Thomas Mensah

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Thomas Mensah: Bright Minds Also Come in Black

It's available on Goodreads , Amazon. The Right Stuff was a term that was used to describe US Astronauts and space pioneers because of their ability to work in harsh environment requiring the nerve of steel and sometimes risking their life. In Politics the right stuff can be used to describe Mr. Nelson Mandela who was imprisoned for 27 years, without losing his vision and was elected the first Black President of South Africa upon his release, Dr.


Martin Luther King Jr who endured beatings, attack dogs, water hoses, while marching for civil rights and maintained the nerves of steel to secure civil rights for African Americans, President Barack Obama first Black president of the United States of America, who was reelected for a second term under incredible condition of high unemployment, Financial Crisis and Deficits. The Right Stuff can also be used to describe modern black Astronauts like Dr.

Sea Patrol 4x03 The Right Stuff

Fiber Optics are hair thin strands of glass that allow video, data, pictures, voice and Television signals to be transmitted using laser pulses to support the Internet. The robust and high speed transmission on the internet is due to Fiber Optics. Thomas Mensah is one of the four inventors and innovators of Fiber Optics Technology which has enabled the Internet to reach many countries and continents.

Tim Adams interviews Tom Wolfe

With few clicks, photos, voice, videos and huge data get transmitted over long distances. In almost every aspect of his career,Thomas Mensah has met with enormous success on projects that have great historical significance. He was rewarded by winning second prize in a prestigious research competition. Emmanuel Oppong added it Nov 21, What was it about this upbringing, he wondered, that produced these men? Leave a Comment Cancel Reply Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

Over a billion people now use the internet in many countries accessing it through smart mobile phones, tablets, laptops and desk top personal computers. The unlimited bandwidth, or information carrying capacity of fiber optics media makes this possible. Thomas Mensah solved a worldwide problem that had plagued the Fiber Optics and Telecommunication industry for almost 15 years keeping cost of production extremely high because the fragile glass broke any time the speed was raised above 2 meters per second.

Colour Goes Away When You Are So Good- Thomas Mensah Tells Black People

His first invention allowed fiber optics to be manufactured at 10 ti,e the speed of production without glass breakage while maintaining excellent transmission properties. In , he participated in a program at Massachusetts Institute of Technology which got him fired up. Rearing to blast off like one of his own inventions, Thomas worked very hard and obtained his Ph. While fiber optics was only a laboratory curiosity, he rolled up his sleeves and applied his laser brain intelligence to arduous research and nerve racking experiments.

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  • The 100 best nonfiction books: No 7 – The Right Stuff by Tom Wolfe (1979);

Today, he is known to have contributed immensely in giving the world a seamless, faster communication with lasers transmitted on fiber optic networks in submarine and terrestrial platforms. The man is also a celebrated name in Aerospace and Defense technologies. In all, 14 patents are traceable to this son of a cocoa merchant. The renowned scientist, engineer and inventor was elected fellow of the U. National Academy of Inventors in In an interview with Denver Digest, Dr.

Thomas Mensah revealed that he was motivated by the story of Neil Armstrong landing on the moon in His foray in Nanotechnology is also legendary. One of his companies, Lightwave Corporation is currently tinkering with producing long-lasting batteries for laptops and cell phones. His packed schedule notwithstanding, he still finds time to play tennis. He also makes time to teach children and encourage them to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Although he is always on the move, he lives in Atlanta Georgia with his wife and two children.

At that time, fiber optics was being developed but they had a problem with manufacturing, taking it out of the laboratory and putting it in the market place. I was only 35 years old that time and the problem had lingered for 15 years. When I got hired on the project, I solved the problem in six months. My first target was to move fiber optics from the laboratory as a curiosity to the manufacturing plant. The aim was to mass produce it and make it economical and replace all the copper wires in the U.

With fiber optics, today we now use lasers to send voice, photographs and huge data across the world instead of electrons in copper wires.

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The invention is a game changer. And so, the work I did was my first patent in It was followed by others. I had seven patents in six years. My invention transformed the entire fiber optics technology. My other patent invention is the Submarine Fiber Optic Cable. The invention of ultra-strong fiber optics led to submarine fiber optic cables for the global internet platform. It makes it possible for fiber optics to be put under water.

This submarine cable connects America, Japan, China — the entire world.

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THE RIGHT STUFF COMES IN BLACK, TOO and millions of other books are available for Amazon Kindle. The Right Stuff Comes In Black, Too Paperback – September 30, Dr. Thomas Mensah is one of the four inventors and innovators of Fiber Optics Technology which has enabled the. The Right Stuff Comes In Black, Too Second Edition and millions of other books are available for Amazon Kindle. Dr. Thomas Mensah's contribution to U.S innovation and competitiveness is astounding. Start reading The Right Stuff Comes In Black, Too Second Edition on your Kindle in.

So, the work I did was transformational. A problem occurred when the mixture was of poor quality, as the resulting polyvinyl acetate did not cure properly, resulting in an usable product and often causing a shutdown of the manufacturing process. Mensah, after long research and an innovative use of high-tech video equipment was able to determine that when the centers of the vortices during the mixture process often trapped poorly mixed reactants , allowing them to proceed onto the moving belt.

Thomas solved this by altering the blade configuration in the mixing process as well as altering the notch depth. This redesign of the high speed thin film industrial mixers produced a much purer blend, thus improving the efficiency of the process and diminishing the delays which often shut down the manufacturing plant.

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He was rewarded by winning second prize in a prestigious research competition. He was brought on to help solve efficiency problems in the Corning Fiber Optic manufacturing process. Fiber optics refers to the design and application of optical fiber. Optical fibers refers to glass or plastic fiber through which light travels, usually carrying information.

Fiber optics wires or cables are more efficient conductors of communication material than metal wire. Unfortunately, at that time it was difficult to increase the production of fiber optical material because the delicate glass fibers would break very easily if the production speed was increased. Thus, in the drawing and coating phase, the process was limited to producing only two meters per second of fiber optic stand. Mensah saw that during the coating phase, bubbles were being trapped on the coating surface during the curing process.

This caused inefficient losses of data. Using his knowledge of boundary layer theory, he solved this problem by injecting carbon dioxide gas near the boundary layer during the high speed coating process.