Garfield - tome 5 - Moi, on maime (French Edition)

Were your birthdays always worked around Easter and the first day of Trout Season too? When will it be released to those of us in the rest of the world? So what about those of us who pre-ordered the Kindle edition? I just ran across your blog and have to tell you that you will be my first Blogger to follow. Thanks for the entertainment! I preordered this book..

Please open a Book Blog for when the book comes out! And just a note: Thanks for bringing the fun back! Gutted not to be able to get a signed bookplate — due to being a reader across the pond in the UK — but SUPER excited to have pre-ordered your book. Yours in ardent admiration, the Accidental Londoner. I was going to order the Kindle version of your book, but decided to get the HC edition so that I can share it with my wife. I wanna signed bookplate!!!!!!

I'm ordering on Amazon, but because you are Amazing, I believe I'll allow it. Rachel recently posted So, I write. Are you getting an error message? Will it let you look at the link at all? I see new names coming in. Jenny the bloggess recently posted And then all of my fingers fell off. As I write this tears of intense sorrow are running down my face — I pre-ordered your book from Amazon. Us dodgie pale faces in Blighty need your wisdom too! Are there any other options for obtaining it outside of the US? Hi from the UK, Jenny. Long have I loved your blog.

No-one can make me laugh and sometimes cry like you! So I pre-ordered your book in a frenzy of excitement! Can I please add my plea to those of the other bereft UK people above for advice on how to get hold of the book? Jenny the bloggess recently posted Dreams are assholes. Can I get this in the UK? Vicky Frankland recently posted Trashing the Memory Palace. I think I pre ordered the book…my iPad closed my browser!

I wonder if the apple people will find this and remove it,,,. I almost used zombies to teach my child about Easter, but I wanted to avoid a nasty note from the Christian daycare. Ashley recently posted The birds and the tees. As much as I love Amazon for the hard-to-find soft-core gay tv series hello!

Plus, I can talk their ears off about the author and make them sell more books… Just looking for the release date so I can pester the locals. Love your friendship with Laura. Amazon will not let me. I am deemed unworthy. I think it is because I am Scottish. They will however let me buy it once it is released?!?!?

They just refuse to let me pre-order it. I have set an alarm on my Kindle to buy it as soon as it is released. If this is what they do. I totally have them fathomed…………. One of the perks of working at a book store BAM is that I get to peek at the advanced copies sent to the store. Plus, it makes me feel a bit better about my own fucked up childhood, so thanks!

I advise those who have pre-ordered it to also invest in a pack of adult diapers. I sincerely hope that you wander through Tennessee sometime for a book signing. I have the copy of your introduction letter to Books-a-Million that was tucked between the pages of the book. I am keeping it. I might frame it. It is a literary masterpiece! I only wish I could have it autographed. Your book is hysterical. I work at a bookstore and we get advanced reads of books before they come out. Publishers send books not yet published to get booksellers to read them and help sell copies when the book does eventually come out.

I was torn on whether to preorder or hold out until I am employed again. Now I get to eagerly await packages in the mail, which is my second favorite thing. I thought you would make sure it was avail to me early. Just to prove a point. Why do I try typing things within the first 2 hours of being awake. What do I want with another book, Jenny? I pre-ordered it — but only because you told me too. I like how being on the internet means I never have to make my own decisions. People tell me what to do and I do it. He needs help in transporting the bulk of his estate over here to Canada.

How awesome is that? Kelly L recently posted Filler. Betty Fokker recently posted A distinct lack of justice and mercy. Just wanted to say that A you are awesome B though I follow you on Twitter and read the Blog, it was a tweet from a Canadian publisher which led me here, which, as a Canadian, I find kinda awesome see A and B how do manage to find yourself amongst so many whose work I admire? You have Wil Wheaton collating paper, Simon Pegg holding Twine which totally blew my mind as he is a Geek God to me until… you got a freaking book blurb from Neil Gaiman! It has made my list of must reads which, because of my financial circumstances and love of physical copies of things, has become a difficult list to gain a space on.

I just realized your book comes out on my birthday. Amazon UK now seem to have a listing again. Paperback only, for reasons not explained. Probably with a bullet. I love the incredibly dramatic mouse on your cover. He reminds me of a terribly sick joke we played on our child shortly after her beloved hamster, Rosco, passed away.

We were cleaning the garage and happened across a squished flat dehydrated mouse. What do we do with it? So our poor child comes home and bursts into tears because she thinks we have spray painted Rosco and hung him on a nail in our garage. We told her he had run away. I guess the rat was out of the bag then, huh? I fear getting this book. I am already forbidden to read anything that jiggles the bed because I am laughing so hard. But then sneaking off to a dark corner to read in the soft glow of my goofy-assed e-reader is an acceptable outcome my preccccciiiiooooussssss.

Had to happen eventually. I already preordered my book through amazon when u first told us about it, can i still get a wrist band???? I just went to Amazon to pre-order your book and was excited that I could still receive a book plate — sorry about your hands falling off. I keep meaning to order it and forgetting…growing old, constantly forgetful, procrastinating or all of the above.

What do you know? I ordered it way back in November!!! I actually pre-ordered TWO because I have to send one to one of my dearest friends who introduced me to you. Well, not you personally, your blog — namely Beyonce! Thank you for making me laugh, cry, gaffaw, reflect, snicker and remind my husband that I could have bought more towels! Hoping I can still get a bookplate to go with my swanky new book! Carol recently posted Don't Forget Pretzel! I pre-ordered a couple weeks ago for the Kindle version. Am I too late to get a nameplate?

Is it too late to get a bookplate? I was only just able to pre-order. Ok, so if I pre-order on Amazon, do I get one of the last-ever samples of your handwriting on a bookplate? Jane recently posted Chronic Pain and Catastrophic Medicine. Ray Charbonneau recently posted Bear Pond Books. Jenny, Jenny, Jenny…How happy I am that you are a fellow Texan just up the highway and not too far from me! But not in a stalker-y way. OH, and please bring Beyonce to said DQ book signing. So two copies coming my way!

How do I get a bookplate? Ok, you got me. I was going to wait until it came out, but i have been worn down in a good way and preordered the book. Now I am going to bug you until I get it. I am horrible with presents. If I know I have one coming, I cannot think of anything else. Now I need to go up my meds…. Hey, are there any bookplates left? I just ordered your book and would love one if you have one.

Hmm I pre-ordered the hard copy after contemplating whether or not I wanted the electronic or hard copy. I wish we got an electronic version after buying a hard copy. Just like you get a digital version of your movie when you buy a DVD. The bookplates expired last week but if there are a bunch still left they may open it back up.

A Mostly True Memoir. Keeping my fingers crossed. I really hope that I have money in my bank account when we find out about the bookplates! I ordered the book just now!! Hopefully, there are a few bookplates left!!! Hope there are a few more bookplates left! Mimi recently posted Bovine Beauty.

Jenny, I just got back and pre-ordered your book, is it too late to sign up for the bookplate?

If I still have time, can you please tell me what I need to do? I would love a bookplate if they are still available! Hi Jenny, Is it too late to sign up for a bookplate? I am preordering on amazon. Can anyone provide a link to sign up for the bookplate? Already pre-ordered but want my bookplate! Could you just send me a lock of your hair for me to craft into a creepyawesome bookmark for your book? Cause nothing would tickle me more. If any of those wonderfully random yet still supremely awesome nameplates become available, I would love one!!!!

Are there still any bookplates left? I just preordered on Amazon!! So I went right to Amazon and bought it! I preordered a little while back and yet totally forgot about the bookplates — eep! Hi Jenny — who does the reading on your audiobook? And thanks for your awesome blog, always puts a smile on my face. You are totally rocking the first book thing! I hope there are still bookplates available. Your hand is probably cramping up at the thought of signing 50, more bookplates.

But what did you expect? Sign on girlfriend… Sign on! I just pre-ordered the book for my kindle which will hopefully work by the time it comes out. Is it possible to still get a book plate for my kindle case? I did not see the link to sign up for one. Probably right in front of my face. Just pre-ordered the ebook version of your book from Barnes and Noble. Laura Casa del Hansen recently posted Do you like wine? I pre-ordered it for my Kindle Fire after reading the HR excerpt and promptly making my coworker read it as well. Crazy HR day and your excerpts made my day.

I just preordered it for my Kindle…. I am so excited about laughing out loud again! I pre-ordered a few days ago on Amazon. Maybe I need help. I am referring to finding the site to sign up. With laughter of course. I have never laughed out loud so much in a book in my life! I was lucky enough to win a copy on http: Jenny Lawson, you are my new hero! April recently posted Books, Books!!!

Because you said the winner will be chosen at random, I will save my witty comment for now. Only allowed a certain amount of those per day anyway.

Blog is high-larious so looking forward to the book. Stayed up all night to finish reading it and laughed so hard tears ran down my leg a couple of times. A coupon for a box of Poise should be included with every copy. Oh, and I wanna party with your folks. Am I too late for a bookplate?

Editorial Reviews

Barbara recently posted I only need one! I am sad, as I most likely have missed the bookplate goodness. I just pre-ordered from Amazon, I am going to be all impatient and cranky until it arrives! I immediately thought it good fodder for your blog I included the link below so you can see for yourself. If nothing else, it may make you smile … as your blog does for us:.

The outer cotton-blend shell accents curves with a double-breasted front held snug against bodies by matching buttons. Wearers secure their coat with an adjustable belt that can be tied in a knot, fed through a belt buckle, or used as a makeshift lasso during emergencies. BUt am confused about how I get the bookplate? Does it just happen? Where am I supposed to input info? I finally saved up for a Kindle and pre ordered the book. Is there no more signed book plates? Did my eyes just skip right over that option?? Pretty please with sugar on top? Cannot wait to read your book. Basketcase recently posted 20 Questions: Jenny, you should come to Bumpass, VA.

Because seriously, we live in a town well…a small road with a post office and a stop sign called Bumpass, VA. How can you go wrong? Or at least, maybe come to Richmond, VA, and us few residents of Bumpass will drive out there to see you. Is there any chance I can still sign up for a bookplate? If you open the bookplates back up, please sign me up! Have your book all set to come from Amazon. Too late for a plate? Please come to Pittsburgh on your book tour so I can meet you! Leah recently posted What to do when your significant other hates your friends.

Outside of NYC, maybe, there is no better book town in the country. What can we do to get you to come to us? Stuff one of the Republican candidates for president except Mitt, who I think has already been to the taxidermist? Collate more blank paper we have lots of it here? Cryogenically freeze Posey when or if she finally passes? You are totally a Mover and a Shaker. Shawn recently posted Super hero name.

Arie Milne recently posted Easter is.. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your blogs and for writing this book! Jenny, I just finally got a chance to pre-order your new book! Can we get digital bookplates? Thanks for the bookplate! Waiting for Amazon to send your book. I received an empty envelope from the Penguin Group today.

I am pretty sure that it was supposed to include a bookplate with your lovely signature. I did the pre-order thing with Amazon on the day that you offered the bookplates in your blog.

Product details

Garfield - tome 5 - Moi, on m'aime (French Edition) - Kindle edition by Jim Davis. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Garfield comics with text in French; the pictures speak for themselves! Garfield - tome 5 - Moi, on m'aime (French Edition) and millions of other books are.

It appears that Amazon deleted my pre-order from my account and I just pre-ordered your book again. These two events must have been connected somehow…. Hope that other Amazon pre-orders are still out there for other folks. Would nice to receive a bookplate in the future…. Jenny, thank you for the signed bookplate. Opening that envelope gave me a reason to smile for the first time in two days.

I pre-ordered your book in October and am heartbroken that I did not receive a book plate! I just pre-ordered it! I have been given cause for an alcoholic slushie thanks to you! Lets hope your masticating hand recovers or you at least learn to use the other one. Now I just need my book and my life is temporarily okay and the ass-hats of the world can bite me for a few days as I bask in my radiant joy. How will I begin to read it tomorrow? Meg recently posted Beautiful Bouquets. And worse than that, I just finished the last of 4 books that I brought with me on my kindle to keep me from going completely mad.

Your book and I are going to curl up with a fat glass of scotch tonight and get to know each other. Just, you know, not in a lady garden kind of way. Thank you for writing it, thank you for blogging, thank you for being you. Meg recently posted Kitchen Adventures: Bought the book last night. This is worth sharing, because I work at a bookstore and could just read it for free, but decided I was willing to shell out some money based on the sheer enjoyment I got from the book jacket alone. Got my book yesterday and promptly poured a glass of wine and began ignoring my kids to read it. I ordered a book plate waaaay back when but I have never heard or seen any sign of it since then.

Are they still being shipped out? Gary recently posted News: As the champ you are, you came through and it was the highlight of my christmas gifts and the delight of my spouse for having outdone me. I was wondering if there were any bookplates left? I got my pre-ordered book in the mail yesterday annnnd because I may be REALLY shitty at balancing my checkbook, even after spending 8 years in banking previously, the book really did just about cost the 45 dollars you mention at the end. I finished it already, because I could not put it down.

I even read it to my 3 month old when it was time to give her a bedtime story annnnd because my doctor told me children start making memories at 3 months I am sure she will also write an awesome book when she is older about how I emotionally scarred her somehow with the awesome and probably not entirely appropriate for a 3 month oldness of the content. Love you and your superfabutastic book. I will wait the next 11 years if I have to to read it…. Dahlia's mom recently posted New Mom Fails 2. While I was ordering it online, it dawned on me….

THAT is what came in the mail on Monday…. I thought that maybe it was a ransom note, but nothing was missing. So-o-o-o-o-o since our garbage pickup is at 7 a. I, on the other hand, am devastated. I would have loved to put the sticker on my Nook to keep forever. You are the bomb!! My 2 year old son is going through Chemo treatements. I needed a laugh. I bought your book yesterday at Target. Thank you — I laughed! I have laughed so much I may never recover. Please and thank you.

I hate your book. And now, I am supposed to be doing about fifteen other totally important things that needed to be done by yesterday, but no. Are the book plates all gone?!?!? My only problem is that the pictures in the ebook are really small. Anyway we could get the pictures posted in their full glory somewhere on here? Glad I had seen those before on here. No, you are welcome! Darla recently posted faith for the weary. I am really hoping to have it before I go into labor I am 39 weeks pregnant because it would be best the best thing ever to read in the hospital.

Please, if anyone knows how to get it to work, let me know! Thanks for putting it on paper. I am spreading your book far and wide among my neighborhood of readers. OK so I hope noone I know sees this… Get busy cause I am gonna need another book soon…only have a few chapters left! Thanks for the great book! In an early chapter you mention breaking your neck rupturing a disk while brushing your hair, going to the ER and having the docs hand you pamphlets about spousal abuse. They asked you what did you do that he broke your neck. Well, you are not alone. And they want to know why I like Darvocet so much.

Just finished reading your book and I absolutely loved it. I literally laughed until I cried, and then peed a little. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I opened it and there it was, in all of its pre-ordered glory. I have been waiting for this for a small eternity so it feels and I am SO!

I just wanted to thank you for helping me through everything latly. And my child hood was a bit like urs well less blood….. Im not the only person that has severe anxiety…. And ur book has helped me look back at some of my worst anxiety related things and laugh at it rather than dwell on them than let them ruin me.

But back to earlier. Im very grateful that u could share ur story and help ppl like me and let ppl laugh…. My sisters ocd and looks she gives me when I rant…. Thing about how my friends are semi understanding…. My fathers anxiety and my mothers ocd… Things about horese, birds,escalators,elevators,ladybugs and much more… Ugh what was I saying…. I hope u read this so u can know how much uved helped me. And how much uve mad me and my family laugh in hard times…..

I purchased your book on amazon the other day and it arrived on Friday. I began reading it and I read half the book. At several points I actually laughed out loud, but realizing it was 2 a. I stopped breathing when I got to page 27……….. How do I explain that at religious education next Sunday? I may try one more page…………. Okay, so I just finished the book. It reminds me of the bulletin board at college just before break, where you troll for someone to share gas with in order to make it the long distance home as cheaply as possible.

After several hours of travel, you are sure that you have hitched a ride with a serial killer. After all is said and done, your book is kind of a hardback case of Stockholm Syndrome. It drew me in and mesmerized me until all of the information you shared sounded quite logical and even rational.

I am in the middle of reading your book and I wanted to say thanks. Explains how I feel exactly. The little man in my head a neurotic gatekeeper of my words either lets every weird thing I think out or grabs everything and I sit there mute.

Stromae - Alors on danse (clip officiel)

Neither good for making friends. I guess I am really alone in my head but my head has a missing twin? So I have no idea how your site ended up on my computer all the way here in Afghanistan but I am so fucking grateful it did. Perhaps it had some thing to do with rattle snake hugs.

I have only know of your existence for 10 minutes but your book shall be mine very shortly. I think it may be the very thing to get me through this deployment. Any ways, thanks for your glory. Just wanted you to know from your newest fan. Jenny- Finished the book yesterday. Well, I finished listening to you reading your book to me yesterday.

Thank you, in advance. Seriously… Thanks for writing this book. Loved every second of it. I just finished your book last night. After my husband kicked me out of bed because I was apparently shaking the bed because I was laughing so hard. I told him at least I was being quiet about it. Hes SAYS it was logging macheinery. So I took my book to the living room. I never received it. I just wanted to let you know that I absolutely loved your book.

Thank you for all the times that you have made me laugh and cry , and thank you for being so unapologetically yourself. Even though I had never heard of you, I bought your book because it has that cute mouse on the cover wearing a ruffled collar and cape and standing up on its little back legs, which makes it really super cute. One of those humongous wheelers that you have to use a ladder to climb into. Regarding vomit, blood, and the use of bowls…your husband is WAY wrong. What planet did that bozo come from?

You should try it. However, I have heard that he did wonders with nails. Penguin Group is sending me another envelope; hopefully one that is occupied by a signed book plate this time. Which makes it kind of hard to read the rest. This is only one of several thousand comments on your blog, but I felt I should share it just in case this is the message you need to hear today, just as you so often yours is the message people need.

Not that what anyone else thinks matters, but in this case I happen to be right so listen up. You are a wonderful, hilarious, and inspirational person, writer, and AUTHOR, and you deserve every iota of praise and success you receive! Congratulations and much love to you, your family, your editor, and your fanbase. PS- I started laughing in the parking lot reading the back of your book! I accidentally stumbled across your book on Kindle cause hey its on the Kindle best seller list. It must have been some horrendous oversight or weird censoring thing IDK.

You might never read this so does it really exist? Have fun on tour and have a safe trip home! Oh and I laughed so hard that I think I ruptured a kidney so I am totally suing you for medical bills. I came by your website by accident, not really sure how I found it, was looking for ideas on PVC games and how to make them, so really not sure how I landed here, but I did share something on my fb page that I found on your site, and then I started reading about your book, and I cannot wait to be able to get it.

From everything that I have read from all your followers and fans, it is a Definate book on my list to read and more than likely on my daughters. Hugs and God Bless you for being able to write about all. Absolutely loved your book. Really…so many weird looks from strangers in restaurants and from my son in the living room when I would snort in laughter or spray wine across the table. My favorite mix of humor layered over the real pain of life.

Check out my new blog, which you helped inspire.. Look forward to reading the rest of your writing and thank you for the laughs! Uh, forgot to lput in the blog name— am I new? Lily recently posted Welcome To The Tour! Okay, so today I just found your everything.

Got here from my pal bradmesser. He always finds good stuff and shares, as friends do. Something to do with dry cheese over pasta I think. Not you personally, though I could believe that. All the drug references have to be inspired somehow. As Harlan Ellison would say, you write a good stick. I got to your blog and info on your book through onaclaireday. How could I not with those first two endorsers being two of my favorite authors? Katy recently posted Beautiful Blogger Award. I wanted a book plate, but I wanted a nook copy.

So I am paralyzed with dreams of a laminated book plate velcroed to the back of my nook driving even nuttier than i already am. Obsessed I tell you, yes, this concept. Well you did ask me to pretend with you. Well I figured, if you saw this, you might wanna check it out. You have lived a truly wondrous life full of strange amazing and sometimes sad adventures. Thank you for sharing with us. I just wanted to let you know that i finished the book last night.

A heart attack probably would have occurred if it was even one page longer. You probably did research into just how much laughter a person could take before keeling over. I was reading it tonight. And then I was laughing so hard I snorted. And then I laughed so hard I cried. And then my dog started barking at me because I was laughing so hard.

And all the while, I was just laughing my ass off in an empty house, with a roll of toilet paper on my lap to blot my tears. Soooooo happy we have this book available in New Zealand.. I bought the audiobook for a long car ride. Bad idea, I laughed so hard at the chapter on Stanley the magic squirrel I was afraid I would drive off the road. My daughter and I attended your book signing in Houston and listened to you read between the dumpsters. My family would enjoy the audio version of your book, if you choose to send us one.

You are my daily ray of sunshine. Would love the book if chosen. Will still love you if not. Blame everything on the autoimmune stuff! True— who can challenge it?

Let’s Pretend This Never Happened

Jeez, give me a break! Lily recently posted The Little i. The only one I can find has absolutely no information on it. It also helps you fans link people to it when we mention it in a status update. Jenny, girl you rock! You had me laughing at work sneaking reading , at home in the bathroom, and late into the night under the covers. The style of writing is so personal and scattered and hilarious! You are very smart, smart-assy spell check hates me too as well as bat shit crazy! I LOVE your stuff, Signed A fellow blogger and single something Mom who is writing a book about sexual freedom and breaking bad while working full time, raising two beautiful kids and finding time for hunting cougar prey!

Because you probably already thought of that title anyway. As a result, I might be guilty of overusing this kind of annoying word. That was the last great word he discovered. So I have to pace myself. But totally worth it. I have over 20 years in HR, so of course everyone in the book seems totally normal to me, but you understand that.

I figured I could let each of my friends have a chapter or two. I am totally loving your book. I feel so much better about my own psycological issues, Thank you so much!! My husband likes it too but is just less gushy about it. I seem to think it will happen at night which totally sucks since I get home 1am. Also thinking about getting the audio version of this to keep me entertained on my many drives to and from Charlotte. I am totally loving this book and thank you for the autographed book!

Your mom is a joy to work with!

You never new if it was a baby rabbit or a horney toad! I read parts of your book to my husband and he is sure I see myself in your stories. He is in Houston all the time for work oilfield and we live in South Louisiana….. I too, suffer with depression and it is baffling. I too, get lost and call him to guide me home and I have nav system in my car. I noticed it hanging from the foyer chandelier after a baby shower with 80 guests….. Thank you for keeping me entertained as I cater to my insomnia at 2 then 3 then 4 am.

Your randomness reminds me of conversions with my best friend and I would be love to be at a party with you to trade non-sequiters cant spell that one …. Thank you for this wonderful book! And you should thank me because I got it on Audible, which I understand earns more money for you. I went on Audible looking for memoirs to read for inspiration, as I fell there is one or more in me hiding somewhere struggling, despite my best efforts, to stay put.

I was in a funk and taking my year-old, failure-to-launch self too seriously. Thanks for helping me to lighten up and laugh out loud! I wish he had something that awesome to say about me………. I love love love the book. I received it on Friday from Amazon and have been reading chapters as I get a chance through the weekend. Thank you for giving a voice to all of us who refer to Easter as Zombie Jesus Day. And thank you for letting me know there are others. I think he refuses to see the lunacy of everyday life. We talk about you, us HR folks. I have read this book and it is hilarious. She makes me feel better about my own, shall we say, idiosyncrasies.

I loved every second of it and it was worth every bit of the totally-not-forty-five-dollars that I paid for it! In partnership with E! News host and author Giuliana Rancic, FabFitFun reports on everything women need to feel happy from the inside out.

  1. Ï Garfield, tome 5 : Moi, on m'aime ✓ PDF Download by ☆ Jim Davis eBook or Kindle ePUB free;
  2. Sinbad- the new voyages!
  3. .

FFF is optimistic, fun, cutting edge, funny and all about instilling confidence and power in women. We launched less than a year ago and currently have over , national subscribers! Over the summer we also launched local editions in Los Angeles, Chicago and New York and we are so excited to be growing every day. Last night, I read the chapter about your magical squirrel. Needless to say, it was a good thing I emptied out my bladder first.

Well, I guess if some celebrity, popular author or political figure enjoys it, then that would probably help you sell more copies…whatever. Thank you, Jenny Lawson. I just finished the book last night. I laughed until tears were rolling down my face and my stomach was cramping although the fact that I just had laser surgery on my gums a couple of weeks ago and can barely eat anything might have contributed to the latter.

Thanks for making me happy for a few hours of my miserable life. I sincerely hope you write another book before I die which could be any day now since my family is not known for longevity. And God bless Victor. Must be a helluva guy. I downloaded your book onto my Kindle the other night. My 14 yr old son wanted the book also — so we argued over if we should buy 1 or 2 copies. He said he wanted his own. I finished it — loved it. Have you ever tried to drink wine while laughing your ass off? I have just finished the chapter where you almost lost your arm vaginally. A memory I have tried unsuccessfullty to repress, thanks for helping me remember what should never have happened.

Saved me from a torturously boring 4-day conference! Thank you Jenni Lawson for your book.

  1. El Expatriado (Spanish Edition).
  2. ?
  3. Montland Book Store.
  4. ;

Most people laugh because they have things in common with you. I too had an eccentric dad, and I do tend to worry how much he passed onto me, how my children see me, how I am affecting them and the generations to come. Here are the pages I laughed out loud at, like you are interested, and sitting there with baited breath and your book, but here goes, positive feedback right??: P when you screamed out Chalupa. P the last sentence describing the rabbit on your dogs forehead.

You have a way with words, and the entire book was funny except the dog dying and the miscarriages , but the above was laugh out loud and time to put the book down and make a tea and grab my breath. Good for you in accomplishing this. I happen to love Jesus and know He loves you too. The way I see it, He deliberately put Laura in your path.

I read your book in two days. I am going to let my 16 yr old daughter read it too. In a couple of months I will reread the book out loud with a Texan accent. And also a child. Including the drug you took for your finger. Hope I spelled that correctly. I had to take it for Leukemia. Regardless, the book is amazing.

And I love every word of it. OMGthankyou for the Best. I bought the Kindle version last week. Then I bought a second for my sister. I was intrigued at 1 who was the lady with the large following; and 2 how was she able to make them laugh as hard and often as she did. But I was able to flag down a woman who walked swiftly past my table with your book in her hand. She barely had time to say your full name as she tried to beat the swarm of supporters to the book signing table where you would appear 5 minutes later.

Your blogs remind me of the movie Julie and Julia. No need to say more than inspiring. You are awesomely talented, or is it just that you are on the good side of lucky. Either way, I look up to you and I will be like you one day when I grow up. Hopefully then, my supporters will swarm through a future exhibitors table in hopes to get a glimpse of me.

I wish you the very best in all that you do. I throw that same luck my way too. I have to admit that up unil aweek ago I had never heard of The Bloggess. It was Hamlet that grabbed my attention and as I was completely baffled why a mouse would be dressed up as Hamlet …I grabbed the book so I could find the answer… What I got was …Strange looks on the Train when I laughed out loud enroute to work , elbow shoves and dirty one eyed looks from my husband telling me to keep it down as I Laughed hysterically in the middle of the night apparently men take it quite personally when you laugh in Bed!

Just finished your book and I am so sad it is over, I effing loved every word. I guess I will just have to keep rereading it until your next one comes out. Seriously my new favorite book; thank you for making me laugh so hard I almost wet myself in public. Get fast, free shipping with Amazon Prime. Get to Know Us. English Choose a language for shopping. Explore the Home Gift Guide.

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