The Fire Athlete Fitness Program Overtime Edition (2)

This workout is purely upper-body so in a later post I will include a separate lower-body home workout. This upper-body workout consists of four variations of pushups. There will be two sets total totaling 10 minutes of working out and then five minutes of rest to complete the workout. Your first variation of pushups will be the wide stance pushup. The wide stance pushup will incorporate mainly the chest and shoulders but will also include your triceps. The next variation of pushup you will immediately get into is the normal pushup.

The normal pushup incorporates the chest, triceps, and shoulders equally. Following the normal pushup you will get into the diamond pushup. The diamond pushup primarily works on your triceps. Finally you will do a pike stance pushup. This variation of pushup primarily incorporates the shoulders. After your pike stance pushup you go right back into the wide stance pushup and repeat the cycle until five minutes are up. Follow the time schedule I included above to complete the entire workout. Now with this workout you have a good at home upper-body workout that you can get stronger with everyday.

All great workouts and pregame start with a great playlist so below I have attached three of my personal playlists I listen to the most for my workouts and for my pregame warmups. Having a good playlist to listen to is important because it gets your mind in the right place to compete and to achieve your goals.

Most importantly, when you listen to music before you compete or workout visualize yourself in the moment of competing and picture yourself doing what you would like to do. It is proven that visualization before competing is advantageous to an athlete because it triggers a reaction in your brain that brings positivity and trust in yourself so that you genuinely believe you can do anything. Filed under Motivation , Workouts. The crazy thing that happened this weekend though is that a power lifter by the name of Ray Williams set a squat record by squatting 1, lbs!

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The squat is an important lift to develop speed and lower body strength and should be integrated in your workouts. This is just a man who you should model yourself after and get after your goals and one rep max! As an athlete arguably the most important muscle you can train is your core or your abs.

Your core is connected to many other muscles and it a foundation for balance, and more athletic movements.

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Below I will list three great exercises to strengthen your core so that you have an edge on the competition and perform elite. The weighted sit-up is a nice exercise for your core because not only does it keep the muscle contracted by being in a sit-up position but it is also weighted or resisted so it activates the muscle even more and makes it harder to complete the movement.

Shoot for 50 reps with a weight that challenges you but allows you to complete all The weighted cable crunch works your abs a lot. In order to perform it you will grab a rope at the pull machine and lower so that when you kneel it is just slightly above your head. Then from there you just pull down until you hit your legs. With this exercise you have freedom of weight to add what you please to challenge yourself.

Planks are a great way to involve not only your abs but also lots of other muscles as well. Well often time to cut weight or to just feel better about their goals athletes incorporate fat burners into their diet. Fat burners are supplements that essentially heat you up or work internally to make you sweat more and initiate the fat burning process quicker and more effectively. Below I will list a couple easy to use fat burners that you can look into. We always do and that is because we want to be like them.

What we need to understand is that in order to keep their jobs these celebrities who do these strict dieting and training regimens is that they have to be strict about it. With this mindset it puts you into the zone of committing to something and sticking with it. The celebrities we hear about for their insane transitions are those who are putting in hours a day in the gym and carefully thought out meals that may not always be the best but they show results. Try to be like your favorite celebrity and be strict on what you do so that way instead of hearing about them you hear people talking about you.

Filed under Motivation , Nutrition , Workouts. It seems like many of the students here at UW-Whitewater are coming down with some form of sickness so once again that means that flu season is upon us. During this time it is important to take care of your body. Below I will list three must implement things to supplement into your diet to keep you healthy during this flu season. No surprise here but water is my number one choice. Water is so essential and I am willing to bet all of us can drink more water in a day.

Water flushes out toxins and regulates your body to keep it healthy so it is essential. Pay attention to your urine color as well as it should be clear throughout the day and if it becomes yellow you must start drinking more water again. Regular use of Vitamin D is advised instead of just using it on a case by case basis.

A quick and easy way to help boost your immune system to fight off a virus is to buy an immune system booster.

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These come in easy to swallow pills or other forms that help strengthen the immune system to combat viruses. But why is it so important? Protein is important to our bodies because it is a building block for muscle. Protein replenishes these muscles and helps combat the fatigue you get from a workout. Something interesting about athletes though is that we often eat way too many carbs because we think that carbs are the most important thing to us because they supplement our energy which is partially true but in reality all these carbs we are eating is causing a protein deficiency in our bodies.

A basic rule of thumb that we athletes can do is to consume protein with each meal. What I like to do is consume a protein shake right away in the morning, after practice, and then just before I go to bed that way my body has the protein it needs to function and heal properly. Protein is very important so I encourage you to be conscious about it and take it into consideration the next time you eat.

Here is a list for four exercises that will become the base for your strength gains. The one arm cable row is important for an athlete because it will target the bicep, back, obliques, and your core. The core is essential to being athletic and being explosive because it is a huge muscle that attaches to many other muscles. In practicality with sports, the core lets you maintain balance to keep upright, and helps aid in your push and pull movements. The one arm cable row is an exercise that keeps you in an athletic position and helps with your grip strength, and posture.

The sled push is important for an athlete because it teaches pure explosion and incorporates almost the entire body. The sled push targets your quads, glutes, hamstrings, calves, chest, arms, and core. The medicine ball toss, or the med. This exercise is great for lower body power and puts you into the position to propel your knees, hips, and ankles upward. The burpee will target your quads, glutes, hamstrings, chest, shoulders, triceps, and core. It incorporates many muscle groups and the resistance from your body weight will aid in the strength building from this exercise.

This is a very explosive exercise so it is great for your strength and should be incorporated into your routine. If you add in a Battalion Chief, full daily staffing, including station 8, is 35 firefighters. Sonny, Who should get paid the highest salaries? Oh wait, one of the highest earners was a janitor. How many heads do you want to cut at City Hall, and which programs do you want to cut as a corresponding number? That's a very mid-range salary now-a-days.

How many of you Palo Alto homeowners make less than k? Can't live here on that salary that's for sure. An excellent idea by Darwin to close one station on a rotating basis. Fremont - with a land area 3 times that of Palo Alto - was faced with a budget problem several years ago and had to close one or two stations - I don't know how the staffing level was changed. Vallejo also had the same problem and its decisions should be reviewed. Closing a fire station is a great idea It's insurance people, you hope you never need it but you'll be glad it's there when you do.

The City of San Diego just had a fire fatality and the closest fire engine was out of service due to short sighted people like many of you. The overtime budget is underfunded so of course the FD is going to burn through it quickly. It's a money shell game designed to create exactly this type of knee-jerk reaction in residents.

Darwin wants to close one whole Fire Department not just a different station each day. I'll roll the dice for a station a day. Raul has a great point. Years ago when projections were made, and even last year when the budget was set the council thought "hmmm That way when they run over the public will turn against them - insert maniacal sounding laugh here - And, as an added bonus if they happen to be trying to pass a charter amendment this way everyone will already be turned against them and vote against the amendment!

Our city leaders are much more cleaver than I thought. If they were honestly that good at looking into the future and making projections I'm thinking the budget situation wouldn't be so grim. You said it Anon. Don't believe the hype. The same type of thing is happening next door in Mountain View. Now they want to blame the labor groups, specifically public safety, for the situation. Firefighters and Police Officers work hard to serve their communities and I'd be willing to bet most of you have no idea what they deal with on a daily basis How about switching from a dedicated fire department to a volunteer fire department.

All the residents of Palo Alto can volunteer for a one week stint staffing and fighting fires. It only take 1 professional to do the job of 10 volunteers. In the rural setting it works well, and is one of the only options. Having spent me time on both a truck and an EMS rig, I'd make a great volunteer but not anything like what the city of Palo Alto has today.

Firefighting is no longer where the dropouts go, not in California, not in the bay area, along with Portland and Seattle our departments represent the change the shift to professionalism in the industry. I'm not going to dock the corporate type, but I can guarantee you working at a fire department these days is comparable if not harder then most other forms of industry.

Imagine being trained in ACLS advanced cardiac life support PALS pediatric andvanced life support all certs just like your doctors have Hazmat certification, commercial drivers licenses, EVOC emergency vehicle operation course training Fire 1 cert , educational certs to teach within the department most have college level at least 4 year degrees. They are diverse individuals that can handle any situation, and besides working they have to uphold and maintain all these certifications. These certs are expensive and time consuming, and most volunteers will fail to meet all these certs, so will we have to dumb down the department?

I'd rather have a professional show up. I didn't read all of your responses, but remember that local fire departments make many more medical calls using their paramedics than they do fire calls. Many times they get there sooner than the contracted ambulance people do. The firefighters believe they are working at some high volume city like San Francisco. Staffing levels should not be an issue, the only reason they are an issue is because the MOA requires it to be an issue. The State is broke and the City is upsidedown, everyone working for the city except the firefighters have made consessions to help balance the budget.

Now it's your turn. Think about how this will affect your relationship with the community and your coworkers in other departments. If you don't share the load someone else will have to again! Looking at your salaries it seems you have more wiggle room than a 60K a year blue collar worker. Did you ever stop to think that maybe they shop at that particular Safeway was closest to their station, rather than going to a smaller with very high prices.

My nephew is a firefighter not in Palo Alto. With a wife and two young children, he watches his pennies very carefully and looks for the best deals he can get when he shops. What the hell are they supposed to do? Have their meals delivered? The cost of the PAFD and salaries of the staff has become ridiculous. It is a testament to the power of the union and the apathy of the public that this situation has been allowed to reach such an imbalance.

Top Speed and Combine Bench Test [Football Training] - Overtime Athletes

Here is what I would like to see: No more shopping at Costco, Safeway etc while getting paid. A study of the true needs of the community and stations shut down acordingly 5. Retirement age an benefits in line with the private sector. If they want to retire at 50, no problem. But benefits should kick in like the rest of the working population. Gradually outsource the fire dept to the private sector so that it becomes an efficient dept vs a sinkhole for taxes. Palo Alto has driven all the businesses out of this city. When will we as residents, take some blame for our problems!!

The lack of actual knowledge here astounds me. Do some research, you'll see that it's true. Retirement age in line with the private sector? Do you know what the average life expectancy of a firefighter is? I can tell you it's not in line with the private sector. Sitting around reading or BBQ'ing? You really have no idea what a firefighter does. FF's life expectancy is higher than the general population. So is their amount of time off, their pay, their benefits, and their pensions. Get rid of the staffing requirement and OT will shrink dramatically.

Tired Taxpayer, Bringing the firefighters benefits in line with the private sector is fine. But, what job is a comparison?

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Find me a good comparison job, compare the actual average benefits of the two, and then perhaps I'll give your theory some thought. Fire Fighters work what, three day shifts? Are you saying they should not be allowed a break during that three days? No sleeping, or eating? Heaven forbid a bathroom break? Who in the private sector is qualified to be firefighters? Again, these could be solutions, but with no back up they sound a lot more like the typical rhetoric of a Palo Alto resident with too much time on their hands.

And, does Sticker Shock have a point? Again I ask how many Palo Alto residents make less than the average city employee, which is well under k according to the list the weekly just published. Why do you all feel that city workers should make less and put up with all the crap we hand them every day? For the record, I do not support the fire fighters current efforts at a charter amendment. Everyone needs to take cuts, and everyone at city hall is, except them. But we must be reasonable. New hires can't keep getting the same packages.

The overtime policies seem out of whack, though I don't know how common it is in the industry. I understand the charter amendment would mean we have to vote before a position can be eliminated. But, no one from the fire department has answered my question about whether or not we would get to vote before they fill positions. Working in the realm of public safety I to go to safeway, albertsons, costco and the likes in and around a few cities in Santa Clara.

I have a little science experiment for you. It starts this Monday.

Palo Alto firefighters' overtime costs soar | News | Palo Alto Online |

Go into work this monday at 7am 2. When your lunch break comes I want you to keep working. Oh its about 5pm, wait you can't go home 4. Dinner time, keep working 5. Try that and tell me how it feels. Why is it that "YOU" can go out for a cup of coffee and and lunch with colleagues but a firefighter can't?

If anything you should applaud the fact that the fire department is out and about in the community instead of just hanging around at the station playing poker. Since it didn't look "good" in the public eye it was banned, when in reality most police officers go into donut shops since they are more affordable then starbucks, are open 24 hours or very early and very late, and have coffee as well as a quick snack to keep you going.

These officers arn't sitting there pigging out all day popular to contrary belief. Public perception is often skewed and distorted due to individuals like yourself that speak up without knowing the facts, the life style, and or the industry. Just wait, I think its only fair that after all of this, the realm of public safety get to have their say about how corporations and private business operates.

Big bonuses, government stimulus money, whos cheating who? In response to Tired Taxpayer, private industry in the realm of public safety is still unproven and iffy at best. Look up rural metro and other private industry fire services. While they have to meet their initial contract depends on how well the city plans, defines and ultimately writes the contract or how AMR operates with the county as the ALS provider. They are a major step backwards for the citizens they are supposed to protect.

These giant monsters think they are invincible, and for the most part until the contract which can span up to 10 years or more is over they often are.

See a Problem?

No private industry for my town, thats for sure. I didn't know firefighters work 36 hour shifts. Why not schedule regular shifts to allow firefighters to eat, rest, shop, etc. Wouldn't this provide better service and healthier firefighters? Many endeavors require day, night and morning shift employees; there are people who naturally prefer those shifts.

That is just for your regular schedule but most departments let you switch them around so some will choose to do 48 straight 2 days off then finnish their last 24 hour shift sometime in the week. At my department not PA we work 36 hours minimum to be considered full time staff. I choose to do 36 hours in one setting as do most of my colleagues. In terms of why it is done this way, it greatly reduces staff and scheduling needs. It is also more appropriate to the level of call volume.

Why put a dedicated night unit when your call volume is normally half of what it is during the day? Also in most cases we have to go through a lengthy process of setting up and checking out every morning, so instead of repeating this process we just have unit operational for the full Different departments do things differently but the Kelly Schedule or the likes are pretty common. As someone who works a schedule like this, I am not asking the public to feel sympathetic or pity me, I would choose this schedule over any other schedule at any time for this line of work.

They arn't wasting your money, they are getting supplies for dinner or breakfast which they are going to have 12 hours from then. No one at City Hall received bonuses last year. Some long time employees cashed out their sick leave, as they were allowed to do by their 20 year old contracts. This policy was changed many, mnay years ago. There is not one dime missing from the budget, call the auditor and ask for legally required public records detailing the financials. When city employees retire, they get their retirement package, same as you would. They also have a right to go back to work, same as you do.

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Some of them take it, same as you might. They are not double dipping however, because PERS requires them to work within certain guidelines limited hours, no benefits, etc. I suppose, if it would make you happy, the city can hire new full time, fully benefitted employees to do the same job at twice the pay because they would work full time , and at full benefits because they would be benefits eligible , but why?

Going after Firefighters is absurd. They get too much salary? Have an "opt out" programwhere "thrifty" anti-firefighter residents can choose do their own CPR and fight their own fires. Don't like the fact that firefighters have round-the-clock duty and need to buy food at the supermarket for meals they cook at the firehouseinsist that they don't eat durng their round-the-clock shift.

This thread is nonsense. I thought residents of Palo Alto were supposed to be smart. Doesn't take much for civility and a sense of community to go, does it? Sometimes these discussions are right out of a Twilight Zone episode. And PA Online seems to thrive on stirring up the pot -- any issue is goosed to make a controversy, and some residents take the bait.

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I think the issue is who got payed the most. Had it been a police captain or higher up it would have been about the boys in blue. The fire department responds to medical emergencies, car accidents- extrication , fires, hazmat situations, public safety situations, lockouts As far as captains receiving the top dollar, its not surprise at all.

Besides being higher payed to begin with due to experience and position, they are far more versatile then many other positions. Captains often have a specialty and can perform field work, paperwork, specialty work The solution is to upgrade more people to captain status if the paperwork and management side is lacking, or higher more field personnel if the rigs are understaffed. All of which PA fire has just recently done, and are in the process of doing. THAT is what is absurd. So if I am "forcefully" requested to go to work and make overtime like is the case I shouldn't reap the benefits?

Even if I choose to work extra those are my benefits. I think the issue is managerial and the fact that they require x amount of overtime whatever that "absurd" number is.