In A Word: 750 Words and Their Fascinating Stories and Origins

Meanings and origins of Australian words and idioms

Sale ends on 24 December at Product description Review "The writing is accessible as well as intelligent. A worthwhile acquisition for both middle- and high-school libraries. Kindle Edition File Size: Cricket Media 22 November Sold by: Amazon Australia Services, Inc.

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In a Word: Words and Their Fascinating Stories and Origins [Rosalie Baker, Tom Lopes] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. What's in a. Editorial Reviews. From School Library Journal. Grade Spanning a broad range of topics, this collection of word origins informs and entertains readers.

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In a Word: 750 Words and Their Fascinating Stories and Origins

Most helpful customer reviews on Amazon. This book was wriiten at a higher reading level than I expected. I teach 4th grade, and this text is more complex than my students are able to read. I plan to use it for examples in vocabulary practice, but my students will need help in understanding.

10 Terrifying Origins of Children's Stories

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In a Word Words and Their Fascinating Stories and Origins by Rosalie Baker | LoveReading

Watches Casual Dress Sports. Unlike many of the other exercises in that book, I found that this one actually worked and was really really useful.

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Lists with This Book. A retired person who travels extensively within Australia, especially by campervan, caravan or motor home. Participants are advised to choose their start time carefully to ensure they are finished before it gets dark and the drop bears come out at 6. Hurry up, get a move on. It was just after the end of World War II and rationing had caused a flourishing black market in American-made cloth. I wish it could have some more interesting words. But this was mostly

I've used the exercise as a great way to think out loud without having to worry about half-formed ideas, random tangents, private stuff, and all the other things in our heads that we often filter out before ever voicing them or writing about them. It's a daily brain dump.

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  • In a Word: 750 Words and Their Fascinating Stories and Origins?
  • In a Word: 750 Words and Their Fascinating Stories and Origins (Book)?

Over time, I've found that it's also very helpful as a tool to get thoughts going that have become stuck, or to help get to the bottom of a rotten mood. Here's how it works:. In the past, looking for a spare notebook was probably easier than looking for a computer. I don't know if my hands even work anymore with pen and paper for any task that takes longer than signing a check or credit card receipt.

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I've tried writing my words a day on Livejournal, Wordpress, PBWorks, Tumblr, and all of these other sites designed around putting content online. It hasn't worked for me. I fear that I might accidentally forget to mark daily pages as private. And it's just weird having my private brain dumps out on various sites that are designed to be more social. I don't need to title my entries, or tag them, or enable comments, or any of that other stuff.

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This is writing, and it's online, but it's not blogging, or Twittering, or Facebook status updating.