On the Side of the Angels

The meaning and origin of the expression: On the side of the angels

Here's an example from The Musical Times , March Despite the widespread view that the phrase was coined by Disraeli it is entirely possible that he was using an existing phrase in his speech for comic effect - it certainly prompted laughter in his audience.

Angels on My Side

Of course, a citation showing the current meaning that dates from before November would be the clincher, and we don't have that. So, Disraeli being the coiner of the phrase is the best we have and, going back to that meaning of the term, I would just like to put on record that "I am on the side of the apes". Home Search Phrase Dictionary On the side of the angels. Browse phrases beginning with:.

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Have a string of lovers? Yes a despicable abuse of authority - yes inexcusable behaviour Ever been to a westminster metropolitan luvvie Catholic function where a young monk approaches you to tell you that a group of them are moving on to a gay sauna after this and would you like to join them? Or a Priest staying-over in the city overnight asks do you want a nightcap in his room?

Regulars at these events lose count as to how many times they have to decline the awfully polite offers for horizontal shenanigans by men and women, clerical, religious and lay.. I think you'll be shocked. But I think you'd be more shocked to discover that the clerics who engage in that sort of reckless feckless drunken stupidity are often the good men just having a wobble while staying on the rails - the real scoundrels and reprobates who are 'at it like rabbits' with anything with a Y chromosome would never do anything so risky.

As with all these things it's the predominantly innocent ones who fall off the wagon once or twice who get caught and go to the wall - the real reckless toe-rags get away with blue murder and never get caught Had the Catholic media ever given us an opportunity to comment about the Cardinal O'Brien case you might have known my opinion regarding the farce and stitch-up of the poor man. Malevolent clerical forces knew exactly all about the gossip of the few drunken fumbling passes made in the man's earlier years during a sort of mid-life crisis - all known about for DECADES!!!

But for major spiteful ulterior motives senior clerics and a few embittered vindictive professional laity conspired with gay activists to bring the man down. His Holiness was most certainly NOT a conservative in the way we understand the word - he was an ecclesiastical conservative which means very slow liberal [with conditions, reservations and a few no-go areas] but in the main change at a slow rate Ironically it was actually His Holiness's lack of philosophical and theological education and training that turned him into a flighty amateur 'trendy' phenomenologist who sought to doctrinalise the impossible, arbitrarily legislate and tweak and politically manoeuvre global and ecclesiastical changes in perspectives that were utterly contrary to both Catholic understanding and teaching.

Pope John Paul II accelerated the liberal agenda by his inability to understand them and incapacity to counter them. His Holiness of fond memory was an enthusiastic amateur who never saw the whole picture and never bothered to find out the underlying apologetic or fomal and efficient causes of ecclesiastical structures, doctrine, morality and praxis But it never stopped him trying his hand at anything and making off-the-cuff arbitrary changes to things he didn't like - without ever taking the due concern and consideration of the holism and the traditional understandings of why things were a certain way.

His Holiness was well-loved by so many - to the extent that because he was so sincere and so ostensibly 'good' he was idolised for many of the wrong reasons and never treated as a man in an office who was making all manner of mistakes - he was a devout man, a deeply spiritual and caring man - but he was also a thoughtless and negligent and irresponsible man.

One need only look at the hstory and read his writings. What happened during his papacy? It was a catastrophe - the worst possible bishops appointed, heresy, heterodoxy and heteropraxis became endemic. Church attendance haemorrhaged - evangelisation and religious education became eitther utterly counterproductive or non-existent Eagle's wings was like opera in comparison with the nightmares most of us endured.

The Vatican became even more a cesspool of corruption and internecine wars and power-struggles It was a disaster!!! And what about His Holiness's writings or doctrinal positions? He was naturally gifted and talented and intelligent - and therefore his first apprehensions and hasty understandings of positions and principles became the predominant ones - being clever allowed him to be intellectually lazy and not engage in the long hard academic slog of truly understanding the totality - being a flighty jack of all trades with a natural flair for things he never had to bother with the absolutely necessary struggle with the principles and the texts - being able to play by ear he never learned the music or how to actually play properly Being from a communist controlled country he didn't understand the perniciousness of capitalism, being from eastern Europe he didn't understand the bankrupt depravity of western relativism, being from a Catholic country he didn't understand the agenda and false understandings of other faiths - He sought to doctrinalise Vatican II and impose all manner of material heresies and false practices and alien-positions because from his naiively idealistic [poorly-formed] phenomenological perspective these were all 'in the developing light of tradition in the new advent and new pentecost'..

His theology of the Body was a confusing incoherent mess that has set back Catholic teaching on life, sex, marriage and family back by generations and basically led to bioethical chaos and the introduction of backdoor contraception in the guise of NFP , his oecumenism became scandalous [assisi?

Maybe as Pope he had an impossible job with an impossible remit and impossible circumstances?

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But than again maybe His Holiness should have relied more upon the Promises of Christ rather than his own 'fiddly-diddly' attempts to grab the rudder of the barque of the Church? But His Holiness is a Saint - and why? Because he was a good man, a saintly man, a man with the right intentions and the right motives and he sought the right end and was an exemplary example of devotion and sacrifice and ultimately suffering. Let's tell the truth in love about this wonderful - if exasperating - man of deeply fond memory.

Please let's not reverse the paradigm and turn the worldly papal actions of a saint into some sort of superstitious semi-divine reflections of heaven on earth and manifestations of the Holy Spirit. When in centuries to come the real historians write accounts of today the best they will say about Pope St John Paul was that he was a great man - but very far from a great pope - and the most he did was slow the decline and hold the line a little BUT there is one invaluable thing which His Holiness brought us which should be carved into our hearts He brought a message of hope - and he forever told us 'be not afraid' in that hope.

Who may argue against a Pope - and how So when it comes to this Present Pope we need the words of Another Pope to tell His Holiness "where to get off" and to "get his act together" Maybe we should start with Pius VI in Auctorem Fidei in response to Pope Francis's notorious technique of fluctuating peak and trough ambiguity in saying something outrageously Contra-Catholic or anti-tradition at one time while maybe reiterating something ostensibly stridently conservative a few sentences or perhaps a few days later? Pope Pius VI tells us It allows for both the possibility of promoting error and of excusing it.

Or again, as if the same faithful had the ability on examining such documents to judge such matters for themselves without getting confused and avoiding all risk of error. It is a most reprehensible technique for the insinuation of doctrinal errors and one condemned long ago by our predecessor Saint Celestine who found it used in the writings of Nestorius, Bishop of Constantinople, and which he exposed in order to condemn it with the greatest possible severity.

Once these texts were examined carefully, the impostor was exposed and confounded, for he expressed himself in a plethora of words, mixing true things with others that were obscure; mixing at times one with the other in such a way that he was also able to confess those things which were denied while at the same time possessing a basis for denying those very sentences which he confessed. Lutherans wishing communion can 'go to the Lord"?

Permanent barriers prevent the return of the Orthodox to the Catholic fold? Condoms are better than abortions?

On the Side of Angels

I don't believe in a Catholic God? There are no souls in hell - anyone sent there is annihilated? Urban unmarried upwardly mobile middle class? Or the disaffected sheltered background University yoof? Or the ageing 'belongers' who want a niche to fill and a soapbox upon which to stand since the horticultural society and whist-drive circuit dried up? This isn't evangelization - it isn't catechesis - it isn't apologetics - it's a glorified narcissistic self-indulgent navel-gazing trainspotter's club without the trainspotting!!!

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A feel-good vanity project Evangelization is about informing and convincing and inspiring Intellects. You are what you believe - what you believe in the intellect actuates and motivates the will - the head DOES govern the heart This isn't about feelings - especially NOT warm fuzzy group-hug feelings - this isn't about finding like-minded friends with the same interests in some sort of Jesus fan club They want something to believe in, something to justify their existence, something to hope for, something to love, something to struggle, to sacrifice and fight for, something to live and die for, they want a flag to wave, a banner under which to march, they want self-vindication..

Instead the paradigm's changed into - oh it's just what we who belong do - it's the rules we follow because we're members - it's the way we act because we're members - it's what we believe because that's what you have to believe to be a belonging member In other words - we make no attempt to teach or convert or evangelise - we simply dangle a string of 'join us and belong among the belongers' to the lonely confused or questioning and think - nay presume that - this 'belong'-incentive will be enough to ensnare them amidst the lukewarm tea and damp custard creams and the powerpoint presentations on inane eco-friendly inoffensive bilge or docu-dramas about mother Theresa or Powerpoints on Natural Family Planning or discussions about 'how you think the Holy Spirit affects your life?

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In this modern world people are desperate for intellectual answers to WHY?!!! Why we believe what we believe why we do what we do why we are what we are Apologetics is the way forward - and NuEvangelization basically tells bare-faced lies in its claim to provide apologetics Look at the claims of so-called self-professed Catholic professional 'celebrity' "Apologists" over here [ there are no Peter Kreefts or Fulton Sheens or Fr Larry Richards in this fair isle] - who actually have the audacity to claim they are providing ethical apologetics [take for instance the farce of Catholic Voices or the Pro-Life groups] for 'analgesic' issues The last thing they provide is any answer to the WHY - merely a "well we say so!!!

It's time to get clever - to know what the Church teaches - and why - and start telling not merely inquiring catechumens - not even the lapsed hesitantly wishing to return to the fold - but the desperately confused and abandoned regular Catholic in the pew too whom - let's admit - hasn't got a bloody clue about their faith.. Fr Stephen Wang last year was extolling the marvels of new technology like VR and global networking as "a vital part of the new evangelisation" No poxy virtual reality machine will ever help evangelise if those programming it haven't got a clue what evangelism really is The Ethiopian had studied everything - but he needed St Phillip to explain it to him - to walk and guide him along the path towards being able to receive that Grace of Faith We need to get our act together - and get back to the simple why that was the heart of the Old Evangelisation - look at the wonders of the Catholic Evidence Guild where junior members fifty-sixty years ago knew more about the faith than your average Bishop does today - even more than the Pope!!???

Apologetics is the way forward Oh Come off it please!!? Nevertheless it doesn't remove the inherent material heresy in virtually every line of the Joint Declaration. Notify me of new posts via email. Twitter Facebook Google Reddit Tumblr. Honey you should see me in a crown!

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