How Firm a Foundation in Scripture & Song

How firm a foundation (Alternate Tune)

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And oh how wonderful the words are! I've now found a song for my sibling and I to learn together! God bless this website! John Gill was the previous pastor for 51 years.

How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord |

John Fawcett, author had accepted the position to succeed Gill at prestigious Carter's Lane, but changed his mind and wrote the hymn 'Blest be the Tie that Binds' on that occassion. Spurgeon was a later pastor of this church. Like so many of our enduring hymns, "How Firm a Foundation" is really a sermon in a song. In the 1st stanza the sure foundation of the Christian faith is established as being the Word of God itself, The succeeding verses then personalize and amplify precious promises that God has documented in His Word.

How Firm a Foundation in Scripture and Song

The 2nd stanza is a comforting promise found in Isaiah The 3rd stanza recalls a precious promise especially for those passing through some deep crisis of life found in Isaiah The 4th stanza is based on a New Testament promise found in 2 Corinthians I have made, and I will bear,; I will carry and will save. Then that powerful 6th stanza is based on one of the most glorious promises in Scripture, Hebrews As children of God we need to learn the lesson of daily "leaning for repose" upon the never-failing arms of our God and to remember the faithful promises of His Word whenever the difficulties of life cross our pathways.

Like the majority of his co-religionists, Rippon gave his warm sympathy to the Americans during the war of independence, and was in correspondence with leading baptists on the other side of the Atlantic. Someone suggested singing the first phrase of the final line three times, and that's clever and intriguing, and it works, but if singing with a group it might be easier to just repeat the final line of each stanza see piano or guitar lead sheet.

I find that when singing a hymn to a different tune than is customary, or just in a new way like repeating a phrase three times instead of repeating an entire line , often new appreciation is gained for otherwise familiar lyrics. I just found the other tune: It also shows the text.

Behind the Hymn Sunday: How Firm A Foundation

Apparently this tune O Come All Ye Faithul was the original according to the information related to the song. It certainly fits the words.

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  • Behind the Hymn Sunday: How Firm A Foundation ⋆ Diana Leagh Matthews?

I'll never, no, never, no, never forsake.! Thank God that eternal salvation is not about works; it is all about abiding in the Vine, Jesus Christ.

I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered It speaks about the assurance of salvation. Many think that salvation of a believer will be lost. I don't know how it can be lost when salvation is God's work, and how can man sustain it by his own works and not by God's grace!!

2010 12 12_Baptist Favorites_How Firm a Foundation

How firm a foundation Alternate Tune The music cannot be played on your browser. Leigh Powell United Kingdom.

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The harmonization is by Dale Grotenhuis. Each of the 28 hymns selected for this volume detail the rich history and background of the music, and the composer. These, of course, are English-speaking songs that English-speaking congregations all over the English-speaking world will utilize some of this rich treasury of theological devotion and doxology. I love hymns that preach the gospel to us, and that just press home the basis of the soul's security in Christ — and boy! While the author remained a mystery for a while, most musicologists now agree that John Rippon's assistant, Robert Keene, was probably the author.

I just figured out all the three stages of the believer's life in this hymn reference to our salvation—Justification, Sanctification, and Glorification The writer presents clearly: The assurance of our progress in our walk as we go through life. The assurance of us going right through to glory.


I love this tune. I have written my own lyrics to this tune.

How Firm a Foundation

How Firm a Foundation in Scripture and Song [John Morris] on * FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. From one of the world's leading authors on. Editorial Reviews. About the Author. Dr. John D. Morris is the president of the Institute for How Firm a Foundation in Scripture & Song by [Morris, John].

Here is the first verse: Great grace of our Lord, so sublime and so great; There is no other love that can ever equate. Though others may leave us, our lovers, our friends; Thy love, O thy love Lord, thy love never ends.

  1. First Presbyterian Church, Jackson, Mississippi.
  2. Los grandes errores que cometemos los padres al educar a nuestros hijos (Spanish Edition)!
  3. How Firm a Foundation?
  4. Hymnary Friends,.

Assurance and Joy of Salvation.