How to Get Your Ex-Girlfriend Back, How to Get Your Wife Back

You want them to go out with you as a friend. And then you can build up attraction while you are with them. Because they were already attractive to you at one point in time. And you are not a stranger to them. You are someone familiar who looks very attractive. You have to treat them like an acquaintance you want to get close with. They were together for almost 4 years before he decided to call it off. She just said okay and gave him some space. He would reply to her messages. Slowly she started talking about the good memories together. She started talking about how she missed him.

He said he misses her too and still loves her. But whenever she asked him to meet up, he would make an excuse. Mindy kept on speaking to him via text. It seemed to go well until she asked him to meet. Every time he said no, Mindy felt rejected and lost hope. He wanted to explore his options. He was even going on dates while he was refusing to meet up with her as Mindy found out later. He thought that meeting up with her will make it difficult for him to keep his freedom. He thought that he might be cornered into getting back together.

And on the other hand, he kept on speaking with Mindy because he wanted to keep her as an option. Mindy eventually started no contact and decided to heal. Before contacting him again, we made sure that she has the right mindset about this. That she wants him back but does not need him. That if they get back together, it will be a new relationship and they will have to take things slow from the beginning.

That he needed to be a different person as well if they wanted to make it work. When she contacted him, her ex was very excited. This time, he asked to meet up. When they did finally meet up, Mindy was a little bit disappointed in him. He was still the same person. She felt that he was manipulative and controlling. He wanted to keep her as a backup while fooling around with other girls.

She found out from her friends that he was dating a couple other girls as well. Mindy decided to cut him off and move on. She had enough confidence in herself to not be used by a man like this. She found someone who respected her after a few months. When you meet your ex, your ex will be a little bit skeptical. And when they meet you, their bullshit radar will be turned on the highest settings.

They will judge everything you say or do. They might even say things just to text your reaction. When you meet your ex, you should truly be prepared to lose them. If you still have neediness and desperation inside you, your ex will sniff it from a mile away. When you have finished no contact, come back to this page and take this test. Imagine you are sitting with them in a coffee shop. Your ex looks happy and you are having a conversation. Suddenly, they tell you this,. We have amazing sex, and an amazing connection.

But the level of disappointment you feel when you think this matters. Do you suddenly feel a knot in your stomach? Does it feel like your entire world came crumbling down? If the thought of your ex with someone else makes you feel extremely bad, then you are not ready to meet them yet. They will try to see if what you truly have changed or everything you have been saying and doing just a charade to get them back.

I call these the post breakup charade tests. For example, suppose you had an issue with jealousy and being controlling. They might casually bring up the fact that they went on a date just to see how you react. If you become angry or desperate, it will make them think that you have not changed at all and they will probably start ignoring you again after the breakup. Note that being calm is not the same as being a doormat. If something is important to you, stand up for it.

But do so without getting angry or needy. It will help immensely if your communication skills are on point before you meet your ex. I talk about them in this article on what to do after no contact. Mindy did no contact for only 2 weeks before she gave in and texted her ex. Her ex-boyfriend was very receptive, and they started talking regularly.

After about 2 more weeks, they decided to meet. She built up her hopes and started getting ready for the meetup. She got her hair done, got a makeup artist to do her makeup and put on her best dress for the meetup. When they met, they hit it off almost instantly. She felt the sparks flying as they were laughing and talking just like they used to before the breakup. I just want to make it clear that we are no longer a couple. The truth was, she had her hopes up. So much that when he said that, her face came on the verge of crying. And even though she managed to keep her tears from falling, her ex knew what was going on inside her.

He knew her for 4 years. He has seen that expression plenty of times before. Even though she acted like she is confident and happy, her ex knew that she still wanted him back and he can have her anytime he wants. Had she reacted in the right way, her entire post breakup relationship dynamics would have changed and she could have gotten her ex to start chasing her.

BTW, if you want to know exactly how Mindy should have replied, keep an eye out on this space. I will soon release a bonus report which will list some of the common Post Breakup Charade Tests and what you should to pass them with flying colors. So for your first date, just focus on having a good time with them.

If the topic of getting back together comes up, just listen to what they have to say. If they ask your opinion, just say that you still have feelings for them but you are not sure if getting back is the right decision. That you both should take things slow. Be skeptical about getting back together. This is why you must have an equal relationship with them.

You want them to contact you as much as you contact them. You want them to try to meet up as much as you are trying to meet up. This goes in line with being skeptical as I mentioned previously. You want to see how things are going with your ex. You have tried your best and showed them the best version of you. One of the concerns most people have at this stage is if their ex will put them in the friendzone. To avoid that, you just need to setup a few boundaries and have an equal relationship with them. But if you still feel they are trying to put you in the friend-zone, follow the three principles.

If you are serious about getting your ex back, then I want you to take advantage of my experience by subscribing to my EBP Basics E-course. I share much more insights in my free e-course that is designed to help you get through the no contact period and teaches you how to effectively get your ex back when you are ready. But before you can subscribe, you need to take a quiz to qualify.

This quiz is designed to help you find out your chances of getting your ex back and for me to find out if you can qualify for the EBP Basics e-course. Just wanted you to know that of all the websites out there, you are the only one that sends useful emails with actual advice. Your emails helped me through one of the hardest time in my life.

I learned more from your website and the EBP Basics e-course than anywhere else! The names and certain details in the case studies have been modified to protect their privacy. This page originally had over 9k comments. Click here to read the old comments. Scroll down to read the comments. Before commenting, read commenting guidelines. Hey, my gf just broke up with me 5 days ago, we have been together for 5 years, she said that i left her alone and didn't care for her as much I used to do, 2 days after the breakup i asked her to meet up so i could tell her how I feel about it, I tried to win her back by apologizing and taking the blame, but she didn't want to come back, at least not so soon.

I just started no contact again and going to improve me and my mistakes on this time. Since it is a couple of weeks from now, you should be closer to the end of no contact by then and I think it would be okay if you decided to text her on her birthday to wish her and if her response is positive, you could end no contact and start on rebuilding attraction.

Me and my bf recently broke up because i confessed to cheating on him. We dated for 10 months and made it official 6 weeks ago. I eventually want him back but I feel like he hates me. This happened yesterday and now i know i should give him space but i hate myself for breaking his heart. Do you have any advice on how to cope with this and get through it? I felt like he was the love of my life and i just messed up. You can use this article for more guidelines on what to do if he broke up with you over a cheating incident.

However, I showed myself needy and told her that I would like to have a serious relationship with her. As a result, she told me that she would no longer go out with me. So, should I bot contact her and apply the steps of this article? Do you believe I have a chance to get her back?

Perhaps since you've only dated her for a month, it would be better to let her know that you apologize for acting this way and go into no contact for about 2 weeks before you try reaching out to restart over as friends first. Thanks for your article it helps me a lot thinking. Me and my bf are friends before we get into serious relationship. He is the one who ask for brek up.

I just accepting his decision even if it makes me killing. I started your no contact 2days now. But we have a group chat in facebook together with our friends so How can i apply the no contact. My friends didn't know that we are in a relationship. And we both decided not to tell them about it. He act that everything is okay. He send messages, i read it.

I don't want also to leave at the group. You don't have to leave the group for now but perhaps if it is affecting you to read his messages, you should mute the chat for now or ignore it until you feel more emotionally stable. Hi, my ex broke up with me 20 days ago. During these 20 days I tried to contact him so desperately that even his family came to know about this and asked him to resolve whatever it was.

Now, he says that this relationship is beyond repair and he doesn't want to keep anything with me, though he still takes my calls and responds to my texts. Do you think that I can still get him back? It would depend on how serious the relationship was and his feelings towards you. I suggest that you go into no contact now and give him some space first before you try winning him back. So i left my wife about a year and half ago she suffered alot she wanted to be with me but i said no and now i feel iam ready to be back with her but she said no she had recently given me a chance to show her i ve changed but blew it and now that iam ready andshe doesnt believe me and says she no longer loves me i told her i wouldnt give up and i have to keep seeing her due to having a son.

Use those interaction opportunities as a chance to slowly regain her trust and show her that you've changed with your actions, and not simply words because she does not trust you enough at this point. We were dating for more than 2 years.. What shall I do? If she is serious about not wanting to go against her family, it might be a better idea to respect her decision and let go since you could end up bringing more problems and misery to her by making her choose between you or her family.

I am in love with her and ready to marry her, something I was not before. I sent her a text on Sunday, the elephant in the room text I thought I was blocked but I sent it anyway it says delivered. I think she read it, no response tho. If you happen to see her, you could be friendly and polite and it would be good to not lose yourself to any emotions felt and bring the relationship up. Otherwise, continue with no contact for now and give her more space to let go of any negative emotions she feels towards you. Hi, I am about to try the no contact but I have a feeling my ex will try and contact me.

He uses snapchat to message me and I just wanted to know if I should leave his messages unopened or open but ignore? It would be better to leave it alone and not open them so that he does not think that you're playing some petty game or purposely ignoring him. In the end she kind of got depressed and got attracted to a guy in the US that she met online we are from spain.

Now she's talking to him everyday by cam, up to 5 hours a day. We could not have no contact because we lived together and had to get some of our stuff back and fix some other problems. She saw me 3 days ago, I was in tremendous shape, nice clothes and good mood, she cried a lot. Saw her yesterdays evening, same thing, she was frustrated, depressed and ended up crying in my arms.

Stage 1: The Valley of Grief aka Don’t Push Her Away

What do I do now? Work on building attraction again with her since it's clear that she is affected by you still, but perhaps drifted apart or lost connection with you during the relationship which happens often for couples who have been together for a long time. After the breakup we got closer sometimes and she started to doubt her choice as she saw me improving in many areas of my life. I slept at her place and she slept at mine a couple of times.. After that, she told me that she misses me a lot and that she feel awesome when we are together but she is sure about the choice she made breaking up with me and that we both suffered enough.

She tells me how beautiful,smart etc i am every time we are alone,we have amazing sex, interesting discussions and loads of cuddles. I feel like there are some chances we will be back together and i dont want to screw it up even if i learned to live without her and my life is doing great, by analyzing our relationship and myself, I'm pretty sure we will be happy everyday together this time.

I am not the misanthropic depressed full of Ego bastard i have been before.. What should i do? Try to meet her more or should i go cold aswell so she will understand that she will loose me for good? I think i am doing good, never begged, never spoke about getting back together etc. So Im a lesbian. My ex, broke up with me and started a new relationship about 2 weeks after our breakup.

Its been 3 months since then and we talk almost daily. I know I've made so many mistakes intros 3 months to win her back, including letting her to cheat on her new gf with me. She says she wants to stay friends and don't want to end her new relationship. So what should I do? Her new relationship may be a rebound but she does not want to take the risk of ending it yet especially if doesn't have many issues and taking that leap to get back together if she is unsure of whether it would work since the first time did not end well.

Give her some time to let her come to a decision and continue to build the comfort and attraction levels with her in the meantime. My gf dumped me about a month ago and the problem is that we still live together. We support each other financially and we can't move out. What would you recommend me to do to get get back? Set boundaries around the house for the time being so that no contact can still be applied to a certain extent, which would at least give both parties some space to deal with their emotions.

She is not even online anymore on whatsapp but is online on other social media, and I have more the impression that she is indefferent and its hard to believe that its an act nor that she thinks about me Then you'll most likely have to work on building the attraction again since she does not feel the same way towards you right now. You can follow this article for more guidelines on rebuilding the connection with her.

My wife and I were married for 6 years, but the last two I was asleep at the wheel. Not participating enough in the family and not paying her enough attention. I was miserable from my job and I brought that frustration home. She had been getting attention from another guy towards the end as well. She even admits that when things were good, they were amazing. What do I do? If you're living in the same house as her, it would be a little tougher but as long as boundaries are set, no contact is still possible. Avoid having personal conversations, perhaps set temporary boundaries around the house where both parties treat as their own personal space.

It would even be better to avoid each other for the time being - sleeping in different rooms, coming back home at different times, going out more often, etc. We broke up ove rne being very jealous of his past relationship. His mom and his ex girlfriend are really good friends. This made it hard for me to make a relationship with her. Tell your sister to stop sharing, go into no contact and follow the guidelines in our article to spend time working on yourself. Give each other some space for now before you reach out again later on.

My girlfriend and I have been dating for 14 months. After I left for college she started to like someone else and left me for him. She still says she loves and cares about me but do I really have a chance to get her back? If the relationship you shared with her was a meaningful one, there's a good chance that she simply lost attraction or connection with you and this guy is a rebound.

In those circumstances, by following our guidelines, there's a good chance of winning her back if you're able to successfully connect back with her again. Hi Ryan or Ryan's team. I really appreciate that you actually respond to questions people have on here, it shows you care and that you're on top of it! I've recently gone through a breakup and started to implement NC, but my ex's phone is malfunctioning and telling him that I called when I haven't it shows missed calls from earlier in the week, but shows up as missed calls from yesterday or today. Because of this, my ex thinks I've been calling him and he's reached out to explain that there's something going on with his phone but he isn't trying to ignore me.

I know you're 1 not supposed to break NC or 2 tell them you're going NC, but his malfunctioning phone is messing with the NC and making it seem like I'm calling him. Or should I leave all of it be and only say something if he tells me he's gotten more missed calls a second time? NC isn't ultimately set in stone and merely serves as a guideline to giving both parties space. It's fine to reply to him if you wish to clarify and avoid any animosity later on when you reach out, as long as you don't prolong this conversation or start discussing personal matters or the relationship.

My ex left me after 2 weeks of silence. That it had nothing to do with me and that he just needed some space. After 2 weeks of that he says he needs to move on from me, and all these other excuses that just didnt make any sense. I feel like his stress has overcome him and he just pushed me away. I am at day 5 of no contact and I just miss my best friend so much.

Was it really his personal struggles that he had or was it just an excuse to leave me? It could have very well been either reasons, and only he would know which it is. You could reply politely but find an excuse to leave after that, especially if you aren't ready to face him yet. You could meet her to talk but if you want to win her back, avoid getting emotional or act needy during the interaction.

Your goal is to show her from this meetup about the changes you've made, how you're more confident and positive nowadays, and basically to establish a friendship again with her first before eventually working towards something more. HIi I hurt my gf deeply but we still talk. I am in long distance relationship. She didn't break up with me but she says she is bored and tired of texting me and that she needs some freedom and space from me.

But still she texts me every few days to tell me about how broken she is. According to your suggestion i should not reply her during no contact phase. But wont she think that i do not care about her? Wont she get more mad and leave me permanently? You could tell her politely that you'll need some space to process the breakup, because you can't heal properly by picking yourself up from the breakup but still having to remain in contact with her.

The 13 Best Tips To Help Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back

I wanted to take a moment and give you a big thank you for writing this article and sending me emails. I really look forward to them. I tell my friends I have a life coach! So my situation is a little unique. I met this guy in a dating app Jan we dated for 8 months and initiated a serious relationship. I broke up with him several times because of his ex girlfriend being such a shadow in our relationship. His mom and his ex are triple besties. Making it even hard for me to like his mom. I feel guilt in my heart for being verbally abusive and acting immature.

Is there a chance we could work out? I see him hiding his phone and taking hours to text me back I even see him following other girls on social media. Is this relationship worth saving?

How To Get Your Ex Back Permanently – 5 Step Plan

The definition of worth saving is entirely up to you and how you view him along with the relationship. As the breakup was still relatively recent, it's normal that he may not feel comfortable being in contact with you hence his delayed replies but as for hiding his phone, it usually would indicate that he might be talking to other people but is afraid of you finding out. My girlfriend dumped me because she said she had lost her feelings for me. She is a very outgoing person and likes to have fun like other single people. So in my case, will she think about me during the no contact period?

Do i still have a chance even though she felt that texting me was more like a responsibility rather than willingly She may initially feel liberated and enjoy having the freedom of being single, but usually there comes a point when the gap where you used to be may get to her and she begins to reminisce about the relationship or you. Hello, Im a guy 35 hes After one year he has asked for "space". Im still in love with him and this was bound to happen with our age gap and distance.

Yet despite that, we had been meeting with me obviously pleading embarrassingly with him to change his mind. Now that he is in a relationship, are there any positive chances to get him back.

Great read this article has been though and having gone through it eight days before i have never contacted him again and im eager to make it to at least 30 days, but what are the chances and is it ethical. Your chances are definitely going to be there as long as the relationship was a meaningful one. However given his age in particular, there could be a chance that he's also exploring at this stage of life and being with someone older was simply an experience he wanted to try but still felt more comfortable at the end of the day being with someone closer to his age.

Continue with no contact and after you're done, you could reach out to him to see where he stands on being friends again. You'll have to do things a step at a time starting as friends, before you're able to rebuild attraction further, so the best advice I can give you is to remain patient and avoid building up unnecessary expectations. Me and my BF have been dating a for a year in a long distance relationship about 3 hours driving distance.

He does not like when guys hit on me via social and they leave comments under photos. I have told them to stop posting heart eyes and and even deleted them as friends. My ex broke up with me after one person has left 3 different comments over the last few months. I have no control over what others do and I don't know what else to do to get him to see that. I have made the mistake of contacting him day after day asking that we try to amend things, but he keeps repeating he is done and wishes me well.

But finally today I came across this site and decided to give him the space hes asked for so that he may come back to me and so he has time to think things through without me being "Needy or desperate". It has only been 5 days and he is still replying to some text but refuses to speak to me over the phone. I am going crazy, especially since we were coming up on our "Official" 1 year anniversary in 2 weeks.

I will do my best for the 30 day no contact. I want to be with him, get married, start a family and live a great life together. Hopefully this advice works. Hey i just have a question about no contact. My ex and I are in a group chat with all of our friends, on snapchat. If i leave that group chat, I lose access to last minute plans and activities that my friends are doing. Unfortunately, he is also in that group chat. I haven't directly answered any of his snaps, yet he still sees everything I send and I see everything he sends.

I'm not willing to let go of access to my friends, since they are the only thing keeping my mind off of him. I have been initiating no contact for around 9 days now, so basically, will it affect the effectiveness of no contact if I still see pictures of his face and what he's doing everyday and vice versa?

Should I leave just for the no contact period? You could stay in the chat group if its important to you, but perhaps avoid opening his snaps where possible to not get emotionally caught up and you can still continue sending stuff to your friends because it doesn't matter if he sees it or not. Thank you for answering me. I just got the logic vs emotion email and I just need to check if I have any chances getting my man back.

My cousin texted him the other day without me knowing, to get his side of what happened. He ended up responding with "breaking up with her wasn't an easy decision at all but too many tings in the relationship needed to change and they weren't being fixed. It wasn't easy but I really think it's the best decision for us moving forward" To me that sounds like logic, not emotion. Honestly, is there any chance for me to get him back? W were together 3 years and 1 week. I think it was a pretty meaningful relationship.

My boyfriend and I recently broke up about 5 days who. It was pretty mutual. I just wanted to work things out, but he supposed a breakup was better for us. We asked how each other were and as I walked away he opened his arms to hug me. I would just like some advice as to rekindle our romantic relationship and be with him, for good. It's normal to be feeling this way so soon after the breakup, and you should allow for some time to pass to before you start trying to rekindle the romance in the relationship again.

Use this time to figure out where it went wrong and to see if they are aspects which can be rebuilt or not. So, great article by the way. However me and my ex have been separated for almost a month now, and it is funny because most of the things you talk about I am doing. She once called me at in the morning and said it was an accident, but I know it wasn't however I am not ready to explore her again because I don't feel ready. But let me explain, I met her on a dating site, I wasn't expecting to fall in love because I had just gotten out of a toxic relationship and was just trying to meet and greet and work on my self confidence, through dating.

The first person I met was her and everything was perfect. That was until my ex narcissist girlfriend got involved. The new girl backed off after a while, and I will admit after my ex got evolved things changed a little bit because I wasn't sure what she would do. I was kinda always looking over my shoulder as well as old WAR wounds came back. The thing is me and the new girl loved each other a lot and was on the same page, even talked about moving in together after only being together for a month.

It seemed so effortless. We both have kids and our kids all loved being together and around us. I'm sure she is dating which I am fine with, and I keep getting hit up by women to date which I will soon explore. We are both very attractive people inside and out so it's hard to keep the men and women away. If everything had really fit perfectly and you guys were good together, then it's definitely worth it to try and win her back.

You just have to be certain that your feelings for her and your thoughts on this relationship is genuinely because of her as your partner, and not simply a rebound. I've been applying the no-contact rule for a month now. I'm feeling better, I have no idea how she is feeling. My initial plan was to do a long no contact, like 3 months, because she was extremely adamant about the breakup and is a very determined girl in general It was a loss of connection and attraction dumping, btw.

And I think she wanted to experience a period of being single since she's been locked up in various relationships basically forever, which influenced me to think the longer period would be wise. I am thinking about contacting her either at the end of November or middle of December Breakup was Sept 1. Would that be too long? I want to let her anger about my mistakes cool down, but still strike while she has feelings for me, but also give her enough time that she doesn't feel like she had any chance of being single in her mind. It really would depend on her personality and how badly things got towards the end of the relationship, but generally I think that end of November should be fine.

I split from my ex after I found out he had cheated. He tried for a year to get me back, doing all the things you listed that just made him completely unattractive to me. Constant texts, begging me to take him back, all that sort of thing. I was adamant it was over. I really thought I was over him. It happens to many people, and usually for the reason that it's human nature to want what we can't have, resulting in the sudden burst of feelings in wanting him back upon realizing that he has actually walked away. I suggest that you remind yourself on why it didn't work out in the first place and stay logical about this matter, because this feeling you have for him is usually an illusion in most cases and doesn't last.

Hey, I love this article. My ex and I broke up a month ago, I broke up with him, but then I came back telling him I wanted him back. He said he needed space to value me again, then when I started being too Clingy he said he just wanted to be friends I felt hurt and I hated the way he was treating me.

If you guys have broken up, whether you wish him or not honestly would not make any difference to the situation because it's simply a formality. I would personally suggest not to break no contact and risk losing all your progress in these two weeks in the event you get emotionally caught up with speaking to him and begin to feel upset all over. This site is the best.

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Thanks to the team. I have gotten back my ex back and this time he showers me with more love, affection and attention but there's one concern though. He really fantasize about cuckolding. How do I let him stop bringing it to me? Over 4 years we have been together. I suggest you be firm on the boundaries of the relationship and let him know that it's something that would never happen. My girlfriend of 2 years dumped me in August 24th, basically because we had no communication. I didn't make the mistakes and give her space.

Two weeks ago she text me saying she misses my dog and ask to see him. She keeps texting me bringing some dramas as well, but I'm not reacting at all maybe because I don't care. The fact is, I still want her back, I just find It's hard to contact her because she is already contact me. I feel like she's testing me. What can I do? I'm in 40 days of no contact. It depends on whether you're ready to face her at this time or not. If you are, you could just reply to her texts as the improved person you are since breaking up and by not responding or reacting to her drama, you set the boundaries for this new relationship as well.

Yes, but try to remain professional about things and remember that its okay to talk to him if it's for work related matters. I never dated this guy but we had a fling for over a year now and we both established that we liked each other but agreed that we shouldn't date just yet. I suggest that working towards getting the fling back isn't the most healthy of options and you should just be honest with your feelings towards him. Keep in mind that you should be mentally prepared for the worst because flings often end with one person getting hurt especially when the other person may not have been entirely serious about you in the first place.

I basically did all the things deadly mistake you mentioned above before i found this website. Affection, angry, begging, name calling etc you named it, I already done that. I realized my mistakes now. Since you've already pushed her away with your initial actions, it's best to simply back off for now and give her some space by going into no contact. Use this link to understand the objectives related to no contact and how it can be used to win her back. If the relationship was a meaningful one, it's unlikely that she would have moved on so quickly after breaking up. If she really does, it might mean that she had either let go of the relationship a long time ago or that it simply wasn't serious enough for her to get emotionally caught up with the breakup.

Just complete my 30 days NC period just to find out my ex got engaged on the last day of my NC. What is your advice. My girlfriend of two years recently dumped me. I am admittedly hurt, and I was hurt for the first few days. I came across this article and a few others on here and felt a little better, although I still have some nervousness and doubts. She asked for space because we have been too attached, too distracted with one another, and we need to work on ourselves.

I whole-heartedly agree and I think that this break is the best thing for us for now. We do both still see a future together. However, I am a little worried. I do not know how this site feels about soul mates and twin flames, but I have felt from the beginning that she is mine. I know that the reason for our breakup is because of the need to work on ourselves.

I know that we have both been insecure, and that in my insecurity, I have been needy. I need to be my own best friend for a while and not rely on others so much, and I realize that. I just hope that maybe, just maybe, if I play the cards right and she does come back, I hope that things will work. You're right about everything you said here related to working on yourself and acknowledging the issues from the relationship. As for soul mates and twin flames, another more general term for these things would be how meaningful the relationship was in general. If it was a meaningful one, it wouldn't be so easy for one person to simply let go of the other person, despite how things may have scaled towards at the end of the relationship.

The relationship was a very meaningful one in which we helped one another to grow in certain ways. I will be ever thankful for that even if we never succeed together as a couple. I will be just as happy without her as I was with her, and I will be happy for her as long as she is truly happy with her life without me in it. I have no bad blood towards her at all, and cannot, with any of my being, ever bring myself to hate or want to hurt her.

I just hope, in all honesty, that no matter what happens, she will be alright. I know that I will. Thank you to you and the rest of the EBP team. Even if I don't get my EBP, I will still move on to be a happy person in life and I know what to do in the future as well as now to ensure happiness and positivity. I'm optimistic and hopeful of good things to come. So, something has happened in the past two days that I would like to be honest about and get some insight on as well.

First off, before I tell you what happened, I would like to point out that my recent ex-girlfriend and I are both college students. She is a freshman, and I am a junior, with a two-year age gap as well. I reside on-campus, and when she broke up with me, she did it in my dorm after cuddling me. When she broke up with me, she cried, and I knew that she was struggling to really go through with the decision. However, she still broke up with me in the end. I know why it happened and that it does have to do with the fact that we need to work on ourselves and we are both a bit insecure.

I know that I was clingy and pushed her away due to my insecurities. I also know that I have said that I will keep positive and try to work on myself, and I am still going to do that. However, I just want to be really honest with what exactly went down immediately following the breakup. We did try to agree to be friends, and I even gave her gas money in exchange for giving me a ride home for the weekend for me to stay with my parents and work. However, over that weekend, I took some time to think and realized that trying to be friends right after a breakup with someone I had a relatively good relationship with until the last month would not be a good idea.

That was when I came upon this article and started reading it as well. I realized that, while I do WANT us to be friends, it is probably not the best decision right now because my emotions are still very raw and I am very confused and I still have some strong feelings that I know that I would not be able to suppress or hide so easily around her. I also looked at the breakup from both sides.

She, on the one hand, was the one who asked for the breakup. She was the one who initially asked for space. I on the other hand, after I got over the initial hurt, realized that what I was doing wrong was still showing neediness in asking to be friends directly and trying to still hold on to what was. What was between us has already been, and if there is to be a future, it cannot continue.

I realized that although she initiated the breakup, I too need some space to work on myself and regain my securities and get in touch with those things that make me happy and confident and I need to learn how to be happy without her and realize that I am my own person and that her love does not define me. It feels great to have someone to love, certainly, but that cannot be the source of my happiness, nor can it be the only positive or "good" thing in my life.

But, I feel like I'm getting too carried away in those things that should be common sense. Back to my original point, something happened in the past two days that shocked me and left me feeling confused and going back to square one of No Contact and coping with the breakup. She texted me yesterday to ask how I was doing. As I was preoccupied by focusing on my happiness and playing pool with a friend, I was ignoring my phone. An hour of playing pool goes by, and I turn to see her standing near where we used to hang out.

I continue to play pool and talk to the friend I'm playing with, and I make some comments about movies I haven't seen, and I try to look confident despite what I'm feeling inside. I then pluck up the courage to actually talk to her. She says that she came by to say hello as it had been a while, and I point out that it had literally been only a weekend and a day from Thursday, so it had literally been days since we'd seen one another or talked.

I told her that I didn't expect to see her, and then broke it to her that I think we need more space from each other. She said that she didn't know that that was how I felt because she hadn't heard from me, but I told her that because she asked for a breakup, I was giving her what she asked for by not trying to text or call her about it, especially because the breakup was what she wanted.

I told her that part of me focusing on me was me realizing that this was going to hurt me and realizing that I do not need to be engaging in something that will cause me pain. She again said "Okay, I understand if that is what you want. After, she made a comment about me being with this friend of mine that seemed a little like jealousy, which caused me to snap and say something that wasn't true about how I had brushed this friend off for a while because of her discomfort towards him which was only partly true.

Anyway, I saw her today in a commons area as she sat in my direct line of vision and kept looking over at me.

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I went over to apologize and establish that I still wanted distance, but.. The notion that she was sitting in what seemed a deliberate spot to see me made me feel quite uncomfortable and a little scared. When I went up to her, she looked as if she had cried recently. She looked very unhappy. However, I know to be strong and not get lured back into this just because she is showing me that SHE is miserable.

If insecurity will cause someone to breakup with someone, it will also cause someone to rethink getting back together and honestly push them further away, right? If she is trying to get me to move on from her, unfortunately she's taking a route that will make it easy for me to do so.

3 Texts To Send Your Ex-Girlfriend (And Win Her Back!)

It is clear to me from her actions that she is very unsure of what she wants. One minute, she says that she wants a breakup and space, but it seems as though she has done a now that I have asked to go through with more time and space and told her that I need it as well. It's as if she wants me in her life, but is confused as to how and is now showing a disrespect of my wants in favor of her own, which is in turn confusing, hurting, and scaring me. After such a relatively good relationship, this period of direct After Relationship is starting to feel very scary and worrisome and almost toxic.

I apologize for this being so incredibly long, but I needed to get this out there, and I wanted to post it in the comments for others who may be going through, or have gone through, a similar situation to mine. Thank you again, EBP team. I really appreciate your site and what you are trying to do and the advice that is readily available.

That's great to hear. We wish you all the best with your endeavors and hope you succeed at being happy because that's the most important goal at the end of the day, whether you get your ex back or not. I did most of the deadly miskates you mentioned above i. What can I do to win her back after what I did? Since you've already started to push her away with your actions after the breakup, the best thing you can do right now is to give her some space and try to figure out on your own what caused her to end the relationship. If it was a negative aspect of you that made her lose feelings or give up on the relationship, use this time to work on yourself so that you'll be able to reach out as an improved person down the road to see if things can be rebuilt from there.

Her decision may be driven right now by emotions and these things change over time. After no contact, she may not immediately warm up to the idea of getting back together but at the very least, she may not be at the stage where she outright rejects your attempts at warming up to her.

Reader Interactions

Ok so my ex and I have gone from not talking to each other at all to her apologizing and us sort of talking every once in a while to us talking a bit daily to us talking hours every day and us being best friends. Things are progressing very well, but I'm wondering what I should do now if anything. Should I just let things flow naturally or is there anything I can do to avoid the permanent friendzone?

Let it flow naturally, but add in light flirting to the conversations for the meantime to ensure some spark is created between the two of you. Hi Ryan Me and my exboyfriend for almost 3 years, we even made plans for getting marry, how the ceremony was gonna be and even picked our Kids name in case I get pregnant in the future.

He told me that has been texting with another women that he met on internet for over 7 weeks and he said that nothing happened because she lives in another state but still that he had thought about cheating on me. Because of work I moved to another country till February of next year and we were working pretty good in the long distance relationship and planned that once I was done with that we were gonna move together.

I suggest telling him to find himself again and to consider if you think that you could make the situation work until at least when you come back. If not, it might be a better idea to walk away for the time being. Having expectations not being met would cause bigger disappointments and hurt than not having these expectations in the first place. I'm currently in the situation where I'm living with my ex so It's impossible to do the no contact rule.

I still love her and I want to get her back. Any tips on how can I follow these steps as I live with her? When can I make a move and how? Start by setting boundaries in terms of space different rooms, etc and limit contact where possible. It's best to move out for now of course, but at your earliest date of convenience to give both parties room to properly heal first before you consider reconciliation. Me and my ex bf broke up due to age issue. He was not aware that I am elder than him. The very day he came to know he broke up with me. He used to love me a lot and we decided to marry also.

After break up we were very much in touch with each other. I pleaded him, begged him for 6 months but it was of no use. Finally I have decided to go for NO contact rule. I feel he is involved with some other girl now. I still love him and want to get him back in my life. You'll have to consider if the fact that you were older than his is the primary issue here or if lying to him about your age was, because if it's the age thing and he's firm about it, you'll find it hard to convince him to reconcile since this issue is always going to be around.

We lived together a year but fought often over our differences. She pushed aggressively for marriage but I wanted to work through some of our problems first. She moved out but we remained in contact because I babysit her 4 year old. In September I made it known I still love her and wanted to try again. But because of the fights and because I was pretty mean to her towards the end she was not interested and moved on. I got therapy and fixed things with myself but made the mistake of coming off as desperate.

I sent a couple lengthy emails expressing how much I value her and how things would be different and a good amount of texts. I have since backed off. What do you think is the best course of action considering we broke up on such bad terms? What are your thoughts. The goal here wouldn't be outwardly asking for a second chance to make things work, but to give her some space for now before reaching out again to remain as friends and building upon new memories from there to replace to old ones, and to give her the chance to see your changes with the potential chance of falling for you again because of it.

We've been together for almost an year, I never met any other person like her.

Stage 2: The Inner Demons aka focus on yourself

She's been through some relationships and we both agreed, this was it. I was so sure about us. The more it hurt, still does. I have a lot of bad habits which ruined it: I lied to her, didn't tell a lot of things, that may have hurt her, made us fight. I subconsciously manipulated with her emotions which I always meant right, wanted shere my own feelings and I was scared of it and never said the right thing. So we agreed that in some time, we may talk again, but only if I won't be trying to get her back.

I can't believe that she is really happy alone, as she told me, only a month ago we were together and both felt like this is going to last forever. Do you think that I still have a chance, should I follow tips on this website and try to become a better person, someone who is good enough for her? The aim of becoming a better a person is first and foremost aimed towards yourself before anything, and you should develop a mindset where you're okay emotionally with whatever happens down the road.

As long as you've sincerely worked on yourself and made changes, it would most likely reflect in your actions and behavior when reaching out to her, which in turn is supposed to attract her towards this new 'you' naturally.

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Hello, my ex and i broke up in Dec but we were still acting like a couple for the past 9 months. There may be many unresolved feelings he hasn't dealt with since officially breaking up as he continued to distract himself, first with you and subsequently with the new girl. That new person has probably helped him detach himself from the lingering feelings of you since he has someone new to focus on, but if it's genuinely a rebound, it won't be long before he begins to think about you again, especially if since the breakup, you've been spending time focusing on self-improvement and making changes to your life.

My boyfriend and i were dating for more than a year and we are still young, we had always had fights and argue a lot and thats why he cheated on me, but we got back together because i decided to give him another chance. The breakup is still relatively fresh and recent, which is why he is adamant about never reconciling at this point. However, if you follow our guidelines and work towards self-improvement while giving both parties space to let go of the breakup, you may be able to re-ignite those feelings when you reach out again after no contact. Me and my girlfriend of 2 years broke up in September a week before our 2 year anniversary and my birthday.

I have tried doing no contact but have talked to her a few times and even gotten coffee with her just to chat. I have tried my best to continue on contact but she recently just texted me asking if I would start coming back to church. She said it would be nice to see me at church again. A little context we used to go to church together all the time and are part of a church community that we met at and started dating because of.

I really miss going to the church and miss the friends i made there. After getting into the relationship most guys lost their purpose and make their girlfriend only purpose of their life. You may be thinking what purpose is exactly. Purpose is NOT making morning breakfast, serving tea to your girlfriend, helping her in washing clothes etc. A true purpose men can have in his life is:. Men with no purpose look highly unattractive. You made a mistake by making your girlfriend as the only purpose of your life.

If you have make this mistake now it is time to set new goal for your life and try to achieve it. We are slowly getting into feminine role and women are getting into masculine role. Women never want to control the relationship. They still want her man to take decision and holding all cards. If you look at your current situation then it is your ex girlfriend that care least and holding all cards. It is you that who keeps on searching how to get your ex girl back. If you want to control your relationship then you have to care least. Accept it and work on techniques I will mention later to reverse it.

After relationship breakup you are not in best condition to contact your ex. Therefore, it is better to stop contacting your ex in all ways. Just cut off all ways to communicate her. Instead of wasting your time in finding about her you should invest your time in learning about how to get your ex back. I recommend you to go No contact with your ex girlfriend for at least 4 weeks.

It is fine if your ex girlfriend contacts you. By going no contact with your ex girlfriend you will achieve three things:. As you already know, neediness and insecurity are biggest attraction killers so it is better to avoid displaying these two unattractive qualities. Your girlfriend will start thinking why he is not contacting me. She may start giving second-guessing to her decision for not contacting you and once she gets these feelings you will get good chance to get her back.

Women are experts in picking up non-verbal communication. Most of this guide will show you how to remove these needy and desperate feelings from your body. Even if you are feeling horrible inside, you have to act like you are completely okay with your breakup. After a breakup, girls want help from their ex-boyfriend to recover from painful feelings of a breakup. You have to make sure not to become her supporting hero. You have to let her heal herself. When you are not around her, she has to feel the reality without you.

I know you desperately want to become closer to her by helping her in recovering from breakup feelings but remember if you do this you will ONLY helping her in healing process rather than healing yours. It is very likely that she will contact you in these No-Contact days, especially if you follow my plan exactly. It will be her natural instinct to contact you once again.

If this happens, this will be a superb sign for your relationship. However, this is not necessary. If your ex-girlfriend contacts you, things will become a lot easier for you. If she calls you or visits your workplace, then make sure to act happy and cheerful. Acting this way will demonstrate your higher value. If she calls you, then this is an excellent thing for you.

No Contact is a powerful technique. If you follow it correctly as I mentioned then chances are you will get a call from your ex-girlfriend. Many of my students utilize this method, and many of them received a call from their ex-girlfriends. No Contact forces your ex to realize your value. I again want to mention it is important to act happy, cheerful and calm when talking with your ex-girlfriend.

Let the conversation unfold and allow her to lead the conversation. If she is bringing the relationship into the conversation, then it is fine to enter in the line of discussion but make sure you are not the one who is bringing it up. I recommend you to follow NO Contact for at least four weeks because after four weeks your ex girlfriend is most vulnerable and lonely. It would take a lot of efforts from your side for not to contact her but if you stick to the plan, she will be one who will contact you. After following No Contact for four weeks, it is time to communicate with her.

She will be lonely and have all good memories of her past relationship. She will be thinking about good times you both have spent together in the past. The balance of power will be on your side, and she will be insecure while you are not. Once four weeks of No Contact is complete you can now contact her at this point. However, make sure you have waited for minimum four weeks. Sometimes you have to wait longer than this depending on how needy and desperate you behave during your breakup. If you contact her, talk with her like an old friend. Act like you are completely fine and finally realize breakup was the best thing happened to you.

I recommend you to tell her that breakup was the best thing, but you realize it would be such a shame to throw away such a great friendship like this. It is important to keep a good vibe of old friends in your conversation. Regardless of whether she contacts you or you contact her, you have to sneak in and present her your new, confidence and changed version. You will have to use your position as a friend to build attraction. In these cases, your behavior determines your success in getting your ex-girlfriend back. In such situations, you have to keep your contact with your ex-girlfriend at very minimum.

If you are living together, make sure you spend a lot of time with your friends. Your ex-girlfriend will also bring a new guy at home, and it will hurt you only. You have to make sure your ex-girlfriend initiate contact with you. Always be cheerful and happy and act like you are completely okay with the breakup. Let her lead the conversation and put in most of the work when talking with her. It is common for human behavior. If you break the actions of individuals then you will find either they are pulling or pushing someone.

When any girl rejects us, we naturally want her back and fill the gap. This is common especially in romantic relationship. After breakup you want your ex girlfriend in your life but instead of pushing her away, you are actually pulling her. By pulling your ex girlfriend you are actually putting more pressure on her. She will start thinking she can get you anytime but she will never want you. One of the greatest ways to push her to bring it in your life is going no contact with her.

In these 4 weeks of no contact, you are pushing her that will work in your favor. However, you have to understand just like pulling too much can take far away similarly pushing too much can also take her away. Since you want to win back your ex that is reason you have to keep balance between interest and disinterest. If you are want to win a girl back then all you have to do is to accept your breakup and let your girlfriend go. This is very crucial step for how to get your ex girl back and it may be difficult for you.

But you have to let your ex girlfriend go to pull her back again in your life. It may seems very difficult for you but with the help of my 5-step action plan it can somehow reduce your pain. Keep in mind you have to push your ex girlfriend to bring her closer to you. It also helps you to avoid validation seeking behavior. Just follow my 5-step plan. Take a piece of paper NOW Yes now and write contact information of your ex girlfriend. Now delete her from all messaging service such as WhatsApp, Viber etc.

You can also temporary shutdown notification from her in your Facebook profile. Collect all physical objects like Teddy Bear, Gift set, necklace, bangles etc and put them into a box. Try to remove all memories of your ex girlfriend from your mind. You can do this by fantasizing yourself in bed with someone other beautiful girl. If you still getting memories of your ex girlfriend then think about something that give you more pleasure like having million dollars, driving Ferrari etc. Think about all negative things that your ex girlfriend did with you. After breakup your mind is in selective mode where you only getting positive memories you spend with your ex girlfriend.

It will take few weeks but you have to switch off this selective mode and think all bad memories.

Step #2 – Start With No Contact:

If you want to get your ex girlfriend back, you need to take this as a mission. This guide is for you if you want your ex girlfriend back, your ex wife back or your . This article is for anyone looking to get an ex back. May it be your ex girlfriend, ex boyfriend, ex wife, ex husband or an ex fiancé. May it be a straight relationship.

You have big opportunity to get back into your life once again by updating yourself. By getting in your life again you are actually showing to your ex girlfriend that you are actually healing yourself. By healing and moving on, you are creating many attraction traits in your personality that will attract your ex girlfriend back once again.

Many things you can do to bring your self-confidence back and dating other women is one of them. Many men will not agree but I personally think dating other women is great self-confidence booster. You have the quality to attract women as you attract your ex girlfriend first time. Instead of searching about how to win her back, just give a try and you will surely feel good. You can find lot of single girls in coffee shops, restaurants from which you can ask for date.

Although dating other women can help you in great way but it is not necessary step. There are many other ways such as hanging out with your friends, working out in GYM, discovering new places in your city etc that can help you in moving on. Take lot of digital pictures and put them as your profile picture in instant messaging services like Skype, Whatsapp, Viber etc. Before the big meet up I recommend you to first look good.

It is always necessary to look fresh because your girlfriend will have to impress with your look after such a long time. I am not saying you have to completely change yourself for a woman.