Storm of Arranon


A sudden betrayal reveals an alien species has infiltrated the government at its highest levels. They want to harvest the planets of Korin and Arranon for their resources, which means total annihilation. With betrayal everywhere Erynn and her friends are not sure who to trust anymore. Forced to flee Korin and seek safety on Arranon, Erynn learns about the mystery of her The story takes place in the future. Forced to flee Korin and seek safety on Arranon, Erynn learns about the mystery of her origins and her ability of Prophesy.

She begins to understand her connection to the planet. A secret forced upon her since childhood may hold the key to saving both planet if only she can unlock it in time. It is fantasy and science fiction all rolled up in one. I really enjoyed reading Storm of Arranon. All of the characters are well-developed and understandable and the world building is almost visual without being too complicated and overshadowing the plot. I kept trying to envision what a Capora looked like — maybe a cross between a yak and a horse? And the Maejen, maybe a giant species of timber wolf?

Sheahan does a superb job of world building. She shows you the planets, their inhabitants and their cities, revealing an earnest desire for you to easily understand and enter these worlds.

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Editorial Reviews. Review. From The BookLife. Title: Storm of Arranon Author: Robynn Sheahan Genre: Fiction/Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror Audience: Young Adult. Editorial Reviews. About the Author. Before I wrote, I read. Voraciously. When I wasn't able to Storm of Arranon Allies and Enemies by [Sheahan, R E].

If you have seen Avatar and remember how the flora and fauna all glowed with iridescent,brilliant colors, that is how I picture the Anim Blath. They are alive, sentient, and they speak to Erynn, sing to her. Like the living voice of Arranon. There is a budding romance between Jaer and Erynn, but the author kept it in its place. It was not the focal point of the plot but did add to my interest.

Storm of Arranon has magic, action, good and evil, friendship and romance, with an out of this world flavor. I think young readers and adults will enjoy this story. So well written, I was surprised that this was R. This story can stand alone and the ending is very satisfying. I am happy to hear there will be more. A great beginning to a series. Mar 01, D. Nevins rated it really liked it. Sheahan is a talented writer who easily drew me into the worlds she so expertly created. It was exciting to follow along with Erynn as she discovered more and more about herself and her powers.

The characters on both worlds were interesting and in a few cases, they had surprises of their own. There was so much in this story that pulled me in. I loved that Erynn is constantly thrown into danger, I adored her connection with the animals and the fact that she has such incredible power is like t Ms. I loved that Erynn is constantly thrown into danger, I adored her connection with the animals and the fact that she has such incredible power is like the icing on the cake.

There were a few times I was frustrated with her, but she certainly redeemed herself by the end. I found the Storm of Arranon to be a wonderful surprise. To be completely honest, the look of the cover turned me off. However, I read the blurb and was instantly intrigued, so I entered a contest and luckily won a free copy.

Storm of Arranon

Turns out, it was a fantastic prize! Aug 31, Renee Spicuzza rated it really liked it. There is a lot of information that you get hit with throughout the novel, but having such a wide variety of characters that have so many different backgrounds makes it harder for you to see what is coming next because the characters are more unpredictable. Of course, no story would be complete without a roma R. I enjoyed this combination because it was well written and Sheahan connected different plot points so everything connected seamlessly. Sep 05, Archie rated it really liked it. Fantasy, Science fiction, adventure, romance, magic all are the elements of the story.

The story is about a girl named Erynn who learned that she is a child of two planets Korin and Arranon and as a result she has abilities that is extraordinary. She has powers beyond imagination, and hence the brutal aliens invades Korin and wants to take Erynn with them to make use of her special powers. But, Erynn then like super hero is on her own mission to save her planets and its people. So a classic fanta Fantasy, Science fiction, adventure, romance, magic all are the elements of the story.

So a classic fantasy built on the base on science and magic combined, results in the plot that is interesting. The characters are somewhat complex, but too many elements in one plot that at times does affect the pace of the story. A good book to read! Sep 18, Brandt rated it it was amazing. Storm of Arranon by R E Sheahan is a breathtaking adventure that shows off the talents of a rising fantasy author. The author has an uncanny ability to have her characters wield incredible powers in ways that feel very realistic. Storm of Storm of Arranon by R E Sheahan is a breathtaking adventure that shows off the talents of a rising fantasy author.

Storm of Arranon is its heart a mystical journey wrapped in a great adventure. There is constant tension and building drama as Erynn is pursued and the conflict expands. Thank goodness book two Fire and Ice is already available. Highly recommended — five stars. Jun 25, Faye rated it it was amazing. I loved "Storm of Arranon" by R. The characters were believable.

The plot was great. It moved along at a very steady pace and was action packed. It kept me very interested. I am looking forward to reading the next book in the series. I would recommend this book for fans of science fiction and fantasy books. Leaves and twigs stuck in his dirty, windblown hair. Debris from the windstorm dug into her back. One hand grasping her throat, he squeezed. Erynn coughed, clawing at his hand, and arm. His strange pale eyes sparked and burned with anger.

His arm drew back, hand fisted.

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Blue tendrils wound around her hands. She released the current. Energy arced through the air. Time slowed to a measured beat. She reached out, her fingers grasping through dirt, stems, and leaves, finding and clasping the hilt. Static popped in the air. Birk screamed and released his hold, rolling off her.

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He leapt up, holding his leg. Blood poured around his fingers. His eyes glazed over. It was just because it started out slow to me, and I wasn't sure if I was going to like the main character at all. I loved the character of Jaer to me he was a man of mystery, I hope in the next book we find out more about his earlier life. I loved how he was when he was around Erynn and the way he treated her.

While certain things were tied up in this book, there was something big that happened at the end of the book, that I am sure is really going to make the second book have more action and maybe even deaths then this one did. I felt the villains in this book weren't very scary villains, but the big bad in the second book I hope is going to be a pretty scary one. After Erynn was kidnapped and the plane she was on crushed that's when Erynn came alive for me. So if you start the book and feel you might not be able to finish it, I would say give it a try until after the plane crashes.

I really loved Erynn's friend Sean he was definitely my favorite side character and I really enjoyed their friendship. Another side character I liked was Erynn's other friend Tam. I was given this book for being part of a book tour, and just for the purpose of giving my honest opinion on how I felt about the book. The opinion comes from myself and no one else's. Apr 24, Lisa Taylor rated it really liked it Shelves: At first glance, I really loved the look of this book. The cover is a bit cluttered, but the typography of the title is beautiful and the description sounded like an exciting and unique story.

The beginning starts off full of action. When I first started reading, I told my sister, "this is going to be one of those books I can't put down. At first, At first glance, I really loved the look of this book. At first, the main character's powers were hard to understand, but later the reader realizes why her powers seemed strange and undeveloped The main character grows a lot during the story. She finds she's capable of things she never imagined, and I really liked that. I also like that the romance of the story wasn't the main focus of the book, though sometimes I wondered where it came from.

It took most of the book for me to get a grasp on the relationships between Erynn and the other characters. I feel like the author was trying to put in a little bit of everything to attract a wider audience This is a book that girls, boys, men and women can all enjoy. The reading did slow down some for me in the middle. The opening of fast action gives away to growth and learning, which isn't bad, but easier to put down. As the end approached, though, I found myself wanting to pick the book back up more and more. I can forgive the slower pace in the middle since the spaces of less action brought so much depth and growth to the characters, so not really a plus or minus there I won't give away any spoilers, but the end took a turn that I didn't expect.

I found the ending much more satisfying than the typical "good destroys evil" plot. The author definitely conveys a message with the way the book ends, and I liked that. There were a few typos sprinkled through the book, but they weren't enough to detract from the story. The author also tended to invent words to describe animals and other things since this is a futuristic world completely different from ours. That's great, especially when she included enough description to let the reader know what type of animal the word referred to.

Sometimes though, no description was offered and the comparison would fall flat. Still, any and all complaints I could find about this book are small details. The story is good, the writing is straight forward and relatively fast paced, and the characters are believable. Definitely a solid read, and I'd be happy to read the rest of this series when it comes out, or any other work by R. Jul 19, Brian rated it it was amazing. For those who don't like to read long reviews, I can sum this up by saying Storm of Arranon is an incredible read, well worth your time.

That said, Storm of Arranon follows Erynn, a military student on the planet of Korin and the daughter of one of Korin's most famous generals. Her entire life, she has been forced to hide a major secret about her past as well as her mysterious powers that she herself does not even understand. When treachery rears its head in the political powers on Korin, she sud For those who don't like to read long reviews, I can sum this up by saying Storm of Arranon is an incredible read, well worth your time.

When treachery rears its head in the political powers on Korin, she suddenly finds herself swept into a war in which Korin, and its sister planet of Arranon, are threatened by annihilation. Revelations about Erynn's life comes to light and she soon learns that she has a mysterious connection to Arranon. She finds she may be the key to saving both planets, finding love along the way. When reading this, I found it hard to believe that it was R. Sheahan's debut novel in that her writing style screams of seasoned pro.

The balance between detail, story, and characterization is impeccably executed. Nearly all of the characters are deep and complex and grow throughout the story. Though the main villain in the novel does not really share the same level of characterization as the other key players I'm leaving out the name in case of spoilers , you gain an understanding of him based on the overall story of his people. When reading Storm of Arranon, the world was brought vividly to life in my mind by the author's wonderfully realized sense of the world s they have created.

Sheahan has invested a level of world building that in no way feels forced or unnatural. Storm of Arranon is a wonderful sci-fi adventure full of fun, action, and even a little romance. I could see this book making a wonderful movie! Though I hated to see the book end, I was happy to see it left open for further volumes in the series while still wrapping up in a satisfying way.

I look forward to the continuation of Erynn's story. May 14, Keely rated it liked it. I received a copy of Storm of Arranon from the author for an honest review. I wasn't really sure what to expect from Storm of Arranon. I'm not a sci-fi fan, per say, but I do love fantasy, and this book has a pleasant mix for lovers of both genres. Erynn is a strong and admirable heroine, someone readers will relate to and root for. Suddenly kidnapped from her home, she's thrust head on into a war on an unfamiliar planet with people who seem to know more about her than she does. She takes her f I received a copy of Storm of Arranon from the author for an honest review.

She takes her fear and uses it, propelling her forward to do what needs to be done, learning who she is and what she is capable of. I liked Jaer and the "strong, silent" persona he exuded. He's a bit of a mystery, but his demanding presence is difficult to ignore. The romance between Erynn and Jaer felt forced to me, and I thought it was a little rushed. From the moment they met, we got glimpses of Erynn's gushing, and I just had a hard time believing it. I can understand instant physical attraction, but Erynn's feelings seemed to try to go deeper than that, and it just wasn't genuine.

Storm of Arranon Series

The writing style is beautiful and very descriptive, creating a fantasy world that's effortless to envision. I did sometimes feel overwhelmed in the surroundings to the point that I lost my grip of what was actually happening, but I will definitely say that the author has a real talent for world building and will draw you into the story with her creative imagination. Arranon was amazing in its brutal beauty, with its unusual animals and unique people. Like I said, I'm not much of a sci-fi fan, but Storm of Arranon was a pleasant surprise. It's a book I'd recommend for science fiction and fantasy fans, and I feel it's a great read for an audience of any age group.

Sep 27, Jessica Bronder rated it really liked it.

Erynn is the daughter of a powerful general and is training to be a fighter pilot. But she learns that the man that died is not her real father. Her mother is from Korin but her biological father is from Arranon. Since Korin and Arranon are at war, Erynn is looked down on. But then she is kidnapped. It seems she has some special powers from her Arranon side and that others know of these powers and plan on using them.

Jaer is part of the crew that kidnaps Erynn. Jaer helps her escape which lands Erynn is the daughter of a powerful general and is training to be a fighter pilot. Jaer helps her escape which lands Erynn on Arranon. She also feels a connection to the planet. I really enjoyed this story. It draws you in with the promise of a biological father on a warring planet.

She is bound to find out more information and get more than she planned. I loved the abilities and how she could connect with others. Of course that means someone is going to try and use her for their advantage. Jaer is a great person. You can tell that he is interested in Erynn and does what he can to keep her safe. He would be a great romantic character yet there is so much happening that there really is not any time to explore that role yet. I think this is a great start to the series and has a lot of potential.

At the time of this review you are able to get the second book, Fire and Ice for free from Amazon Kindle.

Oct 07, OpenBookSociety. Brought to you by OBS reviewer Sammy Storm of Arranon is well written, exciting, fast-paced, action filled, and a gentle love story with intriguing characters. A great story, told at a perfect pace for young adults. The characters had interesting powers, Eyrnn was clearly an empath but the author wrote about it in a way that described it in pictures and she never needed to tell us she was an empath.

As fo Brought to you by OBS reviewer Sammy Storm of Arranon is well written, exciting, fast-paced, action filled, and a gentle love story with intriguing characters. As for her coming into her own with managing the weather to help get out of a bad situation, that also, had a nice build up.

Publisher's Summary

Eyrnn and Jaer had just the right amount of self doubt about themselves, while continuing with their missions and getting to know each other. The world building is amazing, filled with details of the planet, animals and the special connection between the planet and the characters. They both seem to be able to calm down and help keep people focused in a non-invasive way. I highly recommend this book and am looking forward to the next book in this series. Sep 04, Sdan12 rated it really liked it. She keeps a secret, which is that she is a child of two worlds, Korin and its sister planet Arranon.

This is taboo, but, as a result of this mixed birth, she has abilities: These abilities are not as secret as she imagines and when a brutal alien power invades Korin, it becomes apparent that part of their mission is to take Erynn with them to take advantage of her potential. A ghostly vision of her Arranon born dead father convinces her that she has a quest on this planet and she must follow her destiny to save Arranon.

The story ends abruptly on a cliff-hanger but by then you really care what the future holds for the brave heroine. Nov 14, Forever YA Fiction rated it really liked it. But we were wrong. Sheahan does a wonderful job bringing you into two different worlds you will fall in love with. We loved the relationship between Erynn and Jaer. It a very cute buddy-romance. The pace of the story is perfect with the right amount of action to keep it flowing.

Erynn is a wonderful character that many young readers will be able to connect with. She struggles to gain control of her growing powers while in a constant race to elude the invaders, and join the forces preparing to fight a mounting alien occupation. Although her secret may be her worlds' only hope, being a child of two worlds could cost Erynn her life. Swept up in a chain reaction of events, Erynn's dedication extends far beyond service and duty.

She learns the true meaning of sacrifice. Along with courage and hope, Erynn finds something unexpected on her journey of awareness and growth.

This story, Storm of Arranon, surprised me! I wasn't expecting much from it, thinking it was more of a Fantasy than my usual preference in the Sci-Fi genre. That opinion slowly changed as the chapters progressed and I was sucked in by the new and unique story elements and the interplay between the characters. The author did a good job of creating these characters that had depth and dimension to them that made them larger than the words that formed them. I just don't understand why it hasn't found a bigger listening audience here on Audible.

Based on my experience as I listened to Storm of Arranon, I think it's worth your Audible credit to give it a listen. I was given this audio book for free in exchange for this unbiased review. I was given this free review copy audio book at my request and have voluntarily left this review.

This is part coming of age story and part romance, though the author doesn't focus on the romantic interests too heavily. Which is something I appreciated. The narrator had a great voice for the characters and really made them come alive.