Taking Chances (Spice of Life Fantasies Book 2)

Kenaifan Lily ttg kaum pria, bercampur dgn keberanian Lily utk menyelamatkan hidup Derek adalah pesona utama novel ini. Pesan moral, cinta itu bukan hanya ttg materi, tetapi hal-hal non-materi spt perhatian, tindakan, dan kasih sayang jauh lebih ampuh utk mengungkapkan cinta. Es que no he conseguido empatizar del todo con ninguno de ellos.

A mi Derek medio me ha desilusionado, es que ha hecho unos comentarios tan absurdos. Oct 16, Blodeuedd Finland rated it liked it Shelves: Lily is old blood, but has no money. What is a lady of noble blood to do? Get a rich, hopefully stupid man. And she does manage to get the attention of a nobody with lots of money. And it's not like she is using him, he is using her right back. She has no money. But that is not the way of a romance. Of course there needs to be drama. The drama is named Derek.

He is a good guy. Soldier through and through. Nowhere as rich as the guy she has on her hook. He i Lily is old blood, but has no money. He is a player. He does want her. So they start to fall even though they do not want to. But he is still all, I can't! And she is all, I must marry rich! And is everything ok with the guy she has on the hook? So yes a bit of drama.

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And the longest after the HEA ever, seriously, it went on and on and on. The book could have ended long before. Feb 20, Laura James rated it did not like it. This book started out OK, nothing spectacular but I found it entertaining enough. However, about half way through it started to drag, and drag By the time it was over I was skipping and skimming pages and happy to be done with it.

I prefer this book 2 than book 1 of the Spice Trilogy. Jul 21, Colleen rated it really liked it Shelves: A to aj robil. Apr 17, D. Derek es castigado y debe volver a Inglaterra a conseguir el dinero para seguir luchando la guerra en India. Cuando va a un encuentro amoroso en el centro de un laberinto, se con Derek es castigado y debe volver a Inglaterra a conseguir el dinero para seguir luchando la guerra en India. Cuando va a un encuentro amoroso en el centro de un laberinto, se confunde a la joven enmascarada con su cita y la abraza y la besa.

La cataloga como una cazafortuna y ella de la misma manera ya que odia a los hombres como su padre que abandonan su familia en busca de las riquezas de la India. Pero es el orgullo familiar de su largo linaje. Poco a poco se enamoran. Luego le hacen tender una trampa a Derek. Sep 09, Sascha rated it it was ok. Jun 21, Angelika Belko rated it it was ok. I didn't expect much, yet I'm dissapointed. It started well, however the closer to the end the more often I was rolling my eyes Mar 16, June rated it liked it Recommends it for: Foley and Knight family fans.

Derek has been sent to England to make sure the money is sent to India for the war he helped start. There he is drawn to Lily, who has set her sights on Edward to restore her family's fortune. I did like the defense of the victim of underage rape. Bintang 3 Keasyikanku membaca tergangu dengan kata kata 'metampakkan' yg aneh itu. Belum lagi banyak sekali partikel 'nya' yg hilang dan tidak pada tempatnya.

Untung lumayan suka dengan kisah yg ada intriknya seperti buku ini. Antara hidup dan mati keluar dari India, dikejar kejar oleh pembunuh yg menginginkan nyawa dirinya dan saudara saudaranya karena insiden yg Bintang 3 Keasyikanku membaca tergangu dengan kata kata 'metampakkan' yg aneh itu. Antara hidup dan mati keluar dari India, dikejar kejar oleh pembunuh yg menginginkan nyawa dirinya dan saudara saudaranya karena insiden yg hampir merenggut nyawa saudara perempuannya saat tugas terakhirnya di India mendampingi seorang diplomat inggris untuk suatu kesepakatan dengan seorang Maharaja.

Keharusannya kembali ke Inggris ini merupakan hukuman dari atasannya karena kegagalan dalam tugas dan juga karena luka luka Gabriel, saudara tertuanya yg cukup serius. Tidak hanya itu Derek juga mendapat tugas dari sang atasan untuk meyakinkan komite yg memegang dana prajurit untuk mengalirkan dana perang yg segera akan terjadi di Maratha, India. Mengisi waktu luang menunggu komite mencairkan dana tanpa alasan yg jelas dari sang ketua komite Lord Sinclair , Derek menikmati kehidupan sosial para bangsawan di London. Tentu saja dengan merayu wanita wanita cantik yg mengelukan dirinya sebagai prajurit yg gagah dan tampan.

Dan pada satu malam bertemulah Derek dengan seorang gadis yg tidak terpengaruh dengan ketampanannya disebuah acara pesta topeng. Bak cerita Cinderela, Derek tidak mengetahui identitas gadis tersebut. Hanya sebuah anting berlian yg tertinggal milik gadis misterius yg menjadi petunjuk bagi Derek untuk menemukan gadis yg menarik hatinya.

Perjalanan Derek mencari gadis inilah yg akhirnya membantunya membuka rahasia dan intrik kenapa pencairan dana perang terhambat. Liliana Balfour gadis keturunan Balfour yg malang. Pada usia 10 tahun ditinggal mati ayahnya yg berniat mengejar Gold dan Glory di India sebagai prajurit atas desakan ayah dan istri. Saat berusia 15 tahun Liliana dimanfaatkan oleh seorang bangsawan terhormat sehingga menyerahkan keperawanannya.

Bukannya mendapat perlindungan dan pembelaan dari sang ibu, lily bahkan mendapat celaan karena tingkah lakunya yg dianggap mencemarkan nama baik keluarga. Untung sang kakek yg bijak membela dan menyelesaikan permasalahan itu dan mewariskan kastil Balfour untuk Lily sebagai tempat berlindung saat sang kakek wafat. Diusianya yg ke 23, berniat menghindari kehancuran keluarga lebih lanjut Lily memutuskan untuk berburu suami di London. Dan suami idaman Lily haruslah orang dapat dikelabui dan dapat menerima Lily dengan keadaannya yg dihadapinya menikah karena harta.

Dan pria itu adalah Edward Clearwell salah satu anggota komite dana prajurit. Keterkaitan Lily dengan Edwardlah yg memertemukan kembali Lily dengan Derek, pria yg sempat memberikan mimpi akan pria sempurna yg diinginkannya. Namun kebutuhan Lily untuk menikahi pria kaya dan status Derek yg hanya putra kedua y g menjadi penghalang hubungan Lily dan Derek. Interaksi antara Derek dan Lily sedikit demi sedikit membuka kedok Edward dan juga menyadarkan Derek maupun Lily bhwa mereka diciptakan untuk bersama tanpa embel embel harta.

Dan saat kedok Edward terbuka, terbongkar pula intrik yg dilakukan oleh ketua komite yg memanfaatkan Edward untuk menggunakan dana untuk kemudian mencurinya kembali tanpa sepengetahuan Edward. Dan menaruh dana tersebut dengan nama seseorang, sehingga Lord Sinclair dapat menyakiti seseorang yg selama ini sangat dibencinya benci dengan orang yg seperti ini.

Susah lihat orang senang, senang lihat orang susah. Disaat saat kritis, Lily lebih memilih untuk mati bersama Derek. Yg memantapkan Derek untuk menikahi dan melindungi Lily lahir dan bathin. Dan tujuan Derek tercapai saat niat Gabriel saudaranya yg melepaskan hak warisnya kepada Derek di pesta pernikahan Lily dan Derek. Derek berhasil memecahkan masalah seluruh anggota keluarga Balfour terutama permasalahan antara Lily dan ibunya yg sering menyakiti hati Lily dengan cara menjual kastil Balfour yg banyak menyimpan kenangan buruk bagi Lily. Jun 12, Oleta Blaylock rated it really liked it.

I like Derek he is one of those men that is driven to be better than others. He is honorable, loyal, and longing to find a woman to love him for whom he is. I think that his mother did him a great disservice by always telling him that he would have to be better than anyone else and earn more money than others if he ever wanted to marry.

I am sure that he could have found anyone if that was what he truly wanted and they could have lived well on whatever profession Derek wanted to take up. Derek is a little bit of a daredevil and he loves horses so I guess it is no surprise that he became a cavalry officer in India. India is where so many Englishman made their fortunes.

Taking Chances Series by Molly McAdams

I also like that Derek is conservative with his spending. He is responsible and levelheaded about finances which were rare for the upper class during this time. Derek is a very caring and compassionate person. It shows in the way he deals with Matthew, his nephew by marriage.

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Foley also did a good job of keeping the reader guessing about who the real bad guy was. Lily Balfour is a different kind of heroine. She isn't the virginal miss that so many stories are written about. She has been betrayed and ruined by an unscrupulous man, a married man at that. She was still just a child and I would love to take her mother out and read her the riot act for the way she treated Lily over the incident. Back to Lily though, it was enjoyable watching the change Lily goes through with Derek. She becomes and confident and loving young woman as they grow closer and closer.

She takes chances she probably never contemplated before. I had to cheer when she finally stood up to her mother and told her off. I like Lily a great deal. This is a wonderful story of two people wanting to find love and thinking that they never will. Neither is prepared for the attraction they have for each other and the stumble along trying to find their footing. There are funny parts of this story and there are sad parts. Both of these people have been through a great deal. They are both emotionally wounded. It was nice seeing Derek being so patient with Lily when she gets upset.

It was great to see Lily understand Derek enough to be able to read his emotions and needs instead of flying off the handle when he bumbles along at times. This is a great read and a great example of the historical romance genre. Apr 27, Neko rated it it was ok Shelves: A decent read, but it really begins to drag after a while.

It could probably be a good 60 pages shorter without losing much. Lily and Derek fall in love relatively early, but spend a really long interval thinking about how they can never be together. Lily sticks to her maybe-fiance, Derek sticks to a couple random women. They smolder at each other from a distance. I got a bit tired of it.

And then they finally decide they'll be together at the absolute, most inconvenient, To Stupid To Live momen A decent read, but it really begins to drag after a while. And then they finally decide they'll be together at the absolute, most inconvenient, To Stupid To Live moment. They only get as far away as a rather wear horse can take them. They stop at a nearby property with a lake, and even though Lily's desperate fiance is probably hot on their tracks, stop to go for a swim, declare their undying love, and have sex.

As if to add insult to the stupid timing of the moment, it devolves into purple prose. Derek actually says "Let your man complete you" in this interlude. I suppose you could say they were swept away by an adrenaline rush, but really! Derek is supposed to be a hardened soldier, surely he has better sense than that. I half wished that Lundy would catch up with them while they were frolicking. It goes through every character and every plot line to sum it up.

It's like at the end of a "based on a true story" move where there's a brief on-screen blurb about what happened to each person after the end of the move. But no, it's still not finished! Now you have to get through the resolution of the fate of Balfour manor and the aftermath.

Trusting Liam

And after that, there's another epilogue. The sex scenes also have some laugh out loud, ridiculous lines. I don't believe I've seen another romance where the hero actually thinks that he would really like to "jam himself into" the heroine, but he's concerned about hurting her due to the "epic size of his arousal.

This Spice Trilogy series only gets better with the second book here. Derek is a passionate hero, determined and distracted by Lily. At times it's hard to follow his strong attraction to her, and it's hard to follow her stubbornness to see her duty through as her betrothed is so awful. But the attraction between Derek and Lily is strong. Derek is an ideal hero - so thoughtful, caring and more than his image would portray.

I recommend reading this to keep in sync with the series as some things in This Spice Trilogy series only gets better with the second book here. I recommend reading this to keep in sync with the series as some things in this book set up for the third which is a definite read.

Oct 23, Nurliani rated it it was amazing. Sebagai penggemar karya-karya Gaelen Foley tentu saja saya selalu menyukai semua bukunya. Bukunya memang layak untuk dibaca dan selalu memberikan kejutan besar. Begitu juga dengan buku yang satu ini. Buku kedua dari seri Spice Trilogy.

Spice Trilogy 3 books. Even though they only share one night together, Liam has never forgotten that night or that girl. It keeps with the smart and funny feel of all of Molly's story but still feels different and new. You really do understand why they are so well made for each other and not just on a superficial level. He needs to show Kennedy how wonderful it could be between them before she lets her past dictate her future. I wanted the best for Liam and to me and this is my opinion Kennedy was not the best. But Molly did a fantastic job of making him the man I needed him to be to help heal my heart.

Secara keseluruhan buku ini memang bagus, dikemas dengan alur yang rapi, serta karakter-karakter cerdas dengan dialog-dialog pintarnya. Tapi aku masih tetap pilih seri Inferno Club. Bukan Gaelen Foley kalau bukunya gak penuh intrik dan konflik. Dari awa Sebagai penggemar karya-karya Gaelen Foley tentu saja saya selalu menyukai semua bukunya.

Dari awal buku ini sudah sangat rumit karena kasus hilangnya dana tentara itu, membuat aku ikut mumet bacanya. Jadi di awal-awal buku ini benar-benar membosankan. Tapi kisah cinta Derek dan Lily bisa menutupi itu, kemistri mereka sangat dapet, emosi dari yang tadinya saling gak kenal sampe sama-sama jatuh cinta itu terasa banget. Belum lagi scene-scene nakal mereka bisa menumbuhkan semangat aku untuk menyelesaikan buku ini.

Setelah banyak menskip halaman di bab awal, di pertengahan bab aku sama sekali gak mau ketinggalan satu halaman pun. Buku-buku Gaelen Foley memang selalu seperti itu sih, diawal membosankan tapi dipertengahan GF selalu bisa memberikan kejutan dan kejutan itu gak pernah gagal. Scene kipas-kipasnya juga sangat sopan. Aku suka karakter Derek yang penuh kendali, serta karakter Lily yang tegas dan penuh pertimbangan. Bener-bener kombinasi yang sempurna. Ditutup dengan ending yang sangat manis, serta cerita-cerita yang bener-bener selesai.

Dari segi kisah Derek dan Lilu sih. Tapi meski pun begitu aku masih bertanya-tanya, ada apa gerangan dengan Gabriel? Overall, I liked her but I wasn't bowled over. Although, there is a little twist coming so that made for an interesting dilemma. Enter unconventional triangle number It could have been so much more I would have loved a good fight scene. Even a shocking twist but with a happy outcome. There were no heart-stopping moments, it was all very amicable. I guess you could say I loved Liam, but I was left unfulfilled in a way I didn't quite expect. Maybe my own expectations were just too high.

Trusting Liam isn't a bad read, my goodness, there really were some defining moments, but as a big fan of Taking Chances, I can only be honest here and say that it doesn't hold that alluring magic the first book did. You have to read this and come to your own conclusions. I feel this is one fans will either love because it's an 'easier' read, or feel indifferent about it because it isn't quite what they expected. I think I fall deeply into the latter. Doch nun mussten Kennedy und ihre Schwester zu ihrem Schutz vor einer Gang nach Kalifornien und wie es der Zufall will, trifft sie auf Liam.

Kennedy wollte nie wieder jemanden lieben, aber Liam setzt alles daran, ihr Herz zu gewinnen Protagonisten Kennedy glaubt nicht an Liebe, zumindest nicht bei ihr selbst. Sie bewundert die perfekte Ehe ihrer Eltern, aber nach einer negative Inhalt Vor einem Jahr verbrachten Liam und Kennedy in Las Vegas eine unvergessliche Nacht und sahen sich nicht wieder. Sie bewundert die perfekte Ehe ihrer Eltern, aber nach einer negativen Erfahrung ist sie sich sicher, dass Liebe nicht echt ist. Trotzdem kann sie Liam nicht widerstehen: Liam ist total besessen von Kennedy.

Aber ein bisschen Respekt vor einem Nein, bitte! Ansonsten ist er ein netter Kerl. Handlung Es war langweilig. Es ist einfach nicht wirklich irgendwas passiert! Es geht also nur um die Liebesgeschichte, die auch nicht allzu spannend ist. Apr 23, Beverly rated it liked it Shelves: First I will say this: So you can have the whole experience and understand the pain. That being said, let's began with my review. I am Team Chase. There I said it. I was so happy! I couldn't wait to re First I will say this: I couldn't wait to read. I wanted to meet Liam. After all he is Chase's baby! I knew this book was going to be amazing.

Well, the only thing that made this book amazing was Liam. It was great to know Liam. I know Chase would be proud of his son. Here we get to know how difficult it was. Growing up too look just like a father he never knew. But anyways, I felt like Liam's story was a consolation prize for us Team Chase and we needed more. We didn't get a lot of Harper. I know, I know this was Liam's story, but we needed Harper.

I know the writer didn't want to write a book and talk about Chase and Harper the whole time, but something was definitely missing here. Don't get me wrong. I liked the story, but didn't love it. But, truthfully, it brought back a lot of emotional tears for me, too. And those tears were for Chase—so yeah, I had to cry some ugly tears all over again. I loved discovering that this book was going to be about Chase's son, Liam.

Liam is all grown up 24 years old and having his own women problems now. An awesome series, Forgiving Lies. Kennedy is all grown up now, also. Liam and Kennedy definitely have a sexy romance. Except this time around, Molly McAdams has out done herself on twisting the twisted romance between Liam and Kennedy. I thought Chase, Harper, and Brandon's romance in the first book Taking Chances was an insanely amazing romance. Well Liam takes his romance to whole new level of amazing.

Needless to say, Molly McAdams did an outstanding job with the writing and the storyline of Trusting Liam. It brings readers back into the lives of the grown up children of one of the most heartbreaking and beautiful love stories I ever read. Liam has grown up to be a lot like his father, so yes, this touched my heart so much while I read Liam's story. You can read Trusting Liam as a standalone, but I would really recommend you read Taking Chances 1 and 1. Trusting Liam is a must read!

Apr 04, Krista Gervais rated it really liked it. Is this about Harpers son??? To see Harper and Brandon like way down the road! I am TOOO excited for this!! View all 3 comments. Apr 11, Kayla rated it it was ok. Nah not for me but at least there wasn't much cheating.. Trusting Liam is a New Adult contemporary romance. It is the conclusion to the Taking Chances and Forgiving Lies series. The narrators are Kennedy and Liam. Liam is Harper and Chase's son from Taking Chances. Kennedy is Rachel and Kash's daughter from Forgiving Lies.

They are all grown up now. When I saw that this book was going to tie the two series together I was curious how much previous characters would be featured Trusting Liam is a New Adult contemporary romance. When I saw that this book was going to tie the two series together I was curious how much previous characters would be featured in the story. This book can be read as a standalone. The author does go into detail explaining a lot from the other books.

However I think that the reader will get a lot more out of the story if they have read Taking Chances and Forgiving Lies. The dedication was brilliant: I hope you enjoy Liam. Maybe some time I will be able to read it. Trusting Liam begins with a girl in bed with a guy. She remembers bits and pieces of the night before. This is actually one of my least favorite story lines.

I hate drunken sex. It doesn't make me like the characters or want to root for them. However since one of them is Liam, I overlooked this transgression. The book picks up one year later. And we have 22 year old Kennedy, who has just graduated from college. She is sassy which reminded me of her mom She likes to be in control. And Mason is in the story too. If you have read Taking Chances and Forgiving Lies you will know who everyone is and their stories. Near the beginning of the book Kennedy and her sister are sent from Florida to California this relates to what happened at the end of Forgiving Lies and in Deceiving Lies.

They move near Eli who Rachel considers her brother. Eli has a fairly decent role in this book because he is also Liam's boss. I was very interested in Liam. Since I loved Chase I was very curious to see if Liam would be anything like him. And he was like him. Liam was a playboy and didn't do relationships. There were certain character descriptions that I found quite surprising. For instance Mason from Forgiving Lies - it says that he is 6'5 and lbs.

I'm not sure if I missed this in Forgiving Lies. But I had no clue he was that big. I am not sure if I missed some earlier mention of this. But I was shocked when I read it.

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Brandon's gym was also featured a lot in this book. Brandon is Liam's dad who raised him. I loved Brian and his advice. Although this book refers to Brandon and Chase as best friends numerous times. And after reading Taking Chances I didn't get the impression that they were best friends.

They lived in the same house. Maybe it wasn't clear that they were friends because most of what we saw was them fighting over Harper. Chapter 12 had a three month leap which I found very big. From the beginning I could not help but wonder what had happened in Kennedy's past to make her the way she was. But when Rhys arrived and proclaimed "Do you mind if I see my wife now" I was stunned. What an interesting twist. It was interesting to see Liam in the same position as Chase. Their stories paralleled each other. It was original and interesting and I was not expecting it.

However there were two things that bugged me. There was something that happened after that which was so predictable. While it was sweet I am sort of tired of all these year olds pregnant and married. I loved getting to see what happened to my favorite characters. And I enjoyed meeting Liam.

It was definitely interesting how both series were tied together. It was an enjoyable conclusion to two interesting series. Thanks to Edelweiss and William Morrow Paperbacks for allowing me to read this book. I received this book for free from Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review. Review will be posted closer to release date This book was so sweet. When I started to read again heavily Taking Chances was one of my favorite yet gutting books.

It was one of those books that you loved it or hated it because of the ending. I thought it was brilliant so when I found out this book was a continuation from this and the Forgiving Lies series. I was all over that like, white on rice. You'll figure it out when y 3. You'll figure it out when you're ready, just the same as she will. I've seen this before. If I hadn't, you wouldn't be here today. On a chance meeting these two hook up in Vegas but never exchange information. So when that night is done they only have yearnings and memories of it and for each other.

Lo and behold Liam is the one who is asked to make sure that Kennedy and Kira are fitting in. Liam begrudgingly agrees to this but is blindsided when he finds out one of the twins is from that night in Vegas he has never forgotten. Kennedy and Liam are the byproducts of their parents, which means mistakes and all. Now these two have to learn their lessons on their own.

But can they get away from their upbringing and their pasts? I have to admit that I totally adored Liam as he was the perfect combo of Brandon and Chase but I totally didn't dig the twins, either of them. Kira was a bit too whiny and flaky for me, whereas Kennedy was a bit too selfish, stubborn and a but clueless for my liking. I was sure I had what they had. I was positive I was in love. And then I found out how wrong I was one day. After that, I stopped looking at the world through love-clouded glasses, and started seeing relationships for what they were. They look perfect on the outside, and inside they're just a disaster.

For fucks sake, she was with her supposed love for two freaking weeks before she married him at 18 then only with him for 3 months then got hurt. This part super annoyed me because we all get hurt but its how we choose to react is what's in our control and how she did, did not wow me for sure "People get hurt, Kennedy. If you were to go back with your husband, would I be hurt?

I can't even begin to tell you what it would do to me. But I wouldn't spend the rest of my goddamn life shielding myself from loving someone again, or letting them love me. What a novel idea Liam. Not a hard concept Kennedy. So frustrated with how she dealt with this part of the book hide spoiler ] Not all things are easy and Liam's finally finding that out. He now gets to see a different side of his parent's story, as well as know that things that are worth having have to be worked for. You will be worth it every time. I will always chase you, Kennedy. At times I may have like the idea more than the reality but it still worked for me in the end.

As with all Molly McAdams books you are waiting for a big twist to come and gut you or surprise you, but it didn't happen in this one. Instead the surprise was more of a sweetness as we get to see how Harper, Brandon, Kash and Rachel and all the others have fared out. I have to admit that my favorite character in this book was Brian hands down. He's the glue that puts this book together. This book was super sweet and great to see everyone again. It was like a large epilogue from the other two series combined. Aug 11, Mollie rated it liked it. I read Taking Chances 5 years ago and Stealing Harper 4 years ago.

It's suggested to read the Forgiving Lies series before starting this one, and I did, and enjoyed that series too. But I really wanted to love this book, and sadly it didn't get there for me. I'm going to get spoilery, so the rest is going in a spoiler tag Here goes my rant-review-whatever you want to call it I found it hard to, though. I really wanted to like this but Liam was not a likable character for me, at all!

I didn't like his attitude towards his biological father. He may look exactly like him but he is nothing like his dad, sadly, and this story did nothing to fill the aching hole his father left.

  1. Her Secret Fantasy.
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  3. Unconditional Love.

Oh, I'm going to push that. Kennedy was also pretty bland. Her sister was worse. Btw, I couldn't help but picture the twins from UK version of Skins. But anyway, nothing about Kennedy stood out and I tried but couldn't feel anything for her. Their relationship was also boring.

The only thing that kept me going was the scene where he explains his tattoo. My heart was so full during that, it brought me to tears and saved this book from losing a star. The plot twist was messed up -interesting, but it took half the book till things got exciting or entertaining. And now onto the drama! I'm just gonna say it -I don't like who everyone ended up with.

Oh, I feel the rant coming! Uuuuughhh, I just hate that her ex husband went for her twin sister! That's a douche move! I wanted to rip my hair out. It was such bad timing. Ugh, but it's like he's choosing HER while not choosing her! But I love the angst of it all. Though I had my issues with it, I'm sure everyone else loved it.

Chase really saved this one for me. And now I'm onto the next Molly McAdams book because I just love how she writes her relationship drama. Full Review Now Posted: I was drawn to the book because after reading the blurb, I saw that she was combining characters from two of her series. I have never seen another author do this concept and I was completely intrigued. Now I am sure many are asking if you need to read any of the other books prior to reading this one and I would say absolutely not!!

Yes it would give you some of the background towards the two families involved in this book, but it isn't necessary to understand what is going on. Molly does a wonderful job filling in the spaces that need to be filled so the reader isn't lost during the story. I personally have only skimmed Taking Chances because I couldn't stand the ultimate heartbreak that book brought on and I haven't read either book in the Forgiving Lies series and I wasn't lost once.

Trusting Liam was a book full of emotions. From past things that took place between all the parents and also things that happened between Kennedy and Liam. My emotions were all over the place right from the start. I have to say I immediately fell in love with Liam. He is a fantastic Hero. This book had me laughing Brian was hilarious , crying, blushing, and yelling, but in the end I was left with a HUGE smile on my face and my heart had been healed. Now let me tell you for all those team Chase fans out there, he still played a part in this story and I have to be honest in saying the way this story is told, Molly was able to heal my heart and shed some light on the whole Chase scenario.

I can't really say much because that is a part of the book that I think all Taking Chances fans must read on their own. But I was so glad that things were explained in this book and I still felt that Chase was a huge part of these characters lives. I thought she honored Chase very well: I loved that we got to see so many other characters from the other books in this one.

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  • Once Upon A Time in the Past: Book III.
  • The Three Snow Bears.
  • Her Secret Fantasy (Spice Trilogy #2) by Gaelen Foley.

That made this story feel real and believable. I also loved that we got to see where everyone ended up after what happened in Taking Chances. You won't be sorry. All Molly fans will want to read this book and if Molly is new to you as a reader, this is a great book to start with. You will instantly see what a wonderful writer Molly McAdams is. This book was totally beyond anything I could've expected and I was extremely happy that I gave this book a chance.

This book was a fairly quick read, but that could be because I couldn't put it down once I started reading it. Book Bitches Blog Facebook Twitter This review will probably be more emotional than anything and may include some Taking Chances spoilers…you have been warned. She is in Vegas and had a one night stand. We do not who it is yet but we know that she is running. Flash to the present and we have her and her twin sister, Kira, getting told by their parents that they are all going to California for a while because some bad guys, that their father and Uncle Mason put away This review will probably be more emotional than anything and may include some Taking Chances spoilers…you have been warned.

Flash to the present and we have her and her twin sister, Kira, getting told by their parents that they are all going to California for a while because some bad guys, that their father and Uncle Mason put away, are getting out on parole and have made threats against them. Kira is none to happy about this but has no choice in the matter. Kennedy is just cool and ready for a change on scenery. We then the flash to Liam who lives in California. Eli being Liam mentor and boss asks him to do him the favor of trying to get Kira and Kennedy out and about plus see if he can get them a job.

From here we basically go into a normal NA novel push and pull. Liam wants her and Kennedy does everything in her power to push him away. Liam is determined to change that. Their sexual chemistry is off the charts and I really did enjoy their dynamic. I was broken by Taking Chances. It was one of my first self-published books I read. I read it on a whim.

I feel in love with Chase. Then Molly murdered me. She broke my heart and I honestly believed I would never forgive her. A book I still recommend, along with tissues, a bottle of wine and a Xanax. I knew going into Trusting Liam it was gonna be tough. He was a piece of character that left a mark on my heart so it was not going to be easy. But Molly did a fantastic job of making him the man I needed him to be to help heal my heart. He had the qualities and feelings I loved about Chase but with little pieces of being raised by Brandon. It redeemed Brandon for me cause honestly I was not his biggest fan.

Though everyone may not love this book since much of Kennedy and Liam story is very far-fetched even for my romance loving heart.