science and Society.
The University of time. Though they never met in the nancial constraints, scientific interests, per- flesh, Mill and Whewell were old enemies. Their debates were time when a fast growing number of aca- wide ranging, embracing scientific method, demic researchers entered the field of ge- morality, political economy and reform. This makes it all the more surprising success.
After dealing with acids. Although technical crea- tively. As far as Whewell was concerned came in close contact with customers when as well, there was nothing abstract or dis- the company changed its business model connected about such an ambition.
Sulla struttura e distribuzione dei banchi di corallo e delle isole madreporiche ( Italian Edition) - Kindle edition by Charles Darwin. Download it once and read it. SULLA STRUTTURA E DISTRIBUZIONE DEI BANCHI DI CORALLO E DELLE ISOLE MADREPORICHE (Italian Edition) eBook: CARLO DARWIN.
Chez Claude-Antoine Jombert, A5 vault Alembert, Jean Le Rond d' Oeuvres philosophiques, historiques et litteraires de d'Alembert. Chez Jean-Francois Bastien, A2 vault Alembert, Jean Le Rond d' A4 vault Alembert, Jean Le Rond d' Recherches sur differens points importans du systeme du monde. A47 vault Alembert, Jean Le Rond d' Recherches sur la precession des equinoxes, et sur la nutation de l'axe de la terre, dans le systeme newtonien. A6 vault Alembert, Jean Le Rond d' Alembert, Jean Le Rond d' Chez Henry Wetstein, Traitez des barometres, thermometres, et notiometres, ou hygrometres.
Traittez des barometres, thermometres, et notiometres, ou hygrometres. Et unrichi de plesiurs tailles douces. Alessio The Five part[s] of the Secrets of Maister Alexis, of Pie[d]mont, by him collected our of divers excellent authors, and now newly corrected and augmented. Peter Perna [in colophon], The American mechanic and working-man. A28 ESL vault. Die Truckene und Feuchte. Alfonso X de Castilla. A36 folio flat vault Algarotti, Francesco conte Il Newtonianismo per le dame.
A48 vault Algarotti, Francesco conte Il newtonianismo per le dame, ovvero dialoghi sopra la luce, i colori, e l'attrazione. A spese di Giambatista Pasquali, Algarotti, Francesco conte Le newtonianisme pour les dames. A5 vault Algemeene vereeniging voor Bloemboolencultur, Haarlem Florilegium harlemense Colored plates with descriptions of bulbous and tuberous rooted plants.
De erven Loosjes, Af folio vault Algorithmus Algorithmus demonstratus. A43 vault Alhazen Ibn al-Haytham A33 quarto vault Allaeus, Francisco pseud. Yves de Paris, Goldsmith's repository, containing a concise elementary treatise on the art of assaying metals. Rules, directions, and correct extensive tables, applied to all the possible occasions of mixing, allaying, or finding the value of bullion, under all its various denominations of gold, silver, and parting.
Also an appendix, in which are contained abstracts of all the acts of Parliament, now in force, relating to gold and silver; and a view of all the changes in their respective standards. Longmans, Green, and Co. Presented by his daughter, Miss Lucilla Dewar Allen.
A5 vault Allexandre, Jacques Dissertation sur les causes du flux et reflux de la mer. A44 vault Allgemeines Allgemeines Haushaltungs-Lexicon. Verlegts Michael Blochberger, En la imprenta Real, A56 vault Alsario dalla Croce, Vincenzo ? Vesuvius ardens siue exercitatio medico-physica. Ex typographia Guilelmi Facciotti, A49 vault Altobelli, Ilario Tabulae regiae diuisionum duodecim partium coeli, et syderum obuiationum, ad mentem Ptolemaei. Printed by Rogers and Fowle, and sold by Franklin in Philadelphia, American Pharmaceutical Association The National formulary of unofficinal preparations.
Published by the American Pharmaceutical Association, A37 copy 2 vault. Chez Jean Jombert, Essai sur la philosophie des sciences, ou Exposition analytique d'une classification naturelle de toutes les connaissances humaines. ASCE, - American Society of Civil Engineers, An Astronomical Diary, or, an Almanack A44 Amici, Bartolomeo d' In Aristotelis libros De caelo et mu[n]do dilucida textus explicatio et disputationes.
A54 quarto vault Amico, Giovanni Battista Ex officina Iacobi Keruer, A5 vault Ammen, C. Recovery and refining of precious metals. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, Some birds and mammals of North America. The Tryon Gallery in association with George Rainbird, A66 folio flat cab. Sumptibus "Bibliothecae Coeli Amicorum", A52 vault Anderson, B.
Gem Testing for Jewellers. Ball 2 vault Anderson, John Dura Den; a monograph of the yellow sandstone and its remarkable fossil remains. A52 vault Anderson, Robert fl. The making of rockets. Printed for Robert Morden, []. A59 vault Andree, Richard Andrees allgemeiner Handatlas in 91 Haupt- und 86 Nebenkarten. A6 folio flat vault. Angeli, Allessandro degli d. In astrologos coniectores libri quinque. Anson, George Anson baron. Woodfall [and others], Accessionis ad steriometriam, et mecanicam, pars prima.
A55 vault Angeli, Stefano degli Miscellaneum geometricum in quatuor partes diuisum. Apud Ioannem La Nou, Miscellaneum hyperbolicum et parabolicum, in quo praecupue agitur de Centris gravitatis hyperbolae, partium euisdem. A55 vault Ango, Pierre Chez Estienne Michallet, A54 vault Annalen Annalen der Physik. Voyage autour du monde. The ancient world; or Picturesque sketches of creation.
Libraire scientifique Hermann et cie, Librairie scientifique Hermann et cie, A57 quarto copy 2 vault Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d' Proposition d'une measure de la terre. A58 vault Apian, Peter Astronomicum caseareum [ Faksimileausg. A74 folio flat cab. Annuli Annuli astronomici, instrumenti cum certissimi, tum commodissimi, usus, ex variis authoribus.
Apud Gulielmum Cauellat, Cosmographia, siue Descriptio vniuersi orbis. Bellerum, ad insigne Aquilae aureae, Anonymus von Feldtaw fl. Crollius redivivus; das ist, hermetischer wunderbaum. Cosmographiae introductio, cum quibusdam geometriae ac astronomiae principiis, ad eam rem necessarijs. Haeredes Gymnici exudebant, Apian, Peter Folium populi instrumentum hoc a Petro Apiano iam re inventum et in figuram folii populi redactum per radio solis toto orbe horas com[m]unes ostendit.
A ESL quarto c. Apian, Peter Instrument Buch. A59 quarto vault Apian, Peter Instrumentum sinuum, seu primi mobilis. A6 quarto vault Apian, Peter A64 quarto vault Apian, Peter Libro de la cosmographia. A5 vault Apian, Peter Quadrans astronomicus et iam recens inventus et nunc primum editus. Stoeffler's, Calendarium Romanum magnum, Ex typographia Iosephi Cocchini, A quarto vault. A Norton Critical Edition.
The herbal of pseudo-Apuleius. Scientific notices of comets in general, and in particular of the comet of , whose revolution is of six years and three quarter' duration Baldwin and Cradock, Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, Apollonius, of Perga Conicorum libri IV.
Biographies of distinguished scientific men. Apollonius, of Perga Conicorum libri quattuor. A3 quarto vault Apollonius, of Perga De sectiones rationis libri duo ex arabico. A72 vault Aratus Solensis Phainomena kai Diosemeia. Admirandi Archimedis Syracusani monumenta omnia mathematica, quae extant A quarto vault Archimedes Archimedis Opera: Godbid, voeneunt apud Robertum Scott in vico Little Britain, A51 vault Archimedes Archimedous ta sozomena meta teon Archimedis quae supersunt omnia cum Eutocii Ascalonitae commentariis.
A folio flat vault Archimedes De iis quae vehuntur in aqua libri duo. Ex officina Alexandri Benacii, A72 quarto vault Archimedes Oeuvres d'Archimede. A71 vault Archimedes Opera Archimedis Per Venturinum Ruffinellum sumptu, A52 quarto vault. Arcons, Cesar d' d. Du flux et reflux de la mer et des longitudes. Chez Iacques Cottin, A73 vault Arcons, Cesar d' d. Le systeme du monde. A73 vault Arduino, Giovanni A71 vault Arduino, Giovanni A72 vault Arduino, Giovanni Esame Chimico, e Considerazioni sopra la Marga, Ossia marna, scoperta Osservazioni Chimiche sopra alcuni Fossili.
Apresso Benedetto Milocco, A74 vault Argelander, Friedrich Wilhelm August DXL stellarum fixarum positiones mediae ineunte anno Frenckell et filius, A quarto vault Argelander, Friedrich Wilhelm August Verlag von Simon Schropp u. A73 folio vault Argoli, Andrea Apud Paulum Frambottum, Ephemerides exactissimae caelestium motuum. Archimedes Opera quae quidam extant, omnia. Ioannes Heruagius excudi fecit, Exactissime secundorum mobilum tabulae. Archimedis opera quae extant. Apud Claudium Morellum, A55 quarto vault. Argument before the U. Commissioners on the East River Bridge in answer to certain objections.
Argyll, George Douglas Campbell Duke of Primeval man; an examination of some recent speculations. A77 vault Argyll, George Douglas Campbell. The reign of law. Alexander Strahan, Publisher, Apud Camillum Francischinum, A7 vault Aristarchus, of Samos De magnitudinibus, et distantiis solis, et lunae, liber. Petrus Arlensis de Scudalupis enucleatus A78 vault Arrowsmith, Aaron Map of the world on a globular projection: Arrowsmith; the plan work engravedby t.
C6 folio flat vault Ars magica sive magia naturalis et artificiosa, stupendos et abstrusos effectus A78 ESL vault. Apud Ieremiam Perier, L'art de batir les vaisseaux De natura animalium libri nouem. Joannes and Gregorius de Gregoriis, de Forlivio, A6 quarto vault. L'Art du livre a l'imprimerie nationale. P2A78 quarto R. In officina Birckmannica, E vault Aristotle [Omnia quae extant opera].
Quintum volumen Aristotelis Stagiritae De coelo, de generatione et corruptione, meteorologicorum, de plantis libri. A7 quarto vault Aristotle B. Cum Aliis Quibusdam Quorum catalogum sequens pagina indicabit. Ichthyologia sive opera omnia de piscibus. Apud Conradum Wishoff, A77 vault Artis, Edmund Tyrell Printed for the author, and published by J. Cumberland [and 5 others], Asclepi, Giuseppe Maria De nova et facili methodo elevandi mercurium in tubis ad altitudinem consueta majorem.
Ex tpographia Generosi Salomoni, A72 vault Ashe, Thomas Memoirs of mammoth, and various other extraordinary and stupendous bones. U7A8 vault Ashworth, William B. Theories of the earth Linda Hall Library, A75 vault Assmann, Christian Gottfried Ein geologischer versuch von Christian Gottfried Assmann.. A8 vault Aston, Francis William In Officina Sanctandreana, A85 vault Astronomical Society of the Pacific Leaflets.
P55 Cage Atomic Energy: Recent acquisitions folio flat Cage [Atremont, H. A treatise on the rectilinear motion and rotation of bodies. Merrill and [2 others], A88 vault Atwood, George A treatise on the rectilinear motion and rotation of bodies; with a description of original experiments relative to the subject. Apud Iohannem Berion, In der Arnoldischen Buchhandlung , An account of the basalts of Saxony, with observations on the origin of basalts in general. B3 A vault Audiffredi, Giovanni Battista Transitus Veneris ante solem observati Romae apud PP. Mariae super Minervam VI.
Apud fratres Salvionos, A92 vault Audrich, P.
Everardo Egloghe filosofiche ed altri poetici componimenti del P. The birds of America. A9 vault Audubon, John James A9 folio display case Audubon, John James The Macmillan Company, The quadrupeds of North America. Audubon, John James A folio vault Audubon, John James A synopsis of the birds of North America.
A8 vault Auldjo, John d. Sketches of Vesuvius with short accounts of its principle eruptions from the commencement of the Christian era to the present time. George Glass, Largo S. Edlen von Trattnern, kaiserl. Liber canonis de medicinis cordialibus cantica de remouendis nocumentis in regimine sanitatis. A94 quarto vault Avogadro, Amedeo Fisica de'corpi ponderabili ossia trattato della costituzione generale de'corpi. Dalla Stamperia Reale, A96 vault Babbage, Charles B89 vault Babbage, Charles Observations on the temple of Serapis at Pozzuoli near Naples with an attempt to explain the causes of the frequent elevation and depression of large portions of the earth's surface in remote periods, and to prove that those causes continue in action at the present time.
Conjectures on the physical condition of the surface of the moon. Babbage, Charles On the economy of machinery and manufactures. On the economy of machinery and manufactures. B3 vault Babbitt, James Bradford Theory of the earth; or, The periodically recurring superficial changes, or geological revolutions, in the earth's crust; also, the changes in the organic world, indicated in the geological record; together with the proximate cause of the same Ball 4 vault Babington, John fl. Pyrotechnia or, A discourse of artificiall fire-works.
Printed by Thomas Harper, for Ralph Mab, Ball 5 vault Bacci, Andrea d. Appresso Giouanni Martinelli, B32 vault Back, George Sir Narrative of an expedition in H. Terror, undertaken with a view to geographical discovery on the Arctic shores, in the years B vault Back, George Sir Narrative of the Arctic land expedition to the mouth of the Great Fish River, and along the shores of the Arctic Ocean, in the years , and B vault Bacon, Francis Or certain genuine remains of Sr.
Scripta in naturali et universali philosophia. Apud Ludovicum Elzevirium, De dignitate et augmentis scientiarum: Typis Petri Mettayer, Fragmens extraits des oeuvres du chancelier Bacon, editionangloise de P Shaw, M. Historia naturalis et experimentalis ad condendam philosophiam.
Haviland; impensis Matthaei Lownes, B32 vault Bacon, Francis Chez Iaques Dugast, Apud Joannem Billium, B quarto vault Bacon, Francis Of the advancement and proficience of learning; or The partitions of sciences, IX bookes. B24 vault Bacon, Francis Opera omnia, quae extant philosophica, moralia, politica, historica.
B quarto vault. Sylva sylvarum sive Hist. Twoo bookes of Francis Bacon. Of the proficience and aduancement of learning, diuine and humane. Printed for Henrie Tomes, A new edition by Basil Montagu. B25 vault Bacon, Roger ? The cure of old age, and preservation of youth. B3 vault Bacon, Roger ? De arte chymiae scripta cui accesserunt opuscula alia eiusdem authoris. B32 vault Bacon, Roger ? B vault Bacon, Roger ? Opera quaedam hactenus inedita. Longman, Green, Longman and Roberts, B2 vault Bacon, Roger ?
Typis Gulielmi Bowyer, B2 O6 folio vault Bacon, Roger. De mirabili potestate artis et naturae. De his quae mundo eveniunt. Baier, Johann Jacob Monumenta rerum petrificatarum praecipua Oryctographiae Noricae supplementi loco iungenda. In commissione Georgii Lichtenstegeri, Oryctographia Norica, siue Rerum fossilium et ad minerale regnum pertinentium in territorio Norimbergensi eiusque vicinia obseruatarum succincta descriptio cum supplementis.
In commissione Wolffgangi Schwarzkopffii, Oryktographia [in Greek] Norica, siue rerum fossilium et ad minerale regnum pertinentium, in territorio Norimbergensi Impensis Wolfgangi Michahellis, B34 vault Bailey, Vernon Howe Empire State, a pictorial record of its construction;' drawings by Vernon Howe Bailey.
William Adlard, Printer to the Society, Printed by William Adlard, G7B quarto vault Bailey, William fl. G7B quarto copy 2 vault Bailey, William fl. One hundred and six copper plates of mechanical machines, and implements of husbandry. Printed for Benjamin White, G7B27 folio vault Baillet, Adrien La vie de Monsieur Des-Cartes. Chez Daniel Horthemels, D4B15 copy 1 vault Baillet, Adrien D4B15 copy 2 vault. Bailly, Jean Sylvain B2 vault Bailly, Jean Sylvain Chez De Bure, B15 vault Bailly, Jean Sylvain Lettres sur l'origine des sciences, et sur celle des peuples de l'Asie.
Chez les Freres Debure; London: B23 vault Bailly, Jean Sylvain B2 vault Baily, Francis Astronomical collections, containing a catalogue of zodiacal stars. B2 vault Baily, Francis Memoir relative to the annular eclipse of the sun, which will happen on September 7. An account of the Revd. Royal astronomical society of London. An astronomicall description of the late comet. B34 vault Baker, Henry An attempt towards a natural history of the polype: H9B34 vault Baker, Henry The microscope made easy.
Essai sur la theorie des satellites de Jupiter. The microscope made easy: The nature, uses and magnifying powers of the best kinds of microscopes An account of what surprizing discoveries have been already made by the microscope. B2 vault Baker, Robert Horace B vault Bakewell, Frederick C.
Geology for schools and students: Publishsed at the Office of the "Nationl Illustrated Library," B34 vault Bakewell, Robert An introduction to geology. B2 vault Bakewell, Robert An introduction to geology: B16 vault Bakewell, Robert Longman [and 5 others], B2 vault Baldi, Bernardino B34 vault Baldi, Bernardino De verborum Vitruvianorum significatione: Siue perpetuus in M. In mechanica Aristoteles problemata exercitationes. B34 vault Baldwin, R. Printed for the Author, A treaise on comparative embryology. B22 vault Baliani, Giovanni Battista De motu naturali grauium solidorum et liquidorum.
B25 vault Ball Gemology Collection Index. Sangerfield [ Northern District of New York]: An atlas of astronomy. B2 vault Ball, Robert Stawell B34 vault Ball, Robert Stawell B25 vault Ball, Robert Stawell The Story of the heavens. London; Paris; New York; Melbourne: Recent acquisitions Cage Ball, Robert Stawell Ball, Robert Stawell The story of the heavens. Cassell and company, limited, B vault Ball, Robert Stawell London; New York; Toronto; Melbourne: With eleven full-page plates and numerous illustrations. London, Paris, New York and Melbourne: B25 vault Bammacaro, Nicola Tentamen de vi electrica Experimental researches concerning the philosophy of permanent colours.
B2 vault Banks, Joseph Illustrations of Australian plants collected in during Captain Cook's voyage round the world in H. Printed by order of the Trustees of the British Museum, B3 folio flat vault Banks, Joseph Banta, Nathaniel Moore ed. Nature neighbors, embracing birds, plants, animals, minerals, in natural colors by color photography, containing articles by Gerald Alan Abbott, Dr. Albert Schneider, William Kerr Higley American Audubon association, B36 vault Barba, Alvaro Alonso b. Arte de los metales. En la Imprenta de Bernardo Peralta.
A costa de Francisco Assensio, B3 vault Barba, Alvaro Alonso b. La Oficina de la Viuda de M. Auf Gottfried Schultzens Kosten [? A collection of scarce and valuable treatises upon metals, mines and minerals. Barba by Ross E. Trattato della origine delle sorgenti, e de' fiumi. G7B3 vault Barclay, Vera Charlesworth b. Darwin is not for children.
Historians of science and sation, a meritocratic professoriate, the ob- higher education should read it simply for jective evaluation of student abilities etc. B37 vault Barral, Pierre B vault Besler, Basilius Ioannes Heruagius excudi fecit, Ball 5 vault Bacci, Andrea d.
B33 , Cage Baretti, Martino M68 B3 vault Barin, Theodore Le monde naissant, ou la creation du monde. Pour la Compagnie des Libraires, B vault Barlow, Edward Meteorological essays, concerning the origin of springs, generation of rain, and production of wind. Printed for John Hooke, and Thomas Caldecott, B37 vault Barlow, Peter A Treatise on the strength of timber, cast iron, malleable iron, and other materials; with rules for application in architecture, construction of suspension bridges, railways, etc.
John Weale, Architectural Library, B vault Barnard, Edward Emerson A photographic atlas of selected regions of the Milky Way. Carnegie Institution of Washington, B3 quarto vault Barnes, Joseph Remarks on Mr. John Fitch's reply to Mr. James Rumsey's pamphlet, by Joseph Barnes, Im Schwickertschen verlage, Tinterlin et Ce, B37 quarto vault Baronio, Giuseppe Saggio di naturali osservazioni sulla elettricita voltiana. Presso Pirotta e Maspero, B37 vault Barral, Pierre De l'Imprimerie d'Etienne Batini, B3B2 vault Barrelier, Jacques Plantae per Galliam, Hispaniam et Italiam observatae, iconibus aeneis exhibitae.
Apud Stephanum Ganeau, D'Houry pere et L.
B27 vault Barrington, Daines The possibility of approaching the North pole asserted. B26 vault Barrow, Isaac B3 vault Barrow, Isaac B28 vault Barrow, Isaac The usefulness of mathematical learning explained and demonstrated. Barrow, John Sir Voyages of discovery and research within the Arctic regions, from the year to the present time: Abridged and arranged from the official narratives, with occasional remarks, by Sir John Barrow.
Im Verlage von J. B33 vault Bartholin, Caspar De ouariis mulierum et generationis historia epistola anatomica, antea Romae edita. Excudebat Georgius Hantzschius, B35 vault Bartholin, Caspar Specimen philosophiae naturalis, praecipua physices capita exponens. B36 vault Bartholin, Thomas De lacteis thoracicis; Historia Anatomia. De luce animalium libri III. B37 vault Bartholin, Thomas De unicornu obseruationes nouae. B37 vault Bartholinus, Erasmus. Renoti des Cartes Principia B quarto vault Bartoli, Cosimo Del modo di misurare le distantie, le superficie, i corpi, le piante, le prouincie, le prospettiue.
Per Francesco Franceschi Sanese, Bartoli, Cosimo - B37 vault Bartoli, Daniello Del ghiacio e della coagulatione. Per il Varese, B25 vault Bartoli, Daniello Del suono de' tremori armonici e dell' udito. B35 vault Bartoli, Daniello Della vita del P. Z82B27 vault Bartoli, Daniello La ricreatione del savio in discorso con la natura e con Dio. Nella Stamperia d'Ignatio de' Lazzeri, B22 vault Bartoli, Daniello La tensione, e la pressione disputanti. B vault Bartoli, Daniello La tensione, e la pressione disputanti qual di loro sostenga l'argenti vivo ne'cannelli, dopo fattone il vuoto.
A spese di Nicolo Angelo Tinassi, B vault Bartolo, of Sassoferrato Tractatus de fluminibus tripertitus. Apud Ioannem Roscium, B37 vault Barton, William fl. Memoirs of the life of David Rittenhouse, LL. Published by Edward Parker R4B3 vault Barton, William P. William Paul Crillon B3 vault Barton, William P. A flora of North America. B35 quarto vault. Vegetable materia medica of the United States ; or medical botany. B35 quarto vault Bartram, William Botanical and zoological drawings, American Philosophical Society, B3 folio vault Bartram, William Printed by James and Johnson, ; London: S6B28 vault Bartsch, Jacob Planisphaerium stellatum seu Vice-globus coelestis in plano delineatus Cui adjectae sunt Ephemerides.
Chez Pierre Moet, B vault Basilius Valentinus Currus triumphalis antimonii. Apud Petrum Bosc, B37 vault Basilius Valentinus Cymische Schriften Sumptibus Andreae Frisii, The Naturalist on the River Amazons: A record of adventures, habits of animals, sketches of Brazilian and Indian life, and aspects of nature under the Equator, during eleven years of travel. B3 vault Bates, Henry Walter Christion Ernst Gabler, B2 vault Battani, Muhammad ibn Jabir d.
De scientia stellarum liber cum aliquot additionibus Ioannis Regiomontani ex Bibliotheca vaticana transcriptus. Typis haeredis Victorij Benatij, B26 vault Battle of Waterloo [Map]. B25 folio vault. Balduinus De calceo antiquo, et Jul. Nigronus De caliga veterum The australian flower paintings of Ferdinand Bauer Bibliotheca librorum rariorum vniuersalis.